7 Creepy Stories Animated (Compilation of 2018)

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[Music] it was the summer after graduation and Jennifer was up late packing for a camping trip with her friends she had the window open as she sat there phone and clothes when she suddenly saw a hand coming through the gap in the screen of her window Jennifer screamed and the hand flew back she was stunned but it could have just been her younger brother pranking her she got up and looked out the window and saw the figure of a man staring back at her Jennifer ran into her brother's room but saw him there playing video games they called the police who came and searched the area but they found nothing officers warned her and her parents to lock the windows and doors but the mother had a feeling that he will come back and as it turns out mother's intuition was right she went outside and waited in the back porch and after 20 minutes she saw a man dressed in black in their backyard he hid behind a tree and slowly worked his way towards Jennifer's window the mother yelled something to the stranger and he took off running police came back out and again found no trace of him Jennifer never opened that window again not even the curtains her parents installed some motion detecting lights and that seemed to be the end of that about six months later Jennifer and her friend got an apartment downtown together excited as this was the first place outside of home and they were finally living in the city the downside was that it was Street parking only and after a few weeks Jennifer's car was broken into oddly enough nothing was taken but a single rose was sat on the passenger seat this creeped her out for sure but she vowed to be vigilant and safe she always tried to park close to the entrance near the lights but it was often difficult to get those spots and she would have to park farther away things quickly began escalating at this point Jennifer's car was broken into at least once a week most of the time a flower was left but once a pair of men's underwear was there instead and even more strangely a bag of tootsie rolls weird because it was her favorite candy this made Jennifer wonder if the person knew her personally and she started to become suspicious of every one there was a laundry machine in the basement of the apartment and one day Jennifer went down to get a load that finished drying as she started to fold she realized that all her bras and panties were gone by the time the first letter arrived she had already started making plans to move elsewhere the letter described a love for her that had been going on for years he noted things that proved he had been watching Jennifer closely not long after Jennifer was able to arrange for another friend to take over her lease and she moved in with a new friend on the other side of the city it was a secured building and had an underground parking garage that was only accessible to tenants she felt more secure and the extra money spent was well worth the peace of mind things were quiet for a few months and then her roommate got a boyfriend there was something odd about Ashley's new boyfriend and her friends were wary of him from the very beginning for one he reached out to her another reason was that Matt was very good-looking and while Ashley was a wonderful person she wasn't the type you would typically expect someone like him today Ashley was thrilled she never had a boyfriend and really felt like he was her prince charming Jennifer however thought he was weird and creepy the moment they met she had the leader her Facebook account when the initial stalking began but created a dummy account to learn more about math it didn't look like he really knew any of his friends in real life there were only pictures of himself and the rest of the information was vague Jennifer and her friends generally tried to discourage Ashley from seeing Matt he technically hadn't done anything wrong but he was just so strange she would immediately get defensive and would shut the conversation down Matt started to spend more time at the apartment and Jennifer found herself finding any excuse to avoid coming home one day she came back home from work and found Matt on the couch alone drinking a beer Ashley have been called into work and she told her that he could just hang out Jennifer had no desire to spend any time with him so she grabbed the beer and a snack and headed off to her room and shut the door about 30 minutes or so he knocked on Jennifer's door and said that they watch some TV and get to know each other better because they both loved Ashley not wanting to engage in conversation Jennifer focused on the movie but at one point she glanced over to Matt and he was staring at her with a smile on his face Jennifer snapped at him and said what as he just continued to smile and said I just can't believe it believed what he said nothing and went back to watching the movie she had no idea what he was talking about but the interaction had every hair standing up on her body she excused herself and locked the door to her room another month or so went on and Jennifer had managed to avoid being home for much beyond sleeping and showering Matt practically lived there and had even brought a bunch of his things into Ashley's room Jennifer didn't want to move again but was beginning to look for other options on Ashley at Matt's 6-month anniversary there was a huge bouquet of flowers on the table and an already opened card propped up next to it Jennifer was curious so she opened the card and her heart started beating through her chest without even reading the words Matt