I cooked the KING OF ALL Briskets, A5 Wagyu!

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Buys Wagyu, but not butcher paper!

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/redditShadow 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

I gotta say, the experience is not worth the price of admission here. You’re paying $1400-1500 for a 32lb packer. That’s at least $50-60/portion or more once you consider the amount of trimming that needs to be done. That’s just as much as a whole Costco packer...for 2-3 slices.

Then, there’s the taste. Don’t get me wrong, Japanese A5 Wagyu is in its own class. But, the type of cook here renders out most of what separates this from Prime cuts. What you end up tasting is a exceptionally rich cut of beef and it fills you up rather quickly. But, after a few bites, the richness becomes a bit much and it all starts tasting like a normal brisket.

At that point, the savings of a $60 Costco packer outweighs the couple of exquisite bites you get at first taste.

I will say that leftovers were just as good as day one and survived reheating much better than a normal brisket.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/watsdm4 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

smoke at 275 wuhhh?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/RingSlayer 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

So let’s dooo eeet. Lol love guga

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/lebrilla 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Anyone know the true cost of that? I saw on the company website they sell a piccanah for 900, so I'm guessing 1200+ I'm just wondering the actual incase I hit the lotto lol

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Deftone007 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

1K + WOW! I guess I will stay with the old Costco packer. I could for 1k but a whole new smoker.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Ventorr 📅︎︎ Jan 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

Mans said fuck pepper lol

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/moosiahdexin 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

