Lords of the Fallen - The Complete Story Explained

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morstead and the greater oath Lands Beyond share a history rich in virtue and heresy stained by blood's Crimson flow it's a land that has seen tumult known oppression and suffered atrocity Humanity in its quest for self-awareness has struggled against the tyrannies of gods shattered through violence their chains risen to dominance and succumbed to pery the story of Lords of the Fallen is Grand but convoluted doing in part to the distance between game releases and their somewhat inconsistent continuities this video intends to bridge the gap between games Enlighten the backdrop of events and detail the minations that transpire surrounding the 2023 game a warning that Major Spoilers are to come from the ancient rule of a spiteful God to the Ascension of humanity to the founding of morstead and the hallowed Sentinels I hope to paint a vibrant conclusive image of Lord of the Fallen harrowing environs let's dive [Music] in before civilizations Rose before life suffused the land while time in space were in protean infancy Gods ruled the Realms it cannot be said with certainty how many existed in the primordial Pantheon of the universe but each God manifested as foundational elements and dwelt within a realm distinct and separate from each other in this universe silence and Stillness rained but the time of Darkness was suddenly cast into brilliant illumination when the god orius father of angelic Radiance beheaded himself in a ritual sacrifice that birthed the Sun the moon and the Heavenly firmament above bathing all in the warm light of creation from the distinction of light and dark life and death followed creatures stirred sentients coalesced and Mortal civilizations rose that worshiped the gods around them the god of bounty of virture growth and vitality known as the first of the beasts stalked Primal forests its worshippers revered nature traces of which can still be found in the culture of remote uder where shamanic Warriors offer thanks and seek the beast's spoons in opposition to the first Beast stood the putur mother goddess of death stagnation and rot who dwelt within the dark abyss of umbrell Realm of the perished in her cold embrace the nuta an ancient and enigmatic race found salvation for centuries nuta their minds Twisted to Madness by the putur mother's Grace devoted themselves to their deity United in singular purpose in a realm distinctly disperate from umbros cold Stillness seething with chaos fire and raw passion the god a deer ruled absolutely but a deer's realm was unpopulated the god's vanity demanded throngs of loyal supplicants from this land of conflagration a deer cast his gaze upon the lands of Mortals and found within Humanity's nent Soul a fiery people who shared his tempestuous disposition greed aggression contempt burned hot in in the hearts of humankind and without a strong force to guide them devolved into lawlessness and barbarism they were a force Untamed much like a deer's own realm and in them he saw worshippers eager to please a redeeming God one who would save them from their own debauchery and he desired devoted praise worthy of his power to this end a deer manifested physically in the Mortal realm and bestowed his gift of magnanimous rulership upon mankind who either willing or unwilling had no choice but to accept thousands bent knee in his awesome presence a dear whispered words dripping with duplicity to turn the hearts of the masses and zealots flocked to his newly established religion but there were those who resisted a dear's rise as Humanity's god holds two very disperate interpretations many Saw His coming as a blessing believing his Rule and worship would lead to great opportunity to promise salvation in the words of The Devout a deer will save you listen learn pray a deer will hear a deer will help you are safe with him others saw in a dear not a benevolent savior but rather a malevolent oppressor an infernal God of darkness and Chaos that corrupted pure Souls that stripped mankind of its freedom that lied killed and tortured all for his own Amusement though his religion and acolytes commanded immense power it is this latter view that festered in Minds discontent against the anguish forced upon them by the vile God stoked thoughts of subversion the Sparks of which ignited into Rebellion roughly 1500 years before the present day humans would no longer tolerate enslavement beneath a deer's yoke would no longer tolerate their Wills bound to another rallying cries rung out across the land to depose a God but a deer wouldn't relinquish control so easily and how do mere mortals defy the immortal will of Supreme Beings to combat the upstart Rebellion a dear enlisted adherence completely devoted to his religion they saw their brothers and sisters as Heretics Wayward in Soul rather than Heroes guilty of the worst transgression resisting God's will they readily armed themselves against the rebels aided by a gift from a deer himself from his native realm the deity conjured the rogar into existence rogar AR yar's demonic and chaotic progeny born of fire and imbued with Savage emotions of pain hatred fear and suffering they're lamentable