wrote the handwriting was exactly the same as the one her stalker had sent Jennifer had kept them as evidence and dug them out of her desk for comparison the handwriting was unique and identical Matt was the stalker Jennifer called the police and as they were on their way she called Ashley and asked her to come over terrified to tell her the truth because she knew that her heart would be shattered the police took a statement from Jennifer and went to Ashley's work to get more information from her and ended up breaking the news apparently Ashley called Matt after and left a furious message even though the cops told her not to say anything and he completely disappeared after that there was no Matt or anyone matching his resemblance at the place he said he worked Ashley had never been to his apartment because he said he would be staying with his friends while trying to save money for a trip to Europe his family lived out of state and she said that she had never met a friend of his because he said they had a falling-out because he was choosing to spend so much time with her it was all lies and in the end she was dating a stranger for all they knew may not have even been his real name he had left the duffel bag in the apartment that was full of gym clothes but in one compartment there were about ten pictures of Jennifer all were taken from far away with the exception of one of her sleeping the sheets were current so it had to have been at the current apartment before she started locking her bedroom door a few pictures dated back to before the incident at her parents house which was further evidence that it was him as well two pairs of missing underwear were there and Jennifer shudders to think of what he did with the rest there was also a Starbucks lid with her red lipstick marks and a necklace she hadn't even noticed she was missing the police never tracked him down Jennifer accepted an opportunity overseas and got out of there but ever since then Jennifer deleted all her social media accounts she became very low profile looks over her shoulder wherever she goes as part of her continues to worry if Matt will ever resurface again leo is a teenager living in New York she was a competitive athlete in high school and with recruiting season a year away she was under tremendous pressure to perform well in her sport as well as in the classroom she was struggling to keep up with calculus at the time so her mother suggested that she get a tutor Leah had been going to him regularly probably three times a week for a month before she met Josh Josh at the tutoring session after and they would cross paths every week it had never been more than a glance and a smile as she was incredibly shy and terrified of boys one day her tutor had to change his schedule and decided to book them together Leo was shocked and delighted when Josh started chatting with her afterwards and asked for her phone number eventually they both began dating Josh went to a Catholic school in another town but because he lived in the same town as Leah did he took the bus every morning from her school to his this gave them most mornings together and he was able to meet Leo's friends she was a little taken aback when they didn't seem to like him Leah realized that she's been spending less time with them and assumed they were just jealous that she had a boyfriend as time went on things got more serious in the relation ship and that's when things began to change while they always talked regularly Josh started getting over-the-top about staying in contact with Leah he would make her stay on the phone with him all hours of the night until eventually her mom started taking her phone away before she went to sleep this relationship also started taking a toll on her athletic career she was too tired to spend extra time training and started to skip practices to see him driving 30 minutes each way to school eventually Leah's friend sat her down and told her how unhealthy this relationship had become she had isolated herself from them and her entire free time was spent with Josh at this point Leah wanted so badly to end the relationship she had fallen out of love with him and college applications were approaching she had been scouted by no less than ten colleges and her plan was to attend Brown University her dream school Josh's obsession with their relationship had taken a huge toll on his grades and Brown wasn't gonna be an option for him Leah remembered telling him that was where she was planning on going and he freaked out saying that he would never get in and he begged her not to go at the time she was also recruited by the University of Illinois Josh applied there in hopes that she would ditch Brown and go to Illinois with him but that was the final straw Leah ended things for good with Josh assuming that would be it because he would take the bus from her school to his every morning she still had to see him his friends who took the bus with him yell disgusting words at Leah josh had spread a rumor that leah had apparently cheated on him with a bunch of guys and then ended the relationship Leah spent months getting nasty messages accusing her of having STDs and also saying some horrifying things unfortunately deleting Facebook was what set off the stalker tendencies for Josh wasn't able to see her face online anymore so he started calling non-stop and sending desperate messages telling Leah that he loved her while all of this was going on Leah and her team was set to win the high school championship in volleyball Josh showed awhile leo was competing and they saw each other this should be is so badly that she ended up losing the