I feel like he did it a disservice by not seasoning the outside a bit more and then wrapping (in my opinion) early. BBQ is all about the bark!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jentsquared 📅︎︎ Jan 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
This is a 40 pounds Japanese Wagyu A5 brisket.  It is one of those things that even if you have   the money to buy it it is almost impossible to  find, and as you can see it is huge. It does not   even fit my cutting board. To give you a better  perspective of the monstrosity of this thing   check this out. Is it heavy? -No, no, no this large  piece of meat is actually quite light. That's what   you thought I was gonna say? It's heavy bro! This  thing weighs more than me. I can feel like when   I hold it that it feels like almost like it's  melting. -It's melting already? What else?-Yeah the   fat I guess is melting. Uh is cold and it's heavy. -As you can see i was not kidding about the size.   To say that i was nervous opening this up is an  understatement. With a prestige cut of meat like   this opening it up even gives me goosebumps, and  trust me I have cooked quite a few briskets in   my life, and most of them came out fantastic. To say  that I like a juicy brisket is an understatement   and after cooking so many of them I went to the  next level which is to dry age one. As I did that   the results were incredible and most importantly  an explosion of juice. But now going back to   our Japanese Wagyu A5 brisket once I was done  removing the packaging this is what it looks like.   As you can see we need a good amount of trimming and as I started doing so I was extremely careful not to cut the meat, and to my luck my very first sliced I got a little bit of it, but as I moved   out then the fat started showing. But if you are  thinking that I'm going to be throwing this away   you are out of your mind. Take a look at this  marbling. If you are unfamiliar with a brisket   this is not normal and because this piece of meat  is so well marbled I would say that it's fair to   say to remove all of the external fat. So I went  ahead and started trimming until I got to meat and that was a lot of trimming. I've gotten  many Wagyus previously but nothing like this. Not only does the fat start melting with the  touch of your hand there is a huge amount.   It took me almost one hour to do the trimming  of this brisket that's because I wanted to take   my time and do it properly. When I flipped it  to the other side I was rewarded with this.   It is a part of the ribeye. As you can clearly see  it's where the rib bones were at. So I'm gonna take   this as a bonus. And as I previously mentioned  the fat never stops so I took my time and went   nice and slow to make sure everything was done properly. Once I was done trimming the external fat   this is what it looks like. That right there is a perfectly trimmed Japanese Wagyu A5 brisket. If you are wondering how much fat I was left with when I was done check it out; three full trays. That is a lot! I would say 40% of that brisket was completely trimmed out, however if you think I'm gonna throw   this away you are out of your mind. Now going back to our brisket I can clearly see that some pieces   are very very small, at the same time it does not have an aerodynamic shape and if you know American   bbq you want that to happen. As the smoke flows  through the meat you want it to be nice and smooth, if not some parts would just get burned. So I went  ahead and started trimming to give it a nice shape   and saving the pieces that was cut out. And the  marbling on them is just insane! This will be great   for shabu shabu and if you want to see that video  make sure you put it in the comments down below. As I continue to trim this brisket to give it a nice  shape once I was done, check it out. Now that is a   perfectly trimmed brisket. The part that is not  that thick is called the flat and the other one   is called a point. Usually the point has a lot more  fat than the flat however since this is a Japanese   Wagyu A5 brisket there is fat everywhere. I don't  even think it matters where the flat starts or it   ends. If this is the first brisket video you've  ever seen trust me, this is not normal. Talking   about that the next thing to do is to season this  humongous piece of meat. And if you have seen my   channel for a while you know that the best way  to season a big piece of meat like this is to dry   brine. That's just a fancy word to say put salt on  it and let it rest in your refrigerator overnight.   What that does is that it allows the salt to  penetrate nicely and deeply even to the meat   seasoning everything, and if there's one thing  we need for this piece of meat is patience,   we want to cook it to perfection. So after adding salt to all of the sides and the edges the next thing to do was to put it in a cooling rack and  let it rest in my refrigerator overnight. The   very next day I opened it up put it on my cutting board and as you can see the salt did its job.   The salt is completely gone that's because it's nice  and deeply into the meat. At the same time if you   take a look at the fat it did not penetrate that  is something that I've learned previously salt   does not penetrate fat. Now the only thing left  to do before cooking it is to throw in a good   amount of black pepper. And just like the salt I like to make sure that I cover the whole thing   if you don't enjoy pepper just leave it out but if  you get a brisket like this i urge you not to put   anything else. The only thing it needs is salt and pepper. Now here's how this cook is gonna go   down; I'm gonna be using my wireless thermometer so that I can keep an eye on the temperature and   the first part of the cook is all about color.  I'll be smoking at 275 degrees fahrenheit   once I've reached the color that I like I'll be  wrapping it up in aluminum foil to finish up the   cook. Then I'll only know when it's done when I poke on it and it feels like butter. Once that   has happened I will let it rest for two hours  and then it's time to slice it. So now I say   it is enough talking and it is time to cook  this wonderful piece of meat. So let's do it! All right everybody here we have our  beautiful brisket. Are you ready Angel?   