Lords of the Fallen - Wish I Knew Sooner | Tips, Tricks, & Game Knowledge for New Players

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this video is sponsored by dream controller stick around to learn more about their custom Xbox and switch controllers Lords of the Fallen follows in the footsteps of souls games that have come before that is to say they're brutally hard and they explain next to nothing my name is Kodiak this is Legacy gaming and today we're sharing everything we wish we knew sooner about Lords of the Fallen as you know wish I knew sooner is a series we've been doing here on the channel since 2019 we really enjoy sharing tips and tricks that we think will be valuable but as always we rely on you our community to help us out if you know of something you think other players need to know about leave us a comment down below well not really a secret Lords of the Fallen remebrance system doesn't outright tell you how it works you might even now be watching this video going what the heck is a remembrance well these are special items that you extract from a stigma after defeating a boss it's very possible you might miss the these if you don't head into umbrell before darting off on the next leg of your adventure so in that regard I think reminding you all to grab these is valuable enough but to understand remembrance we need to take it a step further this requires us to get the bowl of Revelations an item that you can find as you progress through Pilgrim's perch As you move across the scaffolding and ladders you'll eventually find yourself looking down on this pit it looks harmless enough but when you enter the umbrell realm you'll notice it's infested with enemies your goal of course is to clear them out because they're guarding one of the most valuable secrets in the game with the enemies dead use Soul flight to pop the Effigy and claim your prize the bowl of Revelations bring this item back to mouu and you'll be rewarded with access to a new system remembrances if you so played the stigma after defeating Pi you'll already have access to one category but the more remembrances and bosses you kill and collect the more categories open up and that's really the key right there each remembrance is a category that you can explore and each offers up a wide variety of loot for players to purchase each category is themed around the boss it's connected to and you can quite literally scoop up the weapons and armor of the Epic enemies you just fought you'll need umbrell scourings to purchase any items and there are a few ways you can go about collecting these killing any boss or Center or if you join another player game and kill a boss or center with them you'll also receive some scow Rings keep in mind that playing Co-op while fun is not great when a comes to loot as the host is the only one who can obtain a vast majority of the set items finally to gain just a few umbrell scourings you'll need to Soul F stigmas around morstead these are easy enough to find just look for the blue butterflies each Soul F will net you a couple scourings and over time these will add up remembrances are your gateway to some of the best and coolest gear in the game so set a reminder leave yourself a sticky note do whatever you need to do just don't forget to Soul playay the stigma and collect your remembrance after each boss combat is at the core of every Souls game that much we all know but Lords of the Fallen definitely takes a different approach when it comes to going toe-to-toe with enemies instead of the classic neutral backst step Lords of the Fallen implements two different types of Dodge mechanics the first is a directional step Dodge which allows you to avoid enemy attacks while not disengaging from them entirely in best practice you'll use this to quickly sidestep a blow only to return with one of your own it keeps you in the fight and that matters when you're dealing with combinations of elite enemies later on in the game to activate the step Dodge you simply need to tap the Dodge button once the second type of Dodge is your more classic role and you'll need to tap the Dodge button twice in quick succession to properly execute this mechanic this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone every Souls game as far as I know has a Dodge rooll but it certainly functions a bit differently in Lords of the Fallen because of the sheer volume of enemies I find that the Dodge roll is best used to fully disengage from groups of enemies allowing you to either break away completely so that you can escape or just far enough away so that you can heal and recover the length of the Roll is much further than in most games so understanding the Practical use for this and the directional Dodge is in my opinion one of the most important things you can do in this game if you blasted through the tutorials you might have missed a really important aspect of the combat stance swapping and multi-hit combinations while I'd argue not the most important aspect of combat in the game it certainly adds a lot of variet and flexibility to your action and it's worth talking about so first up stances this is a relatively common system where you can change your gear setup with just one click of a button by tapping y on the controller you can manipulate your main hand and offhand allowing you to use a weapon single-handed or two-handed so in practice if you're using a sword in your main hand and a shield in your off hand your default stance will be sword and board one hand for each piece of gear if you tap y you'll use your main hand in this case the sword with two hands as you might expect when you change up your stance you'll feel a different rhythm in combat and that's going to depend on the weapons themselves everything functions slightly different when you change stances and there are variations to Performance so really get comfortable playing around with different loadouts until you find combinations that work for you in a similar vein every weapon whether it's wielded in one hand or two has a unique multi-hit combination by tapping your left bumper and right trigger at the same time you'll enter into a longer animation that changed multiple attacks together in some instances this is a better way to deal quicker damage because the attack is more fluid but it does open you up for enemy attacks because you are 100% locked into the animation until it's complete again every weapon class and stance treats these attacks differently so experiment with what works best for you then try and find Opportunities to weave this into your gam playay once you learn the ins and outs of the various