One Hour Of Snarled // Something Scary

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hey I'm sapphire one is a nice guy in 1970 a young woman named Donna was turning 28 and for her birthday her mother gave her a seemingly harmless Raggedy Ann doll that she purchased from a secondhand store both Donna and her roommate Angie were nurses and so they were out of the house most of the time leaving the doll in the apartment alone they didn't think much of their new roommate until strange things started happening one night after a long shift Donna came home to find the doll sitting on her bed in her closed bedroom which would have been perfectly fine if that's where Donna had left her other nights Donna would find the doll sitting on the couch with her legs crossed and arms folded or standing upright in the kitchen both Donna and Angie were rational young women and believed there had to be a reasonable explanation for this maybe they were just remembering things wrong but Lou Angie's fiance thought otherwise he did not trust that doll one bit and wanted them to get rid of it or at least consult a medium to see if there truly was something inside it but Donna and Angie didn't believe that was possible so they carried on as usual then they began finding handwritten notes around the house they were written in pencil and childlike handwriting on pieces of parchment a type of paper that no one in the house owned they read one night Donna came home and found a mysterious red liquid on the dolls hands and chest it looks like blood but it was coming from the doll itself that was the push that Domon Angie needed to come to terms with the fact that there was something wrong with this doll they brought in a medium and performed a seance a long time ago the medium setting before this apartment flex was built there was a field on his property and it was here that the body of seven year old animal Higgins was found and it is in this doll that her spirit now lives she trusts you and just wants to be around you Donna and she felt sorry for Annabelle and decided to let her stay in the apartment with them Lu was not happy about that one night it was just Lou and Angie in the apartment packing up for a road trip they were leaving on in the morning Lou was walking to the kitchen and past Donna's room and heard shuffling coming from inside Donna was at home so who could it be Lou threw the door open there was nobody there nobody human at least he walked inside and saw Annabelle sitting in the corner of the room as he walked towards her he got the burning feeling as though someone were standing behind him he whipped around to find nobody he turned back to Annabelle and felt burning again but this time on his chest he lifted his shirt to find seven distinct scratch marks singed into his skin the following morning they called a priest who then called Edie and Lorraine Warren renowned demonologists this double is not possessed Lorraine told Donna demons only possess humans this entity was using this doll to manipulate you moving it around the house and he would pay attention to it then tricking a medium to telling you that it was the spirit of a harmless young girl so what does it one your soul a priest performs an exorcism on the apartment and the Warrens took Annabelle home with them in a bag knowing what this entity was capable of they made sure to avoid the highways on their way home since Annabelle what no doubt try to sabotage their drive and they were right along the way the car's engine continued with install so is Annabelle truly dangerous or is all of this an elaborate hoax if you're the type who needs to see to believe you can actually visit Annabelle at the occult Museum a section of the Warrens Connecticut home where they store haunted relics collected from the many cases they worked on she's kept Lots in a box with multiple warnings one skeptical visitor made the fatal mistake of mocking the doll tapping her glass base and daring her to do her worse on him when he left for home he got into a terrible motorcycle accident and died three hours later whether or not the Warrens created that story as a cautionary tale would you really want to test it Leila had always been somewhat of an outcast at school because of her thin frame and gaunt features kids were afraid of her but there were four girls in particular who loved to pick on her Christina Emma Jessica and Jasmine they would call her Nieman girl REE she looks like a witch careful she might put a spell on you when Leila told a teacher about this the girls cornered her during lunch period and beat her up Leila and her family had just moved to a new house unfortunately it wasn't far enough for Leila to switch schools but the move did excite her because there was a creepy graveyard nearby and rumor had it that there was a black wooden huts were a witch lived so one night she decided to visit the hut alone led by nothing more than the light from her cell phone she walked down the rocky path in the graveyard and stood before him a small cobweb covered hut there were no lights or sounds coming from inside Leila reached for the door and pushed it open everything was covered in spider webs and dust it looked like no one had stepped foot in there for decades Leila walked around inside the small dark Shack in fascination but couldn't shake the feeling that she wasn't completely alone then something caught her eye on the table was a pocket watch it was the only thing in the Shack that wasn't completely covered and dust it didn't look like it worked any more though it only had one hand which pointed at 12 still Leila thought it was beautiful and interesting so she put it in her pocket and went back home the next morning Leila got ready for school like every other day but when she went downstairs to eat breakfast her mom shot her a confused look did you dye her hair No well something's different Leila ignored her mom's comment and ate her breakfast when she went to the bathroom after her meal she caught her reflection her mom was right her hair was darker her hair used to be a light brown but now I was almost black and over the next month her hair got even darker and her even paler her eyes were almost black as well and then came the shadow every now and then in the corner of her eye Leila would see someone watching her when she turned to look at it and be gone and every night she would dream that she was watching herself sleep like she was watching from someone else's point of view one day at school Leila was trying to get to her classroom without one of her bullies noticing but failed Kristina headed straight for her and immediately began throwing rude words in her face and shoving her as Christina walked away to her next class Leila muttered under her breath I wish she would be out of my