13.5.2 Packet Tracer - Wireless Technology Exploration - Physical Mode

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xyz corporation is expanding their network capabilities to allow enhanced connectivity at the local offices as well as connectivity for those wishing to work remotely in this bucket raiser physical mode activity you have been asked to assist with this plan by reviewing the current network capabilities and adding wireless functionality is required explore the wireless network you will explore the wireless network and verify connectivity wireless and cellular signal representations are on this activity you can turn them off by clicking view wireless signals on the top blue toolbar up here view wireless signals click here now you can see the signals click no signals and click you can see the wireless signals explore the topology you will notice that home contains five different locations corporate office branch office central office home office and coffee shop central office home office corporate office branch office and coffee shop how are the four office connected and what type of cables connect them the corporate office is connected to the branch office via fiber and [Music] the corporate office is connected to the central office via fiber this another cable home office is currently unconnected navigate inside the corporate office click on corporate office notice that six lightweight wireless access points are connected to the wiring closet okay six lightweight access points how are the lightweight wireless access points connected to the network okay the lightweight wireless access points are connected via copper cable through the switch to the wireless lan controller okay and where is it where is the wireless lan controller click on the wiring closet these are the six cables one two three four five six six copper copper straight through cables the switch connects the six lightweight wireless access points to the wireless lan controller with this connection navigate into the central office wiring closet okay back level back level again click here on central office click here click on wiring classes how are the cell towers connected to the central office server these are the connections to the cell towers the cell towers are connected using coaxial cable to central office server now you can see one two three four five five coaxial cables connected to this server but there is another cable copper straight through cable that goes to the router so the cell towers are connected to the server and then connected to this router but level now you can see the connections one two three four five five connections five connections to the to the cell towers one two three four five navigate to the branch office notice that file lightweight wireless access points are connected via copper cable to the branch switch in the wiring closet okay go to branch down here click on branch office let's see one two three four five five lightweight wireless access points connected using copper cables okay click on the wiring closet okay one two three four five five connections the switch is then connected to the branch wireless lan controller and now this is the connection to the wireless lan controller down here this wireless lan controller cisco 3504 verify connectivity to verify connectivity navigate to corporate office corporate office wiring closet okay back level back level click incorporate office wiring closet click the laptop desktop command prompt okay click here desktop command prompt ping 191.68210 branch office server this branch server 192.168.210 192.168 to 10. okay success repeat okay very good then pink 181.6852 central office backbone connection central office server 1816852 okay success repeat quick tracer can take some time to convert you may receive request timeout messages however both of the pings should eventually be successful okay request timeout then success success navigate to the home cd smartphone okay back level back level okay click on this smartphone desktop comma prompt pf172 1611 the cylinder connection at the central office okay cellular 172 16 1 1 172 161 success i think 192.168.110 corporate office server corporate server 192.168.110 pink 182 168 110 okay success what are the different physical connections used between a smartphone one and the corporate office server a smartphone to the sole tower uses cellular via wireless signals [Music] cell tower to the central office uses coaxial cables the central office to the corporate office uses fiber add wi-fi connectivity to a board room a new board room is being created within the branch office currently the boardroom is in a wi-fi that's on [Music] install a new lightweight access point device to provide coverage for the new board room ok branch office click click on branch office down here look at this is the board room the laptop inside the new board room has no access to a wi-fi signal now you can see no signals for this laptop click and drag the access point on the inventory shelf to the boardroom okay this is the access point on the inventory shelf and rah click the new access point click modules go to modules drag access point power adapter okay power adapter config tab global settings name lap dash v6 global settings lap dash b 6 uppercase under interface.11 radius 0 set the coverage range to 75 75 meters okay you're both 11 75 that's your zero close the window if you have be aware of the signals you will notice that there is now coverage in the boardroom okay this is the cover rash now you can see okay the coverage and and connections