17.8.2 Packet Tracer - Skills Integration Challenge Progress

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hi friends welcome to or in this video we are going to discuss CCNA version 7 packet Racer activity skills integration challenge before coming to this activity firms if you are watching our channel first time or if you like to get this type of technical videos in future considered subscribing also don't forget to enable that bill icon near the subscribe button so that you will get notification message whenever we upload a new video and also if you like to get more technical contents or if you like to contact our team you can visit our website link you will get from our Facebook page now back to our effect tracer activity here we can see our a dressing-table with the device interface IP at Rell's or prefix then it's a default gateway and here we can see this addressing table is incomplete we have it to complete this addressing table coming to the background or scenario the router central highest bit cluster and the web server are completely configured you must create a new ipv4 addressing scheme that will accommodate 4 subnets using the slash 24 a network now the IT department requires 25 hosts the sales department that needs 50 host the summit for the rest of the staff requests 100 host a guest subnet will be added in the future to accommodate 25 house you must also finish the basic security settings and interface configurations on our one you will configure the SPI interface and the basic security settings on switches s1 s2 and s3 to our a topology here we can see our devices switches s1 s2 and s3 a router r1 and here we can see our router central now coming to the instructions ipv4 addressing used / 24 to create subnets that meet the requirements so staff or a create hundred host sales rock you at fifty host then I to evacuate 25 host then guest network to be added later 25 host then documented the ipv4 addresses that have been as saintly the addressing table then recorded subnet for the guest network know coming to order spreadsheet to here we can see the subnet to be created as per our hosts or requirements here we can see for a staff 100 host network assigned and here we can see certain to mask and it's the broadcast address then coming to sales a 50 host it work at truss 28 and here we can see the certain to mask we used slash 26 as it's a prefix then coming to IT 25 host here we can see its network address suddenly to mask and it's broadcast address then coming to guest 25 host forget truss is for now coming to our topology here we can see different networks just I will highlight this a staff network here we take color ok so here we can see that network with a hundred host and we can see the devices its staff s1 and this interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 slash 0 and here we are going to use this network a truss so here we will as sane for this interface we will use the first usable IP address coming to our addressing table for the device our one interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 star 0 IP address we will use it's a 25 then here we can see aura a switch s1 we will use the second usable IP address for a desert switch so we will copy this IP address yes one VLAN 1 so it's a 1.2 then we have to give it's a default gateway it says the road 1 then here we can see our staff PC you will have see in the IP address 0.3 then it's a default gateway now here we can see our second network of with the 50 host devices sales is 2 and it is interface that is a gigabit 1/3 0 / 1 which is connected to this router r1 we will highlight that Network also now coming towards Pritchett here we can see for sales of 50 host we have to use this network address 28 here we will have seen the first usable IP address for this interface Gigabit Ethernet 0/1 then we will use the second usable IP address for this switch s2 then the third usable IP address for this a PC sales so coming to our spreadsheet on our one gigabit ethernet 0/1 we will use this IP address it's 1:29 the first usable IP address its prefix we used to slash 26 then coming to s2 you will use to 130 then coming to the pc sales you will use 131 then we have to give it's a default to Gateway just to default gateway it's 129 then coming to a sales default gateway now finally coming to the third network with 25 host he will highlight that network here is that so we can see the vases i ts3 and our one coming to our spreadsheet here we can see for this 25 host IT we have to use this network address 91 with these two masks and here we can see this network is connected to this interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / - yes in this router r1 so we will have seen the first usable IP address for this interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 2 then we will assign the second usable IP address for this or switch S 3 and we will have seen the third usable IP address for this PCIT now coming to our spreadsheet - here we can see IT with 25 host its network address 92 oh it's not 191 here we can see we given the broadcast for this 50 house it's 191 so the next I address is 192 so we have to correct this network address for this 25 host in IT it's 92 now we will copy this IP address and coming to device our one interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 2 we will use the first usable IP address it's a 193 then it's prefix it's a slash 27 right now we will copy this IP address then coming to s3 you will use the next usable IP address it's 194 then it's a default gateway it's 193 then coming to IT you will use so 195 then it's at the Gateway now we can see our addressing table is a fully updated so just I will assume it for the good view coming to the next instructions PC configurations configur they are same ipv4 address at the mask and default gateway settings on the staff sales and IT pcs using your addressing scheme yes we can do that firstly we will go to staff will go to IP configuration we'll go to our spreadsheet okay here we will give our IP address for this staff it's your we will copy this IP address then it's a certain to mask it's 128 then coming to the default gateway 0 to 1 now we will go to sales IP configuration here we can see sales IP address we will copy that IP address okay then sub to mask its a 192 then default