I Deep FRIED Chicken in MANY FATS, and this happened!

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Thanks Raid Shadow Legends for sponsoring this  video. Fat regardless of what anyone says it is delicious, especially on steaks. Deep frying with it can also take regular things to a whole new level trust me I've done that. But today my goal is to find out which fat is better to deep fry chicken   because by the end of this video you're going to  be witnessing the best fried chicken I've ever   made in my life. And of course in order to make the  greatest deep fried chicken the first thing we're   going to need is chicken. And I highly recommend  buying one whole this will save you big bucks   especially if you're gonna be feeding a crowd. And  even if you're not you should definitely know how   to break a chicken apart and that's because  it's quite easy. The first thing I like to do   is to remove both of the wing tips save that for  stock. Then we go ahead and move on to the wings   just find the joint because it will cut out like  nothing. Once that's done I start working on the   thighs and the legs. The only important thing you  gotta look for is the oyster meat right behind,   make sure you go around it and do not cut it out. Once that's done repeat the same process to the   other side it is not a big deal. Having a good  sharp knife is a plus. Once both legs are removed   I like to jump into the breast begin right in the  center start cutting it out. The knife should glide   nice and easy and there will be no resistance just  remember to keep touching the breastbone. Go ahead   and do the same thing to the other side. Once it  was removed this is what I was left with. Now we're   going to take this even further because to make  deep fried chicken we want smaller pieces so the   first thing i like to do is to move the rings  from the breast. By the way if you leave the arm   attached to the breast that's called an airline  chicken but for today we're gonna cut it out. Then   I also like to have some boneless pieces for the  children. That is pretty easy you just gotta cut   the breast in half and obviously the legs are way  too large so i like to go ahead remove the drums   from the thighs. Because once I have done that with  both legs my chicken is completely butchered. If   you are doing this for the first time yes it takes  a little bit of time, but you can get really good   at it with no time at all. It now only takes me a  minute and a half to take everything apart but I'm   not really worried about how long it takes me I am  on how much it saves me. Because in the beginning   just like learning a new skill it takes a little  bit of time but like everyone says practice makes   everything perfect. As you can see as I was talking  I just finished a whole new one. It is not a big   deal everybody, always buy whole chicken. But now  that we got three chickens ready to go the next   thing to do is to go ahead and season them. And  if you have not seen my video about unlocking   the secrets of deep fried chicken you should  definitely check it out for the recipe. I will also   make sure to put it on the link on the description  down below. But one of the most important   things whenever you're seasoning your chicken  especially if you're doing it on a bowl is to do   it individually. Start with all of your seasonings  first if there's another thing that you should   know that makes your chicken a lot better is this  ingredient right here we're talking about the good   old msg make sure to add some because this is  the secret of kentucky fried chicken. As you can   see after throwing all of my seasoning down then I  added another layer it's just like making lasagna. Make sure you season every single one individually  before you start mixing the whole thing this will   ensure 100 that every single one of your chickens  are perfectly seasoned, and especially for chicken   that is a good thing a very good thing, because  once I was done with the mixing you can see that   every single one of them have a nice coating of  seasoning. Now that is exactly what I'm talking   about. Because the next step is also going to take  your chicken to a whole new level and that is to   add buttermilk. Yes buttermilk! Make sure every one  of your pieces are swimming in it. Mix it around   and make sure every single one of them gets fully  coated. But the most important thing is to let the   buttermilk do its job and for that you need  a little bit of time I recommend letting it   marinate in your refrigerator overnight. But if you  don't have the time at least give it four hours   But for these that you are watching right now  I let them rest in my refrigerator for 24 hours.   As it was marinating on the refrigerator it's  perfect because it allows me time to go ahead and   introduce you to our contestants and we're talking  about the fat, the good fat. For today I chose three   of the best ones I had available. And the very  first one is this one aka wagyu beef tallow. The   wonderful thing about this is that you can make it  at home if you have any leftover Japanese Wagyu a5   and trust me I have done that quite a few times.  But you can also get it online just like this   it is cheaper and easier but at the same time this  is not japanese wagyu a5 fat, but it's still wagyu.   Oh yes! Wagyu deep fried chicken that just sounds  like music to my ears. The very next one we have   is lard. As you already know it comes from pork  one of the interesting things about lard is that   whenever you open the container oh boy it smells.  