enemies chaining together a series of attacks including a multi-hit is also satisfying at some point in the game you're going to want to make a change you'll decide you no longer want to swing a sword but instead fling some magic and you can do that no problem in order to Respec or reset your stat points you'll need to find or purchase the rebirth crysal it now fair warning while these do exist in the game they are incredibly limited and it pains me to know that some creators out there missed a very important detail about resetting your stats and misinformed all of you so yes you can purchase one I repeat one rebirth chrysalid from mohu at skyrest Bridge that's it to use the chrysalid simply talk to Pi and she'll give you the option to reset your stats keep in mind that the starting class you chose here does factor in if you picked The Condemned you'll reset back the flat stats across the board but if you chose any other class you'll reset back to that base distribution of stats that's why choosing the right class at the start of the game is actually an important decision we do have a great videoing class and the benefits to you so check that out because it's already up on the channel you can also purchase unlimited chrysalids from the umbrell shrine at the back of the same room but fair warning there is a steep cost to doing so not only do you need to unlock the second tier of vendor items but then you need to pay 75 eyeballs per purchase which equates to a ton of Red Lantern farming as you can see I do not have this unlocked at this point because the time investment is staggering that being said it is an option at this point it's unclear if the developers plan on making respecing more accessible throughout the life cycle of a character so for now I'd assume rebirth chrysalids are very limited in use and should only be used if you're absolutely certain you want to make a change today's video is brought to you by dream controller who graciously donated a premium Xbox Elite Series 2 controller to our leave a legacy charity event the team clearly has a passion for creating gaming accessories because not only are there a ton of awesome designs but the build quality and designs themselves are Rock Solid I mean just look at their process it's intense and to know you've got an artist behind the wheel making sure each controller looks perfect that's a win if you're in the market for a new controller head over to dreamcontroller do.com and use the code Legacy for 10% off your next purchase next let's talk about ginda the game's blacksmith believe it or not you don't have access to her by default you need to go find her in the game world and it might shock you to learn that this is entirely missible the CI games team is brutal when it comes to these types of game systems but I'll admit I like this sort of old school approach to a single player game nevertheless we are here to help so let's go find ourselves a blacksmith as I mentioned before you'll progress through the first Zone pilgrims perch eventually you'll enter a small cave with a vestage or rest point this area is called the Bell room and it's a Crossroads of sort if you've already unlocked the Min shaft elevator directly next to the vestage point point you can simply go down to gain access to where you need to go but if you haven't done that already you'll need to keep progressing until you reach this point in the mountain locked by an umbrell door rip it open and then inside will lead you to the same spot as that mine shaft elevator eventually you'll be standing on the upper level of a larger cave room below you'll notice some dogs and an elite Paladin enemy drop down and dismantle them with unyielding Prejudice once defeated the Paladin will drop the prison cell key which you'll need in just a few seconds head towards the prison cell built into the room and talk to ginda hand over that prison key and the next time you rest she'll be gone return to skyrest Bridge and off on the left side of the main room you'll find her there ready to provide her Services ginda has the ability to upgrade your weapons which is a key aspect of progression in the game Boss weapons can be upgraded to plus 5 and normal weapons can be upgraded to+ 10 increasing your overall combat capabilities ginda also has the ability to sell and socket runes onto your weapons and shields Fields this is another layer of progression that provides you with different bonuses based on what items and what runes are socketed we'll save more on this topic for a future video as that really does start to bleed into build territory which we hope to bring you guys very soon long story short brinda is an essential vendor to unlock so make sure you prioritize and remember to Freer mimics are a staple of the soul genre striking when you least expect it Lords of the Fallen is no different and put their own twist on the popular deadly enemy when scouring the land for loot be warned that not every shiny will result in gear lurking just beyond in the umbrell are massive Undead bugs called ravenous fascinators that will instantly kill you if you fall for their tricks it's the angler fish turned into a video game Enemy and play strategically around the game World the key to identifying treasure from Trap is the light notice that the mimic Central light is a bit bigger than normal loot the tail of the light also dances around more erratically if you can identif ify both of those things you'll be able to avoid the deadly grasp of the mimic I should point out that a mimic will drag you into umbrell immediately if triggered there is absolutely no escaping that so learn to identify them early as they can be found pretty much anywhere in the game world if you do successfully identify a mimic you can kill them simply look their Direction and soul flight this will rip them from their hiding spot and you'll receive some fancy loot including a consumable item that increases your loot Discovery for a short period of time perfect for farming unique items from specific enemies if you fail to identify a mimic and you end up in umbrell you might as well know a trick to escape throughout your adventures you'll run across a number of umbrell enemies called the womb of Despair these enemies will spawn a number of these smaller umbral remnants so they're always a high priority when around killing them will often net you some kind of moth related item there are three that can drop from this particular enemy the Vigor moth can be consumed protecting your Vigor the next time you die in the best case you'll use this knowing you might go into an area with tough enemies and die but not