gateway it's a 129 now coming to our IT IP config sure we can see iti EP address we will copy that and here we can see it's a default to Gateway coming to its IP configuration coming to certain to mask its a 2:24 then coming to its a default gateway it's a 193 next ISA I seen the ipv6 unicast and link local addresses and default gateways to the staff sales and IT networks according to the addressing table ok we will do that coming to our addressing table here we can see staff ipv6 address we will copy that coming to staff IP configuration ipv6 address then coming to it's a prefix it's a 64 and coming to ipv6 gateway it's here now we will go to a sales IP configuration we will copy this ipv6 address then coming to its a prefix so our 64 then coming to its a default gateway and finally coming to IT to copy this I ceteris then its prefix and it's ipv6 gateway now again coming to our addressing table here we can see for these into devices staff a sales and IT that they given at the link local address here so we have to view the selling local address on all these Center devices so coming to staff IP configuration here we can see the default a link local address now we will give this a link local address as a specified in our addressing table you will copy this link a local address it's the same for these devices or sales and IT also sure we will give that link local address ok now coming to sales IP configuration link local address and she's coming to IT yes it's done we done all the configurations in these pcs staff sales and IT as per the requirements given now coming to urban configurations configure the device name according to the addressing table we will go to our router r1 enter enable configure a terminal we will set the hostname as specified it's our one next is a disabled DNS a lookup ok we can do that we have to give a no IP domain lookup ok next is our scene Cisco enp a55 as the encrypted privileged x ik mode password ok we will copy this password and we will enable a secret enable secret specified it's here okay next is are saying this password will copy that as the console password and enable login okay we will go to line console 0 then we will enable the password it's your password then we have to specify the password then we will give a login command next is our record at a minimum of 10 characters be used for or passwords ok we can do that we will go to our 1 we have to go to global configuration mode configure a terminal here we will give its a security passwords a minimum length as specified it's 10 next is encrypt all plaintext passwords ok we have with the command service password encryption next is create a banner that wants anyone accessing the device that unauthorized access is prohibited ok we will set banner motd banner motd will start with a delimiter then we will give our message unauthorized access is strictly prohibited next is configure and enable all the Gigabit Ethernet interfaces so we have to configure the ipv4 addresses according to our addressing scheme also be able to configure the ipv6 addresses according to the addressing table now coming to our topology here we can see the interfaces a gigabit interfaces it's a Giga be the third of zero zero gigabit at around 0/1 and gigabit deterrent 0/2 first of all we will configure ipv4 address so we will configure this interface Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 coming to our addressing table here we can see Gigabit Ethernet 0 slash 0 and it's ipv4 address and it's a prefix we will copy this address then coming to our router r1 you will go to that interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 star 0 then we will set its IP address as per our addressing table then it's a certain to mask slashed on d5 so we have to give 128 now we will give a no-shit on command better I think now itself we will configure ipv6 address also so we will get this interface ipv6 cetera so here we can see that we will copy that also we can see it's a link local address we will it's ipv6 address we already copied that okay now we will Lissette it's a link local address fe80 double : 1 as a link a local now we will configure the next interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 and we will get its ipv4 address first it's here we will copy that and here we can see it's prefix it's a slash 26 coming to r1 here we will exit then we will go to the interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 and we will set ipv4 address first then it's suddenly to mask its 192 will give a notional comment also now we will let set its ipv6 address we will copy that from here ok and here we can see it's a link local address we will set its ipv6 address also we will let set linga local address fe80 double colon 1 as a link local know we will configure this interface Gigabit Ethernet as 0 / 2 you will get its ipv4 address first you will copy that okay and here we can it's a prix fixe its last 27 okay he will exit then we will go to the interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 2 and we will let set ipv4 IP address there is ipv4 address then it's a sudden to mask its a 224 then not sure on command no we will configure ipv6 address for this interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 2 we will copy its address and here we can see it's a link local address also ipv6 address ok then link local address if e80 double colon 1 a sitting locally ok next we are going to configure SSH on r1 we have to set the domain name to CCNA - labid or Chrome then generate a 1 0 - 4 bit RSA key then configure the VT by lines for is a such access then use the local user profiles for authentication then we have to create a user admin one with a privilege level of 15 and use the encrypted password of admin 1 PA 5 5 okay we will do that coming to r1 we will exit from this interface then we will let set this IP domain name as specified it's a CCNA - lab comm now we will generate a 1 0 - 4 bit RSA key it's a crypto key generate RSA how many be in the modulus okay it's a 1 0 2 4 so we will create the user and password with a privilege level of 15 and they use the encrypted password of admin on PA 5 5 ok we will copy this username and here we will give username it's 0 then we will give us a secret and here we can see specifies a hidden a secret will follow will give 5 here oh ok then we will