When I say smell I don't mean that it smells bad   it's just very strong. And as you can see one of  the things with lard is that it stays very solid,   that could be a good thing, unlike the wagyu this  one is almost like a rock. Now jumping onto the   next one we got duck fat, and this one is the  most expensive one of them all so it better be   real good. After opening up the can take a look at  what it looks like, it's almost like oil unlike the   previous one this one is a runny liquid, so I guess  it makes it a little bit easier to use. But now   that you have been introduced to our contestant  it's time to go back to our chickens. Because after   24 hours it was time to take it off and that's  because we gotta get it ready to deep fry. Talking   about that the next step is to go ahead and flour  every single one of them. And if you know me I love   flavor so it is extremely important to also season  your flour. As always exact amount and ingredients   always on the description down below for you. Just  do me one favor and remember to season everything   because if you do so your chicken will always  taste better. One last thing I like to recommend   is to use a nice cast iron skillet so that you  can deep fry. And these are the rolls royce of   cast iron. They are superior in every way if you've  never seen one or held one on your hand you don't   know what you're missing. Trust me when I tell you  not every cast iron are made the same way. But now   the only thing left to do is to go ahead and add  flour to our chicken. Remember when you're doing   so you don't want to add too much you just want  to ensure that you have a nice coating of flour.   Because the next step is the best and that is  to cook it! For that i'll be putting all of the   fats at 350 degrees fahrenheit. Once I've reached  the internal temperature of the chickens at 165   degrees fahrenheit they'll be ready. Another option  you have is to deep fry on the fats and then   finish them off in the oven whichever way is best  for you go ahead and do it. Because now I say it is   enough talking and it is time to make the best  deep fried chicken in the world. So let's do it! Before we taste this insane fried chicken I  want to thank today's sponsor Raid Shadow   Legends. Have you taken down the demon lord yet?  Crush the ice golem? Ascended the doom tower? What   about fighting against millions of players in the  arena? Well how about we do that. It's time to raid!   Explore millions of champions combinations and  master countless tactics as you take on raid   bosses, dungeon runs, campaign battles and pvp arena  matches. With hundreds of artifacts to equip and   over 500 champions blast with unique skills you  can build your team, develop your champion and raid   your way. So go to my links below to download Raid  yourself to your mobile device or pc. One of the   things I love the most is that I can Raid anywhere.  I'll take my favorites Galek, Kael and Martyr here   here, here, here and also here. This month Raid got  a jam packed schedule of events and new content to   kick off the summer. And as always they got  a bunch of brand new champions coming out,  and every single one of them looks absolutely  badass. There's also a new rotation in the doom   tower which I definitely want to finish this  month. So I'm going to be trying to summon as   many new champions as possible to see if they can  help me reach the top. Raid always got a lot going   on and this month is no different so don't wait  around and don't miss out. If you want to get a   huge head start with Raid all you have to do is  hit the link in the description or scan my qr code and you're going to get an epic hero Chanuro  who is amazing for the doom tower. plus 200 ,000   silver's, one xp boost, one energy review and one  ancient chard so you can summon awesome champions   as soon as you get in game. All this treasure will  be waiting for you here and it's that easy just   click on the link in the description and I'll  see you in the game. All right everybody here we got our beautiful deep fried chicken today  Maumau. You're excited Maumau? -Yes! -If it's deep fried we   get excited. Now here's the thing let's come real  clean, Maumau was right there when I was cooking   it he saw the whole process. -I got here a little  bit earlier today. -Exactly Maumau was like man I'm hungry.   So he already knows that we got duck fat, pork fat  and wagyu but he does not know which one is which.  -Trying to trick me. -Um to be honest with you  i pay the attention because I almost got lost.   -That's fried chicken they all look alike. -When  we were cooking at everybody you can smell this   thing like from five neighbors away. -Yeah the smell is strong. -One of them smells really I don't want   to say that smells bad because it's not  a bad smell it's just way too powerful.   And that would be? -The pork. -The pork man. Geez I'm telling you right now. It's like a burn chicharron   almost. Yeah the pork is very, very unpleasant  as well, I don't like it. Now I'll tell you   one thing that I was extremely surprised,  the duck yeah. -The duck was smelling amazing. -Smells   phenomenal the wagyu also smells good too. -Right  now all of them together. Amazing right? -It's making my mouth water. -This combination of the smell is phenomenal, I  tell you that right now. Okay Maumau you want to   start this way let's start this direction closest  to you. -Okay. -All right, can you tell by the smell? -No. -No? Good you're gonna grab it with a fork  or with it you know what. -I'll just grab a   little bit. -You know what let's be civilized  you know what I mean. A lot of people when we   go pig out they say be a little bit more  civilized Guga, so we'll a little civilized.   -Follow instructions. -We'll play by the rules even  though I just want to grab with my hand over here   and eat it. Come on man is fried chicken  you eat fried chicken with your hands. Anyway   the crust is the most important. -Yes it's running  away. -That the crust is even more important than   the actual chicken itself. You ready for this Maumau? -Let's do this. -All right let's see. Cheers everybody! Crunchy! -Crunchy. Wow. -That's delicious bro. That's  crazy good! -That's good. -Maumauzhin that's good. -That's   good it has a different flavor it has a little bit  of aftertaste but it's all amazing. -I'll tell you   right now i'm pleasantly surprised I didn't think  that the fat was gonna make that much difference,   it makes a huge difference. -It still tastes like  fried chicken. -Yeah. -But it has a little extra   something over there it's like a secret ingredient.  -Yeah. -That you can't put your finger on it. -Exactly   guys this is phenomenal, I'll just tell you right  now. It's the pork Maumau, that's the pork. -That's the   pork? Even it smells better. -It smells weird but it tastes good.  -It tastes amazing very, very delicious all right.   Okay you ready for the next? Guys I'm sorry I'm  trying to be civilized but it's fried chicken.   I'm gonna go with my hand I'm sorry ah Maumau? Come on man you gotta eat fried chicken   with the hand. -I'll be civilized. -Are you still be civilized are you gonna make me look bad now?   I don't care I got you gotta eat fried chicken  with your hands let me know in the comments   below if you guys agree with me or not all  right. Are you ready for this? Cheers everybody! -It tastes different. -Crunchy. -It's still crunchy. -Oh. -It's very different. -Oh that's amazing it took me a second oh forget   the chicken I just want to eat that crust. Oh that's amazing. -Maybe you should do that because the chicken the chicken   is amazing on all of them but that crust is like  is the secret ingredient. -So delicious that's   freaking delicious and iIm drooling. -When he told  me the experiment I didn't think it was going   to make this much of a difference but it makes a  difference guys. Wow! -That's the best chicken fries   I don't can't even speak that's the best  fried chicken I ever had in my life right here.   -Oh my God that is good. -You know forget about the chicken  I just want to have the crust. -Just have the crust.   I think just having the crust is the best way to  judge it. -That's amazing! -It's amazing guys. Maumau  which one do you think this one is? -Uh I'm hoping  that this is the duck because it smells great   and it tastes great. -It's the wagyu Maumau it's the wagyu. It has such a different flavor man the wagyu is the   champ as so far. -So far. -So far okay let's go. You  ready for this Maumau? -I'll be disappointed if the   duck smells that good in his not. -I know right me too. I'm gonna go with my hands too you're gonna go   -I'll go with my hands okay you win. -There's too much work doing  with the fork man forget about it come on everybody you're eating fried chicken you gotta pig out. Now  the duck you ready? -Let's do this. -Cheers everybody. Oh that's so different. -It's very different. -That's  crazy. -Wow! -It's incredible how much the fat makes a   huge difference. That is a crazy good experiment.  -I'm so happy I did this I didn't think it was   going to be that big of a deal. -I didn't think so  either but damn. -This is good too this is amazing   everybody. -I'm just having the crust. -I know me too. I want to eat just the crust because it's crazy. -The wagyu has more flavor to it -yeah -but  this one -is crazy -it's like subtle but   nicer. -Smooth. -Yeah. -The the wagyu it flavor  feels like boom. Mama big question which one is the   winner for you? -Don't make me pick, don't make me pick between. -We have to pick if we don't pick they're gonna get pissed Maumau we have to pick one. -Okay the best one  like these two that's as close as I can tell you. -I agree with Maumau. -The best one are these two but there's no way to pick between them.   They're so different. -If you had to pick one  or you die. Which one would it be? -If I have to   pick one for my last meal? -Yes which one? I'll  pick the duck. -I picked the duck as well the   duck fat everybody. It's more expensive for  a damn reason. You know what mean Maumau? -It's worth the extra expense. -It is much more expensive but it's  but it is very nice. You never tasted duck fried   chicken like, duck fried chicken is that how you  call it? Deep-fried duck chicken whatever it's   called everybody highly recommend you doing this  one here. The wagyu believe it or not is actually   a little bit cheaper, the lard is fantastic as  well. Give it a try to any one of them it will be   better than your regular chicken I guarantee you. -Yes let's say you're like me you're a little bit   more conservative you don't want to spend all that  amount of money just do one regular oil yeah and   one with the lard. -Yeah the lard is the cheapest. -And then trust us when we tell you that these two   are better. -It's amazing. Anyway guys these are  the results I hope you guys enjoyed this video   if you do enjoy it make sure you give it a thumbs  up. If you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe   for future videos. Remember if you are interested  in anything I use everything is always in the   description down below. Thank you so much for  watching and we'll see you guys on the next one.  Take care everybody. You think kentucky fried chicken  is finger liking good? Lick this! Lick this! huh? -That sounded so wrong. -No I'm telling you right now lick the duck  deep fried chicken you will love it everybody.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 2,873,535
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Keywords: deep fry chicken, fried chicken, kfc, how to deep fry chicken, kentucky fried chicken, kfc chicken, best chicken, how to make, cooking show
Id: K7NxEW4zTf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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