Lords of the Fallen Ultimate Beginners Guide

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in this Lords of the Fallen beginners guide we'll be walking you through many mechanics that you might not be aware of as well as providing some helpful tips to get you started these include what attributes you should prioritize how to Respec your character how to upgrade your equipment early on how to tell if enemies are resistant or weak to your damage type and what vestage seeds are and how to get more of them if you're new to Lords of the fallen and need a bit of help then this beginner's guide is for you before we get into the video however a big shout out to hexor Studios and CI games for sponsoring this video if you guys are picking up the game or considering picking up the game use our link below to support the channel Lords of the Fallen can be overwhelming when you first began not only is the game massive but you're thrown a ton of tutorial information right away and not all of it is retained by the player due to the quantity then you're essentially left your own devices trying to figure it all out on your own not to worry though because we have a lot of helpful information for you and there is an absolute ton of information on the official wiki as well let's start with attributes first since this is probably one of the first things you'll be wondering no note that if you need help choosing a starting class we have a whole separate guide covering that so I suggest you check that out Lords of the Fallen is a tough game and one of the things you'll notice immediately upon playing is that enemies hit extremely hard and it's easy to die in just a couple of hits for this reason I highly recommend you improve Vitality early on until you have enough HP that you're not dying as quickly sanguinis the game's healing item heals you for a percentage of your max Health not a fixed amount of healing this makes it so increasing your max Health doesn't come with the drawback of having a high Max Health but not healing much of it when you use the S Wix Additionally the damage you gain by pumping strength through agility early on is negligible due to the poor scaling of weapons and I recommend only putting enough points into these to meet weapon or Shield requirements and then focusing on Vitality for a bit the same is true for Inferno and Radiance as well except in this case you want to meet the requirements for any spells you want to use and then focus on Vitality for a while after placing a few attribute points in Lords of the Fallen you might be wondering if you can respect your character and if so how do you do it and how often can you do it so let's dive into that players can Respec at Peta located in skyrest Bridge using the reset build option to do this you'll need the rebirth chrysis item and you can purchase one of these from Mulo also located in skyrest Bridge after progressing the game a little ways you will find two others as you explore Lords of the Fallen much further into the game after acquiring them you'll be able to exchange for as many of these items As You Wish at The Shrine of the putri mother in skyrest Bridge this makes respecing only viable for players very far into the game so you should plan accordingly typically Souls like games don't have an option to allow you to store your currency so that you don't drop it when you die but Lords of the Fallen has a mechanic that allows you to do this this can very much help new players that are struggling to keep their Vigor and those that don't yet know how they wish to spend it to do this you need to seek out mouu located in the umbral realm version of skyrest bridge and purchase Vigor skulls from him these are consumable items that once consumed give you Vigor and these work similarly to the coin per of Securo only here they cost much more Vigor to purchase than you get back by consuming them about double so you have to decide if it's worth doing or not for you and whether you don't mind losing some Vigor to preserve essentially half for lader posture and Lords of the Fallen is a stagger mechanic that allows players to do what are called Grievous strikes on enemies once their posture has been depleted you can see the posture of an enemy by looking at the ring around the lock on and you'll notice that the more you hit and Parry them the more of the Ring vanishes once this ring is complet completely gone you can either Parry kick or charge heavy attack them to knock them down and perform a grievous strike by pressing light attack near them this does substantial damage and is a great way to deal with difficult to kill enemies you can also often hit them while they're getting up from the Grievous strike allowing for even more free damage in many Souls like games you're often guessing what bosses and enemies are weak to Via extensive trial and error unless you use the wiki which most of us do however in Lords of the Fallen you can tell relatively quickly how effective your damage type is if you're getting GR damage numbers the enemy is resistant to the damage type you are dealing if you're getting white damage numbers the enemy is neither resistant nor weak to the damage type you're dealing and if you get red damage numbers the enemy is weak to this type of damage using these colors you can modify which weapons and spells you use when facing certain enemy types and bosses allow you to aim for those red numbers that will make your life a lot easier and one of the ways you can do this is via weapon buff consumables that add certain damage types for a limited time for example using minor fire assaults to add fire damage to your weapon conversely you can use items to prevent damage as well if you recognize an enemy as using fire or holy damage you can use items like holy or fire Ward to reduce the damage you take this can also help make tough bosses much easier for you one of the issues most new players will be facing is that they won't have as many healing items as they would like however you can get more of these though it does take some time to gain more uses of your sanguinis and to improve its efficacy you need to find saintly Quint Essence and give them to Peta in skyrest Bridge she will require more and more of these items to further upgrade your sanguin so you will need to find a lot of them you can find saintly Quint Essence in The umbrell Realm by Soul flang umbrell tumors that hang from walls these are very easy to miss if you don't umbrell often and are typically guarded by some dangerous umbrell enemies so make sure to use your lamp often not only to see if it's worth swapping to the Umble realm but also to see what enemies lie in store for you there optionally you can also use the Brio Stone consumable item that will heal you for a bit of Health over time these can help push you over the edge in certain boss fights or stretches of the game that you're having trouble with you can purchase these from stowman and skyrest Bridge if you need more much like typical Souls like games you will require the help of a blacksmith in order to upgrade your equipment you also need upgrade materials known as derum that can be found throughout the game that drop from enemies and can be purchased from some Merchants as well to unlock the blacksmith you'll need to rescue her from her cell below the bellom vestage this should happen naturally through the progression of the game and you will likely not find her for the first few hours this is normal just keep progressing the game when you do find her she'll be in a Cell guarded by a Jailer who can be quite difficult to defeat I recommend dropping on him for a plunging attack to make your life easier kill him and his hounds