The Best Starting Class In Lords of the Fallen

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Lords of the Fallen is here and before you take on the many horrors of morstead you need to make a huge early game decision my name is Kodiak this is Legacy gaming and today we're helping you pick the best starting class for your play style in Lords of the Fallen much like with Elden ring there are a number of classes players can choose at the start of Lords of the Fallen at the time of making this video there are nine core classes and a 10th if you purchase the deluxe edition of the game before we dive into that though little context Lords of the Fallen is a Souls game that's true but as we push past the 40 and 50 hour mark we've come to the realization that it's the most action forward Souls game we've ever played there are many many scenarios where you'll be fighting around a half dozen or more enemies and that's a pretty sharp contrast to the experience in a fromsoft game Lords of the Fallen is unique in that sense and that means taking a slightly different approach to your starting class it's important to note that your starting class doesn't limit you in any way shap shape or form if you pick a melee class then decide you want to lean into magic you can do that but your starting class does establish your foundational stats and equipment and that does matter right out of the gate our goal here is to guide you in the right direction so you can make a decision but if you have any questions at the end of this video be sure to leave us a comment down below or better yet join us on Discord and we'll be able to answer any questions you might have about the game to kick things off let's talk about the hallowed night this is your true Blank Slate when it comes to a Souls game and a great class for anyone that's really unsure of which direction they want to go further on in the game the reason for this is the relatively flat stat distribution you can see the biggest emphasis is on endurance strength and vitality which allows you to start with higher health and stamina attributes while also excelling at melee combat that being said it's very easy to push this class any which way with just a few skill points which is really what makes the hollow Knight so flexible the class starts with the hollowed knight sword which scales with strength and Agility as well as the hollowed Knight shield which provides solid block protection against most types of damage for any range scenarios you can also use the grenade and I want to point this out early so you all understand your slotted ranged items aren't consumable in this instance grenade is the category and while you do need to make sure you have ammunition you'll never lose your ability to throw a grenade that was a big change for us at the start but honestly one of the smartest ways we've seen range combat handled in a game like this on the defensive side of things the hollowed Knight comes with a full set of medium and heavy gear the chest and Helm are classified as medium armor while the arms and legs are classified as heavy this gives you the maximum amount of protection while still keeping the class within medium encumbrance which allows for a normal Dodge roll finally the class starts with a Brio Stone pair which is an additional healing consumable outside of your sangr Erics unlike ranged items these are consumed upon use while a little melee focused to start the hollow Knight is the perfect class for anyone that's looking for a well balanced approach to the game The Sword and board makes dealing with tougher enemies early on relatively painless and the flat stat allocation makes it easy to move any direction after just investing a few points while not a standout in any one area it's enough of a blank canvas that you can adapt to fit any play style if you want to stand Toe to Toe against the evils that consume more instead consider choosing the UDA Ranger warwolf a melee focused CL class right out of the gate the warwolf starts with 16 strength which makes it the strongest melee starting class in the game it also has decent stats in endurance agility and vitality which positions it perfectly for a melee focused build the class starts with the UDA Ranger werewolf sword a long sword that scals entirely off of strength as you might expect the weapon deals more damage than the hollowed knight sword but it comes with a trade-off of speed big BB sword longer swing time that shouldn't be news to anyone with all classes you can change stances depending on the weapon you have equipped in this case you can two-and the long sword or wield it in one hand opening up your other hand for an additional weapon or a shield there's a little flexibility here which is great the warwolf also starts with the bloody Hatchet a throwable weapon again this is not a one and UNC consumable you just need to have enough ammo to throw it the weapon's damage scales off strength and Agility and also has the added bonus of inflicting a little bleed damage on enemies unlike the hollow Knight the UDA Ranger werewolf is much more offensively focused with less of an emphasis on defense of the four piece armor set the class starts with three of the items are classified as lightweight while just one item the legs are classified as medium weight the gear provides okay defensive benefits but know that you're not nearly as beefy as someone wearing a full set of medium or heavy armor finally the class comes with two charges of minor fire salts which can be used to add fire damage to your weapon a decent temporary solution for dealing with some of the more challenging enemies in the early part of the game unfortunately you'll burn through those rather quickly as they are consumable if you plan on going Full Tilt melee Warrior this is your best option hands down the additional early game strength points