life forever she pulled out the pocket watch and rubbed the engravings looking at the watch always made her feel calmer Leila was both relieved and surprised when none of the girls came near her at the rest of the day the next day Christina didn't show up to school rumor had it that her parents had last-minute decided to move back to Shanghai what an amazing coincidence Leila thought she pulled out her pocket watch and noticed something odd the cover was flipped open and the hand was now pointing at one the next day Jessica was in a terrible car crash on her way to school and ended up in a coma then Jasmine had gone missing these girls had always given Leila trouble but she never wished this on them she threw the pocket watch in the trash but it just reappeared in her pocket eventually anyone who had ever given Leila a hard time had something unpleasant happened to them the hands now pointed at 11 you're a demon Leila I don't know what you're doing but it needs to stop do you understand I have put up with you and you're awful friends for years and you dare to ask mercy of me I wish you were dead the next day emma was found in the woods near her home she was devoured by a pack of wool when Leila heard the news she knew things had gone way too far she had to destroy that pocket watch that night she went back to the graveyard near her house to the hut she threw the watch back on the table and ran back home and the very next day Jessica awoke from her coma Jasmine had been found and reunited with her family even Leila's hair and skin were returning to the original colors the curse was broken and things were back the way they were well maybe not quite everyone at school was talking about how Lela somehow put a curse on those who wronged her and no one dared mess with her again when Brooklyn was about three years old she was diagnosed with a very serious heart problem the doctors were always in a panic horrified that her death would come any day Brooklyn would constantly overhear nurses talking about how worried they were about a little girl she thought that they might have been talking about her but Brooklyn's mom calmed her down and reminded her that there were lots of patients in the hospital though it didn't help that whenever her nurse came into her room her eyes were red and wet like she had just been crying it always made Brooklyn nervous what was wrong the night before Brooklyn was to undergo surgery she asked her nurse you're always crying when you come in my room why the nurse froze she slowly bent down and whispered in her ear you will understand when you see her at the time Brooklyn didn't know what that meant the surgery was a success and Brooklyn now had a new heart being a young girl she couldn't quite yet grasp the gravity of what she had gone through it didn't even cross her mind to wonder where this new heart had come from she was just happy to be alive and well before she left the hospital her nurse gave her a small stuffed bear and told her to take good care of it years have passed and Brooklyn was now about eight years old she loved to draw and would sketch cute and happy characters like Winnie the Pooh and Dora the Explorer but one day while she was drawing she heard a voice it wasn't malevolent or scary but rather calm and peaceful it was faint but Brooklyn knew that the voice was coming from the bear she knew how crazy it sounded but there was no doubt in her mind that there was a spirit living inside of it that wanted to be her friend her name was Rosa Lita and she would talk to Brooklyn all the time and Brooklyn would talk back the problem was that no one else could hear Rosalita Brooklyn's parents became concerned that their daughter was always locking herself in her room and talking to herself but Brooklyn didn't care Rosalita had become her friend Brooklyn continued to draw pictures for her to make her happy and Brooklyn believes that Rosalita helped her become a better artist Rosalita would guide Brooklyn's hand on the paper it was like she was a part of her but Rosalita became tired of the childish drawings you need to make real art she said she told Brooklyn to walk outside into the yard where she found the bones of a dead mouse turn it into art Rosalita said bring meaning to his death so Brooklyn took the bones and glued them on a piece of paper with Rosalita instructing her each step of the way she hung it on her wall and to this day it's still there it always made her parents uncomfortable so they would always try and take it down but whenever they would take it down they would get sick the next day and Brooklyn would hang it back up did Rosalita have something to do with that for the most part Rosalita was always sweet and kind but there was something odd that happened a few times that concerned Brooklyn when their first family dog died suddenly Brooklyn was heartbroken Rosalita however was the opposite now we can spend more time together and in the span of a few weeks her other family members dogs unexplainably passed away did Rosalita have anything to do with that Brooklyn is now 19 years old and still speaks to the stuffed bear that hosts Rosalita spirit do you remember the nurse who gave his hair to you yes I do she was my mom she was always crying because I wasn't doing well I was staying in the same hospital as you did anyone ever tell you where your new heart came from no you are my art your life not meaning to my death Brooklyn began to cry thank you so much you're so important to me but Rosalita continued on your 21st birthday I have to go what do you mean I have to move on oh why Rosalita paused I just have to go and I'm bringing my heart with me does that mean that I'll Rosalita didn't say another word and wouldn't answer Brooklyn whenever she brought it up again what did Rosalita mean by that guess she'll find out in two years when Sonia sent the story to me the power went out in her house but that didn't surprise her whenever she tells people of this experience strange things tend to happen hopefully nothing will while I share her story two years ago Leigh Tanya's now husband and then boyfriend was a frequent house sitter for a very nice but slightly off family they owned their own business and we're out of town frequently for work their house was very minimalistic aside from a few rather outlandish decorations like a giant red Ram statue and a set of antlers wrapped in rope before leaving the house to leave they would always remind him to never go in their son's room one day when he was house-sitting he found a peculiar mask on the countertop it was a white goat skeleton head with sharp teeth and an upside-down pentagram on its head it made him feel uneasy so he told Tonya about it that night but she told him it was probably just a Halloween costume since it was October another