copper straight through connect one end of the cable to gigabit interface on the new access point then click the rugged equipment and connect the other end to the cable rack branch switch fastener 22 interface okay and select connection copper straight through the gigabit interface on the access point click on the closet rack and in the rug there is a switch is brown switch this branch switch and facetime 22 okay very good verify connectivity okay verify on the closet 422 this is 19 20 21 22 this is 22 this this cable branch switch fastener 22 connected to lip b6 verify connectivity in the boardroom click the laptop desktop ip configuration okay back level click the laptop desktop configuration the laptop should now have full ipv4 configuration under ip configuration however the dhcp processes may take few minutes to complete if necessary to go between dhcp and a static to resign the hcp request click on the laptop static then dhcp okay verify if the laptop is connected to the access point go to close this go to pc wireless you have successfully connected to the access point okay very good ap configuration and now you can see the dhcp configuration 192.168.2 107 subnet mask default gateway dns server when ip addressing is provided you can verify connectivity close the ip configuration and command prompt okay and close this command prompt into the default gateway the 182.168 182.168.21 success and ping the corporate server one 182.168.110 182.168. one time success okay very good add wireless connectivity to our coffee shop in cellular that sound a new coffee shop has opened it in the home city but there is currently no cellular service in this area your task is provide cellular service for customers and employees on the coffee shop okay okay here on coffee shop connect a new cell tower okay now you can see a cell tower here near the coffee shop the cell tower and this cell tower doesn't have a connection to the central office navigate to home city okay this is home city notice that the cell tower next to the coffee shop is not connected to the central office coaxial cable one end of the coaxial 0 interface on the unconnected cell tower then click central office central office wiring closet table central office server coaxial 03 interface this is the coaxial cable this blue cable click here click on the tower go action zero interface click on central office wiring closet and table remember the server is in the table and central office server coaxial03 okay very good and click on central office to verify this is cell tower 5 connection 0 central office server collection 0 3 back level back level tether a laptop to the smartphone a remote worker wants to work at the coffee shop navigate to the coffee shop and then locate the smartphone and laptop on the table okay go to coffee shop okay the laptop and the smartphone click the smartphone config tab 3g 4g click the smartphone config 3g 4g verify that the smartphone has received and might be others okay it has an ip address 100 216 1 101 click dhcp refresh if necessary in my case not necessary verify the smartphone has received at the full way and dns server others okay ip address subnet mask go to settings and here you can see the default in dns server on cellular tethering enable bluetooth okay here on settings tethering bluetooth on under the interface click bluetooth and set for status to on okay click here on bluetooth and on very nice verify that discover able is enabled discover able on okay should be on now you can see the the coverage of the smartphone okay now you can see the the signals very good and laptop desktop bluetooth click on laptop desktop bluetooth click here bluetooth pour a status on on discover to display a smartphone one click and discover now smartphone one and click pair answer yes bluetooth pairing pop-up message okay pair yes click the laptop again a smartphone one and click tether laptop again smartphone one select the smartphone one and tether it may be necessary to move the smartphone and laptop close together for bluetooth pairing to work okay it is very close so i think it's not necessary to to do that and now you can see payroll connected tether access after a few seconds you should see validators information in the ip configuration if not repeat the previous steps now you can see this ipl 172 2010 ii and this subnet mask this is very good now the laptop is connected to the smartphone to verify connectivity close the bluetooth configuration window and then click command prompt click go to laptop click close bluetooth command prompt click the gateway 172 1611 172 1611 and pink corporate office server ping 192 168 110 success add wireless connectivity to a home office okay go back back level but a remote worker for xyz corporation has used modded and the new house does not have a network setup yet your task is to set up a network to provide wireless access throughout the house and connectivity to the corporate office select and cable the devices navigate to home city and click home office okay this is the city click on home office on the shelf behind the desk chair there is a wireless router with external antenna there is also a cable model directly to the right of the wireless router on the table in front of the coach there is a laptop okay this is the wireless router this is the cable modem this is another device the cable modem and the laptop [Music] connections copper straight through okay connections and connect one end of the cable to port one of cable modem connect the other end to the internet port on the wireless router okay select copper