Lords of the Fallen - Ultimate Beginners Guide

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what is happening guys Cowboy here and welcome to the ultimate beginners guide for Lords of the Fallen now this video is going to cover everything that I wish I had known going into this game uh in depth we're going to be going into stats and soft caps explaining status effects combat techniques the umbrell lamp showing you the blacksmith location talking about weapons and runes upgrading our lamp Maps tanks and pretty much everything you want to know uh so this video is going to be very minimal on spoilers going to be trying to keep things spoiler-free so you can enjoy the experience yourself but you may see the names of some locations when we go to the Fast Travel menu with all that being said let's jump in and the first thing I want to talk about is going to be stats and soft caps now unfortunately we don't have a back button in this game that will pull up access to explain what everything is so instead that's what we are going to be doing now to start I want to talk about vitality and endurance these are very straightforward this is going to dictate our health as well as our stamina now there is a very slight soft cap at 20 and a harder soft cap at 40 and then the essential hard cap is going to be up at 60 uh to break this down going up to 20 Vitality you're going to have I believe it's roughly 500 health getting up to 40 Vitality you get up to around 800 health and then going up to 60 you would be at 1,000 Health after that it's going to drop off significantly with you only getting I think it's five maybe three Health per Point all the way up to 99 uh Stam also functions in a similar fashion but I will say I don't think you're going to really need to take your endurance past roughly 20 to 25 now in addition to affecting health and stamina as you level up your character as you level up stats in general you're going to see your encumbrance go up this is going to be the weight the total amount of weight that you can equip uh so this is going to include your rings your amulet your weapons your armor your ranged weapons uh but you will see greater gains to incumbrance as you continue to level up your Vitality so you'll get more out of Vitality than you would out of other stats uh in addition to that you'll also see the total amount of ranged ammunition that you have available go up as you level up your Vitality as well as your endurance now as for the damage stats these are all very straightforward we have strength agility Radiance and Inferno and these are essentially just four different damage stats that are going to impact uh either your physical damage your holy damage or your fire damage Radiance type spells are tied to Holy Inferno type spells are tied to fire strengthen agility are both considered physical and lastly we have wither which is a bit unique but we'll talk about that a little bit later all four of the damage caps are going to have their first soft cap at 50 and their second soft cap all the way up to 75 and what this means is if you are primarily a strength player at minimum you should try to get up to 50 strength that's where you're going to see the majority of your stat returns if you want to go past that going up to 75 is still going to be useful going past 75 however you're going to see very minimal returns on further investments into strength on top of that to talk about the resistances so we have Smite bleed burn ignite and Frostbite poison now we can break these down into three separate categories Smite and bleed are considered radiant burn and ignite are considered rogar and then frostbite and imp poison are in the umbrell or the dark tree now three of them are very similar Smite bleed and ignite all function almost identically the idea is this is a status effect that's going to be built up on an enemy by delivering that status over and over again it grows over several hits and when it's filled you're going to see a burst of damage and then additional damage of a certain type is going to cause bonus hits so to better break this down if I'm hitting an enemy with something that has Smite over and over again eventually they're going to take a burst of holy damage after that any hit that deals holy damage is going to deal bonus damage until Smite falls off the character and a simil SAR flashing bleed also works like that but by physical damage so after you proc bleed any attack that deals physical we deal bonus damage and with Ignite after you proc ignite any attack that deals fire will deal bonus damage uh burn and poison are just damage over time so burn is going to ignite the enemy they're going to be I shouldn't say ignite since that's a status effect it's going to light the enemy on fire and cause a slow damage over time effect that burns them poison is going to poison the enemy it's going to fill on up and put them into a poison state where they're going to receive damage over time frostbite is a bit unique in that it's going to grow over several hits similar to Smite bleed and ignite and when it procs we're going to see a burst of damage and then if it's a player character the stamina bar is going to be HED whereas if it's an enemy they're going to take a burst of damage to their posture gauge now looking at these in particular if we look just below the agility and Inferno things you can see these stats the first one in the top left is going to be bleed the bottom left is going to be Smite the