time when Lee was house-sitting Tonya and their Corgi joined him Lee went to the gym leaving Tonya and the dog to play in the house on their own Tonya threw a ball but it stopped midair and dropped suddenly Tonya was stunned she threw the ball again and it stopped in the same spot her dogs began growling and wouldn't stop it till he came back home a few nights later while Tonya was sleeping alone in her apartment he suddenly found herself inside that house there was a man in a white suit casually leaning against the wall he was incredibly handsome but frightening at the same time a dark aura surrounding his charming an intoxicating smile Tania had never seen this man before but knew exactly who he was but how how was she seeing something that she didn't even believe in I've been waiting for you you're going to join me aren't you no never he cocked his head back and laughter and suddenly they were in her parents bedroom Tania started screaming trying anything to get her parents attention now they were in front of her sleeping boyfriend Tania tried in vain again to get him to wake up but he couldn't hear her then her cats linked toward the man hissing and baring its teeth it was protecting her Tania woke up she was back in her bedroom gasping for air she immediately called Lee to come over together they drove to her parents house because Tania did not want to stay in her apartment when her parents answer the door Tanya's eyes widened they were wearing the exact same clothes that they were wearing in her dream she told them about what had just happened and her parents exchanged a worried look it was only a matter of time her mom said everyone in her family at some point has had the same dream it's the devil testing our faith and he is now after you you're the only agnostic in our family and the only non confirmed Catholic and he probably thinks you're an easy target Tania don't let him in the next day they called a priest who blessed her apartment and while Tania hasn't had another visit from the man in the white suit since she still feels like something evil is still following her her blanket would be yanked off of her while she slept at night and her healthy Corgi and cat had both died shortly after of unknown causes Tonya used to think her family was just trying to scare her with her stories about demons and while this experience hasn't convinced her to be baptized it definitely changed her when orchid was six years old her dad went on vacation to Minnesota to visit some relatives when he returned he brought back many gifts among other things her family had a small chicken farm where they raised the birds for meals orchid was used to seeing her parents bring in chicken inside when it was time to eat but the day her dad came back from his trip there was a strange black bird on his arm all of their chickens were white so orchid was puzzled this bird looks like a crow it was all black including its beak except its eyes were red her dad and the bird disappeared into the kitchen mommy what if that bird daddy was carrying what are you talking about daddy was holding a blackbird her mom went into the kitchen to see what she was talking about but all she saw was her dad there was no black bird in sight that night orchid slept in her parents bedroom for whatever reason she woke up in the middle of the night and sat up she noticed something behind the curtains in front of the window it was a girl who looked like she was about 12 years old she was just standing there staring at orchid with her hollow black eyes orchids stared back at her wondering what she was going to do but she just stood there eventually orchid fell back asleep the next morning orchid was drawing a picture what a pretty girl who is that shabam match this is princess her mom thought nothing of her daughter's cute drawing until she started seeing it everywhere pages and pages of drawings of princess all over the house she was even on the wall and the bedroom pillows orchid you can't be drawing on everything but princess is my friend I like when she's around her family was pretty disturbed by orchids sudden new obsession the weeks later her mother realized that there had to be a connection to princess and the Blackbird orchids family was practitioners of Hmong shamanism whenever you go on a trip you must ask the spirits to not come back home with you and orchids father had forgotten to do so they suspected that princess was a lost soul who attached herself to orchids father they decided to perform ona a shamanic ritual to heal those battling with a spirit because if orchid continued to spend time with princess there was a good chance she could be dragged into the spirit world forever orchid was placed in front of the altar and a shaman healer rang bells and chanted around her to enter the spirit realm once the shaman made the journey into the other world he was able to interact and communicate with the spirit of princess [Music] after the ritual the shaman healer asked Orchid where is princess now orchid said nothing and started tearing up what's the matter I don't want to talk about princess why not she says she can't play with me anymore because she's dead I will never eat pozole again there's a church in my neighborhood that I've been going to every Sunday for the past year or so and after every Mass all the members move next door to the hall where free lunch is served every week it's the same delicious pizzoli traditional red stew with pork and vegetables and it's all prepared and provided by Lupe Espinosa a kind young woman loopy had been involved in the church long before I became a member she was the most dedicated Catholic I had ever met she ran the youth group and food drives and volunteered all over the city after every Mass she would give an individual greeting to every single person and memorized everybody's name everybody practically worshipped her especially her husband Eduardo he was also involved in the community but even he knew he wasn't as beloved as Lupe personally I was always slightly creeped out by how intense they were Lupe never broke eye contact with you when you were speaking and Eduardo treated Lupe like she was a god his wife seemed to be his proudest achievement but they both did so much good in the community it felt wrong to think ill of them even though they both seemed a little off one thing was for sure the pozole was divine one Sunday I will complete and forgot to eat breakfast before heading to Bass my stomach was gurgling through the whole service and it only got worse during the transubstantiation which is when the priest turns the bread and wine into the body and blood Jesus take this all of you and drink from it this is my blood in Catholicism we believe that an actual transformation happens in that moment that is actually