Llama Arts 2017 Compilation

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my name is Ethan and I'm a photographer I took a trip last year with my wife to the Colorado mountains for an art project my wife is also an avid skier so she talked me into adding skiing into the trip we had the option to book a room at a ski resort or rent out a private log cabin the second one seemed more romantic so I picked that one plus it didn't hurt that it was cheaper the cabin was nothing luxurious or anything it was a single floor for room little thing a two-person bedroom a small living room a kitchen and a bathroom it may have been small but the actual idea of being secluded in a warm log cabin during a blizzard was amazing however the storm was interfering with the cable signal so we didn't have much to do this one particular evening it was just starting to get dark out at this point but there was still a decent amount of light outside so I thought it would be perfect for getting a few shots and videos in the blizzard for backgrounds and wallpapers I told my wife I'd be back within 10 minutes and slipped on my boots and coat the moment I stepped outside and shut the door I noticed footsteps leading up to the door in the snow that had blown under the wooden running I could see the prints doubled as whoever left on there turned and went the opposite direction I was freaked the [ __ ] out but I wasn't about to go inside and scare my wife I decided to give in to my curiosity and followed the prints to the right side of the cabin right away I noticed that they led to the bedroom window my heart froze in fear when I saw this I could see my wife sitting on the bed using her iPad she noticed me and I waved she left I continued to follow the footprints around the cabin to the other side they led to the living room window on the other side someone was stalking us but how long ago was the question I found myself standing there for a good minute asking myself if I should follow the footprints anymore for whatever reason I decided I would they were now leading away from the cabin I knew I was following the prints to where this person was going not coming from simply by the boot marks I followed the Prince away from the opening and into the trees that was where I saw him a man wearing a black coat facing a tree slouched down looking at the ground he was still as a statue and I could see the snow piling up on his hood and shoulders I froze in my tracks trying not to make a sound I would have thought to ask him if he needed help otherwise but this guy was just standing there not doing anything like some kind of deranged freak I started to gradually move backwards without even turning around making sure this man didn't turn around or notice me when I got out of visual distance I turned around and stomped through the snow back to the cabin when I slammed the door shut my wife came over to see what was wrong I saw worry in her eyes I guess she saw the worry in mind she knew I saw something and after a few minutes of harassment I finally told her what I saw she immediately started packing her things telling me we're leaving right away I told her no we're not going anywhere I would not get a refund for leaving early and that wasn't about to up and leave just because some weird guy was walking around outside she made a point of locking both locks on the door and making sure all the windows were sealed shut for the rest of the night we read stuff on our iPads I reviewed the pictures and videos I had taken so far we turned out the lights early as there wasn't much else to do what if he's still out there I remember my wife asking me there's no way he's still out there I then assured her listening to the wind blowing outside along with the small flakes of snow hitting the windows was strangely relaxing and I knew I'd be able to fall asleep quickly except if it wasn't for the knock at the bedroom window we were both still awake and we both knew it was a knock from a person I ushered my wife out of bed and out into the living room without turning on any lights there was nothing to use as a weapon whatsoever our only option was to run before something might happen I told my wife we'd have to forget our luggage and make a dash for the Jeep we slipped on our boots and coats in the dark in a matter of seconds and when we heard a knock at the living room window from the opposite side of our car we took that opportunity to run I pressed the unlock button so grateful I chose to have remote locks on my Wrangler and we hopped in the car started with ease and as soon as the headlights flashed on the man was standing facing the log cabin on our side now got a window just facing the wall of the cabin in the same position I had seen him in earlier as if you were hiding his face we drove to the nearby ski resort without much trouble on the Jeep we stayed there for the night and went back the next day to the log cabin to collect our things we left behind he wasn't there [Music] I'm 27 years old I live alone in a rural town in Virginia about two blocks away from my parents my parents are both in their 60s and my mom has become a very worrisome woman in her old age sometimes she walks over uninvited and lets herself in since I had regrettably given her a key which can get a bit annoying like if I would be out really late on weekends at a bar or with women I would sometimes come home to my mom sitting in the living room waiting worried sick I know you may just think oh my god that's crazy why not just put your foot down and