copy this password and we will give that here then press enter now we will configure the vty lines for SSH access so we have to go to line vty we will give for all the lines from 0 to 15 okay and here we will give transport input SSH then we will give a login local here this username and this password we will create one small in this outer are 1 correctly create a user admin 1 we will copy this admin 1 so it's you have to go to global configuration mode that's correct then user name it's admin 1 then secret password is here you paste that here okay then presenter now coming to the next configuration configure the console and to be TV lines to a logout after five minutes of inactivity okay we have to go to the lines again he will go to a line console first line console 0 then here we have to give that x''k timeout so we'll give 5 minute then 0 seconds you will exit then we will go to line vty for all the lines from 0 to 15 then x''k timeout 5 minutes 0 seconds now the last configuration in this router r1 bloke anyone for a 3 minutes the who fails to login after 4 atoms within a two-minute period ok we can do that coming to our one again we will fix it from here and we will give here Logan [Music] block 4 or 180 attempts it's for within 10 oh sorry it's not ten actually I specified so 120 so we have to give a correct time it's a within 120 right now we will go to a switch configuration configure the device name according to the dressing-table coming to our a topology here we can see three switches s1 s2 and s3 and we have to configure this device named as s1 s2 and s3 okay we will do that first of all coming to yes one we will go to CLI enable configure our terminal we will set the hostname as a specified es1 now we will go to s to enable configure terminal hostname as is 2 now we will go to s3 enable configure a terminal hostname as s3 no configure at the SCBA in interface with the ipv4 HS and submit to mask according to your addressing scheme okay here we can see IP address for a DS s1 s2 and s3 first of all we will let copy this yes one IP address and here we can see it's a prefix also we can say it's a default gateway we will go to s1 [Music] interface vlan1 and we will let set the IP address okay and then it's up to mask 128 then we will give no shutdown command then we will exit turn we will has set its IP default gateway it's a 0.1 now we will configure s2 coming to our addressing table here we can see as two IP address we will copy that and here we can see it's a prefix it's a slash 26 and we can say it's a default a gateway coming to us to interface vlan1 IP address and it's a something to mask 192 then not sure on command we will exit and we will set the IEP default the gateway it's a 129 now we will configure s3 we will get its IP address okay and here here we can see it's a prefix slash 27 and it's a default gateway it's our dot 193 interface vlan1 IP address it's here then it's a certain to mask to 24 now shutdown we will exit and we will have set its IEP default gateway its 193 next is configure the default gateway yes we configured our default gateway for all these switches s1 s2 and s3 now a disabled DNS a lookup ok we will do that coming to yes one sure you have to give a no IEP domain lookup ok now we will go to yes - no IP domain lookup and finally we will go to s3 no IP domain lookup next is assigned a Cisco enp a55 as the encrypted privilege the exit mode password ok we will a copy this password and we will go to s1 its enable a secret and here is that password now we will go to yes - it's a enable a secret and here is that password and finally to s3 enable secret next is us in a Cisco conp a55 as the console password and enable a login ok we will copy this password you will go to s1 line console 0 password is here then login I will go - yes - it's a line console 0 password login and in s3 line console 0 password Logan next is configure the console and the vty lines to log out after five minutes of inactivity ok coming to s1 now we are in a line console so we will here will give that exit timeout 5 0 ok then we will exit will go to line vty for all the lines 0 to 15 and we will give that exit timeout 5 minute now we will go to s 2 sure we will give that hex ik timeout 5 0 we will exit and then we will go to line vty 0 to 15 x ik timeout then we will go to s3 sure we will give a x''k timeout 5 minutes 0 seconds then we will exit and we will go to line with zero to 15 then this x'q timeout no finally encrypt all plaintext passwords okay we will exit and we will give a service password encryption then coming to us to exit surveys password encryption on s3 exit surveys password encryption finally coming to connectivity requirements use the web browser on the staff sales and IT pcs to navigate to www.assist.org a browser on the staff sales and IT PCs to navigate to www.assist.org be able to ping all other devices we will copy this URL then coming to staff you will go to a browser in this URL we will give this Cisco dot PKA it's working again we will reopen this web browser and we will change this URL to Cisco six dot PKA okay it's working now we will go to sales web browser okay it's working again we will reopen this web browser here with the Cisco six dot PKA okay and finally coming to IT a browser again we will re-open for a Cisco 6 dot PKA yes it's working now we will try to ping these pcs each other we will get the IP address off sales it's here now coming to staff we will go to command prompt and we will let ping to that PC it's working now we will get the IP address of IT okay ping to IT it's working okay in this video we discussed the packet race or activity skills integration challenge sure we can see our completion status it's a hundred percentage now dear friends if you have any doubt any suggestions please comment below also if you liked our video give a thump and share with all your friends don't forget to visit our website linking you will get from our Facebook page stay tuned and we will meet again with the next video thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 58,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CISCO, CISCO Certification, CCNA
Id: YMXCpljD-6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 6sec (2286 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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