Jesus's body and blood that we are about to consume we believe that it brings us closer to God do this the second mass was over I rushed over to the hall to get in line for food maybe it was because I was extra hungry that day but the pizzoli was even better than I remembered I had always prided myself for my cooking skills especially my own pizzoli recipe but the Espinosa's had me beat I decided to ask Lupe about it your paws Allah is the best I've ever had what's your secret Lupe stared into my eyes smiled and delicately placed a hand on my shoulder just God's love the following Sunday I went to Mass as usual but the mass was not as usual it was a memorial service for Lupe during the week the youth group went on one of those homebuilding trips like Habitat for Humanity and a large metal cross beam fell right on top of Lupe it would have slammed right into three teenagers but Lupe pushed them out of the way after the service everybody congregated in the hall once everybody had a bowl of soup at their hands Eduardo addressed the crowd thank you all for coming my wife loved all of you very much please raise your bowls take this all of you and drink it to Lupe everybody took a sip we all took our seats and continued to eat the pozole but it tasted a little different not worse just different which made me realize that Lupe was probably the better chef not Eduardo I was nearing the bottom of my bowl so I picked it up and slurp to the rest all that was left was a small chunk of meat I went to stab it with my fork but it was surprisingly tough I continued to stab it and in doing so realized that it was a thumb a goddamn human thumb with a bone still inside I screamed and immediately started gagging I threw the thumb onto the table everyone around me gasped in horror and disbelief I turned to Eduardo and shouted what did you feed us he simply stared back raised his hands and said she died for others do this in memory of her you're insane God angry shouts echoed throughout the hall as people began vomiting everywhere we held Eduardo in that room until the police came I didn't do anything wrong you should be grateful we're all closer to God the shows you watch as a kid can have a lifelong impact on you in this next chapter I will be sharing a forum thread about a mysterious children's show that aired in Ohio in the 1970s enjoy this classic creepypasta written by Chris Straub does anyone remember this kid show it was called candle Cove and I must have been six or seven I never found reference to it anywhere so I think it was on a local station around 1971 or 1972 I lived in Ironton at the time I don't remember which station but I do remember it was on at a weird time like 4:00 p.m. it seems really familiar to me I grew up outside of Ashland and was nine years old in 72 Candle cool is it about pirates I remember a pirate marionette at the mouth of a cave like talking to a little girl yes okay I'm not crazy I remember pirate Percy I was always kind of scared of him he looks like he was built from parts of other dolls real low budget his head was an old porcelain baby doll looked like an antique but didn't belong on the body I don't remember what station this was I don't think it was W tsf though sorry to resurrect this old thread but I know exactly what show you mean sky shale I think pandal Cove ran for only a couple months in 71 not 72 I was 12 and watched it a few times with my brother it was channel 58 whatever station that was my mom would let me switch to it after the news let me see what I remember it took place in candle Cove and it was about little girl who imagined herself to be friends with pirates the pirate ship was called the laughing stock and pirate Percy wasn't a very good pirate because he got scared too easily and there was Calliope music constantly playing I don't remember the girl's name though Janice or Jade or something I think it was Janice Thank You Jaron Memories flooded back when he mentioned the laughing stock in channel 58 I remember the bow of the ship was a wooden smiling face with the lower jaw submerged it looked like it was swallowing the scene and had that awful edwin voice and laugh I especially remember how jarring it was when they switched from the wooden plastic model to the foam puppet version of the head that talked yeah I remember though to remember this parts question you have to go inside Mike I got a chill reading that yes I remember that's what the ship always told Percy when there was a spooky place he had to go in like a cave or a dark room where the treasure was and the camera would push in on laughingstocks face with each paw you have to go inside with his two eyes askew and that flopping foam jaw the fishing line that opened and closed it it just looks so cheap and awful you guys remember the villain he had a face it was just a handlebar mustache above really tall narrow teeth I honestly honestly thought the villain was pirate Percy I was about 5 when the show was on nightmare fuel that wasn't the villain the puppet with a moustache that was the villains sidekick Horace horrible he had a monocle too but it was on top of the moustache I used to think that meant he only had one eye but yeah the villain was another marionette the skin taker I can't believe what they used to let us watch back then jesus H Christ the skin taker what kind of kids show were we watching I seriously could not look at the screen the skin taker showed up and he just descended out of nowhere on his strings just dirty Skelton wearing that brown top hat and cape and his glass eyes that were too big for his goal christ almighty was it his top hat and clothes so now crazily was that supposed to be children's skin yeah I think so rumors mouth didn't open and closed Lucky's jaw just moved back and forth a little girl said why does your mouth move like that and the skin taker didn't look at the girl but at the camera and said to grind I'm so relieved as other people remember this terrible show I used to have this awful memory a bad dream I had where the opening jingle ended the show faded in from black and all the characters were there but the camera was just cutting to each of their faces and they were just screaming I woke up many times from that nightmare I used to wet the bed when I had it I don't think that was a dream I remember that I remember that was an episode no no not possible there was no plot or anything I mean literally just standing in place crying maybe I'm manufacturing the memory because you said that but I swear to God I remember seeing what you described they just screamed oh god yes the little girl Janis I remember seeing her shape and the skin tic was screaming through his gnashing teeth his jaw careening so wildly I thought it would come off at spier hinges I turn it off and it was the last