tell her to stop well because you don't know my mom it's very hard to describe her but she's the kind of worrisome innocent little lady that you just can't bring yourself to go against and I hate to mention she also has mild dementia anyway this was Saturday night I think it was around 2:00 in the morning I was at a nearby club with a group of college friends really the only place to hang out in this boring town and I was getting ready to head home I said goodbye to all my friends and walked the three blocks it took to get back to my house I walked up my front stoop in my drunken haze and dug my hands in my pocket for my keys when I grabbed the doorknob I realized it was unlocked my mom was here again I quietly opened and shut the front door locking it behind me I put my keys on the kitchen counter and found a note written in my mom's handwriting saying you forgot this at our house next to the box of half-eaten cake my parents didn't once I didn't see my mom anywhere so I assumed she must have gone upstairs to sleep in the guest bed until I got back which is something she would commonly do as well then I heard footsteps upstairs confirming it and that's when I sighed once again 27 years old almost three in the morning and she still has to wait up and treat me like a child I ran upstairs to check the guest bed empty along with all the bathrooms I was afraid mom was having one of her episodes due to her condition so I ran to the phone to call my dad after four rings my dad picked up in a groggy voice asking what the hell is the matter after I told him that I heard mom wandering around upstairs in my house there was a short pause and then he said that's not possible she's sleeping right next to me my mouth fell open as I turned my head to face the dark upstairs and just barely by the light provided by the kitchen I could see a head appearing around from the corner at the top of the stairs looking down at me I screamed into the phone as I ran out the front door and down the street to my parents house explaining to my father on the way about halfway there my dad told me all right I'm gonna call the cop and hung up I made it to my parents house where my mom was already waiting at the door worried sick my mom explained that she did come over to clean my kitchen a little bit and to bring over the cake they didn't once two police cars pulled up in front of my parents house where they escorted me and my dad down the street to my house one officer stayed outside with us while two others went inside to investigate it felt like 15 minutes before they came back outside and said it was clear they checked the crawl space the Attic everything there was really nothing for me to report other than the door was left unlocked and I saw the outline of a head upstairs before I ran for it still I didn't feel safe sleeping in there that night so I went back to my parents house me and my dad are certain that my mom simply forgot to lock the door when she left as her memory has been getting worse over the past few months my dad has been stopping her from coming over alone from now on which makes me both sad but also relieved some nights I still get paranoid that whoever was in my house that night never left and is still hiding in here somewhere you it was a typical boring day in calculus only it was Friday 7th period meaning the week was almost over and Spring Break would finally be upon us so everybody was getting antsy in their seats I could tell we didn't have a test that day like a lot of my friends did with their other teachers so our teacher in the middle of class just decided to start playing games with us on sparkle calm he was a very laid-back teacher like that as we were doing some brand logo quiz on sparkle I remember the exact moment it happened right after my friend answered a question I remember the exact answer to adidas the Dean's voice came through the loudspeaker he sounded panicked and frantic as he told all the teachers this was not a drill and to go into lockdown I actually got the chills and I got goose bumps on my arms as are usually laid-back teacher to seemed panicked as he ran to turn off the lights and ushered us to the back corner of the room we all sat in silence for about two minutes and then the usual buzzing that came from a panel in the back of the room seized indicating that the school must have cut all the power we all looked at each other realizing this must be serious a few more minutes of waiting later we heard a man screaming at the top of his lungs coming down the hallway two girls in the class actually started crying which made all of us even more scared as the screaming got closer to the classroom the lunatic sounding man started banging on the lockers while screaming I'll kill all of you it was at that moment that I started to fear for my life my teacher shush to us as we all looked at each other to see our peers reactions the banging then moved from the lockers to our classroom door and that's when one of the crying girls screamed no the banging on the door only grew worse as the man started screaming open up two of the girls in the class were crying out loud now it felt like an eternity that that man was pounding at the door but eventually he finally continued down the hallway screaming like a mentally insane person until we could not hear him anymore I'd say ten minutes later though it felt like half an hour given the situation the Dean came back on the loudspeaker explaining the situation which was surprising for him to do he explained that some apparently