Top 10 Horror Stories Animated of 2019

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back when I was 21 years old I was a strategic firearms commander this meant that I led a team into dangerous situations that often times involves hostages or civilians who carried guns or other deadly weapons I had a second in command firearms commander working beside me his name was Callum and he was my best friend we always hung out outside of work but while on duty he would always joke around and make his crack a smile even when we were dealing with pretty distressful stuff we once had a case where a man had possession of a firearm and we were assigned to take care of it Callum seemed particularly eager and jumped out of the van before he even came to fill style when the rest of the team reached the scene the man was already shot Callum still had the gun in his hand soon after I asked Callum why he was so eager to do it and then he said he had no specific reason he was just excited I believed him because he was my best friend later on when I was looking at the man who was shot I looked him up on social media and realized that he and Callum added each other on Facebook upon further investigation I realized that there were thousands of messages sent between the two where Callum revealed sensitive information about several operations I knew that he killed this man on purpose but I had no way of proving it he was taken to court and was sentenced to three years in jail for perverting the court of justice I testified against him and was no longer his friend when I was 24 years old I was still on the firearms team all that happened with Callum was behind me and I was happy with my life one night I went home really late after work as I walked to my apartment I realized that it was trashed I called the police and they reported it but there was not much they could do because I didn't have a CCTV as I got into bed I saw that there was a note on my bedside table all it said was remember me I instantly recognized Callens handwriting and now that he was out of prison I thought that he would move on with his life I was so wrong this was his revenge the next day I went to the underground parking lot and I saw that my windscreen was smashed it was clear that he wasn't over me testifying against him soon after I also saw him near my apartment I ran after him but he ignored me it ran away I tried calling his old number but it was no longer in service then an envelope was sent through my door and it contained hundreds of photos of me at work home and even out with my girlfriend at clubs and restaurants these were all taken very recently the last one though was a picture of Callum and I from years ago and on the other side written with a big red marker were the words you're dead I reported this as stalking and hoped he would end up back in prison the police had gone to his listed address but there was no one there in fact all of his bags were packed I knew he was still in the area somewhere though one day I was by myself in an unmarked car and I saw this Toyota Yaris and it was driving close behind me it was my gut instinct to get the plate number checked in I was going to but then I got a priority-one announcement on the radio saying there was a crazy man on a bus who had a knife and stabbed someone I turned on my sirens and blue lights and headed to the accident as I got on the bus he was already arrested and the ambulance was already there as well as I was about to leave the bus I heard a loud bang and a man on the bus fell down he was shot through the window by a man who was wearing a black hoodie he immediately ran I ran out of the bus and went to the boot of my car I got my mp5s F out which was a large rifle with an eye / capabilities I ran after the suspect and radioed in they gave me an order of critical shot which meant I could shoot to kill the suspect he ran through the town centre and went to the left I was worried about public safety as he had a large rifle as well I realized instead of running after him I needed to get on a roof and shoot down I went to this building that had views of the right and left it took me five minutes and I was worried that he would have run away by now as I got to the roof I turned my gun to the sniper level they used the eyepiece to scan and I saw a man in the black hoodie running I fired a shot and he fell to the ground by the time I got there more armed policemen came to the area I was shocked to see Kalin he was the one who followed me in the car behind me and that shot in the bus was meant for me but he missed Callum was dead I felt sad but also relieved that this was all over a man shot on the bus survived and I was promoted for my diligent work I'm still working no force this happened when I was in college I was 20 at the time studying for an upcoming exam in biology that is until my roommate busted in my room she wasn't yelling but I could see she was drunk by her excitement I rolled my eyes inside I completely lost focus now but it was okay I kind of gotten used to her behavior she was a party girl while I was well huh nerd I tried to get back on my reading tracks again but she patted me on the back and drunkenly giggles before speaking come on jasmine every time I see you you're always reading a book I sighed before speaking and every time I see you you smell of alcohol and vomit she frowned at me how about this I'll be quiet all week if you come to this party tomorrow at 8:00 I wanted to say no but then I thought about it I mean I do always work really hard besides she won't barge in like this for the whole week sounds too good I thought to myself so I nodded and continued to read we got ready I