14 Things You Missed In Pilgrim's Perch [probably] Lords Of The Fallen FULL WALKTHROUGH & GUIDE #ad

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good morning good afternoon and good evening wherever you are and whatever you're doing I hope you're having a fantastic day welcome back to the things you missed in the Lords of the falland series today we'll be discovering how to unlock a completely missable NPC who sells many amazing Inferno spells and find the item needed to purchase boss's remembrance equipment along with so much more so let's jump straight into it at the end of the last episode I showed you this unopenable door in skyrest right by Exacta dunmire and though you'll see you can Traverse through it in umbrell at the bottom of the stairs is another locked door so let's firstly progress through the next area and then figure out how to unlock this door to do this first head down the steps opposite dunmire on the other side of skyrest you'll find yourself here where you can grab the old morstead spear once you've spoken to the traveling Merchant and acquired the stick the next area is very self-explanatory I know it's a but a tree that does just take out out all the enemies and smash all the crates and barrels to make sure you're not missing any loot the only potentially missable thing here carefully drop off onto this plank and behind you under the bridge will be two small smithing stones and just so you don't miss it up the stairs at the room in the middle you will find a permanent vestage that you can go and light however before you rest there clear the rest of the area first just so you don't accidentally respawn all the enemies once you've cleared this area get yourself back on the plank we were on earlier and if you peer into umbrell you will see a platform that we can Traverse so go ahead and do that and over on the other side you can loot the weapon the rejects blade before the next section I'd like to thank the sponsor for today's video Dungeon Hunter 6 this is a free-to-play mobile arpg with both PVP and PVE modes including Guild Wars and raids for a rich multiplayer experience you can choose from multiple different different classes to then slay bosses and make them serve you and what I mean by that is bosses are not just there to be defeated you can loot them ride them fly them and also summon three of them into battle to create your four member Squad but that's not all you can even shape shift into them to harness their ultimate power for a mobile game Dungeon Hunter 6 offers a really great visual experience especially with these stunning skill animations for multicasting you can download the game for free now on both Android and iOS by using the QR code on screen or the link below in the description and by using my link you will obtain a special starter pack worth $50 which includes 10 summoning Scrolls one SSR Rarity Lieutenant the Demonic wolf and an accessory pack and that's not all you can even use your game account to enter the Lucky Spin launch event for free to win great prizes like the iPhone 15 Pro Max PS5 and much more starting on October the 15 15th now climb up the Bone Bridge and you will encounter this enemy that is particularly powerful especially at low levels these flying moth women things are very tough so if you want you can just Sprint past and go ahead and loot the pale ey shield from the end of the walkway if you want you can completely ignore all the enemies here and just get yourself back into Axiom one more thing to do before we move on if you go back to the vestage and Traverse back into umbrell you will see a stigma that you can interact with for some law and some umbrell scouring now rest up and let's figure out how to get to the other side of that door that we encountered at the start of the video if you did need to rest be very careful as you're once again clearing this area because ideally you want to make sure you've got all of your healing and consumables ready for the next section now that all the enemies are dead you can drop down these two ladders which are on the right hand side of you as you're looking out from the vestage at the bottom is a series of precarious walkways that you need to Traverse be very careful because there are many enemies lying in weight ready to try and push you off and there is a few jumping sections as well there's nothing important that's missable here so once you've reached the end and you've made sure the area is clear you can pull this lever to bring the lift down to you head up the lift and just in front of you you can loot a new armor tin ice grip as with all armor tinks it looks different on different armor sets however but later on in the game when you loot fitzroy's set this tin turns you into a golden Knight and it looks amazing now head down the stairs and on your left hand side will be a door that you can't open yet as you need the skyrest bridge key go halfway along the bridge and then Traverse into umbrell and you'll see another stigma you can interact with for some more lore and umbrell Scout Divine dear once you've done head to the end of the bridge but stay in umbrell don't use this Effigy yet as you can see if we walk up this spine the way is blocked so turn back around and head the