mentally unstable person entered the building and assaulted the woman sitting at the front desk causing her to flee the building screaming and staff wasn't sure if the man was armed or not now this was before the school had cameras or could afford proper security so the school was wide open to something like this happening the staff had done a sweep of all the hallways and classrooms and couldn't find him so the Dean instructed the teachers to resume teaching but to keep all the doors locked and to not let any students leave for any reasons the most disturbing part however is that one of the janitors working the night shift found the man sleeping in one of the storage closets near the back end of the school and according to rumors that were spread by my peers sticking out of his pocket was a 44 Magnum the janitor must have done something stupid to wake him up for example leaving the closet door open because by the time a police officer could arrive on the scene the man was gone my entire class as far as I know to this day has no idea if this man was ever found but I like to think that right now he's being given the proper help that he needs three months after I turned 16 in 2005 I got my first car a 99 Toyota Camry on a warm Saturday night when my friend Alex invited me over to one of his friends big parties I knew I wouldn't be in a condition to drive the Camry home afterward so we carpooled with Alex's girlfriend Briana we lived in the countryside of Virginia meaning less big parties meaning when there was a big party it was a huge deal and everyone would go we lived about five to ten minutes away from this kid's house I knew where he lived as I was acquainted with him but not exactly friends the whole ride there we took the same two-lane highway type road through the woods and this kids house was actually on this road further down at certain points on this road there were a few houses on either side and then it would just go back to being a long empty highway again the house was tiny like a lot of houses around the area but the party was held outside anyways since his closest neighbors were relatively far away and noise wasn't an issue I'll skip most of the party up until the point that Brianna who was supposed to be our designated driver had to suddenly leave for a small family emergency Alex said it was fine and that we'd find a ride home well fast forward another few hours and another few drinks and I could barely even walk straight I checked my watch and it was like 2:00 in the morning I figured it was time to go I started looking for Alex but I couldn't find him anywhere in fact it seemed like everybody I knew had already left I could barely even think straight but I was still furious at the fact that Alex could have actually left without me I asked to use the party hosts phone and dialed Alex's home number after two tries I gave up and then realized I shouldn't wake his family up so literally not knowing what else to do I dizzily stepped out onto the road and began walking back home I knew this walk would take anywhere from half an hour to an hour in my condition maybe after 15 minutes of walking down the road the slight shine of car headlights on the road was fading in from behind me jumping for joy inside I lifted up my arm and stuck out my thumb as the car neared it slowed down and came to a stop right next to me the man driving the 98 Ford Explorer rolled down the window and asked where you headed I told him my house was just down the road and beyond a right turn probably slurring my words beyond comprehension he chuckled and told me to hop in I thanked him and joyously hopped into the truck I was exhausted and I remember completely disregarding things the guy was asking me because I was so close to just passing out and that's what happens the memories of being in that truck turned to a fog as I'm sure I passed out the next thing I remember I woke up still in the moving truck the guy looked at me and left but didn't say anything I looked around and realized the road we were on wasn't familiar i nervous Lee asked where are we going he then said so what were you doing out this late anyway as the man answered my very straightforward question with another irrelevant question the sobering reality of the situation hit me you can you can let me out anywhere I told the man the man responded with a firm no I felt like throwing up as he said that no I really actually felt like I was going to throw up I started to gag as I felt more and more nauseous by the second the man took his eyes off the road to look at me and that's when I thought of the perfect distraction I turned in his direction as I continued to gag and he started to kind of lean away and slow down the car thankfully I drank as much as I did because I finally threw up and made a point of doing it all over the man's lap the man yelled and frustration and stopped the car and that's when I took it upon myself to run for my life into the woods and duck behind a few bushes the man came following into the woods with a flashlight and on two separate occasions he shined the light straight over me without noticing eventually I heard his footsteps walk even further into the woods past me that was when I ran back to his truck but unfortunately he was smart enough to lock it by some miracle I saw another car approaching in the distance and I ran out into the middle of the street waving my arms like a lunatic the car tried to avoid me but I wouldn't let it they were forced to stop and I yelled at them to help me before they