time I watched I ran to tell my brother and we didn't have the courage to turn it back on visited my mom today at the nursing home I asked her about when I was little in the early 70s when I was 8 or 9 and she remembered a kids show candle Cove she said she was surprised I could remember that and I asked why and she said because I used to think it was so strange that you said I'm gonna go watch candle Cove now mom and then you would tune the TV to static and just watch dead air for 30 minutes you had a big imagination with your little pirate show [Applause] legend has it that there are websites on the deep dark web where you can pay to watch a live murder these are called bread brooms named after a popular Japanese urban legend why is it called a Red Room let this story by username violet Sumida explain it was my rare day off a day where I didn't have to worry about all the travelling and the chaos that usually accompanies my work a day where I can just relax most people might spend it doing something active going out camping or to an event or to play sports I'd like to spend my break by being sedentary cuddling up with a good book looking up random things on the internet and general lazing around or my favorite things I was doing the second thing on my list when something strange happened I have a pretty new laptop with the newest operating system so when the pop-up came up on my screen it was a bit surprising not just because I have pop-ups disabled but because the format and the style of it was of the older operating system I found hoping that I didn't have a virus or something I first thought when anything goes wrong with my computer the message on the pop-up was written in Japanese and it read do you like it the text was in black and the background was a bright red there was nothing else in the ad I scratched my face and confusion but I figured that it was just one of those congratulations you win a new game console type of things that messed up the website that I was on wasn't the most legitimate looking I shrugged it off and clicked on the big red X in the corner to close it out I left the side as well for good measure and decided to get some tea before streaming some shows I was only gone for 10 minutes but when I came back into my room the ad was there again now I was more worried about the possibility of a virus I didn't have anything open on my computer so it definitely wasn't just some pop-up I closed out of it again and went to run a computer scan when it appeared again except this time a voice followed it do you like it it was a high-pitched child's voice the voice seemed to echo as if someone was talking in a tunnel it rang in my ear so I reached a turn the volume ah but my computer was already muted I felt goosebumps travel up my spine I closed out of the pop-up again but it simply came right back up the voice louder I immediately closed my laptop nope not today I muttered out loud I want to go out of my room but my jar wouldn't open I frantically pulled on the knob there was no lock on the door there was a pinging noise behind me and I jumped I looked at the computer on the table with bated breath delay the read the voice no asked at this moment I knew what this was how could I not it was a very popular urban legend in Japan this was the Red Room I ran to my window and threw open the curtains I pushed at the frame but it was no use it wouldn't budge I looked out and hope that someone would be outside as it was still in the middle of the day but the street outside was sparse behind me the child's voice was growing louder the question now in a continuous loop do you like do you like I read do you like Thai red head I felt tears of frustration running down my face as it grew harder and harder to hear my own thoughts but I needed to get out my phone was in the kitchen so I couldn't call for help I looked for something I could use my room I grabbed my chair and began to use its legs to try to break the window it took a few tries but I could begin to see the cracks warm in the glass I also noticed that my room was growing darker even though the sky was cloudless blue I stood still the chair no longer in my hands fell on the floor forgotten I should have ran to the window and broke off the rest of the glass to escape when a foreboding feeling in the pit of my stomach prevented me from moving that and the breath on the nape of my neck do you like the Red Room right of course I like the Red Room I've always wanted a red room this room is not red I have to fix that I searched around my desk box-cutter perfect hands isn't enough I need more have to make sure not to waste a single job the banging at the door woke me up Noemi that I recognize that voice it was my coworker Sora make around what is he doing here on my day off I slowly opened my eyes and almost passed out as dizziness suddenly hit me there was a splintering of wood and intake of breath what happened in here I barely caught his question as my vision went black for a second what are you doing here I managed to mumble I looked up into his face and realized that I was sitting in the middle of my room you didn't come into work today so I came to check up on you right on time too it looks like my head was starting to clear and I felt stinging pain from all over my body it's my day off sorry gave me a look that was yesterday I looked down in confusion too tired to hold my head up and saw my hands they were covered in blood my eyes traveled up my arm where cuts were engraved and almost every part of my skin I had apparently taken off my clothes as well and my legs were in the same state as my arms I looked up at Sora fearfully let's get you to the doctor he's gently wrapped a blanket from my bed around me and carried me it was then that I noticed the state of my room red there was blood all over the walls my blood I pulled on Sora's clothes my laptop checked my laptop setting me down gently on my feet he opened my laptop there was a single window open a single screen with black text frames in a bulky old-fashioned window delay later my room and now we close this volumes final chapter with a story written by username amethyst Allah my friend Shelly sent me an email last week about her trip to Arkansas where I'm from we have been close friends since kindergarten but she recently moved away for her career hey Sarah I hope you're doing well I know you're into all that horror [ __ ] so I wanted to tell you about this haunted house me and Randy Wentz he recently when we are in Arkansas it's by some old guy named mr. Wilkinson he and his family decorate the house and it has some awesome scares Randy found this on Yelp and has almost all five-star ratings by like over 100 people the house is very small though but I promise it'll freak you out bring along your [ __ ] friend Mindy address is 1124 cherry Highland Arkansas let me know how you liked it love yeah of course I was interested so I called her up for more details once you get there you'll notice that there aren't any exits so after one to two minutes and walking around the backyard lights will go out and will be pitch black a very large clown with bloody red Dean will show up soon and take you somewhere so my friend Mindy and I get to this house on Cherry Road we pushed the door open and it made a loud creak we saw the cheap decorations outside the house which were very lame and made me wonder why even bother with these once inside we noticed it was the median sized room and we couldn't see a whole lot except the carpet area because it was very dim the only thing giving light was a television set there was an obese man laying on the floor with vomit all over him next to him was a mannequin with lipstick and no clothes on we slowly started to walk past him but only thing on my mind right now was the clown with blood teeth we kept walking and followed the bloody trail on the carpet which told us which direction to go as we walk past the man he made a very loud belch which made me almost cry my dance I grabbed Mindy and made a power walk over to the loud staticky television set it had two small red pants a sauna next came the long hallway in which I could see the exit door to the back yard up ahead Shelley wasn't kidding when she said it was a small house as we slowly walked in the hallway the clown kept appearing in my head smiling with his crimson drenched teeth we passed a closed door with blood smeared all over it we heard screaming inside that room and then a loud gunshot the sound really hurt my eardrum to be honest they have had to use a real gun for this sound effect we kept walking and saw a bucket of red and yellow paint on the floor with no paintbrush in it so far this house was excellent I couldn't wait to get to the back yard but a part of me didn't want to go because I didn't know how to expect this clown with a bloody teeth was in my nightmare last night and he's been on my mind ever since we heard him an iCal a from the broom we just passed the loud and deep voice spoke while laughing then we heard the sound of loud boots walked towards the door and the handle slowly turned Mindy and I were just about ready to scream and ran for it we opened the door to the back yard and literally jumped the three wooden steps onto the grass this was it the moment of truth I was literally shaking as if it was ten below the door which we came from shut behind us with the very loud though it was Shelley I was shocked and happy at the same time knowing that I had signal back here so Shelly I'm gonna have to call you back we just got in the back yard but yes this was one of the best scares I've had so far so can I ask you where is this clown going to take us we waited minute had gone by very slowly we can hear the crickets chirping in the distance two minutes three four five we were really getting restless on where this clown was I hope he wasn't gonna jump scare from behind so I kept looking back every few seconds I called Shelly back hey Shelly we're still waiting for the clown to show up but while I still have signal many wanted to know once we get back on the street after we're done from Cherry Road do we make a left or a right on Hillview to get to the freeway what better way to celebrate snarls new gaming channels sleet rate then with a story about a video game with a deadly secret this is the story of pale Luna by Eddy in the last decade and a half it's become infinitely easier to obtain exactly what you're looking for by way of a couple of keystrokes the Internet has made it all too simple to use a computer to change reality an abundance of information is merely a search engine away to the point where it's hard to imagine life is any different yet a generation ago when the word streaming and torrent were meaningless save for conversations about water people met face to face to conduct software swap parties trading games and applications on sharp be labeled five and a quarter inch floppies most of the time the meets were away for frugal community minded individuals to trade popular games amongst themselves however a few early programming talents designed their own computer games to share amongst their circle of acquaintances who in turn would pass it on until it had its place in the collection of aficionados across the country think of it as the 80s equivalent of a viral video pale Luna on the other hand was never circulated outside of the San Francisco Bay Area all known copies have been long disposed of this fact is attributed to a number of rather abstruse design choices made by its programmer pal Luna was a text adventure in the vein of Zork and the lurking horror at a time when said genre was swiftly going out of fashion upon booting the program the player was presented with a screen almost completely blank except for the text you are in a dark room moonlight shines through the window there is gold in the corner along with a shovel and a rope there is a door to the east command so began the game that one writer for a vlog out-of-print fanzine decried as enigmatic nonsensical and completely unplayable as the only commands that the game would accept were pick up gold pick up shovel pick up rope open door and go east the player was soon presented with the following reap your reward pay luna smiles at you you are in a forest there are paths to the north west and east command what quickly infuriated the few who've played the game was the confusing and buggy nature of the second screen onward only one of the directional decisions would be the correct one for example a command to go in a direction other than North would lead to the system freezing requiring the operator to hard reboot the entire computer further any subsequent screens seemed to merely repeat the above texts were still the standard text adventure commands appeared to be useless the only accepted non movement related prompts were used old which caused the game to display the message not here you shovel which brought up not now and use rope which prompted the text you've already used this most who played the game progressed a couple of screens into it before becoming fed up by having to constantly reboot and tossing the disk and discussed writing out the experience as a shoddily program farce however one young man by the name of Michael Nevins decided to see if there was more to pay luna than what met the eye five hours and thirty three screens worth of trial and error and unplugged computer chords later he finally managed to make the game display different text the text in this new area red pale Lunas mile wide there are no paths pale luminous miles wide the