other way now there is probably an easier way to do this next section but this way is far quicker and far more fun roll against the wall like so and just make sure to angle your thumb stick ever so slightly over to the left once you get the angle you will easily be able to roll down to the platform below it may take a few tries so try not to overshoot it it's much better to accidentally roll into the wall 10 times rather than making too drastic of a motion and falling into the abyss now that you're down here you can loot the faithful bludgeon weapon and you will be ambushed by a few umbrell enemies once you've taken them out extend this bridge and now head up the stairs and up this ladder once up here is another one of them horrible moth enemies that you can just ignore should you wish they do tend to drop some decent loot as you can see this one dropped a vestage seed and I think that's pretty much a guaranteed drop so it may be worth killing them if you are comfortable enough but most importantly the reason we came up here was to loot the Crimson Rector sword and in this video I am actually using the thorn Crimson Rector sword for my build it has less attack power than the Crimson Rector sword that you just looted but the thorned version also has bleed buildup now that we're done here we can head across the huge spine in the middle connecting the two sides of skyrest bridge you'll want to be very quick because two Reapers will Ambush you and until you know how to deal with them they can be terrifying enemies grab the loot from the middle as quick as you can because this is exactly why we are here this is the skyrest bridge key and should you wish you can now emerge from umbrell back into a if you don't want to deal with the Reapers next meet me at the top of the stairs and once I've dealt with the Reapers we're then free to loot the Crimson Rector Shield this will now also allow us to open this door and this is the door that will lead us back to exactor dunmire however before that head down the stairs and hop over the barricade and you can use the skyrest bridge key to open these big double doors here there is a lot to do in umbrell here but first head to the end of the room and in this chest you can loot a full armor set also scattered around the walls of this area are lots of faint Vigor skulls so make sure you grab them before you leave now let's enter into umbrell once again and I'll show you what we need to do to free the hidden NPC head up this ladder and remove the first Umble parasite weakening the entity now if you drop down and roll off the side here you'll see another one Out Of Reach what you need to do for this one is go to the other side of the room and again you can soul flate to move this bridge now carefully drop down onto it and you can interact with the parasite and get rid of that one as well now Soul flare again to drag yourself back to the other side of the room and head up the ladder and there is one final umbrell parasite halfway up the stairwell in the Next Room however as we're heading back make sure you go through this doorway as well because down here you can loot the pr princess's sting pendant this pendant is great for people who are very confident in their abilities because you will deal significantly more damage if you have a minuscule equip load and now finally the most important reason we are here head up the ladder and now that you can pass through the umbrell entity you can loot the Searing accusation now go all the way to the top of the stairs in the next room and you can speak to this tortured prisoner and hand over the Searing accusation and as I'm showing you the last few pieces of loot in this area along with the Stigmata the only other thing to know about the tortured prisoner now that you have given her that Catalyst when you reload the area she will be gone get yourself to the Peta Boss Arena and she will be waiting for you there unlocked as a merchant of Inferno spells also when you progress far enough along her quest line she will give you the Searing accusation back so you can use that as a catalyst slightly later in the game now that you finished with that Stigmata you've grabbed the Vigor skulls and the short Javelin it's time to move on to the next area for this next part I'll meet you back at the vestage we unlocked earlier head up these ladders and this whole next section you want to be in umbrell straight ahead of you behind the crates you can loot the full condemned Starter Set including the broken bucket now head across the wooden beam and once you've dealt with all the enemies go around the ladder and behind yet more barrels you'll find the imperion grenade now go to the other end of the room and you can loot three umbrell vertebrae which if you don't know they replenish your soul FL charges now drop down the ladder and once you have introduced yourself to Damar Ro you can head out here and loot the three bleed resistance bomb makes me you've now done everything you need to do in umbrell so rest at the vestage and switch back to Axiom now once again take the route you just did dropping down the ladders until you enter into skir urged sister deli's boss room there's many different ways to tackle her but I strongly recommend baiting her