makes for a great Foundation as you scoop up additional weapons and believe me you will find a ton don't sleep on that throwing weapon either you can choose to lean into bleed damage if you want and I think the warwolf is perfectly suited to build that direction take the hollow Knight add in a crossbow and you've got yourself the part another well-balanced class suited for a more hybrid play style you can see there's a slight advantage of strength but overall The Core Physical and defensive stats are almost all the same because of the slight variation in stats you can lean more into a range build But ultimately the partisan is just as flexible as the hollowed Knight you just have the added value of starting with a ranged weapon the partisan Shield is slightly less effective than the hollowed Knight shield across the board but it's lighter which could play a factor in your early game gearing the real standout though is the partisan crossbow which is a strength scaling weapon that gives you infinitely more range flexibility than the hollow Knight early on you'll have rived bolts to pair with the weapon which deal physical damage now on the defensive front I'd say the hollowed Knight has the advantage and although both the partisan and hollowed Knight end up with almost the same encumbrance distribution it's the additional Durance the hollowed Knight brings to the table that gives it a slight edge here allowing the class to equip slightly heavier gear that being said you've got all the defensive tools you need on the partisan you just need to know you've got a little less in terms of protection the partisan also has one instance of a consumable unright berries which increases stamina regeneration for a period of time perfect for when you want to swing around that flail with Reckless abandon now hopefully you can see the slight changes that make the partisan a standout starting class the real difference is the crossbow which gives the player more flexibility in the early game and let me tell you there are a number of casters that you'll need to deal with early on in your adventure Ventures having that crossbow will be incredibly valuable like every class you can push the partisan any which way you want and because of it's relatively flat stat allocation it ends up being one of the most malleable starting classes in the entire game our first agility Focus class the morstead Infantry is honestly one of the more unique starting choices in the game equipped with the morstead Infantry spear a strength and Agility scaling weapon you've got a lot of melee poke right out of the gate if you're a more cautious player that prefers to keep enemies slightly further back when you engage consider this your class you've also got some slight protection with the morstead Infantry Shield which is lighter on the defensive front than both the hollowed Knight and partisan Shields but still offers Decent Block protection across the board in addition to your spear the morstead Infantry comes with a short Javelin a throne item that gives them enough flexibility outside of melee to deal with some of the more challenging early game ranged enemies this weapon also scales with strength and Agility now on the defensive front you're talking about a good set of all mediumweight armor which offers great protection across the board it's slightly less tanky than the hollow night gear but you still maintain that Medium encumbrance perfect for maneuverability in the early game you'll also start the game with an additional consumable the Brio Stone Trio which restores Health on use remember this is on top of your sangr Eric which is your standard healing flash that you can level up throughout the game agility forward solid defense poke and mid-range engagement the M dead Infantry while not flashy is really tailor made for players that are thinking about leaning into an agility based Warrior you've got a lot of the foundation up front and that's helpful when you start piecing together your progression build with a few stat points you could also take this class any which direction but from the jump it's got an agility bonus you might want to capitalize on next up is the black feather Ranger another agility forward class with an emphasis on ranged combat the class does start with the black feather Ranger axe but as you'll will'll soon find out you're much less tanky than some of the other melee classes we've discussed so keep that in mind as we move forward the weapon scales off both strength and Agility and can be wielded as both a one-handed and two-handed weapon depending on your stance if you do decide to go into melee range you can also rely on the black feather Ranger shield which is another light variant that offers okay protection from all damage sources again not as strong as the medium Shields of the hollow Knight and partisan but that's to be expected the black feather Rangers unique offering is its ranged weapon the black feather Ranger bow this starts out with a D+ agility rating but also scales with strength coupled with the oak arrows it provides a solid ranged option for players that want to stay away from enemies at the start you'll only be able to deal physical damage but with a few different types of arrows you can Branch out into other sources of damage including fire holy and Wither on the defensive front what you see is what you get here not a lot of protection with three light pieces of gear and one medium piece piece the legs it doesn't offer a lot in the way of protection but you are still more equipped to handle an attack or two as compared to a straight Caster I should note the black feather Ranger is considered an advanced class so you start at level eight which means a few less stat points but in the long run that does mean you have slightly more control over those crucial starting points the glass is not for