straight through cable this this cable click on the modem and use port one and this port one is connected to the wireless router click to internet okay very good now you can see the connection this is the connection navigate home cd back level connections coaxial cable home office cable modem port zero and central office central office wiring closet cmts coaxial seven okay remember this is their collection cable click here home office modem and port zero to central office wiring closet rack cmts connection 7. and verify click on home office now you can see this new connection this gray connection to the to to internet okay and central office wiring closet this is the cmts device this is the coaxial connection to the cable model configure the wireless router okay back level a global home office click the wireless router and graphical user interface the setup is already selected for internet connection type verify automatic configuration dhcp okay here should be the hcp the internet setup this is the connection to internet but for local area network the network setup verify this configuration ip address blood mass dhcp enabled starting address and maximum number of users okay the ip address is very good assume net mass is very good should be this dhcp enabled very good starting is 150 users very good scroll back to the top and click start to stop okay click here on status under internet connection the wireless router should have dhcp addressing from the central office if not click ip address renew to resend the hcp messages now you can see internet connection and you can see that address 1816862 so not much default gateway dns very good otherwise click ip address renew in my case not necessary where on the stop click here up here wireless wiring stop configure to that for gigahertz network okay 2.4 and use this name home sweet home as the network name ssid homes with home be careful comes with home not spaces [Music] save settings save settings okay click wireless security wireless security here for to that for you i heard security mode select wpa2 personal wpa2 personal it's not wpa is wpa2 version 2 and then configure my secure net as the passphrase okay be careful case sensitive okay this should be aes and this my secure net case sensitive save settings save settings very good verify connectivity click the laptop config tab wireless interface under interface okay click the laptop config wireless 0 this is the wi-fi interface enter the ssid home sweet home home sweet home okay be careful home sweet home wpa2 psk richard key and authentication method wpa2 read shared key and enter the password my secure net case sensitive my secure net under ip configuration on dhcp okay dhcp and now you have 180 168 0 100 so red master heat factories facility by zero very good and maybe you may need to trigger between dhcp and static to resend the hcp request okay in my case not necessary i got the dhcp configuration desktop tab command prompt pins to central office router okay and desktop tab command prompt ping central office 182.168.61 okay success link to corporate office server 110 success ping branch office server success a very good reflection what overall benefits does wireless technology provide to the end user wireless technology provides continuous access to network resources freeing the user from the physical constraints of the traditional wired network which form of wireless networking is the most beneficial wireless technology should not be seen as one versus another but rather how they can collectively contribute the overall goal of providing intuitive access to network resources a good example of this is seeing in the activity where bluetooth is used to tether a laptop computer to a smartphone which then uses cellular technology to connect back to the central office and eventually to the desired resource how could each of the following groups benefit from the various wireless technologies presented in this activity student salesperson r d engineer corporate executive all groups enjoy the same benefits of wireless technology bluetooth ability to communicate over short distances with network devices and peripherals this includes a lot of things like headsets printers laptops smartphones let's see it can also be used to enable internet access for laptops and tablets through high smartphones cellular network connection cellular ability to have long range and deteriorate access to remote resources without the necessity of being in a location that has wi-fi or physical access this includes a lot of things like corporate databases printers websites etsy because cellular art actually has become widely available it is often the only way to connect to corporate resources when physical connections such as cable and dsl are not available wi-fi this technology provides the same benefits cellular technology but is confined to shorter distances and normally under the control of a physical establishment it does not have the same coverage cellular technology of enforcing people to relocate to a physical premise where wi-fi is provided thus reducing user mobility you
Channel: Christian Augusto Romero Goyzueta
Views: 1,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: data center, switching, routing, wireless, essentials, srwe, v702, packet tracer, physical mode, fiber, coaxial, Bluetooth, cellular, cell tower, wireless router, cable modem, access point
Id: GNyuAwRghEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 44sec (2624 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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