Lords of the Fallen - Walkthrough Part 5: Forsaken Fen

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what is happening y'all welcome I'm back so before we continue with the fen uh one little goodie I missed back here at the vestage of choui this was the The Sanctuary vestage but going to run right over here there's some upgrade mats that are tucked away back there that we're going to grab they're not too important but especially early on having access to every upgrade possible is useful so go on and pick up those little fragments this will especially help if you're going through a couple different weapons and they're running out but either way we are ready to continue from the fen this area has a lot of different Loops a lot of poison pretty fun area to go through though uh so I would recommend having access to the poison resistance bomb to get started here and what we're going to do here right at the start make sure last episode obviously make sure you have talked to to Byron run through his dialogue um but right here at the start we are going to go umbrell and we're going to head along the right side here this is going to get us access to some arrows and you can exit umbrell if you want but it doesn't really matter we're going to be uh doing some more stuff in umbrell in just a second anyway so we grab that kill him cross the little Bridge here grab this guy over here see all the uh the zombies are starting to pile up and typically this whole area is kind of like swamped up so being a number helps uh but right when we pass under this little Bridge we want to grab this right here and then make a sharp left to go down into here and we're going to pop the belly access to the Angel's axe it's a decent strength weapon uh personally I didn't like it more than a hammer but if you are not a fan of the hammer it's a decent alternative choice and now we are actually going to run past some enemies here and get a nice little short cut back so oops might have to fight my way past this guy there we go just go past him right past this guy and we have a door right here and there we go we're back all right so turn back through take this guy out both upgraded both at plus two now we have a ladder that we can kick down right here and there's some stuff below uh let's see kicked on the ladder and our umbrell we're going to go up for now kill off got that guy kill this one as a couple more up ahead but we're not terribly worried about them now what we're actually going to do here is go into umbrell and there's a ladder right here we'll take out this is just a little side section that we're going to clear out now it's a long side section grab some nuggets take this guy out take that guy out grab the little loot that's right here and we're going to exit our umbrell now right behind this we have a big guy and if we're lucky oh I did not get the Stagger on him that worked out though if you're having trouble with him obviously we can use soul flade to pull his soulon out kill that guy uh let's see down the ladder get the the upgrade mans kill spear Mage spear tank near fire exor we fight the big guy on the boards then take out the soldier up ahead we have a Archer so we're going to pop him off from range all right once he's dead we can go into umbrell cross over this bridge there's going to be a couple more enemies that are uh just kind of positioned to try and get an ambush on you so go up here grab the smik here these guys usually do a two shot pattern before they have to reload so you can use that to uh to plan properly okay we're going to go all the way up we got some goodies waiting for us we can actually just get rid of this one with a soul flag so we'll pull him on over and then once he gets close to the bridge hit him with the good old yeus deletus he's gone should be gone oh no he didn't die all the way that's okay we'll we'll kill him on our way back we don't have to kill that guy just you know why I leave him alive make your way all the way up and you may notice this as the spot where we fell down we were fighting the back down hey friend oo large delirium those are nice usually don't get those this early now as we make our way down there's an alternate path that you can see right there so we're going to head over this way we're going to be using that in just a second here but first thing we're going to do is go through here now there are a couple of gargoyles in this area so I suggest dropping your Lantern very quickly after you get in uh they basically hide up on the ceiling and the whole thing with these enemies is they'll try to dive bomb you so the idea is you're sitting in umbrell using your lamp they'll dive bomb down hit you get some damage in and then you're usually you know not in a good situation now that that's done now we will go into umbrell we get the stigma here you want this la come on and take it and then after that we can drop back down and we have cleared the little alternate area so go ahead and rest at the Visage also going to upgrade get a little bit more into our endurance I mentioned we want to go 2020 on that as early as possible kill last Archer grab a sword um bust open continue through drop immediately bust open Vines for ringing a tank to continue into the swamp expect that this all over okay rude go ahead and buff this up all right so now we are going to drop on down you can see there's a plunge we can get here take that enemy out and then smack your way through these Vines there's the curse worm ring and the Exemplar tin if I remember this is for you strength and Agility by one so probably not worth using uh now we just have a ton of enemies that we're going to be having to fight so this area can get a little overwhelming so just try your best all looks like we've gotten rid of that stuff now we're going to take down the Walker these enemies you're going to have to kill with uh ranged there should be another one that's over here we can take out now go ahead and pop a poison bomb let's see even more enemies up top and they aren't coming down but that works out it's fine uh so over here we have a NPC this is a rather an annoying side quest as NPC was basically petrified we need to use holy to free them so the easiest way is just going to be an imperian grenade so equip one of those throw it they get more of a direct hit on him oh that is so oh life is to be being crawled since you seen this thing sped up and good R I only had if i' not never well but by feel like meet me and it I don't in mind I don't know EXA all right so after we have exhausted her dialogue we are going to quit the game and then reboot real fast that will teleport her to the hub and allow us to