the faint of heart but if you truly want to embrace your inner High fantasy Ranger this is the class for you I'll say playing a lot in Co-op it's great having an Archer watch your back especially when the early game throws so many casters at the player being able to quickly take those out of the equation is truly a game Cher continuing with our agility theme is the exiled stalker a class that excels at agility based melee combat again this is considered an advanced class for a number of reasons primarily because it's one of the true glass Cannon options in the game the class leans hard into agility with 16 points starting out with endurance and vitality behind at 11 points each it's a class that's squarely built around offensive capabilities and that requires a slightly more seasoned hand to play effectively out of the gate the exiled stalker comes equipped with two lightweight daggers which they dual wield this is the only dual wielding class that you can choose right from the start and with it comes all the trappings of a Nimble class rapid flurries of attacks and the ability to maneuver quickly in combat the exiled stalker also has access to the lacerating knife a throne weapon that scals off both strength and Agility and Deals decent bleed damage you can actually find this in all starting gear weapons throughout the rest of the game but the lacerating knife in my opinion is a standout weapon as far as defenses are concerned well you don't have much here most of the gear three pieces to be exact are classified as light and offer very little protection the legs are the only medium item and they definitely are on the leaner side of that defensive Spectrum this however gives you the fastest Dodge roll out of the starting armored classes allowing your evasion to be your true defense to augment the exiled stalkers already roguish nature the class gets access to three poison salts at the start of the game which allow you to add poison status damage to your weapons poison is actually relatively strong but again remember this is a consumable that only has a onetime use if you're going all in on agility this is a great starting class but know the risks before you can reap the rewards the exiled stalker is all offense all the time and that can be tricky in the early portions of the game where you're dealing with both melee and ranged enemies that being said if you can get over that early game difficulty you'll be in a great position to lean hard into agility and build out a powerful class moving into the first magic Focus class the orian creature is my personal starting choice because it offers melee potential defensive capabilities and radiant magic the class starts with a whopping 18 points in radius which makes it the best class if you plan on going into that school of magic not saying other classes can't also spec into Radiance but the orian creacher has the best foundation behind that you've got pretty average stats in everything else with just a couple extra points in strength and vitality giving you a little more sustainability in combat the starting weapon the orian preacher Hammer can be used both one-handed or two-handed and scales with strength and radius and that c minus rating really does make a difference early on it's a great weapon and sets the orian creature up nicely to be in melee range if you so choose the class also has access to the orian preacher Shield which is a light variant that offers some protection it's not quite as good as the hollowed Knight or partisan Shields but it'll get the job done in a pinch the classes unique offering the orian preacher catalyst is what allows the player to cast radiant spells it scales off of Radiance so the more points you have the more damage or healing those spells will do much like a ranged weapon you start with three slots for radiant spells but this does increase as you find and upgrade different catalysts out of the gate the class has access to radiant flare which is essentially a whole holy bolt that deals good damage and only costs 16 Mana allowing you to cast it many times before running out of your magic resource I still using this spell close to 50 hours into the game if that's any indication of its power and Longevity on the defensive side of things you're just a step up from tissue paper and I think that's something to be aware of while you have a beefy mace and a shield you're far from a tanky Warrior and no matter how much you think the light will protect you nothing hurts worse than a sword or axe to the face the class can can be quickly geared up for more defensive protections but to start out you're rocking four pieces of light armor and you feel that finally the class has access to a few small Mana Stone clusters a consumable you can use to restore Mana mid combat truthfully I love this class and I find that radiant magic is some of the strongest early game the orian creature has a lot of flexibility in melee range and the radiant flare spell is easily one of the best in terms of impact as you start out in your Lords of the Fallen playthrough if you're even remotely considering a radiant based Champion I would consider giving the orian creature a hard look from holy Warrior to demonic follower the pirate cultist is another magic user in Lords of the fallen again you'll notice 18 points dedicated to the fire stat Inferno and that sets this class up nicely as a damage focused spells Slinger on the more destructive side of the spectrum unlike the orian preacher the cultist starts with a pole arm the pirate cultist staff which scales off strength and Inferno from the start the class is designed as a Caster but you can pretty easily lean into a more physical Inferno build if you so choose but that's not how the class starts out the cultist doesn't have an off hand which gives you less defensive options but as you might expect with