into the area you start the boss fight in because you get her away from all of the umbrell parasites and you can use the pillars as cover in phase two in phase one she seems very easy however don't be fooled because when she empowers she gets significantly more aggressive and Powerful this may take a few attempts just make sure you use the pillars as cover every time she uses her big blood Whirlwind attack and you should be absolutely [Music] fine at the end of the fight being rewarded with her leg wrappings her flail and a vestage seed before you head down the stairs come over here and you can loot a quest item that you need to hand into exactor dunmire now go down the stairs and on the right you can Soul Flay this body for a saintly quintessence head up the stairs and we are finally in Pilgrim's perch after Sparta kicking this enemy off the Edge there is some minor Loot on the left hand side and if you jump over these platforms you can loot the lacerating knife now climb up the ladders and use one of your vestage seeds so you have a checkpoint before we progress into the next area now that we are in Pilgrim's perch proper you want to be very careful of the plethora of ranged enemies and spellcasters in this area like this one up here they can and will hit you you from miles away so always have some ranged attacks on hand to deal with them next up you'll encounter a few of these cage head enemies which pack a tremendous punch however they are nowhere near as intimidating as they initially seem as you see me doing here one great method is just baiting out one of their big slow attacks making sure you're outside of the reach of it whilst simultaneously charging up a heavy attack this will absolutely wreck them in four to six shots depending on the strength of your weapon and another way to do this is actually to use a soul charge and then just flick the left thumb stick in the direction you would like to Soul Flay them using this method you can Flay their soul off the edge of a platform and when their body is then reconnected with their soul they just fall to their Doom it really is that simple so Soul fling these guys could be your best friend now we need to do the whole of this first area in umbrell so let's sacrifice ourselves and then backtrack up this spinal bridge at the top you can grab the minor with assaults and then all the way at the bottom once you've defeated the few enemies you can grab a new bow and some pulsing arrows now let's head the way we came and back up the bridge grabbing the loot from near the spellcaster we defeated just a second ago now you'll want to Soul F your way across this Chasm and you can kick this plank down so should you die when you come back you can do this area in Axiom and no longer need to go to umbrell be careful as you drop down here for a newer OTE alternatively you could have less of a Death Wish than me and just use the ladder and at the top across this precarious plank be very careful because a cage head is waiting around the corner once you've defeated these enemies there is another path in umbrell around the back here but switch back to axium for now to make sure that the eye isn't getting too angry and head up this ladder this next platforming section can be a nightmare because there there are many ranged enemies integrated with a jumping section so Traverse these few platforms as best you can grab the hallowed praise and head up the ladder at the top of the next ladder get rid of the spellcaster and then if you have any ammunition or Mana left use your rang attacks to take out the few enemies below you once you've dealt with this spellcaster before you progress forward and deal with the other enemies on the platform below make sure you're in umbrell and look behind yourself you will see these red pules which are very dangerous don't trigger them if you're anywhere near them make your way past them and you can loot the Holy Blood Ring now head back up and you can use your ranged options to deal with the enemies below alternatively the cage head might be very kind and just throw himself off for you once you've cleared the area drop down very carefully onto this wooden beam and you can loot the per Dam Falon this is a fantastic weapon for a de build so keep it in mind if you are specking into agility now I can show you what I was talking about earlier as I Soul Flay this CAG head Spirit into the abyss now let's climb the ladders and get back to where we were and up here if you're not already in umbrell do so now so that you can Soul Flay out this spinal bridge and jump over it now progress up this structure and Soulfly your way across the platforms and on the other side be very careful as you're making your way to the edge of this platform to grab the thorned Crimson Rector sword a sword I mentioned earlier and one I strongly strongly recommend for a strength build now double back on yourself and make sure you push down this ladder so you have a shortcut should you die and you can hop over to the other platform dealing with the spellcasters just be very careful of the cage head because you likely have very little healing left by this point as this has been a long section without any rest I did stupidly get myself killed here so bear with me as