13.3.2 Lab - Use Ping and Traceroute to Test Network Connectivity

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gears ping and traceroute to test network connectivity use this topology a 4321 router whisper one the same router model for the i/o speed an external server call it external a PC PC - a and switch one 2960 switch s1 now here's the copper astray through cables to connect positive at six on as one first letter nut on PC gigabit zero zero one on r1 to Saturn at five as one gigabit zero zero zero between routers do beat zero zero zero on both sides and gigabit zero zero one between the ISP router external server you [Music] you I'm pocket racer the new high 60s which does not support ipv6 so I will change this device your switch 3650 3650 this model no 3560 use 3650 switch 3650 does not have four SATA rod interfaces in this side connected to the router use gigabit 1:05 and the another side connected to pc juice instead of using force internet use gigabit 1:06 remove this device as one this is the dressing-table patient railroad are two tools that are indispensable when thirsty anticipate a network connectivity this is a network administration utility use it as the rich ability of a device on IP network this utility also measures the round-trip time for messages sent from the originating host to a destination computer traceroute utility is another word diagnostic tool for display in the path or route and measuring the transit delays of packets troubling IP network the routers use it with CC and I hands-on labs our Cisco 4221 the switches use it in the labs or Cisco Catalyst 3960 other routers switches cisco iOS versions can be used make sure that the brothers and switches have been arrested and have no sterile configurations if you are ensure contact your instructor the default be established use it by the switch database manager SDM does not provide ipv6 address capabilities verify that SDM is using either the developing for an ipv6 template or the lab is routing template the new template will be use it after reboot even if the configuration is not cited as one for example or my real not on the 396 T switch verify with the show as their preferred comment then use the flowing commas to assign the dual eye before an ipv6 template as the default SDM template go to global configuration mode with the configure terminal comment said as the I preferred world ipv4 and ipv6 default comment finally and reload to apply changes required resources to routers one switch to pcs consult cables that are not cables cabled the network is showing the topology erase the configurations of routers and switches configure pc IP others is and default gateways according the addressing table use these configurations down here to configure PCA go to that stop and set ipv4 and ipv6 addresses okay this is the IP before for pca but this is incorrect especially because there is not the fault that way so use the topology this is the IP address for pca this is the correct IP address for pca one that and so that mass should be this 24 because this is the subnet mask for the company lam 24 and the default gateway is 1 so that means to use 182 and 60 a 1.1 come for ipv6 use this 1 0 0 to 0 0 1 DB 8 acad column column column one column column ten and the prefix is 64 this ipv6 address and the default gateway will be the link local address of the gigabyte zero zero one interface of our one fe80 column column one and the external server use this IP so now 165 202 26 subnet mask is 27 so 27 means to use 224 this is the subnet mask on the address in table 27 and the default gateway is 225 the IP address of degree 0 0 1 on is p29 165 200 250 225 and on ipv6 use this ipv6 address 200 column column 226 traffic 64 ipv6 gateway just this the link local address ISP router fe80 colonel colonel - terrified our own ISP routers and Alice Wong who is using their initial configurations provided below so you can copy all these configurations to our notepad edit this file you now copy these on our wall cause now I know IP domain lookup and I have a deposition because routing configure gigabit zero zero with ipv4 ipv6 link local with not rush up down here with zero our ipv4 ipv6 in doctor not okay is very well configure and not shut down default IP first that accrue default IP CB static route the not configuration would you like to enter initial configuration dialog now enter enter in a wall go to global configuration mode with the configure terminal commands then paste and paste this paste enter now issue is now eros very nice ok is P plus 9i p love my new copy neighborly pcs unicast routing interface unibit 0 0 0 ipv4 or ipv6 link la falda shut down your vco1 ipv4 ipv6 in global not shut down ipv6 static route prevent copy this to ISP or to CLI now enter enable configure terminal taste okay on my ASP I pee before a static route is not necessarily because I want is using that as well because now I'm Nydia may look up belong one configuration ipv4 ipv6 little by shutdown and the default gateway so okay on this one the link local address is fe80 param content so it's possible to use Tang or to not problem Oh interface you have it zero zero zero over one the link local address is also fe80 column column to cut its place it on on this link between r1 and ISP and it's another link of the company land it's a different link so it's possible to configure as one along with fe80 column column true not problem if you will use this configuration go to as well and go to physical place the power supply go to CLI wait a moment and