8 SECRET Tips in Lords of the Fallen You NEED To Know!

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all right what's going on guys now that Lords of the Fallen is out and players are beginning their adventures in morstead and we're slowly figuring out all the new twists that the game introduces on the souls genre because while at first it may appear to follow the same Playbook there's a lot of Innovations here and tricks that weren't around in the past so today I want to discuss those and show you several tips and tricks that you absolutely need to know ones that go far beyond the simple tactics that you use in the souls games and that the game won't explicitly reveal and trust me these are going to save your life but before we get into that let me give a shout out to today's sponsor today's video is sponsored by Dungeon Hunter 6 which is a name that should sound familiar to some of y'all because the Dungeon Hunter games are Classics of mobile RPGs I remember back in the day being absolutely addicted to Dungeon Hunter 2 one of my favorite mobile games of all time and now we're coming up on the sixth installment in Dungeon Hunter 6 you play as a bounty hunter choosing from multiple different starting classes all offering unique ways to engage with combat you'll be taking down many kinds of bosses not only for their loot to also add them to Your Arsenal and have them work for you the game offers a wide range of skills to build into allowing you to cater the combat to how you want to play and on top of your PVE Adventure the game also has realtime PVP and Guild Wars so this is not only your adventure but makes the world come alive if you want to check out Dungeon Hunter 6 for free you can check out my link down in the description below and get a special starter pack worth up to $50 which includes 10 summoning Scrolls one SSR lieutenant and one accessory pack so a massive thank you to Dungeon Hunter 6 for sponsoring today's video and now let's get back into it let's start off with one of the most useful tips on today's list as you're playing throughout the game you'll likely have the tendency to pick up every single item you come across which is something you absolutely should do and with how much loot is in this game there's really no reason not to except that not all loot is safe to grab Lords of the Fallen introduces mimic items where an umal moth will snatch you out of your world ripping you into the other side and dealing a massive amount of damage in the process and and I got caught by these guys many more times than I'd like to admit but that was only before I figured out how to tell them apart from normal items here you can see me coming across two pieces of loot one of them is a normal item and the other is a mimic see if you can catch the difference between the two items the one on the left is the mimic and the one on the right is the piece of loot mimics can be differentiated by the swirling Trail of Light that sways and Wisps in order to lure the player in much like how an angler fish uses its light to catch prey in the dark which is why this creature is conveniently named an umbrell angler but another tip involving these mimics is that if you are able to spot one out in the wild you have more options than to just avoid them now you'll notice that if you shine your umbrell lamp you won't actually be able to see the creature hiding behind the light but you can flip the rolls on them you can actually use a soul F and strike the item to rip the umbrell angler into your world killing it instantly and then dropping some actual loot umbrell Anglers drop Charmed Paws and vestage moths which are very useful items a Charmed paw will drastically increase your item discovery rate from enemies and a vestage moth will transport you through your last visited vestage without sacrificing any Vigor so next time you come across a mimic and have a soul FL to spare go ahead and get your revenge and some nice loot in the process now let's talk about one of the more janky abilities in the game the player jump the jump can be clunky and hard to pull off and resulted in a handful of deaths during my playthrough now normally the game would have you sprint and then press a to jump but there's actually a way to make this a lot easier especially if you don't have the room to start up a Sprint instead what you can do is click the sprint button at the same time is pressing the jump button in order to perform a stationary jump this allows you to bypass the clunky Sprint and perform it much more efficiently to put this in action simply stand on the edge of a ledge and you will cross the same amount of distance that you would when sprinting this is actually very useful and takes away the risk of timing either too short or too long that could cause you to undershoot your jump or run straight off the ledge and again all you do is click the buttons at the same time next let's talk about a hidden ability of the umbral lamp one thing you may have noticed while playing the game is that when you kill an enemy they drop a little purple wisp in their death spot this is the Vigor they leave behind or the XP that you need in order to level up and so after you kill an enemy typically you need to walk through the spot they died at in order to get those points and so this creates a dilemma for players using magic or ranged builds since they'll be taking out enemies at a distance leaving themselves wondering how they're going to go about colleting ing that Vigor well one thing that you may not have known is that the umbral siphon ability of the lamp can actually attract those Vigor Wisp from very far away as long as they're in your view simply hold down the siphon and they'll come flying all the way into your lamp now I did a lot