Middle top is going to be burn the middle bottom is going to be ignite the top right is going to be poison and the bottom right is going to be frostbite now in general status effects are going to be better if you are using dual weapons so you can apply them uh twice as fast but we'll talk a little bit more about that uh as we get into combat techniques but just keep in mind that status effects in this game are very very strong uh there's often unique combos you can use this weapon in particular deals burn damage and I have a ring here where while I inflict burn buildup I'm simultaneously going to inflict ignite buildup and since this does physical and fire damage I can effectively get burn up on the enemy proc the ignite on the enemy and then I'm dealing bonus damage with my fire damage on top of them being ignit ignited ignited I don't know and burned at the same time so there's lots of synergies that you can look for in this game to further utilize those elements uh talking more briefly about the the the stats real fast as I mentioned with the the damage stats they go up to 50 and 75 it's very straightforward it's going to say on your weapon this weapon is strength uh this weapon is going to be strength and Agility this weapon's going to be strength this weapon's going to be strength this weapon is going to be Inferno uh going over to this guy this is going to be Radiance and Agility so you really just want to level up the damage stat that's going to correspond to whatever you are using pretty straightforward right uh besides that like I mentioned encumbrance is going to go up as you level things up and there are things such as the Ring of Bones which will increase your maximum equipment load now to talk about encumbrance briefly this is going to dictate the eye frames on your roll as well as how fast you can roll if we are at heavy encumbrance you can see I have a kind of a slow roll here a little bit of a dolphin dive if I go down to medium encumbrance much zippier and you can see I'm able to roll even quicker than before and if I take that down even lower and go into the light category you can see I am now just going all over the place so keep in mind that depending on how much gear you wear that's going to dictate uh how fast you're able to roll in general I wouldn't suggest going past medium I played for a little bit with heavy just to see if it was viable at all in this game and in true Souls fashion heavy is is you're not going to have a good time uh moving on from the elements and stats let's talk about the comb techniques now combat in this game is pretty straightforward we have our R1 basic attacks we have our R2 which are our heavy attacks now heavy attacks are going to be the same speed as basic attacks but we can charge them there is no charging a light attack whereas there is charging heavy attacks and we can charge them all the way up you'll notice there was a a sound Q there now you can charge it past that and you'll do even more damage so you could let it go early and they're fully quality qualifies as a charge attack but you can overcharge it to get even more damage out of it on top of this we can hit Y at any time in combat and go to a two-handed stance and this is going to allow us to bury up our move set but what's really nice about this is we can swap between this mid combat so for example I could go light into heavy into one-handed heavy into one-handed charge heavy or I could open up one-handed and you know get some AOE out and then after I've cleared the trash switch into a two-handed Charged heavy attack uh in addition to that we have two other attacks we're able to work in by hitting our bumpers we have a kick which this can be used to posture break an enemy and we also have an AOE attack by hitting the right bumper or excuse me the left bumper and the right trigger and that's usually going to perform an AOE of some type which is great for if you're surrounded by enemies and you were trying to clear them on out uh besides those we also have a lot of standard type type stuff we have running attacks so that's a running heavy whereas this is a running light they also function with back steps as well so backstep heavy backstep light we have rolling attacks that we can also do so pretty much everything you would expect uh from The Souls combat is going to be alive and well in this game now whether we have a shield or a weapon on we can block and Parry at any given time blocking and parrying functions very very similar to seiro in this game the idea being that a well-timed block will count as a parry and just blocking instead will count as a block so to better showcase this we're going to warp to a area that's a little bit later in the game just to to Really demonstrate uh using Parry as well as getting kicks off there's a nice big enemy here that I can fight that is excellent for demonstrative purposes so if I were to just hold block you'll notice my health is disappearing and becoming white this is what's known as withered Health withered Health you can regain back from attacking at any given time we are taking stamina damage but that is one of the core mechanics of this game the idea being that if you're playing defensive and blocking attacks instead of getting hurt directly that health is withering and then you're able to get that back by hitting the Enemy by utilizing your aggression now you'll also notice the enemy has a circle in the middle of them like my target reticle but there is a smaller