creatures bound to a deer's will incapable of Untold destruction as the charred Lord armor tin states rogar are born in fire their bodies tempered by a deer's Inferno the intensity of which would reduce any typical human body to Ash and the item description of light Reaper flesh suggests that rogar have no will of their own created only to enact their Master's Grim designs Legions of rogar bolstered by loyalists descended like wildfire upon the r Rebels hope against such impossible odds seemed Grim but then three beings of great Renown and unparalleled ability made themselves known from the ranks of human despondency as this recovered Tome States so it came that after ages of slavery three proud men defied a deer Our God they gave us a new sense of right and wrong they told us how to live freely whether instruments Heaven Sent By The the god orius Divine manifestations themselves or mere mortals is ambiguous but these three beings known to history as the judges United in purpose these demigods lifted Humanity's banner and led a righteous Crusade not just to rid themselves of a deer's tyranny but to banish him completely from their realm never again to let his influence stain hearts or Minds much of the information relating the war against a deer is lost to men but tomes and artifacts suggest great Carnage judge Warrior possessed of indomitable strength rallied soldiers against rogar his deeds memorialized in the Bron ring cast in his honor the item description reads those who were present and survived never forgot that day near the climax of the war with a deer when the mighty judge Warrior beat a rogar lord to death with his bare hands judge assassin worked alongside Rogues to undermine a deer's network of spies and to Silence from the Shadows those loyal to him judge cleric once a devout follower of a deer grew disillusioned with his lies and with the blessing of holy Radiance exercised the deer's Twisted corruption alongside prelates and paladins the three judges Rose to a legendary status their exploits passed on through generations in art architecture and Chronicles the Trinity Shield displays these imposing figures strangely enough judge cleric was remembered through history as a male which comes to us in the lore surrounding the thorn chalice a few of the oldest recorded sources concerning the judge's Uprising against the deer such as the book of Justice erroneously declared judge cleric to be male a falsehood which gradually faded in time due to her ongoing prominence perhaps a minor correction to the storyline that permeated the original Lords of the Fallen game as the fire came down the judges didn't hesitate they faced the Lords of the God we all hid wherever we could but they stayed and fought when we came out of our hiding the world was black and dead but we were still alive and we knew who we had to thank for it this chronicler's recollection conjures Vivid images of Massacre and fear that consumed mortal realms in the war against the deer Fields lay scorched towns raised innumerable masses on both sides of the conflict fell in battle regardless the judges LED humankind an ultimate bloody Victory against rogar armies and drove their false god from the land exiling a deer to his infernal Lair to ensure the deposed Tyrant remained as such Oaths were made rights were performed and five mystical seals were erected with which Humanity contained the demon the five beacons of the Sentinels pulsed with vibrant light a beacon of man's Triumph The Last Remnant of the demon God's oppressive tyranny stands in the Horizon as the hand of a deer mountains a forboding monument to his final defeat mortal had through will and sacrifice overthrown a God the world would never be the same [Music] the three judges lauded as Humanity saviors were remembered alongside their heroism for Generations but they themselves quickly disappeared Into Obscurity with no purpose to unite them the judges follow different paths the fates of Judge Warrior and assassin can only be guessed but judge cleric remained to watch over the five beacons of holy Radiance that maintained the magical seal on a years prison here she established the holy order of the hallowed Sentinels to preserve light root out corruption and ensure the Demonic God slumbered undisturbed the judge's Legacy acted as guide for humankind now leaderless for the first time in centuries a precarious future lay ahead of them as one chronicler observes men cannot be for themselves they need a leader they need a guide they will follow the light when there is no light they will only follow Darkness this light is Manifest in the judges or at least in their memory their descendants will go on to rule for many years always striving to uphold the equity and equality embodied by the righteous demigods it's here perhaps that the Church of orius grew to prominence with a deer's old religion ruthlessly persecuted a new spiritual Source was re quired a new image of divine intervention and salvation one that orius and the church [Music] assumed a deer's deposition is not cause for all to rejoice and the Exile of a God by Mortals sends existential shock waves Rippling throughout mankind just as with his arrival and purpose two narratives arise surrounding