hadn't dressed up in ages so I was kind of excited the party was loud filled with drunk people making out bumping and dancing the party was hosted in a basement like setting only it was much bigger and had a lot of space I'm not going to lie I did have a few drinks I wasn't drunk but I was definitely tipsy so as my view became tilted this guy comes out of nowhere and has small talk with me it was fairly attractive he didn't seem drunk we met and exchanged names from what I remember he had red dyed hair and blue eyes he was white and about six feet his name was Luke we laughed and talked about topics like studying and books and that kind of thing the talking went on for about a half an hour he then said hey I'm going to get another drink want anything and I said why not I mean I'm having fun so later on he came back with drinks and the next thing I remember we were making out in the corner of the party room it was so quick and then he asked me want to go back to my place which I politely declined I already know what he wants besides I needed to be on campus in the morning come on I promise it'll be fun I remember that he kept on trying to get me to go but he gave up after I made it clear I wasn't interested in going to his place he rolled his eyes angrily and gave me a paper with a number on it fine have you changed your mind give me a call he leaned close to me and whispered against my ear then he walked out and the rest of the night was a complete blank the next day I woke up inside my college bedroom on my bed next to my roommate snoring on her bed as well as I got up to shower a paper fell out of my pocket it was the number which made me remember that guy but I had more important things now I showered then and went to study I remember reading my book when all of a sudden I felt dizzy then I woke up in the bed with police officers and nurses talking next to me turns out I have this dangerous allergic reaction that can only be caused from saliva or any bodily fluids that had come from decaying or rotting flesh which to my surprise was weird I hadn't been kissing anyone let alone ate anything raw then I remembered the guy I told the police about the guy at the party and gave them the number he gave me a few weeks passed and my allergies went down so I could live my life normally I just finished my test when my phone rang a Hansard it and it was the police turns out the guy from the party had two dead decaying women's bodies inside his apartment that he ate they must have been there for months my heart dropped the thought that I made out with someone who ate human flesh or even worse was what if I had agreed to come to his place he may have been one of those bodies this fact happened when I was 15 years old beginning of last year 2018 when I finally got to sophomore year here in Brazil it was an ordinary Friday night suddenly I felt a little bit hungry so I decided to put on some clothes and go to the snack bar it was barely ten minutes from my house I usually pass through the alley to go to the snack bar but that time everything was so creepy in there when I was halfway there it was dark empty abnormally cold and gloomy I felt slightly intimidated but there was nothing there that could really harm me so I decided to just go through that alley then I thought no nothing's gonna happen I kept going until I suddenly heard something weird on the other side of the alley there was a man in there staring at the walls in hunchback stance grunting weirdly I found that incredibly creepy but I was nearly at the snack bar so all I needed was just to get out of that alley walk one minute more and I finally would get there instead of making it all the way home with empty hands thus I decided to ignore him and pass through after all I finally passed through him he turned to me and stared at me with a creepy smile which made me walk a little bit faster trying to avoid him then suddenly I heard a grunt and quick steps behind me when I looked back it was him we were barely two feet away from each other he had a kitchen knife in his right hand and jumped on me with amazing speed and tried to stab me I managed to grab both of his arms before he could get me however since he was charging at me he still had more energy to push me back and forced me against the wall I was terrified with all of that I knew I would die if I didn't fight back back then I was already trained in some martial arts to defend myself but that I thought I'd never need to use that skill to defend my life until now so in a sudden burst of adrenaline I managed to twist the wrist which he was holding the knife kicking his stomach punching and mercilessly in the face several times in the end his face was bleeding so much but his body was ignoring the pain of the blows in his body and only focusing on killing me finally I used a training that I took before to twist both of his wrists and elbows harshly at the same time forced in two different directions and kicked the backside of his leg putting him to the ground until ultimately he could drop the knife it wasn't easy because he was struggling and punching my back and somehow tried to jump on me but since I had his arm under my grasp he couldn't do much without breaking himself I slammed his head in the concrete ground stunning him then kept striking his face desperately while kneeling over his arm so he wouldn't be able to react or reach his knife again and finally he was out cold bleeding a lot my knuckles were full of blood and hurt so I got up took his knife throwing it far away from there and ran away from him I finally got to the snack bar wash my hands in there and did everything I had to do before going back home but