Lords of the Fallen Classes Explained - Which is the Best Class For You?

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in this Lords of the Fallen video I'm going to be going through the base classes of the game going through their attributes their starting equipment why you might want to select one of these classes or not talking about classes in general we will have a separate video showing you how to unlock the four additional classes of the game there will be some spoilers in that video there won't be any in this video however before we get into the video however a big shout out to hexor Studios and CI games for sponsoring this video if you guys are picking up the game or considering picking up the game use our link below to support the channel so before we get into each class however let's take a look at the things that make each class unique the equipment that each class has is obtainable in the game by any class so the equipment is kind of secondary it is a nice you know direction to start a character and you don't have to spend your currency to buy these if you already have them so there is a case to pick these classes based on their equipment but what you should predominantly be choosing these classes for is their starting attributes and their range slots you cannot change the starting attributes of any class which means that even if you decide to read resp later on in the game if that's something you want to do you're not going to be able to go lower so for instance if you have 12 strength on your Hollow Knight at the beginning of the game and throughout the course of the game you go up to 30 strength and then you decide to Respec your character and get some points back you're not going to be able to go lower than 12 strength like you can't go into like 11 strength or 10 strength to get extra points back that you can allocate somewhere else so each classes starting attributes are important and they all kind of have a Direction so when we're looking at those classes that's predominantly where we're going to be looking at but the other thing as I mentioned that sets starting classes apart is their ranged slots if you didn't know in this game range slots is basically the ammunition that you have for ranged weapons that are not spells spell casting in this game works kind of like you have a Mana pool and then when you cast a spell it costs a certain amount of mana and if you want to get more Mana back you need to use consumable items kind of like demon souls or something like that well ammunition works the same way except with other rang weapons like throwing hatchets or throwing javelins or crossbows or bows each class has a starting amount of ammunition and if you want to gain that ammunition back you either need to rest at a vestage or you need to use an ammunition pouch which works exactly like the Mana consumable items except it gives you ammunition back so that you can fire your range weapon some more and why it's worth noting what the range slots are for each starting class particularly early on in the game is that ranged weapons can really help you get through difficult stretches of the game there are a lot of ranged enemies that you can pick off or maybe a difficult enemy that you can weaken significantly from range before facing melee combat and the more ranged slots you have the more you're going to be able to use that before you need to pop an ammunition pouch you probably won't have a lot of beginning of the game or before you need to rest out of vest keep in mind though that as you progress the game you will get more range slots and this will become less of an issue increasing Your vitality and endurance stats increases your range slots and just about every character will do this so every character is going to gain more range slots and if you're looking at the range Slots of a class or a character and you see a couple yellow bars going to vary depending this is the amount of ammo that you're going to use with your currently equipped ranged weapon so for instance the hollow Knight even though they have the most range slots at the beginning of the game they start with a grenade that costs three ammo per throw so they can only use this four times before they need to pop an ammo pouch rest at a vestage even though it seems like they should be able to use a lot more and the black feather Ranger even though they have less ammunition slots at the beginning of the game they are equipped with a bow that only uses One ammo per shot so they'll actually get to shoot more times because they're only consuming One ammo per Arrow whereas the hollow Knight is consuming three ammo per grenade so now that we got that out of the way let's take a look at each beginning class of the game starting with hallowed Knight this is a pretty good early all-around character it has the highest Endurance of any class endurance increases your stamina and stamina dictates like how much you can block roll Sprint and attack before you have to kind of let it come back this is good on any character really cuz even spell casting uses stamina so having some endurance is probably necessary on just about any character so those stats are not wasted at all it does lean a little bit more towards the strength side of things and Agility with 12 strength and eight agility a lot of early gain weapons require some agility and strength so in order to be able to have more weapon flexibility you'll probably have to put some in agility early on unless you really like strength weapons and it does have a small amount of radiums more than other