title for her team and it made her furious and heartbroken Leah ended up picking up his call that same night and scream Nedim telling him to never contact her again but that's when the threats began she got a call a few nights later from Josh after he texted her he has something important to tell her stupidly she answered and he began to say how he was going to kill her he was going to show up at Leah's house when her parents were at work holding a rope and a knife and make her suffer like she had done to him he eventually went on to say he was going to get her before she went into school because he knew exactly where she parked every morning and her parents were never going to find him but what Josh didn't realize was that she had recorded what was being said the entire time and had it taped onto her phone Leah hung up when she felt he said enough the next morning she went into school extra early much earlier than she figured he'd be there Leah showed the school advisor the recording she felt a deep Buddhist shame as her mom listen to the recording like she had done something to bring this onto herself the advisor was so alarmed that he told her to go to the police immediately Leah and her mother sat in the police station all day explaining the story of her relationship with Josh and how it got to this point the police then drove to his high school and arrested him while he was in class as she was bringing food back to the police station for herself and her mom she saw Josh in handcuffs and he indeed looked like he wanted to kill her post arrest Leah got a restraining order against Josh and he was sent to a mental institution for a short while it's been ten years since this happened Leah moved across the country where this occurred and she finally feels safe now that she's far away but any time she gets a block call or text from a number she doesn't know a thought goes through her head that it's him I was texting this girl I met through tinder and I finally asked if she wanted to go off for dinner she replied and said yeah so I picked her up and we got to the restaurant things were going well it was our first time meeting in person we started talking about our favorite shows which led to the topic on movies nothing suspicious about this girl at that moment we decided to go to a theater after to watch Captain America Winter Soldier she said that was a cinema nearby but I wasn't familiar with the area so I used the GPS on my phone and she helped me navigate once we got there we started walking inside and I realized oh I don't have my phone in my pocket I must have left it in the car so I started to walk back to get it however my date kept insisting I just leave it in the car because we were gonna miss the beginning of the film I mean it's true I didn't need to have my phone with me especially since we're going to watch a movie but for some reason that was feeling very paranoid about it and I just got this new phone about a week or so we went back and checked the car for about 10 minutes but I couldn't find it I asked her to check her jacket in her bag but she said it wasn't there a couple parked next to us so I asked them to bring my number because I couldn't find it and would you believe it started to ring but it was obviously coming from my dates handbag hmm very interesting she took my phone out and said oh I must have missed it mm-hmm I thank the couple unlocked my car and as I turned back around she was walking the other way so I ran up to catch up and asked what was going on but she was being very dismissive and was barely talking to me that's when I realized this wasn't an accident this woman was trying to steal my phone if this had gone according to her plan she could have just pulled the oh I need to go to the restroom excuse and left there in the movie there's a big chance that she's done this with other people in the past and will continue to do so in the future and just waiting for her next victim so that was the last time I saw that woman and I just drove home without her see you later thief when I was in middle school I was constantly made fun of and picked on and that ridicule transferred to whenever I rode the school bus so I started walking three miles to and from school every day the path I walked on was pretty safe mostly on a sidewalk and always on a busy road with the last two and a half miles being a straight shot directly to the school back then there wasn't a stigma attached to kids being outside on their own so this wasn't deemed unsafe or noticed by anyone I lived alone with my father parents being divorced and my mother saw me on the weekends he didn't see any harm in the walking and my mother wasn't aware of this nor that I was being picked on in school so I continued for over half the school year one day as I was going home I saw a car pull up about a hundred feet ahead of me I thought to myself that car looks familiar oh nice that's my dad he's gonna drive me the way home I started to jog up to the car seeing him in the driver's seat waiting patiently huh his hair looks darker than normal today and wasn't the inside of his car tan not read the thoughts left as soon as they entered and I caught up to the car opened the passenger side door and started to get in as I was tossing my backpack on the floor in front of me and swinging my legs into the car thanks dad before I knew it I shut the car door and we began to move this isn't my father this man was much older by at least 20 years hair obviously dyed black and hands propped at 10:00 and 2:00 on the steering wheel the shirt he was wearing looked just like the one my father would have worn a short