ground is soft pale Lunas miles wide here a man it was another hour still before Michael stumbled upon the proper combination of phrases to make the game progress any further dig hole drop gold then fill hole this caused the screen to display congratulations after some deliberation Michael came to the conclusion that the numbers refer to lines of latitude and longitude the coordinates led to a point in the sprawling forests that dominated the nearby Lassen Volcanic Park as he possessed much more free time than sense Michael vowed to see pale Luna through to its ending the next day armed with a map a compass and a shovel he navigated the parks trails noting with amusement how each turn he made correspondent roughly to those he took in game though he initially regretted bringing the cumbersome digging tool on a mere hunch the path similarity Alba confirmed his suspicions that the journey would end with him face to face with an eccentric buried treasure out of breath he was pleasantly surprised by a literal stumble upon a patch of uneven dirt shoveling as excitedly as he was it would be an understatement to say that he was taken aback when his heavy strokes unearths the badly decomposing head of a blond-haired little girl pick up gold pick up bro whose rope you've already won best use gold reap your reward behold rock gold then Phil hey Luna you Michael promptly reported the situation to the authorities the girl was identified as Karen Paulson 11 reported is missing to the San Diego Police Department a year and a half prior efforts were made to track down the programmer of PAL Luna but the nearly anonymous legal gray area in which the software swapping community operated inescapably led to many dead ends our next chapter is a creepypasta written by Perfect Circle 35 during my childhood my family was like a drop of water in a vast river never remaining in one location for long we were living in a house just outside the bustling metropolis of new vineyards named population 643 the day after my fifth birthday I came down with a fever the doctor said I had mononucleosis which meant no rough play and more fever for at least another three weeks it was horrible timing to be bedridden we were in the process of packing her things to move to Pennsylvania and most of my things were already packed away in boxes leaving my room barren my mother brought me ginger ale and books several times a day and these served the function of being my primary form of entertainment for the next few weeks boredom always looms just around the corner I don't exactly recall how I met mr. widemouth I think it was about a week after I was diagnosed with mono my first memory of a small creature was asking him if he had a name he told me to call him mr. widemouth because his mouth was large in fact everything about him was large in comparison to his body his head his eyes his crooked ears but his mouth was by far the largest he looked kind of like a Furby Furby whatsit Furby you know the toy the little robot with the big ears you can pat and feed that almost like a real pet oh you don't need one of those they aren't the same as having a real friend I remember mr. widemouth disappearing every time my mother stopped by to check in on me I don't want your parents to see me because I'm afraid they won't let us play anymore the third or fourth morning after I met him he greeted me with a large smile on his face I have a new game we can play we have to wait until after your mother comes to check on you because she can't see us play it it's a secret game after my mother delivered more books and soda at the usual time mr. widemouth slipped out from under the bed and tugged my hand we have to go to the room at the end of this hallway I objected it first as my parents had forbidden me to leave my bed without their permission but mr. widemouth persisted until I gave in the room in question had no furniture or wallpaper it's only distinguishing feature was a window opposite the doorway mr. widemouth darted across the room and gave the window a firm push flinging it open he then back into me to look out at the ground below we were on the second story of the house but it was on a hill and from this angle the drop was farther than two stories due to the incline I like to play pretend up here I pretended that there's a big soft trampoline below this window and I dropped if you pretend hard enough he bounced back up like a feather I want you to try I was a 5 year old with a fever so only a hint of skepticism darted through my thoughts as I looked down and considered the possibility it's a long drop I said but that's all part of the fun it wouldn't be fun if it was only a short drop if you were that way you may as well just bounce on a real trampoline I toyed with the idea with a realist in me prevailed I don't know if I have enough imagination I could get hurt mr. widemouth face contorted into a snarl but only for a moment if you say so he said he spent the rest of the day under my bed quiet as a mouse the following morning mr. widemouth arrived holding a small box I want to teach you how to juggle he said here are some things you can use to practice I looked in the box it was full of night my parents will kill me I shouted horrified that mr. widemouth had brought knives into my room objects that my parents would never allow me to touch mr. widemouth frowned it's fun to juggle with these I want you to try it I pushed the box away knives aren't safe to just throw in the air mr. widemouth frown deepened into a scowl he took the box of knives and slid under my bed remaining there the rest of the day I began to wonder how often he was under me I started having trouble sleeping after that mr. widemouth often woke me up at night saying he put a real trampoline under the window a big one one that I couldn't see in the dark I always declines and tried to go back to sleep but mr. widemouth persisted sometimes he stayed by my side until early in the morning encouraging me to jump he wasn't so fun to play with anymore my mother came to me one morning and told me I had her permission to walk around outside she thought the fresh air would be good for me especially after being confined to my room for so long ecstatic I put on my sneakers and trotted out to the back porch yearning for the feeling of Sun on my face mr. widemouth was waiting for me I have something I want you to see I must have given him a weird look because he then said it's safe I promise I followed him to the beginning of a deer trail which ran through the woods behind the house this is an important to have he explained I've had a lot of friends about your age when they were ready I took them down this path to a special place you weren't ready yet but one day I hope to take you there I returned to the house wondering what