came back once I told them that I was kidnapped by the man who was driving that Ford Explorer the driver agreed to give me a lift not to the police station or anything but to my house I made it back safely where I couldn't thank the driver enough I immediately woke up my parents and told them my dad wanted to know if I got his tag number and then I felt like punching myself in the face I fail to get the simplest information from the guy that would have allowed me to actually properly report him all I knew was that he drove a faded blue 99 Ford Explorer I made sure to give Alex a piece of my minds and part of me always held a grudge against him ever since just for abandoning me at a party without telling me I haven't seen him in four years now however and this was actually the first time I even thought about this incident for almost a year now as time goes on even the worst of memories may start to fade but after writing this to share with the Internet it's once again fresh in my mind you [Music] [Music] [Music] a couple weeks ago my dad came home and pitched me a small job offer one of his co-workers was going away for a few days and needed somebody he could trust to watch over his house the reason my dad pitched this to me was because the man's house has a big CCTV system basically a camera in every room and then an operating desk where all screens could be watched on a big monitor and I'm a computer science major so my dad just always assumes that I know how to work anything technological the man told my dad that he'd pay me $200 for the two days just to watch the house whatever that meant my dad drove me to the house and introduced me to the man whose name doesn't matter the man made it seem like he preferred as stay in the upstairs room with the monitors as opposed to roaming the house all day that was fine with me though so when I wasn't eating I was mostly just sitting in that room with the TV on in the background and doing schoolwork on my laptop ironically the thing I was doing the least was keeping an eye on the monitors night came I started wondering where in the house I should sleeps and surprisingly we hadn't discussed that so I sat back down at the desk and looked at all the different rooms on the screens to see which rooms had beds or couches I noticed something I wasn't expecting to notice though the back screen door was open downstairs I didn't remember it being open I looked through each and every camera screen in a panic in the living room a closet door was open this one I knew wasn't open earlier I texted my dad to call the man and asked him if he came back home meanwhile I continued watching the screen on the grainy dark image a tall person who resembled only a black shadow on the screen stepped out from the closet I pulled my arms off the desk as I covered my mouth with my hands in shock as I did this however my left elbow pulled some heavy object from the desk onto the floor creating a big thud the person in the image very clearly moved their head up to the ceiling as a response to the noise they went for the stairs walking up very very slowly step by step meanwhile I got a text back from my dad saying no he's not I just spoke to him half an hour ago why I got so caught up in my phone texting my dad to send help that I didn't even pay attention to the monitor there was a knock at the door I looked at it and then the screens the first screen I laid my eyes on was the one showing the person outside the door to the room I was in when I remembered that door had no lock the only thing I could think to do was jump out the window into the bushes below I ran halfway down the block and then stopped when my dad called me I had him call his friend and asked him if he was expecting somebody in the house the man said he had no relatives or friends who had his key or would ever let themselves into his home so he called the cops and had them review the footage I got to watch all of it and it showed everything from the moment the intruder broke the glass the backyard door to the moment I jumped out the window and him running away shortly after the intruder was never found the footage was just too dark to identify his face in the year 2009 I was spending a weekend with my uncle on his ranch when my parents were renovating the new house we had just bought it was my second night there a Saturday and it happened to be during one of the biggest thunderstorms of the year I'd say there were at least three crashes of thunder and lightning per minutes and we were in the heart of the storm because the Thunder would crash not even a second after the Lightning would I always enjoyed listening to storms while laying in bed so I stayed up a little later watching TV just enjoying the ambience after the movie I was watching finally ended I turned off the TV and tried to fall asleep as I heard the lightning strike from outside I could have sworn I heard some kind of metallic thud coming from outside at the same time I didn't pay it too much mind 20 seconds later I could have sworn I heard it again a very distinct metallic thud coming from outside to match the timing of the lightning I really don't mean to make this sound like a cliche horror story but my uncle really is a kind of creepy guy and I was never close with him even remotely so for that reason I didn't feel right going to wake him up I just tried to forget about it now I was getting concerned what the hell could that be after the third time I finally got out of bed and walked over to the window of the guest bedroom the water