the war against the demon god one of a deer as a poisonous manipulator whose overbearing heal threatens to crush humankind entirely the other of a righteous God betrayed by his creation that has fallen into mortal sin and self-abasement a priest of old admonishes those who attacked their deity there's one heresy that can never be forgiven and that is defying your true God this sin is eternal and will haunt generations to come while at the same time others rejoice in the names of the the judges we will make this world whole again without the influence of a deer it will be a life free from Divine oppression the truth as with much of history is far from Clear regardless mankind relishes its Newfound Freedom experimentations in trade Commerce and governance yield thriving kingdoms beneath judge stewardship while Discovery opens a new age of exploration magical and scientific ingenuity Humanity enjoys a period of stability a golden age free from oppression but all Sons must set and Twilight befalls Humanity in the following Centuries with no external Force to guide them man falls prey to its own vices avarice deceit desire one individual an tanas a descendant of the judges and ruler of mankind acts upon this Vice and seeks his own immortality he believes himself above others his vanity knows no bounds his hubris will bring ruin and be his undoing this leader fears the demon god will return with his Unstoppable rogar Legions a journal entry gives us a glimpse into anas's mind as he notes his dread and need to prepare they will come I know they will I know what will happen I will do what needs to be done men are not strong enough to oppose them so we need more than men my Elixir are getting better the beasts are getting stronger but their will is hard to control maybe impossible but when everything else fails what other choice will we have ananas sees in the defeated ader a God who failed and wishes to replace the Exile himself so he conducts experiments to ascend to Divinity he concocts researches and tests on the poor and downtrodden drgs of society within his laboratory and tanis's Quest bears fruit indeed power and vitality are bestowed but at the cost of body and soul he creates wretched Twisted Abominations whose very existence is anathema to the Natural order unbeknownst to him anan's Pursuit brings instability magic and infernal forces disrupt the barrier between worlds stirs the Exile the deer from his Slumber and loosens his chains the demon god thus invigorated strikes swiftly and with vengeance against his disobedient Mortals sending his most capable rogar Lords to lay Siege to the lands of men the Fallen Lord sword grants insight to the power possessed by the superior demons when a dear realized that the existing rogar he had created would not be enough to defeat the judges through great effort he created his Lords select rogar of immense power who would stand at the head of his army these Lords of the Fallen God lead Legions of darkness and command The Cult of a deer that still worships in Shadow War again consumes the realm as Humanity pays for antonas transgression upon the scene of Carnage Harkin a criminal with a dark past arrives and an opportunity to repent is placed before him if Harkin can stop antanas from achieving godhood if he can defeat the Rogue our Lords and cast a deer back into chains then he will be cleansed of past mistakes his soul redeemed from its wrongdoings an arduous task lays before Harkin and indeed all Humanity as profound existential questions come into Focus are humans capable of self-governance can they contain the rancorous urges that dwell in their own hearts was a deer truly a god worthy of their devotion or a vile Tyrant and should he be returned to his seat these questions in Harkin's Journey explore the moral gray that separates like a Chasm mortal from Immortal whether a bridge can be fastened to cross the CM is impossible to determine but as Harkin confronts the rogar Lords his conviction that Anton's blasphemy must end grows indisoluble in The Crucible of decision a deer himself approaches harken and sees a soul susceptible to manipulation the God desires above all else to return to the Mortal realm and once more invest himself as Humanity's benevolent deity to enact the ritual that will break the seal on the beacons of the Sentinels requires sufficient power and magical potential power that now exists within the Twisted soul of antanas the man's ambition for greatness transforms him into a grotesque mutant a monstrous being of his own experimentation no longer human but not yet God a deer offers Harkin a pulsating Rune born from his Essence and Whispers into the man's ears Hollow promises lies to manipulate and facilitate his return if Harkin charges the Rune of a deer with Anton's Essence the god reinstated in glory will fulfill all his Earthly desires temptation is great but Harkin resists in antonas he sees how lust for power destroys his soul in a deer he sees how empty is power once attained Harkin instead resolves to follow the path of balance walked by the judges of old he confronts and slays the Monstrous ananas ending the man's internal anguish his hand grips the Rune of a deer but he makes no move to use it wrapping it