circle around and that is the enemy stagger gauge now there are a couple different ways we can impact this we can hit the enemy with a charge attack that's going to reduce it we can also get a Parry on the enemy which is a perfectly timed block the perfect blocks or the uh the regular blocks didn't do all that much but you'll notice that the perfect blocks are taking large chunks out of that that uh that little ring that's around on the enemy and then once I get him low I'll hit him with a kick to finish him off and then open them up to a grievous strike now you don't have to kick them to finish them off but the kicks are a very fast way to get an enemy and finish off that bar so if there's just a little bit left on that posture gauge a kick is an excellent way to put them into that stun State uh just to show some some lesser guys here I'm going to take out the Archer so I don't deal with him you can see how much I did to a basic enemy like this we've already opened them on up uh against bosses you're going to find the charged Heavies are a really really good way to help hurt that stagger gauge uh but I really really like the addition of of essentially a perfect block cuz you can do it you can do this with with two-handing your weapon you can do this with uh dual wielding your weapon you know you can still block uh obviously stuff that's lighter such as a light Shield is going to have larger Parry Windows than a medium Shield or a heavy Shield but the point being that you can block and you can get that that perfect block or that Parry with any weapon in the game whether you're using a physical weapon a shield or whatever the case may be uh I didn't talk about it earlier but real fast we also have two different dual wield move sets in this game we have a heavy dual wield move set and a light dual wield move set the heavy move set is going to be very AOE focused lot of large sweeps here and then the heavy attacks in it are going to be lots of big big overhead slams in general this is almost exclusionary because of the sheer weight of doing two heavy things uh but equipping to light weapons we have a much faster dual wield move set where we are able to be very aggressive similarly using the heavy attacks with it and one of the great advantages of dual wield build in this game is actually going to be around using status items because using things that are going to utilize bleed or Smite or whatever the cases we're getting double the status buildup here so while we can do this with heavy weapons because of how slow they are it's not going to be as useful and this is one of the main reasons that if you're using agility or you're using even lighter strength weapons dual wielding is definitely something for consideration so that you can build up status faster on your targets moving on from combat techniques let's talk about the umbral lamp wait actually no let's not let's talk about ranged weapons I almost missed ranged weapons and now in this game our last stat over here right here was either an alternate weapon or a shield this is going to be our throwing hand initially we could also put a crossbow on or we could put a catalst on this is going to dictate your ranged option for the game with the base the throwing hand you can have up to three different throwing weapons and they're going to have different ammunition costs as I hold the left trigger and I hit the various buttons to scroll through them up in the top left you can see a little yellow Mark and that means I'm going to use one ammo I'm going to use three ammo I'm going to use two ammo and that's going to dictate how expensive something is if you put a crossbow on in this stat you then choose from different bolts or if you were to put a a bow on I don't think I have a bow uh you would have different arrows to choose from if you were to put a catalyst on you're going to have different spells to choose from and it's also going to replace your ammunition gauge with a Mana gauge and that's going to dictate how much you can cast to get back Mana you're either going to be using using Mana Stone clusters or there are runes that will allow you to regain Mana over time or get Mana in combat and we'll talk about those a little bit later in the blacksmithing portion of the video all right now that we've talked about that let's actually go and talk about the umra lamp so while you hit up on the d-pad to go into your ranged options heading down we'll pull out the umber lamp now there are a couple different functions to the umber lamp one is going to be vestage seats anytime you see a small area of flowers you also notice the lamp is blinking in the bottom right there I can plant a vestage seed down and that is going to create a temporary checkpoint for me similar to a vestage or a bonfire what I mean by temporary is that you can only have one of these out at a time so while vestages in the world are permanent at least in new game once you use a vestage seed any previously placed vestage seed will be gone so these are good for if you're venturing into a Zone you haven't found a vestage yet and you're like you know I need a point that's going to be safe you can plant one and as long as you don't plant a new one it will persist we can also find stigmas or I believe it's stigmas actually out in the world by using our umbrell lamp and these are memories of a battle that had already occurred you can watch these and receive some rewards uh in addition to that we can hit the right bumper and