sleeve called a button-down brick red with black and horizontal lines not pressed but not too wrinkled either he was smiling at me which probably would have felt warm it was coming from a grandfather but instead felt menacing I heard a click and looked over at the door that has just been locked I stared at the door for a moment longer then turned and face forward and completely froze terrified hello I saw you walking I figured I'd come give you a lift I didn't move our answer don't act scared just act normal his voice matched the smile deceivingly friendly we were roughly a mile away from home and half a mile from the next turn needed to head in that direction all I could concentrate on is how am I gonna get out of this situation are you on your way home hmm home yes I want to go home where's your house I can take you back home feeling just slightly relieved I told him to take the next right turn I felt myself begin to breathe and I realized how tense I have been my body relaxed slightly and I finally moved and wrap my hands around my backpack straps we started to come up on the intersection and I'm pointed ahead the dotted line for the turn lane had begun but he did not get over incidentally I tends to back up and my grip on my gaze on my backpack straps tightened don't act scared don't act scared no no I really need to get back home he swung the car into the turn lane and began to make the turn okay okay see everything is going to be fine he's taking you home are you sure I'll make sure you get home before anyone realizes you're gone stay calm don't act scared no I need to get home now my father's expecting me home right now he's waiting okay maybe next time we can meet here at the same place tomorrow sure yes tomorrow sounds good I just need to get home today now my eyes were firmly trained on the road ahead of us hoping that if I just focused on the direction home I would get there to turn into my neighborhood was approaching and I informed him again and pointing towards that direction the next few moments were silent even though it was so loud in my head oh wait he can't know where I live no no no what should I you know it's probably not a good idea that I drop you off right at your house your dad might see me and get mad that I gave you a ride home and then we wouldn't be able to meet again tomorrow I was able to appreciate the good fortune of my silent question being answered for me my old neighborhood consisted of mainly apartments but in the back where a block of townhouses which is where I lived if you were unaware of the layout of the complex the townhouses might go unnoticed he pulled over to the side of the road in front of the apartment building he unlocked the door and I hurried out of the car backpacks tow in hand I began to close the door behind me so see you here tomorrow same time I pause for just a second so I can get another look at the man still smiling still terrifying yes tomorrow see you later don't run don't act scared I swung my backpack on the right way and bristly walked in the opposite direction of my house I could hear the car still idling behind me and it wasn't until I was able to turn off that road and leave his view that I heard him start to move he had to drive up to where I was walking to turn around and I glanced back as he was making the awkward turn he caught my gaze and gave a slight wave before driving off I turned my head and kept walking and the moment I could no longer hear the car I ran as fast as my legs and a heavy backpack will lend me I ran around to where I could hide between two buildings and hid there for a while until I felt it was enough time passed you feel confident he was not driving back around looking for me I ran the rest of the way home keeping a lookout making sure he wouldn't be able to see me through the back yards I reached the front door unlocked it and almost spilled inside because I was moving so fast it wasn't until I locked the door behind me that I felt safe I was home in the end I told both my parents and my mother forced my father to drive and pick me up from school for the remainder of the school year my father didn't believe me and thought I made up the story to get out of walking to school well did it matter it was worth his disbelief and annoyance every day in the car so I never had to meet that guy again when Lacey was 20 years old she worked as a delivery girl for a pretty popular pizzeria in her area initially she worked the late morning to mid-afternoon shift but when the guy who delivered the night shift ended up getting fired due to him losing his license because of a DUI she was placed on the night shift instead Lacey really didn't want this shift because you never know if people who order late at night actually won a pizza or if they have other intentions in mind unfortunately her boss essentially told her if she wasn't willing to work the night shift she was fired Lacey wasn't exactly in a position to be out of work so she reluctantly worked to shift the first month went by without any issues that was until she had to deliver a pizza to a house that just barely made it to their delivery radius Lacey put the address in the GPS and the house was located in a pretty suburban part of the city she arrived at about 11:00 p.m. the block was extremely quiet decently lit and most litter with modern townhouses but the house she delivered to was a duplex lacy rings the doorbell and waits for about 30 seconds no answer she rings it again and waits for another 30 seconds still no answer she's standing there getting pretty nervous that something's about to go down but thankfully a man opens the