instead beneath his cloak with ananas defeated and his unnatural experiments halted the rift between Realms is restored the rogar legions are pulled into their infernal plane and a deer the demon god is once more firmly Bound in Eternal imprisonment his Rune of power yet in Harkens bloodstained grasp an indeterminate expand separates the events of the original Lords of the Fallen from what transpires in the moments surrounding the second installment but it's safe to assume many generations have passed a deer Harkin the judges and rogar all Fade Into myth with the passage of time the only reminder of their ancient defining battle the forboding hand of a deer that rises from the mountainous Horizon a reminder of valiance Temptation power great kingdoms and Empires rise as humankind dominates the Mortal realm morstead nestled in the valley shadowed by the hand of a deer and encompassing the beacons of the Sentinels is a kingdom vested heavily in Tradition reminded constantly of the travails of that long ago age from great industry and trade its cities of crath kininger the red cops enjoy the splendors of wealth while its Noble Kings administer morstead from within the the court of bramis Castle the Church of orius located Beyond the Horizon has spread its religion far orian preachers proze the masses with passionate claims of Salvation through orus radiant Embrace and persecute those who turn their back to the light especially those few who continue to worship the god imprisoned as Church influence grows it establishes several religious and military orders to see ori's will enacted among these are the ravagers the purifiers Des scers of the faith and the dark Crusaders their roles Multiplex their views disparate all orders share in light's Glory the dark Crusaders however are shrouded in suspicion and handled with trepidation the church sees in everything a Potential Threat or potential weapon including Darkness the unbearable dread of umbrell a realm long lost with the fall of the nuta is discovered with the uncovering of powerful artifacts known as umbral lamps these lanterns are inscrutable and charged with Sinister abilities to revive the dead and walk between Realms such dark sorcery is heresy to the church but in the hands of Justice an indispensable weapon against evil as imperator Jacob States in dark Crusaders all darkness is not to be feared it is a weapon and thus to be wielded the lamps give rise to lamp bearers and thus the dark Crusaders in order cursed with the terrible weight of sin to achieve good orus church extends far a field and is established as mad's dominant religion its priers and preachers welcome into the fold the hallowed Sentinels who under the continued guidance of the last remaining judge of Antiquity judge cleric have maintained their holy beacons mad's royalty is not oblivious to the conspicuity of their realm the kingdom Works in tandem with the hallowed Sentinels offering arms and armaments building fortresses and erecting abies for the sacred order a unique social dynamism governs morstead and its surrounding thiefs where in the king holds firmly the Oaths of his Leed Lords but allows hallowed Sentinels significant in dependence all while listening to counsel of an empowered church this tentative balance holds an equilibrium for some time and Humanity flourishes but deep within the Earth and Beyond This Plane of existence a dark God stirs once more from Slumber a restless and vengeful Force who in every passing moment gathers strength to precipitate his Grim return it's been centuries since the world has felt the terrible presence of a deer the exiled God his name is unfamiliar to most his deeds forgotten to time the hallowed Sentinels maintained a Vigilant watch of the seals that bind him but Gods aren't so easily chained from the fiery realm of chaos a deer sits into motion Grim minations to resurrect his physical form and return to the land twice denied him his past failure embittered a deer but imparted a valuable lesson as resilient humanity is to external assault it is equally susceptible to internal manipulation base desires thrive in the depths of Every Soul emotions and passions that seee into deer's realm so too Royal in the hearts of men all that's needed is deception and exploitation to twine such desires around his own ends to unravel civilization the demon Gods fuses the land with his Aura infiltrates minds and slowly spreads a corruption few can resist a deer's malignancy manifests in various ways across the realm a mysterious and virulent plague eats at M instead citizenry hallowed Sentinel infirmaries and church abies fill with the sick and dying blood letting and prayers are thrown at the consuming in to little effect as thousands expire we see pestilence in the mans of the hallowed Brothers this stigma reveals Peta of blessed renewals Discovery the dark cause of the plague you look exhausted Peta do you bring any better news I'm afraid not my lady the number of those affected Rises and all my blood and our healing sorceries can do is offer temporary relief and little at that this disease is unnatural and I believe I know why my lady I believe this corruption to be rogar in nature impossible the beacon stand and a deer in the