pouring down on the window made it extra hard to see what was out there in the dark fields a flash of lightning momentarily lit up the property but I couldn't see anything however once again the sound of a metal hit accompanied it the sound was so close now that it sounded like it was coming from the left of the window and a blind spot I was going to do something I knew my uncle wouldn't be happy about it would be a bit messy but I was going to open the window and peer outside to see if I could see what the sound was I unhooked the window lock and slid it up and immediately the wind of the storm blew drops of rain into the room and onto me I stuck my head out the window and look to the left and at that very moment lightning lit up the property once again and I could see a person dressed in all black crouched down by the outside basement door with his hand raised in the air and before the sky went dark I caught the briefest glimpse of what the sound was coming from the person was bashing at the basement door lock I pulled my head in and quietly shut the window making sure to lock it I was in a panic I feared he might have seen or heard me I ran back to bed and pretended to be asleep facing away from the window lightning crashed once again at this time there was no metallic thud my heart must have dropped as I realized this I just stayed put in bed for the longest time hoping whoever was out there would go away after maybe three more lightning crashes without any clouds accompanying them I thought it would be safe to go tell my uncle I turned to face the window and screamed there was a figure clear as day standing at the window looking in at me I screamed as loud as I could and ran straight to my uncle's room he went outside with his hunting rifle with nothing on but his pajamas not even sux he ran around the entire property yelling like a madman but didn't find anyone the next morning we were able to better see the marks on the basement door lock it was almost bashed open maybe three or four more good hits would have done it according to my uncle he was proud of me for picking up on it luckily I was out of there that same day my uncle hasn't told us of any incidents since so I think he's been ok not that we talked to him much at all I'm grateful I stayed up a little later that night watching that movie because I may have just stopped a robbery or possibly much worse this happened a week ago up until a few days ago I went to a small local gym in my now previous New Jersey town called Black Bear Fitness one day I had the misfortune of running into some skinny awkward yet creepy looking kid probably 18 years old he didn't look like he belonged in a gym at all I had headphones in and I was doing my set when I heard him saying something to me but it was muffled by the music I was already annoyed with this kid given that he was breaking an unwritten rule of the gym don't try to talk to somebody when they're doing their sets I took my time finishing my set and then took my headphones out to ask if he needed something then he started acting like I looked familiar but right away I knew this kid was just trying some pathetic attempt at making friends I assured him I didn't but the kid wouldn't stop talking to me I'll skip most of the conversation but eventually he actually asked me for my Instagram and snapchat weirdly enough and for whatever reason I gave them to him instead of just saying something like buddy I'm trying to work out or I don't have social media after I gave him my snapchat and Instagram however I did kind of urge him to let me resume my workout he finally seemed to get the message and walked away not without saying bye like three times though that night I got a snap on my phone saying from Shawn I immediately sighed and said oh no just wondering why the hell the kid would snap me I opened the snap and the kid was in a creepy weird pose face way too close to the camera with his head resting in his hand and a half smile on his face the text / the picture was hey with two wise I muttered the words what the [ __ ] for the record I'm a guy which made this even more weird my thought process was I've had enough of this loser already I'm gonna remove him and make it clear I don't want to talk if I see him at the gym again and so I did I removed him minutes after he sent that snap I'm sure not even a minute later again the message popped up on my phone saying snapchat from Sean I waited a few minutes before opening it this one was even creepier now the kid was sitting up on his bed no smile more of a surprised angry expression the text over the image said why did you remove me now I went as far as to block him meaning he couldn't snap me anymore that was that I threw my phone on the desk inside out of relief half an hour later my phone goes off saying Sean added you as a friend and then snapchat from Sean he actually made a new account I opened the snap and felt my heart drop it was a picture of my front lawn the text over it answer me [ __ ] the first thing I could think of was how did he find my address then I realized snapchat made that new map feature that lets you see where your friends are somehow I had the balls to open the window to see outside it was clear out there I shut the window and the blinds and started considering calling 911 it was the sound of taps on the window I took a deep breath and with one swift motion I pulled up the blind and the window at the same time and pulled the kid into my room by his neck I punched him in the face a few times before he was out cold