someone who worships the demon god you have a lot more offensive capabilities the pirate cultist catalyst is how you're able to channel infernal magic and with its C minus Inferno scaling the more points you dump into that stat the stronger your attacks become your starting spell infernal orb allows you to hurl an orb of fire at enemies and while that is great I do want to warn you that numerous enemies in the starting zone are resistant to fire which makes them much less effective on the defensive side the pirate cultist is equipped with a full set of light armor that does a decent job defending against physical and fire damage keep in mind that many of the early game enemies employ radiant attacks though which makes the orian creature slightly better equipped to handle those threats to round things out the pirate cultist also gets a handful of small Mana Stone clusters a consumable use to restore mana on demand early game the pirate cultist is on the back foot mainly because it's Kit is better suited for late game content but rogar or Fire magic is incredibly strong once you get through the early game if you can push through that initial spike in difficulty you can build out any number of really cool Inferno builds whether that be melee range spellcaster or a combination of the three the final class you'll have access to is the condemned and this is truly for you masochists out there who want to go into Lords of the Fallen with almost no advantages it's the only class that starts at level one with all six stats flat with just nine points I said the hollow Knight was the blank slate no this is the blank slate and you can truly take it any direction that you want your starting weapon the broken bucket scals off strength and Agility but it's got an e rating in both the worst in the game which means you're doing almost no damage at the start of the game your other offensive option is the throwing Rock a throwable but here again you're not going to see much practical use from this thing it deals very little physical damage and is best suited for distracting enemies not killing them on the defensive side things don't get much better you've got medium armor for the head hands and legs but they're piss poor when it comes to physical damage mitigation they offer decent protections against other forms of damage Holy Fire and wither but it's still less than desirable the light armor chest piece is just as bad with almost no physical defense defense which is huge in the early game to round out a brutally hard class you don't get any additional consumables going into the game we all know the soul genra is notorious for their difficulty and if you want the challenge The Condemned is there to make sure every step you take is arduous of course with a little early game pain comes a super flexible class with the most room for customization long term but you have to get through those brutal early game hours which can often be some of the most challenging but as always with great risk comes greater reward as I mentioned before the dark Crusader class will be available right from the character creator for anyone that orders the deluxe edition of the game the class combines some elements of the hollow Knight UDA Ranger warwolf and orian preacher making it a really interesting offering for starters it comes with a massive two-handed sword called Paladin Isaac sword which scales off strength and Agility out of the gate the dark Crusader also has access to radiant burst parchment which is a throwable item that deals holy damage essentially you throw holy scriptures out there which deal damage to enemies while also healing your allies this doesn't scale with any stat however so keep that in mind on the defensive side of things this is a straightup heavy encumbrance class offering the best defensive stats but also elevating the player into that weight tier which impacts your stamina consumption and Dodge roll capabilities what I can tell you is that if you don't pre-order you will eventually be able to unlock the dark Crusader just by playing the game we'll have more information on that around launch time needless to say you don't need to pre-order or buy the deluxe edition to access that class and as I've already said earlier in the video you can manipulate the gear and stats of any class to work to fit your preferred play style so while these are starting classes you can easily change things up and make whatever class you want work for you so there you have it the starting classes in Lords of the fallen and everything you need to know to make the right decision for your play style guys we've been going hard on this game for over 50 hours and you better believe we'll have more content coming your way so if you want to follow along as we take on more instead be sure to hit that thumbs up and consider subscribing for more content in your feeds of course you can always join us on Discord if you want to talk about great games and are for your chance to win free prizes and connect with the team that link as always is below my name is Kodiak and from everyone here at Legacy gaming thanks for watching and play [Music] on [Music] w
Channel: Legacy Gaming
Views: 100,388
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Keywords: Legacy Gaming, lords of the fallen, lords of the fallen 2, lords of the fallen 2023, lords of the fallen starting classes, lords of the fallen build, lords of the fallen classes 2023, lords of the fallen sequel, lords of the fallen dark crusader, lords of the fallen class, lords of the fallen 2023 best class, lords of the fallen 2 which class, lords of the fallen class guide, lords of the fallen classes explained, lords of the fallen class builds, best class, dark, crusader, magic
Id: _1atsTz_Its
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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