I Sprint back as quickly as possible and now that I'm back here I'm going to do exactly what I advise you to do run past the enemies grab the vestage and now once you have a checkpoint now you can go back out and defeat them all now that we've grabbed that vestage before we move on there is one more thing we missed that I said would revisit later and that is the area around the corner here in umbrell so make your way back here and then if you're a little bit less dumb than me you'll notice there's a ladder that you can climb down or you can do what I did and just jump down nearly killing yourself down here is a flower bed that you can use to plant a vestage seed I don't advise you do so though we now already have the vestage of blind Agatha activated and we have no other reason to come back here so head around the corner and you can loot the defaced ring once you've grabbed that I'll meet you back at the vestage of blind Agatha and we'll move on to the next area now that we're at this vestage together we're going to head this way first actually I should mention quickly go and speak to the NPC to exhaust his dialogue and you can ignore the door him for now it needs a very expensive key to get in and it is a very late game area so currently it is a worthless and very expensive purchase now that you've cleared out these few enemies before we head outside as you can see if you do go into umbrell you can get rid of the water and progress up these stairs here don't worry we'll come back here later for now let's head outside and take out the many spellcasters that are going to start firing projectiles at you once they're all dead and you've grabbed the loot jump over to to the other platform and continue Along being very careful of the cage head that's going to come and attack you I do try and fumble to use the soul FL Strat however no worries once he's dead let's continue on and at the end here we will drop down the ladder here is another location you can use a vestage seed however we have literally only just activated a vestage so we'll ignore that and move on you'll see there's a currently inaccessible shortcut just opposite so let's head down for now down here will be a load of enemies including a moth lurking around somewhere so go ahead and grab the bowl of Revelations from here straight away just in case you die this is a very important item and this is what you need to purchase boss equipment once you've dealt with all these enemies or if you just wanted to move on make sure you grab the lucky paw from the corpse hanging up here and then we'll head up the ladder opposite be careful of the enemy that will start shooting at you as you take another ladder and at the end here you can loot three umbrell vertebrae progress a bit further and you'll find a way to escape from umbrell and also activate the shortcut by kicking the plank and as you get to the end of this section you'll find a spellcaster with an umbrell parasite and you will be promptly ambushed by two cage heads so deal with these in any way you see fit I strongly suggest plunging attacks and once they're dead as you'll see as long as you're in umbrell there is an umbrell entity blocking our way so as you always do trace the tentacles to the end and get rid of the parasites when you get to the bottom one you can also loot the book of Sin from here and now that's done let's let's head through as you're entering this area you could use a vestage seed if you wish just in case but we are just about to unlock a shortcut back to the blind Agatha vestage deal with these enemies head down the ladder and right in front of you you will see a lift be careful of the few spell casters but once you've dealt with a few enemies around it's as simple as hopping on the lift and going back up to the vestage now that you've unlocked that shortcut let's go back down again once you've once again dealt with the spellcasters head along this plank and you can loot the radiant bols now we're going to drop down below and deal with the dogs and the Knight once they're dead you can loot the prison cell key from the knight's corpse ins toind and you want to immediately give this to galinda to finally unlock the blacksmith there's also a chest behind this door in umbrell where you can loot the Defiance ring and if you wish you can come back down into galinda cell once you've rested to loot a few smithing Stones now we have just picked up quite a few things over the last 15 minutes so head back to skyrest and do all the upgrading you need don't forget to upgrade your sanguin aric and of course now is a good time to do other things such as looking at the bowl of Revelations to see if there's any remembrance gear you want to buy and most importantly you can finally upgrade your weapons so make sure you speak to galinda and upgrade your weapon of choice ah you in and once you're happy that you have purchased everything you want and done all your upgrading we'll go back to the blind Agatha vestage and this time at the end of this Corridor we'll Traverse into umbrell and head up the staircase that we passed earlier it's worth killing the moth enemy if you're comfortable doing so because they usually drop some really good loot and more importantly just here we can loot the