rogar remain imprisoned I assure you I continue tending to the aing as best you can until you find the true cause of this malady I have every faith in you the hallowed Sentinels diluted themselves so afraid are they of a deer that they refuse to believe any mention of him or his terrible rogar as disease degrades bodies minds are subject to Relentless waves of rogar energies that Infiltrate The recesses of the psyche and lay bare demented Abyss such atrocious transformation heard in the butcher armor tankk those Unfortunate Souls touched by the rogar corruption inevitably grow Twisted in in both mind and body losing their grasp on whatever Humanity they possessed and succumbing to deranged violent urges maming and butchering and reving in the agony of others it's a frightening tale that gains purchase through much of mourad's Countryside perception is shattered Consciousness obliterated as thousands are gripped by the raving Insanity of rogar corruption the hidden lore of corrupted Pilgrim bandages paints a miserable image with little respit from Damnation even in the depths of religious piety the strength of a Pilgrim's faith has no bearing on which of them will fall prey to the Rogue or corruption that plagues morstead and no amount of prayer or radiant magic can heal the ravaging malady once a victim is infected the masses look to their protectors for salvation but again the hallowed Sentinels refuse to see reason refuse to to look truth in the eye they Retreat to the cloistered protection of their sanctuaries quarantine themselves both from reality and from the rogar corruption that ravages more instead and any deser of the Dawn found trespassing will be severely punished for their transgression this place is now Sanctified in the name of Judge cleric and no longer a sanctuary for the ignorant and misguided please this has been our own for Generations we've always kept our Arts open to the alled Sentinels be grateful that by judge cleric's Mercy you are allowed to leave with those Wayward Hearts still beating repent and turn to her for salvation [Music] St dis quiet ripples through Sentinel ranks who turn to each other for support and strength who worry their greatest fear will manifest it's this fear that acts as impetus for the launching of a brutally ruthless Inquisition to expunge a deer's influence within their own and cleanse the masses of rogar blight all of morstead wallows beneath years of hallowed Sentinel pandemonium Bloodshed and oppression to root out evil it in turn becomes them in dark alleys and clandestine meetings the number of aders faithful never completely dissolved Wells driven either by his maddening influence or pushed through Sentinel vulgarity this stigma deep within cra's sistern highlights a gathering of the Demons worshippers my friends I know the journey here was arduous and that since arriving in morstead we have suffered much but take heart for are we now not within reach of adir himself do we not walk among the Roga our most holy brothers and sisters born of adar's very own Divine marrow those heretical Servants of the betrayer judge cleric may have driven us into the Shadows but are we not used to being condemned and hunted simply for our beliefs rest assured finally the time of Air's righteous return is nigh and we who have remained faithful will be here to witness him usher in his glorious second Reign morstead is plunged into madness a deer's myasthma spreads the indomitable judge cleric is herself vulnerable to his privations and sees threats lurking in every shadow further isolates herself behind castle walls and inflicts atrocity through her Fallen Sentinels there's no salvation here no Redemption not for anyone let moead and every meaningless life in it burn into this tainted land a traveler nameless arrives cloaked in mystery the iron Wayfarer a pseudonym meant to aisc the true identity of Harkin hero of old Journeys to morstead and beseeches judge cleric aware of the growing threat and his ability to thwart it he has in possession the ancient Rune of a deer and Harkin turns its custody over to the radiant cleric hoping she will halt the demon God's return Harkin's faith is as misplaced as his decision is misguided unable himself to use the ancient artifact against the demon god he entrusts the Rune of a deer to one of a deer's three chainers judge cleric but years of rogar blight corrode the cleric's resolve and Corruption within the hallowed Sentinel Stokes paranoia blindness and panic as powerful as is Judge cleric the Runo of a deer burdens her Beyond tolerance its malignant Aura instills within her a Madness that shatters the hallowed Sentinels it is Temptation and in her weakened State she is unable to resist its alluring call Judge cleric refuses to see reason is herself gripped with hysteria and withdraws with the Rune to the imperion one by one the beacons of the Sentinels scattered across morstead pulse with red chaotic fervor tinged by a deer's malevolence with each Beacon stained the seal binding the god loosens corrupted and weakened with fewer Sentinels standing vigil their magic falters opportunity flashes again from the realm of rogar and the demon god seizes it a a deer tears the fabric of reality and from the hot