Marshall classes kind of giving it a setup for more of like a paladin archetype a little tiny bit than other classes CU one point is not a ton it also has the best starting shield and best physical defense of all starting classes so if you like to be a bit tankier and you like to block more then this is a good starting Choice the next class we're going to take a look at is the UDA Ranger warwolf and this has the highest strength starting class in the game and it comes with the heaviest weapon that you can start with which deals the most damage per swing although it does swing a little bit slower than other melee weapons so you'll have to back that in I do really like that this weapon has a very good cleave effect because of the length and move set so if you're kind of struggling with groups of enemies early on in the game this is a very good weapon and very good character for handling groups I like this class because it has a bit more agility than the hollow KN meaning that you will have more flexibility in terms of weapons you can use early on because the requirements without having foot points and Agility has a little bit lower endurance than the hollow Knight which you will need to increase because heavier weapons use more stamina when you swing and you will need to increase vitality and again it's not much of a spellcaster here 8 and8 on Radiance Inferno so you probably won't be spellcasting if you choose this class it doesn't start with a shield so if you like blocking this probably isn't a class for you and it has much less range slots than the hollow Knight with only nine and something interesting to note is that the hatchet that you throw with the starting class actually consumes two ammo and since you have nine you can only get four uses and then you're left with one ammo so it's not exactly optimized for that item for your ranged weapon so you might want to consider switching something else or you might want to consider increasing Your vitality and endurance to get this up to an even number so you can get one more throughout before you need to consume an ammunition p pouch or rest at a vestage next we'll take a look at the partisan starting class this comes with a pretty even stat spread across the board with 13 strength 12 agility 12 urance 12 Vitality eight Radiance eight Inferno so again this is probably not going to be a spellcaster it begins the game with a flail and shield The Shield is slightly less effective with blocking than the hallowed Knight shield keep that in mind but it does start with a crossbow and bolts crossbow is really really strong early on so if you want some good ranged option on top of your melee this is a good choice if also has 10 range slots meaning that you'll be able to shoot five times before needing to consume an ammunition pouch or before resting in a vestage so that's definitely optimized and I really do enjoy the flail move set it has a nice cleave effect to it not unlike the UDA Ranger warwolf even though it's shorter range cuz it's not as long but the cleave is quite nice allowing you to hit through multiple enemies which is a big thing in this game in my opinion and the armor protection you get is kind of tied per second with the more dead infantry in terms of physical protection behind the hollow Knight so you have a decent amount of protection as well well next we'll take a look at morstead infantry this has 12 strength 14 agility 12 endurance 11 vitality and eight8 in Radiance Inferno so again not a spellcaster pretty even stat spread with a leaning a little bit more towards the agility side than the partisan was so you're more likely to play an agility based character if you're playing this class by a little bit it starts the game with a spear for its melee weapon one of the things I really like about the spear is one that it pierces through enemies and can hit enemies behind it because of its length but two that it attacks in a straight line This is both positive and a negative the positive is that there are a lot of areas in the game if you're using a spear weapon that it'll be very effective where other weapons won't there's a lot of tight quarters and hallways where wide swings will tend to bounce off objects rebuffing and then you'll get hit while you're like being rebuffed off the wall or something like that because the spear attacks straight forward you kind of avoid those scenarios but the negative is that it doesn't really cleave at all like in an AO area so if enemies are spread out and not in a line you won't be able to hit more at the same time and that's a bit of a downside now obviously you can change your weapon on this class so that's not a huge deal and the shield of this class is not as effective as the previous two classes that have shields in terms of protection so you're probably not going to be blocking as much though you can in a pinch and the javelin here one of the things I really like about it is that it throws extremely fast meaning you can throw this like Bam Bam Bam compared to some of the other ranged weapons in the game making it you know a bit better at like mid to close range combat than some of the other weapons so you probably use this more in that scenario than you would long range but again you only have nine range slots with this class so you'll probably want to increase your vitality and endurance up you know to get one more range slot as soon as you can in order to be able to have 10 range slots to be able to throw those five times instead of four before needing an ammunition pouch or resting at a vestage moving on to the