door he looked like he was in his late 40s lacy tells him his pizzas here and he just stands there staring at her she asked him if he was okay and he responded by saying yeah I'm fine sorry I got off work not too long ago and I'm zoning out a bit he hands her the money and she hands him the pizza and as she's making change he says you're really beautiful you know that not really thinking too much into Italy she thanked him for the compliment and gave him his change she walked back to her car and finished the remaining deliveries for the night a few days later lacy gets a delivery order from the same place she heads over there around the same time as before and rings the doorbell he answered the door very excitedly and said hey it's you again how are you Lacey told him she was tired and can't wait to go home - which he chuckled and said I know that feeling pretty well as he's counting his money he asks what her name is being tired at this point and not really thinking she stupidly tells him her name as Lacey was making change he asks if he could have her number as he loved to hang out with someone as gorgeous as she is Lacey's just standing there awkwardly for a few seconds before she said sorry I have a boyfriend he gets upset and says oh okay I see they stand there in silence before she tells him to have a good night and walks back to her car he says nothing and still stands at the doorway staring at Lacey until he finally went back inside when she started the car there was a pretty creepy vibe from the sky and she even brought it up to her co-workers and they also agreed it was creepy except for her boss who overheard everything and claimed Lacey was making up stories to try to gain sympathy for having to take the night shift a week later there's an order from the same guy and this is when it hits the fan Lacey arrived at the house at around 10:30 p.m. as she's approaching the door it quickly swings open to reveal the man except this time he was wearing a suit sorry if I scared you I saw you out the window and figured I just opened the door now so that you wouldn't have to ring the bell Lacey was getting scared because there were no lights in the house so he was sitting in the dark this entire time and if so why he asked if she liked to suit to which Lacey said yes he then asks would you like to go on a date with me tonight she once again tells him that she has a boyfriend to which he chuckles and gets close to her and says there's no way a girl your age is in a serious relationship if you go on a day with me I'll show you how a real man trains a girl he grabs the pizza box from her throws it to the side and grabs her by the arms [Music] Lacy's officially losing her mind at this point and trying not to cry from the fear that was overwhelming her she starts pleading with him dude please I just want to go home I don't want to go on a date he just stares at her with the most sinister look and said I don't care get inside now we're gonna have a good time he starts trying to pull Lacey into the house and she's resisting as much as she can after a bit of struggling he lets go of one of her arms and starts grabbing something out of his pocket wish she presumed was a knife Lacey used a free arm to punch him as hard as she could in his stomach she quickly runs to the car and as she gets in he chases after her and tries pulling Lacey out of the car holding the knife and the other arm and yells why are you making this so difficult she grabs her soda bottle from the cup holder and clothes it and luckily hitting his head causing him to let go he slams the door and then all of a sudden he jumps right on the hood of the car and starts crashing and banging on the windshield Lacey put the car in reverse and quickly backs out of the spot and reverses down the road with him desperately trying to hold on he's banging on the hood screaming stop the car she turns onto the next road as quickly as possible and luckily he falls off the hood Lacey slammed the gas to get as far away as she could from that disgusting man in her panic State she drove a couple blocks down the street and kept making turn after turn onto other side blocks as Lacey feared that she was being followed eventually Lacey reached the red light and slammed on the brakes and just sat there at the intersection frozen from what just happened she began crying and violently shaking it dawned on her that she came so close to losing her life once the light turned green she pulled over to the side and just sat there crying eventually Lacey gets the energy to drive back to the pizzeria and almost immediately after she walks in her co-worker knew something was wrong she practically broke down in front of him and explained everything that happened Lacey's boss even began apologizing profusely for what had just happened and for putting her on a nightshift he took her into the office and handed her a phone to call the cops they arrived at the store and Lacey gives them their statement as well as taking pictures of any marks on herself as well as the scratches on the car from the encounter as evidence Lacey drove home that night and collapsed on the bed and strangely enough managed to fall asleep she quit her job the next day and luckily a friend of hers managed to help her get a new job at a clothing store as far as the psycho goes two days later Lacey received an update from the police Dean our duplex was owned by the guy's brother who lived on the left side with his wife and the man left on the right side of the duplex she learned that he eponyms another jail constantly at first for robberies and assaults but later on it was for other