grab the item that's behind her now this NPC's side quest is kind of tedious uh we basically have to bring her along on certain bosses and then alongside that we need to pay her for helping with the boss which is annoying because you don't got to pay any other MPC but if we want to complete her quest line which we are going to have to do to gain access to her full set uh she basically is going to be taking money from us on certain bosses so rather annoying but you know that's that's the name of the game so all right uh let me just scroll these real fast NPC use the imperian grenade so we're going to kill the Walkers and then cross to the wooden walkway so right here just going to go across this bridge and there should be a couple more enemies waiting to pop out uh when you see this this is going to be our our our wooden uh platform just keep that in mind we're going to kill these on okay there a cure inside house Umble before going through the wooden Gateway okay kill that guy and then we can round this and go up give us a shua Warrior spear the few early poison weapons in the game all right and now we're going to go into um so right over here we want to plunge on down and hit the fery and then bu for it can do anything there's another saintly quintessence for us uh we can go inside this house there's this loot that we saw that was under the water go ahead and grab that that's a throwing item that you'll need to have to get access to your platinum um then we can go we have to access you from above that's [Music] right smack him down there's a couple areas you can use a Seedling here I personally wouldn't uh let's see and you up and take the ladder for the house of the spear follow path for two baddies and poison Javelin okay so we got that next we are going to make our way over here and there is an umbrell exit right here but instead of using that umbral exit we are going to drop on down going blow that up in advance just get that out out of the way don't accidentally hit it that gives us the poison Javelin Throne weapon might as well kill them Bast and free experience right all right and now we can make our way back over to where we exit from umbrell right here all right so proceeding through this Gateway grab this little piece of candy and at the split here we need to go that way but we're going to go over here and place our next uh our next spot so just going to grab all these goodies then we're just going to roll past this stuff we're just looking to get ahead and we're going to be uh dropping a a seed roll past that all right okay grab that piece of candy on the ground and before we continue this area we're actually going to warp out and we'll head to skyrest real fast so we just picked up a new catalyst so if you are following along with this build we now have will marks we're going to actually put some upgrades into that and that's going to be a solid Catalyst for us for quite a while the next Catalyst that just completely outclasses that is is pretty late so very very safe upgrade choice if you were doing Faith so go ahead and pump the majority of our upgrades into that and and then um let's see anything else we want no I do want to go check I want to see if the the umbrell stuff has been fixed or it stole my shrimp probably hasn't yet I don't know that they're they're patching the game so much so maybe it was but over here and look let see no so you're probably still going to cost so let's let's see right now I'm to test the bug so I have how many shrimp do I have let's find out chosen bearer of the lamp like you I serve until them in my consumable category I have 32 32 and 4700 let's see what happens if I buy one all right 32 do I now 33 or did it take one away yep it's still bugged damn that sucks so yeah we're not doing that at all we're just losing our umbrell scour rings every time we do that quite annoying it's now six umbrell scourings that I've lost and we have enough to get our final point in endurance so we'll go ahead and snag that and we want to go over here and talk to the new NPC that we just recruited you if you spent I the finest at one time black I and from what you've got no s and I'll be therei right I help you just be if you don't and neither of us so to do her side quest as I mentioned we're going to be bringing her along on a variety of bosses uh after the boss fight we need to come back over here and pay her part of the Vigor that we get from the boss fight but you know if you're trying to get all the side quests that's uh that's what you're going to have to do uh so instead of doing this whole area we're actually going to go back to where we had just come from go ahead and buff up CR that open kill him let's do a little uh little soul vacuum you don't break here all right and now we want to go ahead and enter into the Umble real do the belly pop her grab the B ring oh she dropped a cluster very nice we want to go this way so let continue going forward through the divine and we can see the iron Wayfair sitting here waiting to talk to us he's only an umbral now just to to kind of recap where we are this is that split from earlier so we ran over there and made our shortcut if you had gone this way into the swamp you could have made one over here instead by the iron Wayfair I think the other one is more useful uh given we do have a mini boss coming up that we're going to fight run through his dialog Lear and IGN I came to I made a mistake I came to I made a mistake fight our way back through we're going to go where those were up ahead we will kill the Walker now there is a uh an ambush trap here so just kind of run out trigger that and then we can run away now we'll kill the stuff that was over here and as we proceed up ahead there's going to be another one of those uh I guess you could call them wooden Boulder traps you can see it right there there they're not particularly dangerous so after getting that we can go up ahead over here and we're able to kick this down and you can see right where this is at these are those guys we ambushed before we went in the cave so you can run over uh this way a little bit faster if you want to get to the boss but right now we have a boss fight against the mendacious Vis so uh to explain this head and how it works first off there's two seals that we're going to pop immediately in this fight and this is going to give us a little bit more room to run around and now these enemies I'm just going to call them faces because they're giant faces you can see them kind of in the center of the screen there uh the way this works is he is going to do big jumping Stomps uh you can use soul to open himh Han up and hit the face and then