umbrell eye of Rosamund which M who can help us sock it into our lamp back at skyrest bridge moving on you will see a heck of a lot of these red exploding pules so be very careful as you Traverse down this area and at the end you can loot the antique hallowed Sentinel set next you want to head up the stairs and outside and on your left hand side you can loot The Pride bound Tink now emerge from umbrell and I hope you bought a lot of ranged weapons with you because it's time to cheese a lot of enemies with our ranged abilities before we drop down because there are a ton of things waiting down there ready to kill us once you've dealt with most things feel free to drop down to mop up the drgs just be very careful because there are some powerful enemies down here and once they're all dead you have got a lot of Juicy loot to go and grab make sure you use the soul siphoning ability of your lamp so that you don't miss any Vigor and then from this cage you can grab the hallowed Sentinel scripture and back in umbrell you'll be able to interact with this stigma a warm breeze blowing softly across the sand also before we go anywhere make sure you kick down this shortcut ladder now we're going to head over the wooden planks there is a flower bed that you can use here should you wish and as you progress a little bit further you can loot an Ardent penitent head cage just here make sure you're in umbrell and then further along the platform still you can use your soul fling to hop over to the very end once you've dealt with all the enemies around here grab all the loot including most importantly the relic of perpetuation as I say I want to leave this series as spoiler-free as possible so all I'll say about the various items that we've been picking up throughout this video is go and speak to all of the NPCs you encounter primarily the ones in skyrest and the game will prompt you if these items are of any use to them we now have one final thing to do for the first segment of pilgrims perch and that is a boss fight so make whatever preparations you want to make and then meet me back at the vestage of blind Agatha from here we'll take the shortcut lift down and then due to this enemy being a knobbed and pushing me back on the lift whilst I was trying to equip my fashion will'll take it back up again and then back down again and finally once you're down here and you have dealt with the spellcasters we'll head past them and down the ladder use the lever to call the lift up to you and once you get to the bottom you may as well send it back up again just in case you die so that the rumback isn't as tedious down here you can also interact with Damar Ro The Marked again don't worry if you don't want to buy anything from her stock at the moment she will move to a more permanent location further on in the playthrough and none of her items are going anywhere and now it's time for us to try and defeat the Mistress of hounds on the surface this is one of the easiest boss fights in the game she is incredibly squishy and nearly every single attack will stagger her the only problem is the infinite amount of hounds that spawn to protect her you cannot use a strategy like I tried to do where you defeat all the hounds first and then focus on the mistress they will respawn indefinitely this boss fight is more of a damage Rush deal with the initial few hounds so that it's just one V one and then you basically want to DPS her down as quick as you can beware because more hounds will spawn pretty quickly but as I say she is very squishy and stagger so for the most part offense really is the best defense in this fight and with that done you will acquire her weapon and her sword along with a vestage seed and an ammunition satchel and with that you have completed the entirety of the first segment of pilgrims perch don't use a vestage seed here like I did because at the exit to the cave you will find the vestage of Olin rest up there instead and head into the Forsaken Fen which will be the topic for part three of this series please let me know if you would like me to continue on with this because at the end of the day as much as I want to make a particular video if people aren't enjoying the series and it's not getting viewed I will move on and do something that more people would like to watch so please let me know in the comments by liking the video by subscribing to the Channel all of these things help me know if I should continue on with this series and with that being said all that's left for me to say my friends is thank you so much for watching I hope you have an amazing day and I'll see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Doms Roundtable
Views: 69,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guides, Guide, Tutorials, Tutorial, Walkthrough, Full Guide, Full Walkthrough, hints and tips, hint, hints, tip, tips, compilation, funny, fun, amazing, best, lords of the fallen, the lords of the fallen, gameplay reveal, souls-like, souls, souls-borne, elden ring, guide, secrets, LOTF Secrets, LOTF GUIDE, LOTF HINTS, lords of the fallen secrets, lords of the fallen guide, lords of the fallen hints
Id: mnOqx0rJX04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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