there no enter enable configure terminal in copy this paste enter very nice there I will modify the other suitable I just modified this I paid for BCA and the link local address almost one so why the default the default gateway and ipv6 long as one is not coffee unit because as one will recognize automatically the default gateway or 96 configure an IP host tribal on the router r1 the IP hostile allows you to use a hostname to connect a remote device rather than IP hours copy and paste the following configurations for the are war all the configurations will allow you to use the hotlines for peace and traceroute comments on the router or one for example 226 is the external server so use external version for the ipv6 of external server will be external version 6 and copy this configuration to r1 and copy this to notepad open r1 and enable configure terminal and on global configuration mode copy this copy paste but ipv4 configurations were very well configurate but ipv6 configurations were not supported only I before so are not problem with that because I can't use ipv6 addresses just be comment for basic network testing use the pit command to verify end-to-end connectivity beings operators by sensing Internet control message protocol ICMP echo request packets to the target halls and waiting for our ICMP response it can record the road trip time and any bug that loss routing loops IP packets have unlimited lifetime on the network IP packets use an 8-bit time to leave I before or hop limit ipv6 header field value which specifies the maximum number of layer three hops that can be traversal on the path to the destination host on a network will set its own a bit value with a maximum value of 255 so each time an IP packet arrives layer through a network device this value is reduce it by one before it is forwarded to its destination so if this value eventually reaches 0 the IP packet is this Carter does network connectivity from the r-1 network using PCA pay from PCA - it's the fog that way our ones gigabit zero zero zero one interface the default gateway of PCA is you have eight zero zero one on our one so on PCA on command prompt in that I iPad IP others was his one night 168 world one this IP others on this network under success for ICMP requests 32 bytes each were sent and the responses will save it in less than one millisecond with no packet lost the transmission reply time can be interested as the ICMP requests and responses are processes by more devices during day you'll need from a final destination ok time 1 milliseconds or less than one millisecond thirdly twice each time to leave 255 no loss packets sent four buckets receive it for this can also be done is the ipv6 address so use the ipv6 address you can be zero zero one honor one is one on this network so is this IP to fulfill one column deviate column AC ad column one column column other success simulate divide one milliseconds or less than one millisecond time to leave 255 sent for receive it for no loss for PCA think the others is listed in the following table and record the average round-trip time and ipv4 time to leap or ipv6 hop limit okay from VC a big to this IP this IP is from the the IP for others of PCA so PCA campus to itself okay a barrage round-trip time in milliseconds minimum zero milliseconds maximum one milliseconds average zero so I prefer to use less than one millisecond the TTL is 138 time to live 128 now been to the ipv6 address on VCF so beef to PCI by itself Susie was reward EBA ace-1 : column term okay P from PCA to PCA things to itself other the average in this case three milliseconds okay not no problem is if is a different value Maybury hop limit is the same value that time to leap one tourney please to the default gateway went into a CA 1 1 pinch to this interface gigabit 0 0 1 r1 from PCA average 0 milliseconds I prefer to use less than one millisecond time to lead to 55 and pink to ipv6 address on the on the same interface this interface gigabit 0 0 1 or R 1 is this ipv6 address verify the average 0 I prefer to use less than one millisecond time to leap 255 these two as well the ipv4 otherwise as one zero milliseconds I prefer this 255 time time to leave the ipv6 address on the on the same interface success 0 milliseconds use less than less than 1 milliseconds problem it 255 now piece to this IP for other 64 100 0 2 is this IP address the IP others of the gigabit 0 0 0 interface number 1 so from PCA means that IP address 64 100 0 to success average less than 1 really sickens 255 the ipv6 address on the sign interface on GW 0 0 or 1 this ipv6 address you okay less than one millisecond time to leave 255 this I feel for my SP the this IP address the IPS of Unibet zero zero zero or ISP is 64 100 zero our success okay the first big faileth not problem with this average zero milliseconds less than one time to leap to 54 okay now is 254 because to reach from PCA to ISP you have one rather long hop so this is a layer 3 device will decrease the time to leap by one so if the time to live from PCA to r1 is 255 the time to leap to from PCA to ISP will be decreasing by one so we'll be 254 is this value ipv6 address gigabyte 0 0 0 ISP that is this this ipv6 address aberration is down 1 millisecond and I'm too new to 54 now pink is P he got beat 0:01 this this IP address of this inter the IP address of this interface you got the IP hours of you know be 0 0 1 on ISP this interface 52 or 9 165 200 255 success average less than one millisecond time to leave 254 remember from PCA to rich ISP you need to pass