getting damage a little bit easier alternatively you can wait until he opens the face and after it's already opened you can then soulay to give yourself a free Grievous strike or a critical hit whatever you'd like to call it uh in general I find that just kind of getting behind him and hitting them really isn't that hard I know some people consider that the harder way but uh i' I've fought against them so much at this point I just think that's that's not that bad uh but the the biggest thing is we're going to pop the seals and take out some wither Mages right at the start and that's going to make things a little bit easier for us so right at the very start we'll go on pop this one then we'll go over here and we'll pop this one just waiting for that seal to vanish fully so that we can get through it oh my goodness the reason we want to do that is now we can loot we can run all the way up here and we don't have to worry about these enemies as well uh so he can also cause frostbite which you can see right now that's going to affect your uh your stamina gauge it's going to lock it basically at half just having the the extra space in this fight makes things a good amount easier so if we want now that he's open we can Soul rip and get the get a free crit on him leave that you can see our our regular Soul rip damage isn't doing all that much General I want to pull him out into a more open area here uh but after doing your soul rip you can pop some cysts to get more Soul rip charges back but since we obviously can't do the entire fight like that I'll show how I would do it from behind so we can do a little ey frame spot Dodge through that the thing is he primarily does wither damage so as long as you're avoiding the Wither damage is not that bad just don't want to get hit right in the front of him now when he does these little worms if you walk on them you'll take a large amount of Wither damage so whether you want to deal with that is up to you I think it's a little bit easier to just kind of avoid the worms and transition to up top when that happens in the fight additionally if you are playing as ranged we can of course uh use the soul play to open the face and then instead focus on getting in range damage we can soften him up quite a bit by doing that so I can run over here you can see how this is probably the the safest way to do this encounter go ahead and pop a little Brio Stone get back some more Mana sh I'm bring him back down here so we have more room to to play around with him put on the Brio Stone pair in case I need it probably wouldn't hurt to just pop that now don't think there's any more vacuuming I can do no okay so a couple different things you can do to in that fight but you know whether you want to attack the face whether you want to fight it from range whether you want to attack the back uh these enemies actually become quite common as the game progresses on so you know whatever approach you find to work best for you just stick with it so up in here we have a little Hut and this is going to have some loot inside and some enemies so just going into it attacking pick up the purifying balm it's basically a cur all and we don't want to spend too long in umbrell things are going to get spicy in a little bit here so it's another shortcut that we are kicking down uh and this is basically right back at the the start so we'll do that in a second but we want to go around here grab the Vanguard Barrow's rosary and we'll exit umle Okay um we got the rosary kick down ladder proceed back to vestage walk to dunmire yeah all right we're at 30 minutes this is a good time to wrap this up so we will go back over to this ladder we just kicked down and there's a loot in the water there I think it's just something that I or no it's just a light that's that's shining it looks like no is that a loot what's that huh must have been something that I killed there's not usually a loot right there yeah that's a drop uh but yeah we are right here so we can you obviously remember this route from earlier in the episode we're going to get back to our vestage here there's a lantern I might as well go man just got bodied well either way uh we are going to respawn and what we want to do at this point is go back to the hub we want to turn in the rosary which will give us access to some new stuff and we want to talk to pieta and get a heal and that is going to uh basically just have us in a better position for the next boss fight so real fast we're going to go back and get our stuff that we just lost at the fen probably was a little uh a little overzealous of me to attempt to fight them with no heals and half my umbrell health I just got to find that clown that killed me which one of you has my stuff who is it it's you think I'm going to lose 10,000 absolutely unhinged that they think I'm going to allow that to happen all right back to Sky rest can't believe I lost six umbrel from uh [ __ ] around essentially with that that thing like oh it's taking my runes I can definitely buy them but we can talk to him for there is death is a merciful and hand over bar and this will give us access to a new set now there's nothing in here that that I particularly want but keep in mind we obviously need to collect all of this stuff going for the platinum trophy and of course we had another heal which we can pick up at many of them believing and yet is that not a sign all right uh so from here we're going to close things out uh in the next episode we're going to make our way up to the hushed saint and essentially uh finish up the remainder of this area in terms of spending since we are now at 20 on both of these now we are going to start focusing on our Radiance and ramping up our damage uh alternatively if you're doing strength agility Inferno whatever the case is now that we've hit hit the 2020 threshold this is a good point for us to start getting our damage up more so wrapping things up here and I'll catch you soon as we continue
Channel: FightinCowboy
Views: 137,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lords of the fallen, lords of the fallen gameplay, dark souls, lords of the fallen walkthrough, lets play, lords of the fallen part 1, lords of the fallen 2, lords of the fallen 2023, lords of the fallen dark crusader, lords of the fallen gameplay pc, lords of the fallen gameplay reveal, lords of the fallen fightincowboy, lords of the fallen lets play, new lords of the fallen, lords of the fallen review, lords of the fallen strength build, lotf 2023
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 51sec (2091 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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