crimes involving a minor he had been released from jail about five months before this encounter when they arrived at the house he was long gone and his family had no idea where he ran off to but the police insisted they would find him and indeed they did a Viet not alive she spent the next two months in fear that he would find her and finish what he had in mind but the police contacted Lacey and updated her on the case apparently he fled to another city nearby and attempted to kidnap a teenager walking alone on the street luckily someone was there at the right time and they were able to call the police and the police caught him he manages to flee and the police chase after him he blew a red light near a busy Boulevard and events slammed right into the driver's side of his car by some sort of miracle the driver of the band only sustained minor injuries while the psycho succumb to his wounds long before the ambulance even arrived Lacey thanked the officers for everything they did and for informing her and she walked out of the station Lacey walks down the street and is taking in everything she had just been told she doesn't wish death upon anyone but after hearing about him dying there was a feeling of relief she was relieved that he couldn't hurt anyone anymore and would never have to encounter him ever again who knows what would have happened to Lacey if he managed to pull her into the house that one delivery night [Music] [Applause] [Music] max was a new college transfer student looking to ran out a room on Craigslist fortunately he found a nice two-bedroom apartment for cheap rent and close to campus so was the ideal spot the girl who lived there was named Beth and she was 29 she was tall with jet-black hair and wore pale makeup she seemed nice although a little quiet but she decided to let max move in during their first night living together both of them went out for pizza and that's when max could tell there was something a little bit off with Beth throughout dinner she kept telling him how much he looks like Shia LaBeouf max didn't know what to say so he just shrugged it off with the thanks even though he looks nothing like him when they got back home Beth asked if he wanted to see her room the walls were covered in posters of Shia LaBeouf she even had printed out photos of him all over her mirror she owned all his movies and Max didn't know what to make out of it the entire night Beth had been saying how much he looks like him and now it's obvious that she's obsessed with the guy a few weeks passed and they never really saw each other that much Beth would come home from work and practically run into her room and spend the whole night there she had this creepy high-pitched giggle and Max we hear her giggling through the walls all night what the hell could she possibly be doing occasionally Beth would come out and talk for like two minutes and she would always be slurring her words so max suspected that she was drinking a lot sometimes Beth wouldn't say anything and she would just stand in the hallway and watch him in the living room max would turn around to see her and say hello Beth and then there would be this long awkward pause while she gave out her creepy high-pitched giggle it was uncomfortable being around Beth and she gave him the chills one night max woke up at around 2:00 a.m. because he heard what sounded like the front door being unlocked he came out of his bedroom and all the lights were off but he could still see Beth standing at the front door she had her face against it and she was turning the lock back and forth over and over again and every time she turned the bolt she mumbled Massa's name max Park max Barker seeing her standing in a dark mumbling his name really freaked max out and it doesn't help that she kind of looks like the bigger version of the girl from the ring max quietly went back to his room and tried to sleep but couldn't and just stayed up the entire night another night he was watching gladiator and she stumbled out of her room and turned on the living room light which forced him to pause the movie she then asked if max wanted to hear about her ex-boyfriend it was so random and sudden but he just said sure and then awkwardly sat back to listen to her ten minutes into her story and she was so route up she was screaming at the top of her lungs about their breakup max was worried that the neighbors were gonna call the cops and she wasn't listening when Max was asking her to lower the volume amidst all of her screaming one thing she said really freaked him out she was in such a fit and yelled out slit his throat suddenly max had no idea what this girl was capable of she was practically a stranger and everything he had seen was becoming alarmingly disturbing after a few more minutes she told him thanks for listening and she started doing her ankle again max got out of there pretty fast and he had a pretty unsettled feeling about being in the house with her and what's worse was that there was no lock on his bedroom door he pushed the edge of his dresser in front of it to act as a little barricade max woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of his dresser scraping against the floor Beth was pushing the door open he turned on the light shouting at her to stop and he could see her in the opening at the door she was so drunk and had this insane look in her eyes max be outta her to go to bed he could hear her walk back to her room and once again there was no way he was able to fall back asleep the next morning when max went out into the hallway his heart walked he saw one of her steak knives on the floor by his door all he could