kind of place lay beyond that trail two weeks after I met mr. widemouth the last load of our things had been packed into a moving truck I considered telling mr. widemouth that I would be leaving but even at five years old I was beginning to suspect that perhaps the creatures intentions were not to my benefit despite what he said otherwise for this reason I decided to keep my departure a secret my father and I were in the truck at 4:00 a.m. I saw mr. widemouth silhouette in my bedroom window he stood motionless until the truck was about to turn onto the main road he gave a pitiful little wave goodbye steak knife in hand I didn't wave back years later I returned to new vinieron II the piece of land our house stood upon was empty except for the foundation as a house burned down a few years after my family left out of curiosity I followed the trail that mr. widemouth had shown me part of me expected him to jump out from behind a tree but I felt that mr. widemouth was gone somehow tied to the house that no longer existed the trail ended at the new vineyard Memorial Cemetery I noticed that many of the tombstones belonged to children our next story comes from Jeannie whose daughter has a very interesting friend Jeannie and her daughter Azura used to live in Brazil with the rest of their extended family asura was a bright little girl who was always happy and energetic and had no trouble making friends but when she turned seven something changed she was no longer interested in playing with her friends and became cold and distant to everyone including her mother Asura would curl up in her bedroom alone Jeannie would overhear her talking to herself for hours Jeannie thought Azura might be going through a phase and invented an imaginary friend for herself but Asura's grandmother thought otherwise that's because one night Asura's grandmother walked by the bedroom where a Zora was talking to herself she stopped in the doorway and looked into the room and screamed as he returned and hissed at her grandma like a rabid animal and crouched on all fours growling deeply her grandmother ran out of the room and locked the door from the outside Jeannie you have to call the priest now there is a demon in this house Jeannie is not a religious woman she thought her mother was being a little dramatic but nevertheless she called a priest to come over to the house he arrived the next morning and the grandmother explained what she saw there was a demon with big bat wings and cloven hooves its skin was dark and scaly and its hands had giant talons Jeannie just snickered at this description the grandmother unlocked the door and there was a Zura crying hysterically don't go don't go don't go the moment he saw this the priest drops his Bible and rosary and closed the door that's no demon that's a mancha Chico Oh what it is a creature that is born from a demon and cursed without love they seek out mortals to love them and attach themselves to those who show them kindness Jeannie laughed this was absolutely ridiculous when they fall in love with a human they truly care for them and keep them safe but for a price in return for their devotion the mantra Chico will gain possession of the human soul in the afterlife we have to save her the priest re-entered the bedroom and said a prayer when he came out of the room Jeannie saw Asura sleeping peacefully in her bed a few days later Jeannie was about to run some errands and Azeris stopped her don't leave but sweetie I need to buy us some please Jeannie was a little freaked out by how sincere her daughter was so she stayed home later that day when they were watching the news they learned that there was an active shooter at the nearby mall the mall that Jeannie was going to go to why did you make me stay a home Jay Lisa told me to tell you he doesn't want me to be sad so he will help me keep you safe there were multiple instances like this when Ozora would tell her mother to avoid a certain area only to later discover that it could have saved her life and Jeannie wasn't the only one who was experiencing good luck Ozora school bullies had stopped picking on her and began apologizing to her and giving her gifts asura was hit by a car on the sidewalk and flown into a gutter but walked away without a scratch szura's little sister was diagnosed with a terrible skin disease only to have it completely healed a few weeks later - Jeannie it was all just good luck but according to Azura this was all because of chilly so her demon years had gone by Anna's aura was now 15 years old Jeannie found it a little odd that her daughter had never talked about any school crushes or shown any interest in dating so she decided to talk to her daughter you know when I was your age I couldn't stop talking about boys is there anyone you like at your school you can tell me I have chili so he says I'm his one and only and it'd be wrong to leave him when he's been so good to me hasn't he been good to us mama Jeannie did not like that response she thought that her daughter had finally grown out of this ridiculous phase and she couldn't stand these lies anymore enough Azura enough with chili Sookie isn't real I don't ever want to hear about chili so again you understand Jeannie stormed out of the room leaving asura and tears after she had cooled down Jeannie decided to apologize to her daughter she entered her bedroom and froze there was a Zora curled up on her bed in the lap of a giant demon he looked just as Asura's grandmother had described years ago genie couldn't believe what she saw but there he was che Lisa was real Asura is now 22 years old and only occasionally mentions Chile so and genie will remind her that she Lisa plans to take her soul in the afterlife and you're okay with that of course hasn't he been good to us mom I want more something scary you can hear more stories over on the something scary podcast available for free on Apple podcast or wherever you listen to your favorite shows the links are in the description below if you'd like to submit a story send me an email at something scary at snarled calm like and share this video if it gave you the chills and don't forget subscribe to snarls and turn on the bell for notifications and if you dare follow me on social media until next time sweet dreams
Channel: Bjoviii
Views: 1,830,851
Rating: 4.8755136 out of 5
Keywords: scary animations, scary animation, something scary, 1 hour, scary stories, scary animations short films, scary animation memes, something scary vol 1, something scary snarled, something scary podcast, snarled something scary, snarled hachishakusama, snarled reaction, ghost stories
Id: QDj_kgdNk78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 34sec (3634 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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