through a router this is a layer 3 device the time to leap is decrease it by 1 254 if the ipv6 address of the same interface the ipv6 address of yoga be 0 0 1 on high speed is this 200 column column 225 average less than one millisecond time to lead 254 decrease it by 1 and finally these two external server 226 the third spin fails but don't not problem with that less than one millisecond the average and time to leave 1:26 remember the maximum value from of the time to leap from a PC to a PC is 128 in this case from PCA to PCA the pig to itself the maximum value is 128 but the pink from PCA to the external server that also is a PC the maximum value is 128 but it reduces it by by 2 and the result is 126 because from PCA to external server you have two routers 2 layer 3 devices so that's why it's decreased by 2 finally pin through the ipv6 address of external server 226 time to leave 120 136 average less than 1 okay time to leap is it's very similar to hop limit but they have different values for example in this case the page to ipv4 address on our wall has 255 our time to leap with using ipv6 Title II is 255 with hop limit is 64 okay the pain through as well try to leave 255 but the hub limit will be 64 you will see this use Wireshark to see ipv6 hub limit value on a real network a Windows PC in the pink for all ipv6 the hub limit will be 64 the big to is P if time to leap if reduce it by one the hub limit will be reduce it by one also reduce it by one and will be 63 in this case in this case also 63 that is the difference between time to live and hop limit use at standard path comments of PCA the default page common sense for requests are 32 bytes each it waits for thousand milliseconds for seconds for each response to be returned before displaying their request timeout message use the T option pink external to verify external is reachable into external pin to 226 but use the option T then add them to illustrate the results when a house is unreachable disconnect the cable between the ISP router and external or shutdown G double zero zero one interface on the ISP router okay while pink is verifying the connectivity and disconnect this cable and you will see the message destination host in Rachel and request timeout message now reconnect the cable to gigabit zero zero one and pink will be successful and pink will be successful again controversy to stop this process so when you disconnect the cable P will fail with this messages request I'm our destination for some vegetable when you recognize the cable be successful while network is fresh and incorrectly the pyramid can determine whether the destination respondent and how long it took to receive a reply from the destination if a network connectivity problem exists the big common displays on error message the above steps can be repeated for ipv6 okay so use the ipv6 address of external server and use the option D and disconnect this cable requests I'm out requests I'm out then reconnect control-c to stop what ICMP error messages did you received request timeout message first network connectivity from the r1 network using Cisco devices me Thurman is also by the world on Cisco devices pink external server on the external network using the ipv4 others ok from r1 under enable pink external server I believe for others the first pink files but are successful the exclamation point indicates that the piece successfully from the are were rather to external server the round-trip takes an average of one millisecond with no pocket loss indicated by one hundred percent success rate in my case there are five pins with one pink toilet and four pins success so success success rate is 80 percent four or five roundtrip the average is this zero milliseconds because the localhost table was configured on the l1 rather you can be sternal before on the external network ok use the name page external before remember you are using this this name so external use capital e so use capital e under five pings success what is the IP address used to own I was 65 to 100 226 the ipv4 address of the external server there are more options available for the big comment on the command line interface type in and press Enter number one pink press ENTER use the ipv6 as the protocol the input is the ipv6 address of the external server and press ENTER to accept the default value for other options protocol by the phone ipv4 use ipv6 with ipv6 address 200 column column to to donna six five pings repeat count under size 100 timeout to extended comments are as with no success you can use an that base to observe when there is a network issue start the pit come on to turn I was 65 200 to 26 with a repeat account of 50 thousands then disconnect the cable between the ISP router and the external server or shut down the gigabit 0:01 interface on the ISP router okay being use ipv4 by default or press Enter insert the IP address at the ipv4 others of the external server so I 165 226 repeat count the example size ten thousand ten thousand pings dinah dinah gram size fun time out to extended comments no sweep while pinky's testing the connectivity disconnect this cable you for unreachable and that means that the ping fails that you that you that you then reconnects and pink now is responding press control-shift six to stop the pink come on if the siren control shift six to stop the pig the leather you and the results indicate that a destination is unreachable an arrow protocol data unit PDU was received by the r1 rather each period in the output indicates that the best time out while