and use his key to open her cell and exhaust your dialock you can then rest at the Bello vestage and she will return to skyrest bridge where you can then upgrade your weapons and armor note that her cell contains upgrade materials once you free her so be sure to return and pick those up before you forget note that she will also take Rune tablets later on that will allow her to sell you runes and Slot runes into your weapons that further boost the efficacy of your gear if you're playing a mage type character and Lords of the Fallen or you just like using spells you might be wondering how to gain more of them since you begin the game with only one in many cases well there are a few ways so let's discuss those if you're looking for radiant magic exactor Dunmar and skyrest Bridge sell some Radiance magic so if you're going for a holy playthrough or you just want to use some holy magic then he's your guy exhaust is dialogue to be able to purchase items from him when it comes to umbrell Magic mouu and skyrest Bridge sells umbrell magic so if you're looking for these types of spells then you can buy some from him note that these require both Inferno and radiant stats to cast so they are much more difficult to meet the requirements for early on than Inferno or radiant spells and lastly Inferno magic if you make your way through pilgrims perch outside of skyrest bridge and make it up the elevator found on the platforms outside which is quite a ways you will reach an area that has a locked door you can find the key for it by swapping to the umbrell realm and soul flang and umbrell tumor in this area inside you will find a puzzle in the umbrell realm and if you solve it you'll gain the Searing accusation infernal Catalyst you can give it to the tortured prisoner that's located just up the stairs from here and if you rest she will be gone and you can find her next to the dead fire Giant in front of where you first fought Peta earlier in the game she will now sell you Inferno spells additionally many magic spells are located around the game world as treasure and you can purchase some from moo under the offer remembrance option once you defeated some specific bosses if you've defeated a few bosses and have a couple of remembrances you might be wondering how you gain boss gear from them the answer is that you use umbrel scourings umbrell scourings are a special item that you gain as you make progress in Lords of the fallen and they are acquired by the following means from stigmas these are the memories of previous events you find in the umal realm and you must Soul Flay them to trigger them you gain them from defeating bosses and some are sold by moho umbrell scourings can be used to purchase items related to Major bosses you've defeated and Lords of the fallen and these can be found at mohu under the offer remembrance option once you select which remembrance you wish to view you can see what is available to purchase each weapon armor piece and spell will have an umbrell scourings cost in order to buy it umbrell scourings are a limited resource in Lords of the fallen and you'll only gain a fixed amount per playthrough so you'll have to play multiple playthroughs on the same character in order to get all boss items the total number you gain in one playthrough is 285 which you can use for a reference to determine what you want to buy additionally umbrell scourings have another use that might make you not want to spend them at all as you Traverse Lords of the Fallen you will come across umbrell flower beds that allow you to use vestage seeds to create vestage seedlings these act as temporary vestages or checkpoints and allow you to perform the same functions you normally would at any other vestage the kicker is that vestage seeds are a consumable item and you'll find far more umbrell flower beds than you will have vestage seeds early on in the game and you can only have one vestage seedling at a time this means that when you plant a second vestage seed in a different umbrella flower bed your previous vestage seedling will disappear so managing your vestage seeds and placing them in ideal locations is key because you can't teleport to a location that no longer exists you can gain more vestage seeds via the following means some are dropped from Elite umbrell enemies which are the umbrell enemies located in the umbrell realm that are not the zombies at about a 15 to 20% drop rate you can purchase as many of these as you want from moho and they are also dropped from bosses make sure to stock up on these at moho if you need some as it makes exploration much easier make sure that you never have zero and note that if you're co-oping your summon partner can drop you some if you run out NPCs and Lords of the Fallen work in a similar manner to the souls franchise that is to say that many are available at skyrest Bridge the main Hub of the game and as you find others out in the game world and help them they will appear in skyrest as well as you exhaust their dialogue they will often ask for favors ask for items or even begin to sell you things or change locations make sure that you speak to them often to keep progressing their quest line or else you might miss out throughout Lords of the fall and you'll find three different shrines that you can interact with these are the umbrell shrine radiant Shrine and Roger Shrine players can acquire items from tier one initially but tiers two and three will have to be unlocked through the Cooperative donations of all online players The Shrine of the putrid mother is located in the same room as moho in skyrest Bridge and provides the player items in exchange for plucked eyeballs plucked eyeballs can be obtained by revenging Fallen lamp bears in other game worlds you'll find red lamps throughout your game and you can use Soul FL on them and follow the trail to defeat the enemy that killed another player to obtain plucked eyeballs Shrine of orus the shrine of orus is located behind the vestage and skyrest Bridge down the stairs and provides players items in exchange for pilford coins pilford coins are obtained by helping other players as a cooperator and defeating their bosses Shrine of Aer the shrine of Aer is located in fitzroy's Gorge which is quite a ways into the game and provides players with items in exchange for separate hands severed hands can be obtained by defeating other players in PvP invasions so that wraps up our Lords of the Fallen beginners guide I hope you guys got something out of this the idea was to give you information about how certain mechanics of the game work so that as you play and explore you can understand and make decisions based upon it and not to try and spoil too much of the game for you but to just give you some Direction so you're not constantly wondering if you're doing the right things or not and as always if you have further tips please leave them in the comments below and if you have questions leave them there as well and I will try and answer them as soon as I can [Music] [Music] he
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 71,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lords of the fallen, lords of the fallen tips, lords of the fallen gameplay, lords of the fallen classes, lords of the fallen class guide, lords of the fallen beginner guide, lords of the fallen beginners guide, lords of the fallen beginner, lords of the fallen starting classes, lords of the fallen starting guide, lords of the fallen starter guide, lords of the fallen best weapon, lords of the fallen character creation guide, lords of the fallen combat tips
Id: uK0QqiZ1tPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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