13.2.7 Packet Tracer - Use Ping and Traceroute to Test Network Connectivity

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newspaper and fresh fruit to test network connectivity addressing table three routers will be three routers for n devices for n devices incomplete addressing table IP addresses and devices are missing there are productivity issues in this activity the user exit password is Cisco and the privilege exit password is class test and restore ipv4 connectivity his IP config and beans to verify connectivity click PC one common prompt PC 1 comma prompt IP config Hall IP coffee space slash all completely addressing table with IP before others to a PC one IP address 1010 one ID ID to bad-mouth to 85 85 85 to 24 default gateway default gateway 1010 197 click pc3 and open the conference pc3 come up Brahms I'd be gone field slash space slash all completely other receipt I will be c3 IP address 1010 118 subnet mask 255 255 255 240 the forgot why 1010 117 use the bay for kamma that has connectivity between PC one and PC through the ping it should fail ok from pc1 painful pc3 go to pc 1 enter space pink to pc 3 IP others pc3 IPRs is 1010 118 from PT one pays to turn 180 other destination host Rachel pin face locate the source of connectivity failure for PC without the necessary cover the trace the route to pc3 ok ping fails with trace route the common on Windows is Streisand and also pocket or ESL PC tracer destination is pc3 from pc1 tries hard pc 3 and PC 380 others Eastern Time one item okay price out files okay he's trying to pass a 97 ID others okay control-c to stop turn turn 197 turn time 197 what is the last successful IP before others that was Richard that's a 197 the trace will eventually add after three attempts and our control-c to stop the trace before 30 attempts okay but another answer is what device has this IP address tension 187 go to other s interval and 1010 while 97 is configured on gigabit zero one on our one gigabit here one on our one okay and I think the failure is placing on our one because the tracer test only reaches gigabit zero one on our one gigabit 0 1 on our 110 10 1 97 from pc3 enter the necessary commented trace the route on pc one from pc3 try certs pc one onto pc 3 space try sir we see one IP others we see what IP address is 31 98 go to PC 3 we have to trace her to PC one turn one night okay turn-turn 117 and 1010 117 try south face is trying to pass this IP hours 1010 117 but fails and control-c to stop what is the last successful light before others that was Richard 1010 170 control C control C to stop the tries but the question is and the question is what device has this IP other stands and 117 go to adoration table and 1010 117 is the configuration of GW 0 1 1 or 3 gigabit 0 1 1 or 3 so I think maybe the failure is place it on nor 3 click on 1 press ENTER and login to the router ok click on R 1 enter password is cisco the cisco and enable password or privilege exit password is class cisco enter enable class anthem show IP interface brief comment to list the interfaces and their status show IP interface brief ok oh my one three interfaces two gigabit interfaces one serial interface ok here with 0 0 0 1 start with up protocol up c001 start with status up protocol up [Music] gigabit 0 0 does not have IP before others you know p 0 0 will have ipv6 address you can be 0 0 over 1 ok so that's why you cannot see IP before but the status is help and protocol up you can be 0 0 1 ipv4 address 1010 197 status are predominant 3 are 0 0 1 10 10 1 6 status up protocol up verify on addressing table are one gigabit 0 0 uses ipv6 0 V 0 1 7 1 9700 110 10 1 6 ok also serious here 0 1 uses ipv6 addresses but this comma shall IP interface with will show you only ipv4 addresses okay there are two IP for others is on the router okay - ipv4 addresses one should have be regarded in a step to a okay this was recorded previously what is the other this is the other 10 10 1 6 show IP route show IP route other to list the networks to which the router is connected note that there are two networks connected to the serial 0 0 1 interface okay third route with letter C are connected networks and routes with letter L are local networks show IP route command will only show you the ipv4 routes and you have to directly connected networks with letter C 10 10 1 4:30 and 10 10 196 27 10 10 1 4:30 and 10 10 196 27 these are networks network Alice's subnets okay ipv6 will not be shown on this comment only ipv4 and you have to directly connected networks now there are two networks connected to the serial 0:01 interface serial 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 okay to network connected to networks connected what are they turn turn one for 30 and 10 10 1 6 32 okay turns out one for field e on serial zeros here one is the directly connected network with leather seat is this the network on serial interface serial 0 0 1 0 0 okay and this another with leather L 10 10 1 6 is the IP IP before host address configurate on serial 0 0 1 okay the IP before host address configurate on CL 0 0 1 10 10 1 6 repeat steps to eat through to G with R 3 and record your answers from ii ii ii ii ii put on our 3k click on or 3 matter cisco enabled class shall IP interface brief day you know b201 IP before other as 10 10 117 and here 0 0 1 1010 110 starters our brother workout status our protocol up we verify from 103 you can be 0 0 0 you see say b6 you go B 0 and 10 10 117 and co-co-co 110 10 110 very good shall I be rude okay to directly connected networks letter C 10 10 1 8 graphics feel d 10/10 1 ID prefix theory and Tenten 116 prefix 28 and turn turn once you've seen prefix 28 okay the jacobi to0 uses ipv6 there are 2 IP before others is on the rather one should have been recorded on steps to a ok click on or 3 this was recorded on stepped to a 10 10 117 what is the other turns I'm wantin ok show IP route so I be root 3 should I be route now that there are two networks connected to CL 0 0 1 interface CL 0 0 will be define serial 0 0 1 interface to network net what are they 10 10 1 a theory and 10 10 1 1032 okay this is the network address on CL 0 0 1 that were others in Syria 0 0 1 with 10/10 one