obviously I didn't take the same path as I did before but there were things that got much creepier that was at the entrance of my apartment where I heard screams coming from the other side of the street it was the same crazy man now seeming like he was possessed by a demon and he was slamming his head on the iron door of my buildings entrance his face was horribly deformed and scarred from our fight that freaked me out completely my parents were on a trip and the watchman of our building was on vacation I wasn't gonna fight that man again so I decided to rush to my girlfriend's house when I got there she was home alone she looked worried because I was looking pale and there were still some marks of the man's blood on my clothes I explained everything to her and we called the police to come by my building when they arrived the man was still in the entrance trying to force the doors unsuccessfully when he saw the police he attacked him but got quickly dominated by the cops they explained that he was probably a crazy psycho in the streets looking for prey to rape kill or do anything he wanted to the person so they sent him to a high-security mental asylum for criminals far away from my house I feel so lucky that I survived that day and I'm hoping that I will never see that man again I laid poolside perfecting my tan for the start of school next month mom was in the kitchen cooking her famous fettuccine alfredo and dad was on the way home with a movie from Redbox my life was perfect but everything was about to change with the arrival of a new neighbor next door he was a former police officer probably mid-50s possessed a firm drill sergeant like tone but was very friendly and talkative initially he seemed like a good fit for the neighborhood he was cordial police made an effort to wave or say hi and the presence of someone with a law enforcement background provided a sense of security but everything began to unravel quickly and the catalyst seemed to be me my neighbors like a sudden and keen interest in me whenever I went outside I could feel his eyes examining me he would always wander over and try to start conversations with me but as soon as he heard or saw my parents he would leave he asked me if I had any social media accounts when I lied and said no he asked if he could take a picture of me and proceeded to snap a pic before I could reply I felt completely unnerved and frightened about his intentions for me for all I knew that we could have a murderer or pedophile living a mere feet from our home I knew I had to delve deeper so one night I aimed my telescope at his window and when I saw only amplified the alarm bells going off in my head the man was fixated on the picture of me on his phone and I could even see a small stack of photos on his nightstand a young girl's image on top my blood ran cold as this all but confirmed my fear he must be a pedophile the next night I saw him sneakily rummaging through our trash can I watched in horror and disbelief as he removed my used tampon got into his car and sped off in the night this was the final straw I knew that in the morning I would have to alert my parents and get in contact with the police and next morning I awoke to the sound of police sirens and a loud commotion downstairs I hopped out of bed and saw my parents being taken away in handcuffs I started screaming and crying as I rushed towards the door but I was stopped by the neighbor with a horrified expression he muttered I'm so sorry those aren't your real parents you're kidnapped and missing the past 14 years DNA test confirmed it it was on Friday night I was finishing the last deliveries that I worked for I was headed to the bar that I would usually go to every night to grab a glass of wine I noticed there was a new bar that had recently opened a kilometer away from the usual bar so I decided to try it out when I arrived and pushed the entrance door I noticed something very weird there were only five people inside and they were all dressed in Halloween costumes like vampire ghosts werewolf witch and black magician I felt really uncomfortable because I was the only ordinary person there and also because Halloween was over two days ago I was still awkwardly standing there blocking the entrance when all of a sudden all the people started staring at me as if I had done something terribly wrong I made my move and walked over to the bartender the bartender looked almost like a real executioner he asked me rudely in a gruff voice what do you want to sacrifice blood or flesh that creeped the hell out of me but I thought this was his way of taking a Halloween order of alcohol so I requested to him one glass of blood please he turned around grabbed a wine bottle and poured it into a wine glass later he opened a drawer and took out a black satanic pentagram necklace he dipped the necklace three times while muttering something into my drink to my surprise the wine turned black in color and he placed the glass on the table and told me to drink it in one shot I was really thirsty at that moment so I took the glass and drank it completely it was quite strong and my vision was slowly starting to blur I paid the bartender and left the bar immediately while I was walking I started to feel dizzy and my vision was worsening I wasn't focused on where I was going as my mind was in a vision of all the faces of all the people I saw in that bar maniacally laughing and giggling at me all of a sudden I had already arrived home during my vision at first I was relieved but when I closed the door behind me and turned around I knew that I was in the wrong house it was completely abandoned cold gloomy and barely lit with the Rays of moonlight I tried to