waiting for a reply from external server in this example one percent of the packets were lost during the simulated network outage you can also use the following commands for the same result being the ipv4 address repeat ten thousand of times and also for ipv6 control-shift six to stop this success rate is 97 percent my hundred sixty seven of nine hundred ninety run treat minimum average and maximum minimum is 0 average 0 and maximum 8 milliseconds the beef government is extremely useful when troubleshooting network connectivity however peace cannot indicate the location of the problem when a being is not successful tracer or threshold covenant can display network latency and path information use the tracer and traceroute comments for basic network dusty the commands for tracing routes can be found on pcs and network devices for a windows-based PC the try cert common uses ICMP messages to trace the path to the final destination the trace route command utilizes the user Datagram protocol UDP data grounds for pricing routes to the final destination for Cisco devices and other unix-like pieces you will examine the traceroute commands and determine the path that a pocket troubles to its final destination you will just write short command for the Windows PCs and Thresh route command from the Cisco devices use treasured common from PCI to external server go to PCA and tries out transfer to the IP for others of external server now you have three lines the first line is the first layer 3 device is the IP address of gigabit 0 0 1 or R 1 disappears 192 168 1 1 the default gateway of PCA the second line the IP address is 64 100 0 1 this IP Adams for the next layer 3 device the ISP rather the IP address of gigabit 0 0 0 and the phone the final line is the IP for others of the external server to test a nation remember that a PC or server also works on layer 3 is the final line explore additional options for the trace heard comment use the D option notice that the IP hours of tornai 165 202 26 is not resolved at as external ok you can't use the D option here ok invalid comment because pocket racer this one does not accept the the options for tracer comma so basically is the same result as the previous verification because the previous comment the tracer results indicates the path from PCA to external that is the host name for the external server and the option will show the IP address and not the host name use a threshold comment from the our router to external go to r1 choose tries IP before others or external server now you have to two lines the first line is the IP address of gigabit 0 0 0 ISP that is the first layer 3 device the first router and the second line is the ipv4 others of external server now use ipv6 trace road to 0 0 1 DB a they C and D 200 column column 236 also two lines the first line the ipv6 address on Gino b200 an ISP and second line the ipv6 address of the external server trace route command has additional options you can use the question mark or just press ENTER after typing threshold at the prompt trace route enter now you have the options protocol for example ipv4 press Enter I P address IP others start our server source you can use the this IP address the gigabit 0 0 0 IP address 64 100 0 to 6400 co2 numeric display now timeout 3 probe count 3 minimum tied to lead 1 maximum 30 day 2 lights or type traceroute and question mark this question mark to see the options use an ipv4 or ipv6 hours or this award for the destination address or hostname true be sure that apology copy and paste the following configuration into the isp rather copy this to notepad not shut down and copies go to ISP enable configurator meaning so you need to go to Baba global configuration mode and paste now from our one network just beef and trace trace out or threshold comments to troubleshoot and correct the problem on the isp network use the paint and trace out commands from BCA now verify the beam from BCA to external server go to pca and paint the external server destination host in Rachel the pin phase so other I don't know were east of it where is the problem so it's time to use tracer tracer okay control C to is to stop this control see verify the first line is success and I - as you see a 1 1 is the IP address of the default gateway of pca the GWS here one on r1 the second line is 64 100 0 1 this IP address the gigabit 0 0 on my SP the next lines shows the pink to the same interface the request timeout so the third line should be the IP address of the external server so i can determine that the problem is place it here between isp and external server maybe the cable is disconnected maybe the interface on the server is it's not configured or has a problem or the gigabit 0:01 on my HP is not configured or has a problem so i can determine that the problem is place it here or on the server or maybe on the isp and so use the show comments to examine the running configurations for the is field rather can you go to isp show running coffee take a look and the configuration so you will be 0 0 1 interface unibit 0:01 use this IP before otherwise 182 and 68 8 1 and this is an incorrect IP others because should be something like 209 165 200 225 so this IP before others is incorrect corrupt the found issues okay Elias be also you can use show IP interface brief comment and you will see the ipv4 address of gigabit 0 0 1 incorrect IP address so use the correct IP address go to a dressing table you will see that the IP address should be to Aniyah 165 200 225 with the subnet mask of 27 configure terminal