in a position to immediately spend the Vigor that you have the vestage moth item allows you to instantly travel back to your most recently used vestage in my opinion I think this is the most advantageous moth item because on the many occasions you'll want to quickly get back to a vestage point especially if you're stuck in umbrell this is your get out of jail free card and should be used as such if you run out of the normal vestage moths you can use the desiccated vestage MO was which does the same thing brings you back to the last vestage in exchange for Vigor this is not ideal but can be used in a pinch ultimately knowing these items exist and where to farm them is really valuable and as you progress further into the game it's great to have a few of these tucked away your back pocket if Escape isn't an option and combat is your only choice you better know all the ins and outs of the action and while we break down a lot of this in our ultimate beginners guide which I definitely recommend you check out I think there's one thing in particular you need to know that the game never tells you when your health or Mana is running low and you need to quickly replenish a resource you can pop multiple consumables in quick succession to compound the effect you can do this in two ways by popping each item individually but back to back or by actually going into your inventory selecting the item and activating the U several function this isn't ideal in combat as your game doesn't pause when in the menus but it is technically faster if you're quick at navigating through the screens either way you can pop multiple Brio stones or Mana stones and the buff indicator will actually show you how many overlapping effects that you have this is a great way to quickly build up health or mana and when you're under pressure that could mean the difference between life and death by now you most likely know that umbrell is home to many lords of the Fallen Secrets but sometimes those secrets are consistent or at least more consistent some of the most valuable upgrades are actually found at Key spots throughout morstead once again again if you know where to look saintly contestan and Andel luian chisels are most often found in areas where there is a large tree or fig present usually at the center of a circular Arena not always but most of the time these pop up throughout the world and while it's not a hard and fast rule there's absolutely a pattern to finding these core upgrade materials in these places of power so the tip is this if you're in Axiom and you run across a circular encounter area with some sort of large tree or statue in the center make sure you peer into umbrell because I bet you nine times out of 10 there will be a valuable upgrade hiding just out of sight for those that don't know saintly quintessences are used to upgrade your sanguin Erics back at skyrest Bridge bring their required amount to Pi and she'll increase the capacity and the effectiveness of the heal which is almost required as you push deeper into the game andal luian chisels are much less common but that's because there are only a couple in the game bring these back to mohu and he'll upgrade your umbrell lamp increasing the amount of time you can Soul flight and your resistance to umbrell dread the system within that world that sends enemies to hunt you down they're both critical upgrades to make as soon as possible so keep your eyes peeled for these places of power as you're traveling throughout the world the final thing I want you to walk away with is a firm understanding of how resistances work in the game every Zone throughout morstead features enemies that are built around a different element for example forsaken Fen is filled with enemies that use poison attacks while lower crath is is home to a number of enemies that use fire realizing this and then slotting the quick access items that better protect you from those elements is an essential part of the gameplay Loop especially as you push deeper into the game fighting some of the toughest enemies Lords of the Fallen has to throw at you each zone is also a great time to evaluate your gear and what benefits each piece of armor you're wearing is actually doing for you obviously don't mess with the fashion Souls but if you're in the f a cold themed Zone and wearing armor that protects best against fire you're actually doing yourself a huge disservice it's a balancing act then you'll need to balance between three things encumbrance physical defense and Elemental defense and if you can master that aspect of the game as you're progressing you'll find you can handle a lot more incoming damage on the flip side also realize that the same relationship applies to enemies rogar magic deals increased damage to poison enemies but less damage to ice enemies there's a relationship between all of the elements and you get instantaneous feedback on that during combat gray damage numbers indicates a less effective attack white damage numbers indicates an average attack and red damage numbers indicate a more effective attack so while you might not be able to completely change up your build you can tap into various consumables that give you a better chance at dealing with all types of enemies and if you understand the rock paper scissor relationship of each enemy type in the world you'll be primed for victory so there you have it everything we wish we knew sooner about Lords of the Fallen if you have any questions or want to share your favorite tips or tricks do me a solid leave a comment down below of course if you found this video helpful you know what to do hit the thumbs up and consider subscribing you can also join us on Discord if you want to hang out with the team talk about great games and enter for your chance to win tons of free giveaways going on all the time that link as always is below my name is Cody aen from everyone here at Legacy gaming thanks for watching and play on [Music] I
Channel: Legacy Gaming
Views: 61,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Legacy Gaming, lords of the fallen, lords of the fallen tips and tricks, lords of the fallen beginners guide, lords of the fallen guide 2023, lords of the fallen gameplay, lords of the fallen guide, lords of the fallen casual guide, lords of the fallen new player guide, beginners guide, tips and tricks, wish i knew sooner, lords of the fallen should you buy, lords of the fallen pc, lords of the fallen secrets, lords of the fallen gameplay tips, guide, xbox, playstation 5, pc, souls
Id: Ey3TOaw8cKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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