open the door but it was totally locked right when I was going to run into the door to break it I heard the upper wooden ceiling was creaking as if someone was up there walking slowly and step by step I was really afraid as I had no weapon to protect myself I tried to call 911 service to call my only option was to go upstairs and find my way out I carefully walked upstairs and reached the top to my left was a dead end but to my right I saw a hallway with three doors on each side I opened the doors one by one to find nothing but dark empty rooms and no way to escape finally when I opened the sixth door I saw a pentagram was drawn on the floor with five candles around touching all five corners of the star this sent me back to where the bartender dipped a necklace with the same symbol into my drink and there was a figure floating vertically right above the Sybil below but the light provided by the candles was not enough for me to figure out what was floating accidentally I dropped my phone on the old wooden floor which created a loud sound the figure was slowly advancing to my direction I quickly backed off and hit my head against the wall behind that figure I can't forget it my body was completely paralyzed when I saw that the same bartender at the bar was this guy he was still dressed as an executioner and faced my powerless body to make matters worse the doors of the empty room started opening on their own one by one and out came all of the five people I saw at the bar they were all laughing at me to the point I passed out then I heard silence then I woke up and realized that I was in a hospital I asked one of the nurses what was going on she told me that a group of teenagers saw me walking out of the forest and then walking to the abandoned house they tried calling out to me but I didn't respond nor look at them then the group saw me entering the house and when they tried to open the door it was locked and so they called 911 that I was trapped in that house thirty minutes later the police staff arrived and broke open the door and found me unconscious lying on the floor they brought me into the hospital and we're trying to investigate what had happened in that abandoned house later I told police officers the whole story when they came to ask but they didn't seem to believe me while some of them were laughing thinking that I was making it up after that I went home and directly went to sleep the next morning I hurried to the bathroom because I had to vomit very badly and after I did I noticed that my vomit was black to forget things I tried taking a cold shower and when I was showering I felt a sharp sting on my back then when I changed the water temperature from cold to warm the sting started to feel even more painful I turned back with my head barely making it to see behind then I was shocked for life I had the same satanic pentagram carved on my back which was surely done by a sharp object from then on I never went to a bar again I was a big tender guy a few years ago everywhere I went I would update my location and then update you know my body count then I quit doing tinder and stuck with Instagram I know they're completely different and IG has a bunch of fake accounts so I saw this girl commenting on all of my friends pictures then she commented on mine I also saw my friends replying so I figured she was a real person because I looked on her page and she had way more followers than people she was following so I deemed her I definitely thought she wasn't going to reply but she did within an hour we talked for maybe two or three weeks and we made it official she was pretty had a degree and a good job as she said I felt she was out of my league into perfect every day she posted new photos and I told my friends about her and they seemed pretty jealous except for my friend Ryan he said I was stupid because I never spoke with her and not only messaged her she invited me over because she says she can cook Brian told me to don't go the rest of my friend said don't have any kids and they were laugh so I went over there but not without Ryan calling me a clown first the GPS says she lived about an hour away when I first started to talk to her she told me that she lived in a nice neighborhood but when I got there there were people everywhere in the neighborhood was not that nice when I stopped at the stop sign at the corner people walked up to my windows and asked me what do I need but I pulled off really fast and got to the house it was a duplex so I messaged her and she said they come up the stairs it was about 9:00 at night and people were everywhere just standing around I knocked on the door and I was definitely excited the door opening to my surprise of the ball-headed white guy was a patchy beard tattoos everywhere including his head with a tank top on one my axe was Lisa home and he said yeah come in when I walked in i was immediately hit with a musty smell mixed with cheese he told me to sit down and he sat down across from me on the couch he said she'll be out soon he asked me that I want something to drink and I said yeah sure when I got up I texted her can she come out please she immediately said yes the man came back in with two cups of juice one for him and one for myself then I noticed that he put a phone down on the table next to him so I acted like ice and got some of my arm then I asked for a tissue he went to get some tissue when he left his phone like I thought he would I text her back into my [ __ ] the phone rang I looked on a caller ID and was my name I heard him coming back he came back in he set there for about a minute and then the phone rang again because he never checked the message that I sent he looked