ma of his infernal realm a rogar army innumerable and inexorable pours forth morstead is bathed in Blood and fire demons hellhounds the bodies of the corrupted Twisted Beyond Humanity descend upon the kingdom as a deer's devout cult strikes from within the sheer tarity of the rogar is recounted in the lore of rog's reach po arm in service to their creator the rogar Do Not falter or Tire they do not fear or doubt bramis Castle is besieged fitzroy's Gorge Falls to ruiners and rogar evils a conflagration reduces CRA City to smoldering ruin those among the military and hallowed Sentinels Untouched by corruption stand valiantly in the Kingdom's defense but are quickly overrun such Horrors witnessed are heard in the flesh Terror armor Tink some of those terrified survivors fortunate enough to escape crath following the rogar invasion carried with them Grizzly Tales of rogar not only maming and killing with their barbarous weapons but in some cases tearing chunks of Flesh from victims with their own claws it is a nightmare from which most are unable to wake the demon God's actions disrupt reality and reverberate with unfor seen consequences the umbral realm residence of all nightmares and creatures of death lies transposed but imperceptible upon the realm of Axiom and separated by a fragile barrier holes emerge in locations where the barrier has been dissolved entirely by a deer's interference tears from which umbrella's horrifying Abominations emerge to Ren flesh from the living the putur mother umbrella's dark God exerts her influence upon minds undefended and shatters them entirely with overwhelming awe she joins in the demon God's struggle to leave her own realm and feast upon Axiom a dire threat that unfortunately goes unnoticed in the wake of rogar invasion facing annihilation morstead cowers in a dear Shadow as he prepares his long anticipated return and exacts vengeance upon those who betrayed him but in this bleakest Abyss a light shines a hero of old is revived from Beyond Death and charged with significance a dark Crusader arrives and armed with the umbrell lamp restores balance to M instead dead has fallen its great Army decimated by the legions of a dear the demon god but one light still flickers in the ever growing Gloom the light of the dark crusader rumors of mad's corruption and blasphemy within the hallowed Sentinels echo through the vaed chambers of the Church of orius it's a slight to the sanctity of his Holiness and such sin cannot go unpunished Oran leaders task a contingent of dark Crusaders to take holy Oaths and seek truth in the hearsay they must assess the extent of Mads fall from light excise heterodoxy within the Sentinels that conflicts with with church teachings and restore Radiance to the land mad's years of fighting rogar Legions seize ravagers heroor vanguards prelates apostates all sects and weapons of the Divine Church intervene on its baguer behest dark Crusaders are called across the land to descend upon a deer's disciples beckoned to exhaust all resources including the antithetical umbrell lamps in their war against evil battles are fought blood is spilled thousands perish in conflicts conflagration many Crusaders fall without fulfilling their holy vow a trio of Crusaders embark on this harrowing Mission only one an exactor named dunmire endures dangers lurking his companions fall to death or Darkness he requires a new sword of greatness to rise and finish the task this is where the deathless one's Journey Begins law the latest receiver of his grace great potential dwells within you doubtless for you to be chosen thusly and so does orus wisdom guide my hand in the bestowment of this subsequent Boon a hero of renown lost to ages past is resurrected by the umbral lamp and possessed with significance they must journey through mad's blighted land cleanse the beacons of the Sentinels now corrupted and end a deer's calamitous return but the demon God isn't blind to orian schemes and sees the threat posed by lamp bearers he creates his own Champion a twisted parallel to the dark Crusader the light Reaper as the hidden lore associated with remembrance of the light Reaper States recognizing the threat represented by the lamp Bearer Mission a deer was able to obtain one of the umbrell parasites and bind it to a rogar creating the light Reaper a creature unaware of the suspicion and disgust with which he would always be regarded by his creator the light Reaper is Relentless a force that needs no rest and knows no mercy many lamp bearers that pred the deathless one succumb to his Onslaught including dun me's companion the Paladin Isaac the light Reaper's tenacity whittel hope as each lamp Bear's successive Resurrection ultimately meets another painful pitiful death many land Bears believe that their determination combined with the resurrec of power of the umbrell lamp would allow them to Outlast the ruthless hounding of the light Reaper but every fresh death and resultant Awakening in umbrell take their toll while the light Reaper never waines in the hunt it's into this world of desolation and depravity the deathless one now steps besieged by demonic forces from without and plagued by corruption within the illustrious Kingdom of M that lies in ruin its