interface little bit 0 0 1 IP others it's not necessary remove the existing it's not necessary to remove the current IP for others the new ipv4 address will overwrite the current so now is 65 200 225 subnet mask 2 34 to 37 but is to 24 enter now repeat the pink from pca success repeat the trial success now being the ipv6 address external server from pca to external server but using ipv6 request timeout okay beam fakes then I don't know where is the problem so use frightened try so ctrl C to stop this the third slide is very well configurate the first line is responding very well because this ipv6 address is the ipv6 address of gigabit 0:01 from r1 the second line is the ipv6 address of the gigabit zero-zero-zero interface on layer speed and the third line should be the ipv6 address of the next device the external server the result is a loop infinite loop there is a problem here between ISP and the external server so on my ass P go to privilege exit mode with the end comment use show running country to verify if there is a problem on gigabit 0 0 1 because this is GW 0 0 1 this is an incorrect ipv6 configuration because should be 200 and now 201 so remove this add a new ipv6 others the corrupt ipv6 that should be this this ok also you can use show ipv6 interface brief comment to be with the ipv6 address this should be 2 of this should be 200 and not to have one continue at the interface you have it here at zero bar remove this existing ipv6 address to see sphero bb-8 acid2 of 1 to 25 and also add the prefix the prefix is 64 okay the prophecy is 64 64 and but to remove use the now keywords now a p6 address other at the new the called ipv6 address IP 6 address and used 200 enter now from pc a big success price out success what could prevent pin or traceroute responses from richard the originating device beside network connectivity issues firewall on PCs access list commands routing issues interfaces down network delay hipping non-existent address on the remote network switches to my 165 200 227 what is the message displayed by the pin common what does this mean if you think about it host address and received this response what should you check requires time it out or periods this means that there was no response in the default time period some the items you may check rather is down destination horses down return routes to your device and Latin Z of their response is not more than the default time period okay from bzip2 227 non-existent IP address on the network okay this was the try sort so this is the IP address did you have it 2:01 on my wrong the IP address of gigabit 0 0 0 ISP with the third line request timeout conference e to stop this and try the pink to non assistant IP address on the network request timeout request timeout for example go to r1 enable things to a non-existent ipv4 address period period period if you pay another as that does not exist in any network in your topology such as 180 168 5 3 from windows-based PC what is the message displayed by pin common what does this message indicate ok for example from PCIP 981 6e a 5.3 destination host and raychel and try to use tracer the first line is the default gateway the second line is ISP and the third line also a speech so request timeout control C to stop this okay donor 1 okay appreciate the answer is destination was unreachable this is the message the error message but omar 1 p1 80 to 160 a 5.3 you in Rachel okay it's unreachable so destination host vegetable this message indicates that there is no route to the destination as the network is not listed by the routing table the difference between this test and the previous test was this IP address is a non-existent IP address on an existent subnet so that's why the answer is requested timeout on Windows PC a period on Cisco IOS but in the second test the non-existent IP address is also placed in a non-existent subnet in the network so that's why the password is destination horse and reachable because there there is no a route and the routing table on the router so there is no a route to reach that subnet that non-existent subnets on the router what is the idea for TTL value said to the windows host what is the IP for TTL value said on a Cisco device Windows adds the TTL value to 138 and Cisco device will set the TTL value to 255 when you make a ping from a Windows PC to another Windows PC from a PC to or from a PC to a server is the TTL is 128 but the maximum value is 1 today but from a PC to a rather a Cisco router the maximum value of TTLs 255 or Cisco switch the maximum value is 255 what is the ipv6 hop limit value set by Windows host what is the ipv6 hop limit value set to a Cisco device window sets the TTL value to 128 which is the same as ipv4 TTL value and the Cisco device will set the TTL value to 64 okay from from Windows PC to another Windows PC the hub limit TTL is 130 but using ipv6 from Windows PC to Cisco device the hub limit is 64 from a PC to a Cisco device the hub limit is 64 the maximum value of the hub limit thank you
Channel: Christian Augusto Romero Goyzueta
Views: 15,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cisco, itn, introduction to networks, v7.0, version 7.0, version 7, addressing, ipv6, ipv6 address, link local, multicast, ipv6 configuration, ipv6 on switch, ipv6 on router, global unicast, ipv4, ping, tracert, traceroute, ttl, hop limit, icmp
Id: Rbsf0b96hdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 12sec (4272 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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