at the phone I looked at the phone then we looked at each other I posture it up and he called me said I guess you called then out of nowhere he lunch Tori attempting to grab me I punch on any thumb in his face I ran out of there so fast and I never looked back yeah I called the cops and when they got there the man was still knocked out after that I never went on dates with people that I've met online again I was ten years old and I was home alone but that wasn't a big deal because we lived in a small city my mom and dad were at my grandma's house I couldn't go because I was sick it was around 9 p.m. when I was about to go to sleep my room was really small and it only had one window facing my bed that window to me was kind of scary because when you're a little kid your imagination can sometimes go wild at that time it wasn't my imagination though like I said I was about to go to bed when I heard a loud scream coming from outside it was really scary but I tried to be quiet so I could listen to what was going on outside nothing was happening though it was really quiet like nothing had happened at all quieter than normal actually some time had passed and everything seemed okay so I just laid down and tried to sleep one hour later I heard that loud scream again but this time it seemed to be closer I froze I was so freaked out I couldn't even move 30 minutes later again the same scream at that point I was about to cry I don't know why but that scream wasn't just a scream it was at this high pitch and it was so creepy finally 15 minutes later I saw something at that window it was a really skinny woman and she seemed so happy for some reason she was smiling and her smile was so big and creepy when I saw her I started crying and she started screaming and Ed is horrified she was just looking at me smiling and screaming for the whole night the next morning my parents came back home and I told them everything they called the police and the police found out that my window that was facing my bed was broken but it didn't seem like it was broken with some sort of weapon but as if it were broken by a really high pitch it was a beautiful day in August my family and I had just finished packing for our trip we were bored and hadn't plan to do anything because our trip was in a couple of days so we all decided to go to the Safari zoo place because it was only an hour drive and a great way to kill time when we got there and we noticed that there were a bunch of people at the zoo my family could get impatient of this so he asked the receptionist if there was anything we could do that wasn't too busy lucky for us there were private tours they were a bit expensive but the lady ensured us that the tour guides were highly educated and great at their job we were given animal food and introduced to a private tour guide when we first saw our tour guide we noticed he was a little off he had a weird Lisp didn't speak very much English and had a really bad lazy eye when my dad first tried to greet him he ignored my dad and gestured us to one of the Safari minivans we were a little taken aback but didn't think anything of it once we got into the van we noticed that there was a bad smell and a bunch of animal food on the floor he started driving before we could get our seatbelts on we first passed by lions and hyenas it was all really cool there were also a bunch of vans and tour buses behind and in front of us that were taking all the attention of the animals out of the blue the tour guide turned onto a trail that no other buses or fans were going on my dad got a little suspicious and asked the tour guide where we were going the tour guide replied with elephants shortly because once again he didn't know English very well well we really wanted to see the elephants at that time so we all got excited after a good ten minutes of driving we noticed that we had seen no animals and no other tour guides just a never-ending forest my mom who is paranoia was getting worried and repeatedly asked the tour guide where he was going but then he never answered all of the sudden he stopped the car and said he had to get something from the back of his car my dad was getting red flags and watched him from the rearview mirror and then my dad hopped into the driver's seat locked all the doors immediately and pressed the accelerator to the floor with a fearful face that I've never seen before like that we were all slammed into the backs of our seats what's going on my mom yelled I saw him holding an axe my dad yelled back we made it back to the Safari and to the receptionist we explained the whole situation and she called the police they had a long search and finally he got caught after a few hours we got a full refund and later found out that our tour guide didn't even work at the Safari but used a fake ID and had history linked with murder kidnapping and other crimes we won't mention we also found out the reason that the car smelt so bad was because the tour guide admitted to killing multiple safari animals and taking them home to this day I still wonder what would have happened if my dad didn't look in the rearview mirror and the tour guide stopped the car [Music] this is not about my story but someone from my church and he wanted to share his experience with anyone else he's a 32 year old man and his pseudo name is mark he's a fairly big guy and this situation took place when he was on his way home from work he said that he had lost his phone one week before this whole situation happened so he couldn't call and get any help during the story it was quite late around 11 p.m. he had finished work and was walking to a taxi stop location and when he got there a few people were