of testing on the range of this and I couldn't find a limit for it as far away as I could lock onto an enemy I could also attract those wisps so the range is definitely enough that you'll ever need so for all you casters out there definitely don't forget this tip and even if you're not playing a ranged build keep this this in the back of your mind as well next is one that we touched on briefly in our beginner's guide video but now that so many more players are jumping into the game we need to break it down once again Lords of the Fallen has an interesting combat mechanic where your attack combos continue regardless of your weapon stance and what I mean by that is whether you're one-h handing two-handing or dual wielding weapons you can start a combo in one stance and switch to others without resetting your move set you can see here I begin the combo with the first two swings being two-handed and the third attack is the one handed combo finish you can see that it's different than the base two-handed combo on the final swing now the reason something like this would be useful is because it switches up timings ideally a tech like this would be most popular in PvP but it can also be useful in situations such as a boss fight where switching stances mid combo can create a faster move set with a greater damage output allowing you to maximize the damage before a boss resumes its next attack and this is something you have to play around with in practice and see what works and what doesn't but it just gives the player that extra little bit of Freedom which I think is always a good thing but another useful combat tip to go along with that is that the player cannot die while blocking since blocking and parrying build up wither damage as long as you have your weapon up to block you will not run out of Health the only thing that can happen to you is that your stance is broken when you run out of stamina and you're attacked during that recovery time this can happen a lot if you have multiple enemies that you're trying to block attacks from but as long as you have stamina in your stamina bar and can raise your weapon fast enough then effectively you are invulnerable now an ideal time to put this into practice would be when you're fighting a boss out of healing and don't know their Parry timings You Want To Hold Your Weapon up to block after they attack and hit you drop your weapon in order to build your stamina back up faster and then put it back up it's not the most efficient thing but it can make the difference in a critical situation we need to also talk about umbral parasites throughout the game you'll come across enemies that have some sort of overshield where you cannot damage them no matter what you do until you take out the umbral parasite but not all umbral parasites have the same effect the vast majority of them will either provide a shield or regeneration to enemies but others such as in the congregates give his attacks a poison buff if an enemy is being aided by an umbral parasite you'll see it as an icon on the first part of their health bar but if you see umbral parasites in a fight where the boss does not have that icon that means the umbral parasites have an alternate effect that works for you for example in the Crimson Rector persal fight the boss can activate a buff that will both heal him and strengthen his attack but if you lead him over to where an umbral parasite is and destroy it next to him then it will stagger him and remove his buff there's also a trick with the umbrell parasites in the hush Saint fight where when activated will spawn a plume of roots that will scare the horse and knock the boss off of him but it's going to take some skill to get them to work properly however they can turn the tide of the fight so you'll want to keep an eye out for these going throughout the entire game and the final one today is a little trick that is easy to miss but very important to know in order to upgrade your healing item the sanguin ercs you need a currency called saintly quintessence but the game never explicitly tells you where to find these saintly quintessence can only be found in umbrell and the corpses that need to be soulfed in order to retrieve an item but the ones that contain quintessence are different than all the others these will have a small Golden Aura around the head and they're the only ones that have it so anytime you see these throughout the world make sure you go and grab it cuz you're going to need them anyways though guys those are eight secret tips and tricks that you absolutely need to know for your journey in Lords of the Fallen hope I showed you something that you didn't already know and if I did be sure to leave a like on the video also subscribe if you're new around here we'll have all kinds of Lords of the Fallen content coming out that you won't want to miss but if you're enjoying the game so far let me know down in the comments section below once again thank you to Dungeon Hunter 6 for sponsoring today's video and with all that I will catch you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Ziostorm
Views: 76,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lords of the fallen, lords of the fallen guide, lords of the fallen 2023, lords of the fallen 2, soulslike, lords of the fallen gameplay, gameplay, souls, dark souls, elden ring, lords of the fallen trailer, new soulslike, bloodborne, bloodborne 2, dark souls 2, dark souls 3, dark souls 4, demons souls, elden ring lore, elden ring secrets, from software, miyazaki, playstation 5, soulsborne, gaming, rpg, ps5, tips, lords of the fallen review, build, pvp, review, pieta, adyr, judge cleric
Id: prLX6ozEGmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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