this will vacuum up any souls in the area and kill certain uh little Souls that defend enemies or we can hit right trigger to do a soulfight technique which we'll talk about that in just a second to fully enter umbrell you would hold hold down X and now we are in the umbrell world so now I could Soul play this and it's going to pull this on out and it's going to show me a battle of the light Reaper battling the cursed Knight but while we're in umbrell there are a couple new things that happened the first being that you'll notice my health now half of it is considered withered on top of that there may be alternate paths that you can find an umbrell that didn't exist when you were in the regular world so make sure you're regularly looking around with your lamp and if you see something it may be worth entering the umbrell world to explore it now while you are in umbrell there is a gauge up in the top right that's that eye that's blinking the longer you're in umbrell the higher the modifier will increase so right now it's at 1.1 meaning I'm gaining 10% extra Vigor from killing enemies it'll get up to 1.2 1.3 2.0 eventually it gets all the way up to 3.0 the eye will turn red you will be unable to heal and the uh believe his name is the Scarlet Reaper will show up and this is a difficult enemy that you should try to avoid until you're a much higher level and one of the nice things about being an umbrell is I can see things that I wouldn't see otherwise for example this little guy that's attached to this enemy that is otherwise protecting him if I were to hit him you'll notice I'm not getting a whole lot of damage because he is empowered by that Umble parasite if I were to use my lamp I've popped the parasite he has lost his Aura and now I can beat him on De another nice thing about the lamp is I learned this way too late but you don't actually need to run over and pick up Souls you can just point the lamp at them and your lamp will vacuum them all into you so definitely make sure to utilize that lamp uh in addition as you are in the Umble realm enemies will gradually spawn it'll start with little basic enemies like the ones you just saw the um I guess we can just call these things uh I don't know the the Fallen or whatever their name they don't have a distinct name uh but besides them there are more dangerous enemies that will spawn the longer you stay in the umber realm so definitely be aware of this now while you can enter the umbral realm at will to leave the umbral realm you either need to find a vestage or you need to find one of these totems and by interacting with it this will immediately take you out of the umbral realm any umbrell enemies that were around will disappear and we're now back to just fighting the base enemies that are in Axiom but you do want to be cautious when you're using your umbrell lamp to look around if you're hit while you're peering into the umbrell world uh if an umbrell enemy in particular attacks me that will immediately yank me into the umbrell world now right now it's it's it's not happening cuz these guys aren't umbrell uh let me see if I can uh think if I can find an area where there is one there there are areas in the world where there are already umbrell enemies so you may look and you'll see an enemy try to attack you drop your Lantern if he hits you you're going to get yanked into the world and what's tricky is keep in mind while we can freely enter umbrella at will we can't leave at will we need to find either a vestage or one of those totems to leave umbrell and so being pulled in all of a sudden can definitely be quite stressful to your experience uh besides that let's talk about the soul FL mechanic so one of the nice things you can do with soul is essentially redirect enemies you pull the soul out of them and then they will go to their soul after so if I move my left stick you can see how his body is flying towards that soul and you're going to gain more charges of these as you level up your lamp but you can also damage the soul after you've ripped it out so right now I'm basically hurting his soul you can see I hurt his soul enough to fully wither him at that point I can attack that enemy and all that withered health is going to disappear so definitely use your soul FL anytime you encounter a bigger enemy uh soulle is going to be one of your best friends in fact there's there's quite a few Encounters in this game where you know there's a difficult enemy grab them ye and if there just happens to be a cliff ledge there that enemy is going to get uh tossed over that ledge so you can really abuse the soul Flay mechanic to your advantage if you are just intuitive in how you decide to use it I'm going to put on my my actual weapon for this next part uh so before we go back to the hub the the next thing I'd like to talk about is going to be uh upgrading weapons and upgrading our lamp and all that but before that I want to actually cover the exact location of the blacksmith because I know a lot of people are going to want to know where this MPC is it is a little bit tricky you can definitely miss it and so I want to show exactly how to get to the blacksmith so right here we are from the Bell vestage you're going to find this as you play it's pretty easy and I'm just going to speed run right through this to get over to where our friend is at so from this area when you enter the umul realm we would drop down we go up the stairs run around now there's a bunch of enemies here I'm not going to be