standing around waiting as well after about two minutes he noticed that there was a minivan approaching usually minivans are cheaper than taxis and he felt tired that day so he decided to take the minivan he sat on a seat and there was a young boy seated in the passenger side next to the driver who was collecting the fare and then two other boys who looked like teenagers also boarded the minivan and sat in the seats in front of him once the minivan took off after about five minutes the boy asked if they would like to drink some coke the boys accepted and started drinking and they also gave it to Marc Marc was also feeling thirsty so he took it but only a sip not much later he started feeling drowsy just before he about laid his head on the seat beside him he noticed that those two boys were already knocked out after he laid his head down he heard noises coming from the back seats two people were talking in a different language the car was passing a big signboard that showed crest chicken farm and then he finally passed out when he got up he found himself inside a big shed like barn and there was some tools on a big table he was on the floor and the other two teenage boys were laying next to him he still felt a bit drowsy but he managed to get himself up as he was looking for an escape he saw that the two boys were still passed out so he tried waking them but they wouldn't budge as Marc was kind of a big man he tried to see if he could carry one of them but it was hard to do because even Marc was having a hard time to stand properly and then he heard voices he took a peek from the door and three people were walking toward the big shed coming from a house on the hill which was quite close to the shed Marc panicked and tried to look for another exit he was looking around the place and he found one at the end of the shed luckily he approached quietly and escaped as fast as he could at this point his vision was all blurry but he managed to find a fence door and unlocked it he heard the people shouting but he ignored he just kept on running when he finally reached his house it was early morning around 5 a.m. his wife was up all night waiting for him and ran out the front door as soon as she saw him he collapsed and slept for almost the whole day when he woke up and finally got a chance to explain to his wife what had transpired that night he remembered about the other two boys who were still there then he contacted the police immediately he told the police about the road signs and a big billboard for crest chicken farm and other things that he could remember about two weeks after there was a police report about how they found two teenage boys bodies in a lake and advised that when they examined the bodies all their organs were missing mark just stood in fear and as the event was too traumatic for him Mark had to quit a job for a while when I was a kid I was really into paranormal things such as ghosts and spirits so I always got really excited for Halloween on one Halloween my parents took me and my brother to a ghost tour in the city during the tour we would visit real haunted houses which were said to have some really violent ghosts I couldn't be more excited we arrived at the location for the tour Meetup an empty parking lot but we were a bit early and nobody else had arrived yet it was a chilly October night so my parents decided that we should find a building to wait in until more people arrived we walked over to the building that the parking lot was meant for an old hotel and entered the vestibule we tried to fully enter the building but we found that the doors leading to the lobby inside were locked after a few minutes of standing around I started to feel strange a nauseous feeling had swept my stomach goosebumps ran up and down my arms and a piercing feeling of being watched was stabbing almost burning my back looking around it was obvious that me and my family were the only ones inside the vestibule the lobby of the building was also devoid of people once we saw people enter the parking lot we left and I felt better and after that I was shocked to see the first place we stopped on the tour was the building my family had been waiting in now this building we won't enter because the spirit inside here is more violent than the others we'll encounter the guide stated in here we have the shadow man he doesn't terrorize the whole building just the area that you enter through he's been known to slap and scratch people coming inside a few pictures were passed around all of a sudden I don't know how and why but I recognize that an inky black figure stood against the doors windows its eyes were glowing white and it had long fingers and pointed nails it was freaky to think that I might have been targeted by the shadow man but I didn't think much of it until after the tour when my family went back home I started to complain to my mom that my back was itching and burning so she grabbed some ointment and told me she would look at it we thought it was just a bug bite we had been walking around outside at night after all when she lifted my shirt she asked when I had scratched my back I told her I hadn't she took a picture on her phone and showed it to me I was met with a long red scratch leading from my shoulder to the middle of my back the skin on my back was a shade of red like a rash me and all of my family couldn't say anything but just turn back straight to our house the shadow man had got me
Channel: Wansee Horror Story Animated
Views: 1,894,778
Rating: 4.8560581 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 43sec (2503 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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