think about was how she was saying she would slit that guy's throat max confronted her about it and she said she doesn't remember trying to push his door open she says she doesn't even remember telling him about her ex max had enough his lease was month-to-month so he found a new spot and moved out now long after Beth contacted him again max was at the movies and when he turned on his phone to his shock he received over 40 text messages that she had sent him over the past two hours they were all just insane texts I ranged from everything between hi how are you - I Zhu max never responded and he never heard from Beth again however he always wondered if he hadn't said his dresser in front of his door that night was she have quietly come into his room and slit on one Friday afternoon I got a call from my friend Sarah asking if I wanted to meet her and another friend Lisa at Dunkin Donuts as we hadn't seen one another in a long time I got there after a 15-minute walk and found them sitting together so I joined them as we were chatting I noticed that my sister Elena was sat at a table in the corner of the room with her friend Jess I excused myself in the table and went over to my sister immediately Elena whispered to me don't look now but the guy in the blue shirt I think he's been following Jess tonight she told me that he's passed their table we'll get five times in the past 20 minutes to go to the bathroom but he walks slower every time he passes them I told them they were most likely being paranoid and there was nothing to worry about before their peace of mind I offer to leave with them so they wouldn't feel as worried I walked back to my table and explained the situation to Sara and Lisa both of them laughed it off and assumed my sister was being paranoid as well literally about a minute later I saw the man get up from his seat and walked towards the bathroom my eyes followed him and sure enough he walked extremely slow past Elena and Jess in fact it was almost comical how obviously slow he became both Elena and Jess looked in my direction and I nodded to show that I had seen him walk slower about five minutes later I walked towards the restroom and I passed Elena and Jess and told them I was ready to leave whenever they were they both agreed that they wanted to go now so I said we could leave out there I finished going to the restroom Elena had come in her car so she was going to give me a lift back I was walking down the corridor back into the main eating room when Elena and just rushed towards me I asked them what's going on and they explained that another man had joined a strange creeper and that the men were both pointing and staring at them we walked back to the eating area I put my money on our table and explained to Lisa and Sara that I was taking off and I would explain what was going on when I got home we all got into Elena's car and left after a two minute drive we reached my house just then I remembered that I have been meaning to return something I had borrowed from my mother so I asked if Elena could drive me to my parents house as she was going there anyways I jumped out the car to get what I needed when my phone began to ring it was Elena she explained that a car had driven past and I pulled into a driveway she said that the driver was the creep from Dunkin Donuts I looked out my window and sure enough there was a car which didn't belong to the owner of the house parked on their driveway I got the girls into the house and locked the door I instructed Elena to take a photo of the car in the license plate and told Jess to call 9-1-1 as she would give the operator more information than what I could Elena took the photos and we sort of gathered around Jess as she was speaking to the operator she had finished telling the story and I heard the operator assure us that the police would be on their house soon a few minutes passed and they were allowing off that front door followed by a voice shouting it's the police we all did a sigh of relief as I went to open the door Jess told the operator that the police were here and she hung up definitely something she shouldn't have done I was in the process of unlocking the door when I thought to look through the spy hole at the top I peered through and it wasn't a police officer it was the same guy I felt fear and I didn't know what to say we didn't call the police Elena and Jess were wolf confused as to why I said this you have the wrong address I informed the girls that it was the creep at the door and not a police officer both were rightfully shocked and extremely scared as was I we had a call sir I was about to tell Jess to call the police again until I heard the sirens sir you have to let me in I heard the police pull up in some commotion outside this time an actual police officer knocked on the door and a lemon the police officers took the man into custody while another police officer took Elena and Jess into the dining room for some brief questioning the man was found with a kitchen knife and some other weapons in the car everyone was relieved and thankful the police arrived on time who knows what could have happened if I didn't look through despite hole first and accidentally let that man in our house [Music]
Channel: Steven D
Views: 6,290,564
Rating: 4.8832741 out of 5
Keywords: Animation, Animated, Animated story, Story time, Creepy, Creepy stories, True stories, Stalker, My crazy stalker, Creepy man, My creepy roommate
Id: gA04t09_7M4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 18sec (2238 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 29 2018
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