castles are raised its forces depleted its people transformed into gruesome mockeries of Life the hallowed Sentinels convulsed by hysteric Madness no not friend from foe see and all only sin requiring blood bloody castigation as the deathless one unlocks the kingdom Secrets mad's deplorable truth is realized corruption has eaten into the very Bedrock of the Sentinels whose high-ranking leaders have been Twisted in body in mind to enact a deer's will the order's terrifying transformation reverberates within the Abbey of the hallowed sisters where ungodly moans of sinister ecstasy permeate and the air is thick with heresy pews run slick with blood hands arms legs bodies and tire Bob in pools of Gore or drip from hanging ceilings focal to the desecration is the Rune of a deer its vile influence plunging the Sentinels Beyond Redemption not even the cleric a mortal savior demigod and Paragon of justice is unaffected the Rune in rogar blight raise all internal screens Crush her will and create create in her in unwitting obedient loyal to the demon God's whims this severe heresy and tragic fall is made apparent when confronting her in battle as judge cleric's radiant veneer is stripped to reveal true corruption [Music] beneath I will incinerate your soul with Holy Fire for this profanation lonely black in scon aer's Grandeur she wields his rogar pyromancy to prevent the deathless one access to the corrupted Beacon she herself tarnished the corrupted cleric set grants insight into her ultimate demise its Hidden Lore reads the presence of the Rune of a deer poisoned the mind of the cleric as it did so many others but by that time hers was already a mind in which watchfulness had become paranoia Faith had become fanaticism and strength had become ruthlessness while the pyroclastic Stone spell gives us perspective on the lifetimes of decisions and consequences manifested instead's current turmoil in a lifespan covering Millennia one's downfall might be both gradual and far indeed and certainly the ancient and callous judge Clark who stood at top the roof of a ruined kingdom was but a twisted unrecognizable shadow of her former self it is this Shadow the deathless one must Vanquish to restore stability to the the land what we are left with is the heart-wrenching pain judge cleric feels deep in some part of her psyche the small sliver of her soul free from a deer that realizes the extent of her failure the atrocity committed against her own and the depths to which she has plunged just as the leader of the hallowed Sentinels has submitted to the demon god so too has morstead secular lordship been stained bramis the 1th king of morstead and defender of the faith resides within the crumbling ruins of a castle that flows with lava and is studded with massive Crimson rogar crystals Stern indomitable possessed of Limitless Vitality bramis inherited a morstead weakened by his forefathers but demonstrated flashes of diplomatic and Military Brilliance to restore its Glory when a deer Unleashed his rogar minions bramis Dawn sword and shield Shield to defend his kingdom with inimitable Gile orchestrating relief giving battle to Demons bramis embodied his nobility but not even Royal Blood is impervious to a God's perversion I can't help but Envy his ability to sleep so soundly it soothes him having you and I know how exhausted you are this sickness convict the situation of those Fanatics is precarious and every day it seems The knife's Edge on which MST that rests becomes thinner I won't allow my weakness to be the ruination of my kingdom it's not weakness bramis you know that my love please not now let us just enjoy the moment the rogar corruption gripped bramis early and manifested as mental Affliction bouts of derangement and hysteria follow followed by overwhelming Melancholy left the king enfeebled to his duty by scrutinizing the lore of the heavy momento Shield we hear that King bramis I 17th did his best to do right by his homeland his people and the ones he loved his efforts eventually cut short by a cruel sickness of the mind this mental sickness doubtless Adar corruption the self-important demon god will not share his Al opulence with any mortal especially those that stylize themselves as monarchs he attacks bramis with hysterical visions and shatters the King's mind before commanding his Earthly body brises fall from morstead Defender to derange supplicant is suggested from the Lord mask found at top the king's bed in the Castle's private Chambers its hidden L reads despite the tremendous bitterness he felt towards Humanity as a whole a deer remained open to the possibility that one day a human would prove themselves suitably powerful and obedient enough to become one of his new Lords such a human he may find in bramis the king undergoes ungodly transformation into a monarch sundered by infernal influence morstead swiftly follows ruination the once great king his Clarity and conviction dissolved is Twisted into a deer's Fallen Lord responsible for beckoning the god from Beyond and destroying his prison entirely a task underway in the Castle's throne room where sits a deer's Effigy when the deathless one arrives a sliver of bram's former self lives on perhaps within his mind as this stigma shows