thing is the IP before others coffee Europe I'd be before hosts other words configurate transience here zero one okay CL 0 0 1 or 3 CL 0 0 1 1010 went host address configuring on or 3 serial cos you click add our to press enter and logging into the roller clicker to and their Cisco enable class should I be the face brief shall IP interface brief ok serials hero 0 0 10 10 1 to see as heroes here 110 10 1 9 status our protocol up status our portable lab verified or 2 CL 0 0 0 10 10 1 5 ok it should be 10 10 1 5 ok this should be 10 10 1 5 is Miss configurate this is the failure and serial 0 0 1 10 10 1 9 10 10 1 and very good ok record your addresses ok 2001 to 2009 test if it helps visualize the problem okay I don't need more tests because I found the failure proposed how solution what is the error okay CL 0 0 R 2 should be modify it CL 0 0 on r2 should be 10715 what is the solution okay so you need to modify the serial 0/0 interface on where to and it should be 10 10 1 5 okay go to our - okay configure turbulent serial 0 0 0 interface Hylian 0 0 0 IP others ok should be 10 times 1/5 prefix theory or 250 to turn 1 follow I 255 255 255 255 some I'll already down verify from pc1 it has connectivity to PC free go to PC 1 ok pink to pc3 IP our center 118 enter success from pc3 PHP c1 go to PC 3 big PC 1 PC 1 IP others 10:10 one maybe eight with just being pink okay beef - PC one better success test our story p v6 connectivity just ipv6 config and paint to verify connectivity click pc to pc to common prom i b v6 comfy space / or completely erasing table pc to ipv6 others to 0 0 1 da 1 1 column 2 perfect 64 and the fault gateway fe80 component 1 click click click pc for common braum pc for common Brown ipv6 conflict space / all complete a dressing-table okay pc for ipv6 address 2 0 0 1 DB 8 1 4 column column to graphic 64 default gateway fe80 column column 2 there's connectivity between pc2 and beautiful from PC to pinch PC for go to PC - and pink to 0:01 deviate column PC for ipv6 address 2 0 0 1 DB 8 1 4 2 64 2 0 0 1 DB 8 1 4 - ok go to pc - 1 column for column column 2 other pink should fail ok be his failing ok team fails locate the source of connectivity failure from PC to enter the necessary comma to trace the route to pisiform click on visit to and tracer to pisiform ok try sir the same destination would you stress out common to this ipv6 address that is PC for hunter okay.you requires time out he requires time out and now traceroute is failing okay wait for one more line requests I'm out okay ctrl C to stop traceroute fails what is the last successful ipv6 address that was Richard is this 2 0 0 1 DB 8 1 3 column column 2 but another question is what device has this ipv6 address to seriously want to be a 1 3 column column 2 1 3 column column 2 this is 2 0 0 1 DB a 1 3 : column - it's a sign up to 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 or 3 C 0 0 1 or no.3 ok so I think the problem the failure is on nor 3 the trice will eventually add after three attempts and their control-c to stop the trice fear the attempts okay very good from pc 4 enter the necessary comma to trace the route to PC - for on PC for trace the route to PC to go to PC for and right sir the PC to ipv6 address is 2 0 0 1 DB 8 1 1 column column to go to PC for tracer 2 0 0 1 DB 8 1 1 column 1 1 : column 2 header requires timeouts request timeout now trace her face a control C to stop what is the last successful ipv6 address third was Richard the answer is no ipv6 address was Richard control Z to stop the tries click r3 and press ENTER and logging into the router click click on 3 press Enter Cisco in a world class show IP v6 interface brief show ipv6 interface brief gigabit 0/0 ipv6 address status our protocol auto gigabit 0 0 / 3 C 0 0 1 maybe 6 address status up protocol up c001 status up for double up on were 3 but verify on the dressing-table are 3 gigabit 0 0 2 0 0 1 DB 8 1 4 1 2 0 0 1 DB 8 1 4 1 CL 0 0 1 ipv6 2 0 0 1 DB a 1 3 2 CL 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 DB a 1 3 2 okay all very good very good coffee urine okay review PC for ipv6 address two zero zero one deviate one for column column - okay well I sit on this network to zero zero one DBA one for column column 64 okay so ipv6 address is very good the forgot by fe80 column column to GWT no zero on our three should have this ipv6 address link local ipv6 address the for got a FB ad column column to the gigabit zero zero fe80 color column three so this is the failure is there a discrepancy yes okay and this is the discrepancy this is the failure but I don't know if I will modify the gigabit 0/0 ipv6 link local otherwise Judah with zero zero or more three I don't know if I will modify this or I don't know if I will modify the default gateway on PC for and go to a dressing-table gigabit zero zero or three gigabit 0 0 / 3 ipv6 address global unicast ipv6 address bed and here the link local others is fe80 cannot : 3 so this is very well configurate and I'm busy for this is the failure do you need to change this value you need to change this value to fe80 : : 3 should we fe80 : : 3 is there a discrepancy yes the fall ipv6 default gateway I am busy fall should be modified rom all tasks not problem I have the solution proposed a solution what is the error ok the ipv6 default gateway is misconfigured on PC for PC for what solution you can propose to change the IP 6 default gateway on PC for to fe80 column column 3 implement the plan close this IP configuration and here changed to 3 ok verify from PC to PC to PC for from pc to pc to pc 4 go to PC - ok beef to PC for enter success from PC for PPC to go to PC for and close this column prompt ok in the ipv6 address of PC 2 is 2 0 0 1 DB a11 kana kaanum to enter success is the problem resolved it yes 100% thank you very much you
Channel: Christian Augusto Romero Goyzueta
Views: 4,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cisco, itn, introduction to networks, v7.0, version 7.0, version 7, icmp, ping, ipv4, ipv6, tracert
Id: jpZOWzEqQ2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 47sec (2147 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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