black feather Ranger this has one of the lower starting levels meaning it doesn't have as many attribute points this is kind of a mixed thing right it gives you more control over your character but also you're less powerful at the beginning of the game so keep that in mind if you're a new player leans a little bit more towards the agility side than strength pretty even stats nothing in Radiance are Inferno so it's not going to be a spell Caster starts the game with an axe and a shield and the axe actually has extremely high attack power which can be misleading on this class hits harder than just about any other one-handed weapon that you can use so your mainly damage is actually going to be fairly good as long as you don't mind the move set of the axe and the issue with the ax is it seems like attacks a little bit slower than some other melee weapons and it really doesn't have the cleave effect that the flail has it can't Pierce through enemies like the spear can and it doesn't have to cleave like you know the UDA Rangers weapon does so you're going to have a bit harder time hitting multiple enemies with this it is the only starting class whoever that starts with a bow and this only costs one ammo so even though it only has eight range slots at the beginning you be able to shoot with your bow eight times before you need to use an ammunition pouch or before needing to rest at a vestage and keep in mind that you can do like a quick shot with RB or you can do like a charge shot by holding right trigger to get more damage out of your arrow so if you are using the the bow make sure that you charge your shots when you want some extra damage so that you get the most out of each ammunition and then we come to the exiled stalker this class has the highest agility of any class in the game has decent endurance and vitality low Radiance Inferno so it's not going to spellcast and a little bit of strength it's the only starting class in the game that starts with a dual wield setup so if you kind of want to get a feel for or understand better how dual wielding plays in this game you can use this class and something I will mention about dual wielding in this game is it's very good for status effect buildup since you apply status effect with both weapons so if you want to make a status effect type build this is not a bad way to get used to that although the daggers you start with this class with don't have status effects on them the throwing knife that you have for this class also applies bleed buildup so it would probably be best paired with other weapons that have bleed buildup in order to do damage and if you didn't know bleed rips off like a chunk of Health off the enemy when it triggers and obviously with very high agility you're going to be focused on using agility weapons though you could put some points into strength and use weapons that hybrid between the two stats you're going to have very light protection with this build meaning that predominantly you're going to dodge or Parry you're not going to block you don't have a shield usually you can but usually you're going to Parry or Dodge as your defense and you do have nine range slots with this build which is actually one more than the black feather Ranger so if you do pick up like a bow you actually have one more slot in order to shoot bows with the next class is the orian preacher this is predominantly a Radiance Caster has 18 radians which is the highest of any class in the game has a little bit of strength there and kind of low on the endurance front and Agility and has a little bit of Vitality this is arguably the best beginner class in the game in my opinion and that's because it has a range spell that deals damage particularly holy damage which rogar are usually weak to and also it starting weapon its Hammer has physical and holy damage and again rogar are typically weak to Holy damage so you can generally kill enemies much more quickly with this build than any of the other starting builds and you have like a good ranged option at the same time compared to something like the warwolf and just like the hollowed Knight this is not a bad class if you kind of want to go the Paladin route although it leans a bit more towards a pure Caster side of things but by increasing your strength through your endurance be able to wear heavier armor you'll be able to use better Shields and you'll be able to use you know more strength based weapons or strength radiance-based weapons highly recommend this one for beginning players next we come to the py cultist class this is your spellcaster that focuses on fire has the highest Inferno stat at 18 that's a little bit of endurance and otherwise it's kind of low on strength agility and vitality so you're going to have to put some points into those if you want to change your weapon which I think you should the weapon you start with on the pirate cultist is kind of bad in my opinion although it does have wide sweeps which is good for cleaving through multiple enemies it still attacks very slowly and does some fire damage and the problem with this class is that most rogar are resistant to fire damage so not only does your weapon deal fire damage but your spell deals fire damage you'll see those gray numbers indicating that they are resistant to that damage type so even though you know know you have a long range spell most enemies are going to be resistant to it early on so in my opinion this is arguably one of the harder classes to begin the game with even though it can take off later on with some of the pyromancy or sorcery spells you can get