the king resisting waves of aggressive rogar assault [Music] more instead the hallowed Sentinels the world of Mortals sit on a knife's edge their Fates plac completely in the hand of the unlikely hero three endings to this tale lay before the deathless one and depend upon actions taken throughout the major quest line each each of these endings is connected to one of the three Gods a dear orius and the fured mother the consequences of the deity's will Unleashed upon mortal lands as there's no sequel following no ending is considered Canon the fate of morstead lefts to speculation the radiant ending follows the Divine path prescribed by the church of Holy orius in this the deathless one tenacious and heroic resists Temptation and succeeds in cleansing all five Sentinel beacons of a dear's impiety with his prison thus strengthened the demon god is himself consumed by the umbral lamp as light pierces a deer's body the deathless one is made a martyr engulfed and sacrificed oblivion's peace their just [Music] reward The Inferno ending follows the deathless one's path toward becoming a deer's most trusted Lord they spur the light in favor of chaos with the Rune of a deer in their possession they humbly approach the altar of their Divine Lord erected within pramis Castle here a dear blesses and invigorates the Rune now imbued with the strength to sever the ties binding him a deer charges the deathless one with twisting the corrupt hallowed Sentinel beacons Beyond Reclamation with obliterating them through runic magic freed from exile for the first time in Millennia a deer relishes in the Liberty one through devious machinations for ultimately even more so than his desire for vengeance upon those who had wronged him a dear wanted one simple thing to go home with his utmost desire secured Revenge again becomes Paramount Isel the judge cleric is the last of a dear's betrayers and the God has one final torment to deliver her zel's soul is cast into internal imprisonment as her body is made a vessel to a deer's will through possession of Judge cleric the god physically manifests into the world his enemy forever dominated by his Persona with a dear restored entire he confers onto the deathless one title of first in a new generation of rogar Lords to rule over Humanity the final ending sees the the deathless one embrac not a deer nor the Church of orius but the cold void of umbrell and its rapacious deity the putrid mother the puted mother's power cannot be overstated the demon god himself feared what calamity would ensue if she were Unleashed upon the Mortal realm of axian and as the withered Rune of ader States although the fact is far more apparent and maddening while in the umbrell realm those with enough umbrell knowledge know that whatever the realm the putur mother is always watching now her watch is over now the time for Action the puted mother is a force of insatiable hunger and overwhelming dread in whose presence sanity light life all Fade Into the bottomless Abyss the barrier keeping her from Axiom wears thin ravaged by a deer's War deep in mourad's caverns and guarded by the uncompromising hero Dera lies an ancient nuta Shrine that surrounds a bridge to umbrell by slaying the pledged Knight and her child charge the deathless one gains audience with the god in mother's L now pledged to this bringer of cataclysm the deathless one works through Malu last of the NOA to finalize what will dissolve entirely the veil between Realms thus allowing the putrid mother to Feast on the Warm Glow of the living so long have I awaited your embrace after harvesting the life Essence and umbrel parasites of those marked by the god worthiness is bestowed before the putur mother they sacrific themselves complete the ritual and consign all Axiom to a terrible [Music] fate the hungering mother lurches forth consuming light time reality in Grim Oblivion so ends the tale of Lords of the Fallen a sweeping epic recounting struggles against tyranny the dangers of hubris and the destruction in Vengeance it's a tale of Millennia of conflict tumult resignation but always lined with the flickering light of Hope the promise of of Peace thanks so much for watching and listening to this video on the complete Lords of the Fallen story now I want to hear from you let me know your thoughts on the judges on a dear and the puted mother as well as your own insights and suggestions for future videos in the comments below and if you're a fan of Lauren storytelling be sure to subscribe to the channel check out the podcast where content is uploaded frequently I want to thank my amazing supporters over on patreon who make all of this possible and I couldn't do without their fantastic support if you'd like to become a lore luminary for access to me a great Community written scripts and early video drops head to patreon.com thee Librarians to learn more until next time go forth and explore the [Music] Lord [Music]
Channel: The Lorebrarians
Views: 26,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lords of the Fallen, Lorebrarians, Lore
Id: yiBGaPWaK0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 17sec (3317 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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