spending time fighting them I will hit that one just to get back the withered Health that I have lost these are pules on the wall uh we can also use our our vacuum function to pop these which is pretty cool just to get in some damage but as we continue to follow this path around eventually it's going to go up and then after it goes up it's going to lead us outside and once we've made it outside we have a totem right here that we can interact with after we have killed these enemies which will then take us out of the umbrell now if you didn't go umbrell and you took the AL alternative path uh you would you would end up right below this area but what we're going to do here is we're going to drop down and we're going to kick this ladder down uh and that'll be be really useful that way we can go back up there later what we actually want is that ladder that's right in front of us now you could just run straight over here if you want it but I do think it's we're taking that Umble path just to get this ladder for later um but so right back there this is where we would have popped out if we didn't go umbrell instead we came out up above here's a perfect example of Soul FL dangerous enemy is now gone so we want to take this ladder on down you may want to plant a seed cuz we're going to have to go into umbrell you don't have to but if you're worried about dying definitely plant a seed going to drop down here we're just going to run through we're not going to worry about all the enemies just going to kill the the ranged ones get them out of the way run back up around the corner and take up another ladder drop down here couple enemies that are going to try and Ambush you so I would suggest just roll past see even more enemies here uh in this part there's going to be a bit of a challenging fight you can already see that this enemy is protected by umbral parasit so we want to get rid of that and then there's also going to be uh two additional enemies here the um I'm going to have to kill you aren't I you're going to be a pain if I don't all right we're going to have to drop down drop down and climb up get rid of that thing real fast this is why I wanted to just speedrun it I knew you were going to be annoying to me I mean typically you wouldn't speedrun this though you would actually be like fighting your way through so after you have killed that enemy you'll notice we have uh a couple of these different spiky head guys you can actually go over here and basically just kind of cause them to path on over potentially run off or you can use Soul FL to get rid of them I like using that to get rid of them um and now right through here is where we want to go now this door is initially going to be blocked up you're going to see a bunch of roots coming off of the door and you're going to have to run around here and pop all those roots after you do though you'll gain access to that door we can pop that open we can go down this way and pick up some stuff that I left behind earlier can go down here and we are now at the blacksmith now the blacksmith is right in that cage that you see right below but before you rescue the blacksmith I would suggest you run on over into the elevator here and this will take us right back up to that exact vestage where we started from so that way you have a really nice shortcut you can take the elevator back down uh there's going to be some enemies in that pit below you kill them you get a key you rescue the blacksmith and then the blacksmith is going to go back to the hub which is where we are going to jump next and when it comes to upgrading weapons in Lords of the Fallen it's pretty straightforward very similar to what you would expect from most Souls games talking to ginda here uh as we progress the game she will sell the base upgrades the the small regular and the large shards and then you are able to upgrade a weapon so with this one it's going to cost two and then it's going to cost four and then it's going to cost six so our base ones are 1 through three our mediums are our 4 through six and then our large are going to be our 7 through n lastly you're going to need a chunk to get the weapon up to plus 10 and those are quite rare so definitely make sure you decide what you really want to take all the way before leveling a weapon additionally as you progress through the game you're going to gain access to the ability to socket runes these can either bolster your weapon or change their effect in some capacity for example I can increase the strength scaling of my weapon I can increase the physical damage but reduce the scaling increase the posture damage increase the damage of ranged and throwable attacks uh weapons and shields can gain access to these runes via upgrading and the amount of runes you have available is going to be tied into the level of the weapon itself um the type of Rune slot is also going to be tied to the weapon so while this one has a round a star and around this is another grand sword and this one has a diamond around and a Diamond so keep that in mind depending on the type of weapon you get that's going to dictate what you can get but you know if I wanted to be a a paladin here we go I could put that on and then well if I farmed up a second one I would get double mana on killing enemies and then over here I could do uh you know extra range to throwable weapons which wouldn't really make sense but anyway point is runes are a very very useful system and as I mentioned as you progress the game you'll