for fire beginning of the game it's kind of tough and this brings us to condemned which starts at level one which is the lowest starting level of any of the classes it's the only one that does it it has nine on stats across the board Begins the game with a bucket weapon which is you know like a fist weapon that has medium levels of protection and this is obviously meant for challenged players who you know also want more freedom over their character because they have you know more levels that they can gain before allocating their stats so when they resp their character they'll be able to have you know more optimization because they don't have like 16 points in strength they don't want strength for their build or whatever that's not going to be a problem for this class the tradeoff is you don't start with very good equipment you don't start with a very good weapon you start at very low level so you're kind of hampered I think it's actually slightly easier than pirate in my opinion though so this is probably the second most difficult class to use and then we come to the dark Crusader class which is both a deluxe edition class meaning if you buy the deluxe edition of the game you'll have access to this immediately from the beginning and also one of the unlockable classes I mentioned earlier so I won't go into how you get it throughout playing the game this will be in that separate video I mentioned but we will get into why you might want to play this if you have access to it from the deluxe edition this class begins the game at level 14 which is the highest of all classes meaning it should be theoretically the strongest of all classes you do have high endurance and vitality the highest Vitality of any starting class and you also have some points in strength and Radiance making it a good setup like a paladin sort of build as well if you have access arguably one of the better starting classes for Paladin even though the class itself does not start with a catalyst in order to cast radiant spells and that's really one of the biggest drawbacks at the very beginning of the game is that you'll have to gain a catalyst you will gain one very very quickly in the game so it's not a huge drawback but the starting area of the game you won't have a catalyst nor any spells to cast you kind of have to play as like a warrior or fighter early on for obtaining one if that's your goal and obviously you'll be focusing primarily on strength or strength Radiance based weapons for your play set this class does not come with a shield the way the hollow Knight does or the orian creater does so if you want a shield for your Paladin build you might want to select one of those and obviously buy a shield for these or find one later on for this class it's not a huge Shi and this class just like the hollow Knight has the most ranged slots however it's range projectile cost three slots just like that glass this one explodes in an AOE though making it good for packs of enemies that can de a holy damage and as I mentioned earlier enemies are weak to Holy damage early on in the game typically rogar are weak to Holy so this is a really good damage type against and this class also has a heavier weapon just like the warwolf does so if you want a class that's not the warwolf that has more armor this is not a bad choice the dark crer has the highest starting armor of any of the classes assuming that you have it otherwise the holline has has the highest and another really great thing about this class is you start with Paladin's pendant which goes in your necklace slot and this gives you plus two to strength plus 32 endurance you're actually going to start the game with 14 strength and 17 endurance making it a very very strong early game class and again you can find all this gear later on in the game it's just that it'll be very far and you're more likely to play this class on a second playthrough than you would the first if you don't have the Delux so that wraps up our video on the classes of Lords of the fall and I hope you learned a couple things that you know made your choice of class a little bit more clear remember that the equipment of each class is obtainable throughout the game so that shouldn't be factored too much inry decision obviously the first stretch of the game you will be playing with the gear that you have before you can purchase and unlock some of these things so there is some Credence to that but it's not as heavy cuz it's not the whole game or like it's not even a vast chunk of the game that you'll be using that equipment for before you can swap into something else and thanks again to hex works and CI games for sponsoring this video If you are going to pick up the game you can use our link below to support the channel you have further questions or comments or tips for players you can leave them there in the comments as [Music] [Music] well
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 145,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lords of the fallen best class, lords of the fallen classes, lords of the fallen class difference, lords of the fallen op class, lords of the fallen best starting class, lords of the fallen, lords of the fallen gameplay, lords of the fallen 2, lords of the fallen trailer, lords of the fallen review, lords of the fallen build, lords of the fallen starting classes, lords of the fallen class, lords of the fallen classes explained, lotf, lotf classes, best lords of the fallen class
Id: ia2N0z8l5AI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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