Huh? You saw that glistening he was right there next to me everybody. This is like the super bowl of   all briskets. -This is this is the finals.  -Yeah honestly once in a life opportunity   all right. After this all other briskets...-Caca. -Yeah. This is the God of briskets right here. -Basically what it is. Obviously we have the lean part and we have the fatty part the lean part has so much fat in it it's crazy. -"The lean part". -Let's go with the lean part. Look how thick I cut this brisket. -Your catchphrase? -Let's do it let's do it! -Let's do it! -Cheers everybody! -Cheers. Oh my god! -Wow! Thank you that's all i can say. I have  to say thank you to the brisket. How do you   put this in words? You don't need teeth  for this. You can just swallow it whole   it is extremely tender. The flavor is amazing.  -The piece I put in my mouth, -yes -I was breaking   it with my tongue. -Exactly. -I was literally  poking my tongue through the little like   cracks you know the muscle fibers. -Exactly  if something happened to your teeth and you   lost all of them everybody and you're ready  to eat something. -The only thing you can eat bro, sorry. -Honestly everybody this is a tremendous  privilege. We are very grateful that we are able   to give this a try and experience something like  this with you. I am, I am in disbelief that's all   i can say. How would you how do you describe it? -Dude you've made some really good brisket before.   -Yeah nothing compared to this. -How hard did you really try on this one? -No, not really. Not that hard right? It's not fair bro this isn't fair. -And the other ones I've tried you guys seen it I try   to dry aged, I try to do everything nothing will ever come close. I even went to Franklin's BBQ, I'm sorry Franklin listen you want to amaze  your customer give them this you will see   what will happen to your restaurant. This is  amazing and we only tried the dry part huh. -Dry?  -Yeah exactly right. -What dry? -Yeah what dry. You already finished that entire slice. -Yeah I'm not   gonna lie it was really good. -Okay let's go for the  juicy part. -Oh and it's still dripping. -Yes of   course and it's it look how hot it is. It's smoking  hot and I did rest it for more than two hours.  That's insane. I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I'm sounding stupid. It's too good. Enough I want to try this are you ready Angel? -Cheers! -I don't have words everybody, cheers. I can't, I there's no way in the world that I can  describe to you how this tastes. You don't want to   swallow. I can see you keep chewing it. Look at that  you're like no don't go in don't go in stay back.    -This is it. -Yeah i think this is it. -Yeah we don't  go higher up. -No this is it, this is it. -I was in   my head as soon as I bit that I was like that's it this is the best you're gonna get. -Listen, which one   do you like better, the flat or the point? The fatty  part or the the lean part? -Both -It doesn't matter. That's how good it is. -Cut any part of this and give  it to me and I'm eating. -Even the fat by itself   as you guys can see right here in the middle,  we did get a nice smoke ring. -The more I eat   wagyu the more I'm realizing that the actual  wagyu fat it does have a different feeling.   -Oh yeah that's a fact. -No, no, no but I'm saying  like after you eat it like after it's all said   and done like I don't have anything left in  my mouth. -Yeah. -But it leaves like a coating  I want to say, like a like a buttery coating in  your mouth. -To the older generation like me guys   this is phenomenal to the younger generation  this is fire, beyond fire. What else Angel? What   else? -This got gas! This got fire. -It's got  everything that you guys can think about   it is a once-in-a-life opportunity that's all  i have to say about that . -I want to take this   brisket on a date, I want to take it slow, I want to go dancing. -Yes! -I want, I want to   bring flowers to her and her mom. -Yes exactly.  that's right Kayla's going to be jealous.   I highly recommend if you ever have a chance to  give this a try it is something that you will   never forget in your life. The best piece of meat  I've ever had as a barbecue. Nothing will beat this.   Cook a picanha as a barbecue as an American style barbecue it will not be as good as this. -This is   the peak. -This is phenomenal. -This is the tip of  the mountain look if you got playstation you're   gonna understand what i'm about to say if you  don't if you're an xbox person or a pc I'm sorry   -I don't know what that means but okay. -We just  platinum this bro. -Anyway guys these are the   results. I hope you guys enjoyed this video,  if you do enjoy it make sure you give it a   thumbs up. If you're not a subscriber be sure to  subscribe for future videos. Remember if you are   interested in anything I use everything is always  in the description down below. My brother Emilio   thank you for allowing us the opportunity to try something that we have a very gratitude for. Is   that even a word? I'm like stumbling in words you  know. -I think it's time to take Emilio on a date.   -Guys if you do not have a meat dealer  go get yourself one. Emilio I'm gonna buy   you a Modelo I know you like that, -There you go. -Or no which one is it that he likes? Yea he likes Modelo. -I'm gonna buy you a Modelo. -Anyway guys thank you so much for watching and we'll see you on the next one. Take care! Bye, bye.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 1,371,630
Rating: 4.957509 out of 5
Keywords: wagyu, brisket, bbq, slow cooking, how to cook brisket, grilling, a5 brisket, wagyu a5 brisket, wagyu brisket, expensive brisket, best brisket, king of all brisket, bbq brisket
Id: Mxw0IgvYbrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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