always be able to purchase the tier Tier 1 through tier 9 mats from the vendor they'll also sell you an infinite supply of Brio stones and manastone clusters uh these prices are also inflated stuff is usually cheaper but some events happen and the blacksmith charges me more money we'll just say that uh besides that let's also talk about upgrading our lamp now there are three upgrades for the lamp that you can find in the game and while the blacksmith happens over there all the umbrell stuff happens with our homie over here now you need to be in the umbrell world to talk to to him but as you find stuff to upgrade your umbrell lamp you're going to need to give him these chisels there are three that you can gather and then by doing that you can socket different eyes in that are going to give you a primary effect and a secondary effect to your umra lamp making it more effective and there's some really cool stuff you could do here you know uh your presence in umbrell is is noticed and feared used Range weapons without ammunition but at the cost of withered Health light attacks deal bonus damage but only deal wither regain Health upon killing an enemy with a grievous strike all sorts of really really cool bonuses so definitely hunt down those chisels and keep an eye out for those eyes additionally while we're at this guy this is going to be where you get boss stuff I don't want to show that since it's going to you know big spoilers there uh but there's an item you can find in the Pilgrim's perch that you give to him and then after doing that you can offer a remembrance and you can trade in your shrimp to gain access to uh boss weapons boss spells boss armor and when I'm talking about shrimp I am talking about these little guys typically you're going to get these uh through viewing stigmas that you see throughout the world on top of that I don't know if they added it in yet I know they are planning on adding a way to just purchase the shrimp with eyes after talking to the devs cuz I expressed um some concerns about like you know getting all the boss stuff would require roughly 900 shrimp and you get like 300 I think per playthrough so they they are going to add a way for us to farm the shrimp infinitely uh which will be quite nice we're going to rest and hop on out uh the last things I want to talk about are more minor but I want to talk about the map and some tanks now hopping on over to the journal you'll see a list of any maps that you've picked up and while these aren't maps in the true sense they are maps in the sense that they'll give you a a vagant idea of where to go so for example in here it goes says you know from the tree go to The Windmill and then go to the large structure don't go to the Bor the Bor has an X looking at pilgrims perch we want to go in here hey those platforms those platforms are important look for those once you're down here we want to make our way up top and that's going to lead us to like a door you know hey we don't want to go through that doorway that's going to be bad instead there's like a platform right here we want to go down and it looks like we can go down and there's going to be a little Cove by a bell we want to lur for that so if you're ever lost these Maps will give you a decent idea where to go even if not a ton and then lastly the tank now the tanked system is basically the fashion Souls I absolutely love this the tanks will allow you to freely change up the colors on your armor so you can see I can just change up the color of my head make it whatever I want change up the gloves change up you know change up everything and that's super super cool to me I love being able to to pick and choose the color scheme of our armor and that's kind of how I got my my pentant one look going on here uh so really really love the fashion Souls going on in this game uh but there's definitely a lot of systems going on here I know I've had a lot of people asking me my thoughts of it and I have a review on the channel but honestly this is probably one of my favorite uh non from soft likes that not from soft likes non from Souls likes that we have seen uh just because of the sheer amount of systems going on in this game I love the umbrell system I love the the the amount of of uh armor customization that we can do and and like the fashion souls and whatnot the fluidity of the combat with changing between uh two-handed attacks and one-handed attacks and charge attacks and AOE attacks but there's definitely a lot to go into and it it can definitely be overburdening uh to a new player so hopefully this video helps you out whether you are new or a Souls veteran alike I know it's been a long one but regardless thanks for watching and if you need more help well come back by for the walkth through
Channel: FightinCowboy
Views: 204,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lords of the fallen, lords of the fallen gameplay, dark souls, lords of the fallen walkthrough, lets play, lords of the fallen part 1, lords of the fallen 2, lords of the fallen 2023, lords of the fallen dark crusader, lords of the fallen gameplay pc, lords of the fallen gameplay reveal, lords of the fallen fightincowboy, lords of the fallen lets play, new lords of the fallen, lords of the fallen review, lords of the fallen strength build, lotf 2023
Id: kbki92_wa_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 18sec (1938 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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