now I called 911 they arrived he was awake cursing me out promising he'd be back and kill me the cops heard it all I didn't even have to make a case the kid was an idiot luckily the timing of this worked out well because I just moved a couple days ago out of state the only thing that worries me I don't want to have to make a new snapchat account but anytime somebody new adds me on the app I'll never know if it's secretly that Sean kid again [Music] I was vacationing in the Bahamas when I was 14 with some family friends my friend and I were getting some henna tattoos at the hotel and there was this guy lingering around us but we didn't think much of it because a lot of people would stop to see what was going on after mine was done I told my friend and her mom I was gonna go back to the room to get ready for dinner there were two ways to the other side of the hotel either inside through a bunch of small stores or outside along the pool I walked through the inside and got to the elevator where I saw the guy who had been watching us already at the elevator we got on together and he gestured for me to choose my floor button first I clicked it but he didn't choose another floor alarm start going off in my head but what could I do I was stuck in an elevator [Music] the elevator stopped on my floor and I started walking to my room in this hotel most of the rooms faced the ocean so to the right in this hallway were just windows I was in the very last room on that floor and I could see the guy following me about 10 feet behind about two doors from my room he ran up and grabbed me I kicked and screamed and he dropped onto the floor I ran to the rumor locked myself in after talking with security and giving a description they found the guy and found out that he had actually been following multiple younger women in the building back in high school I took a mysteries and mythology type class or something like that I don't remember the name of the class it basically just had to do with real-life mysteries and creepy [ __ ] I was into that kind of stuff I was taking the class with a good friend who I'll call Ben for this story the teacher at the class took us on a field trip to a nearby abandoned village with an unknown past the village was built in the early 1900s but seems as though it had been quickly abandoned shortly after it was built the bus right there was about 20 minutes all of us were glued to the bus windows as we pulled up some sketchy looking decrepit road cutting through dense forest the road eventually led to a clearing we were there we stepped out onto the road which had grass growing through the cracks the grass surrounding was almost knee-high then there were the buildings the tall archaic brick buildings with a boarded up windows all gave off such chilling vibes the teacher lined all twenty of us up counted heads and then began leading the way the point of this little field trip was to use the so called skills that we learned in class to see if we could put anything together about why the village may have been abandoned so long ago some of the buildings had holes in the walls to serve his entry ways there were even holes in the ground next to some of the buildings seemingly dug to get into the basements of some of the buildings which seemed creepy there was one building though it stood taller than any of the others he just intrigued me the most while the teacher was leaving the group towards the village church Ben and I decided to sneak off on our own to look for anything interesting when we walked off in the direction of the tallest building we saw a hole in the ground it was dug by the back door of the building which had been sealed off in the hole was a ladder which led down to the concrete floor below we both looked at each other and knew we had to do it been climbed down first than me luckily this was just around the time Apple started putting flashlights on their phones so we had a source of light it was creepy down there there were a couple of beer bottles one graffiti tag on the wall and dusty wooden planks everywhere there was a wooden stairway which led up to complete darkness since all windows and doors had been sealed shut from above we had already gone as far as to enter the building so we figured we'd go up the stairs - I went first and with each step the creepiness of the hundred-year-old wood made me feel as if I was going to fall through each and every step been followed soon this floor of the building was very tight it seems like there were many openings going off into different smaller rooms it was so dark in there you would never even guess it was daytime Ben and I were honestly starting to get creeped out in there and agreed to go back outside but just then there was a noise in one of the tiny rooms like a big rock hitting the concrete floor a normal instinct would be to run but Ben and I froze locked eyes for a moment then both tiptoed over to the opening of the room we shine the lights into the room and ran we ran back down the stairs and then out the rusty ladder back outside we caught up to the group out of breath we didn't say anything though to avoid getting in trouble one of our classmates asked us what was wrong we told him we snuck into one of the buildings and in one of the rooms when we shined the light into it we saw three guys standing maybe 10 feet away from the doorway facing Ben and I in a weird formation as if they were waiting for us as we continued following the group we paid extra attention to the tall building we entered from the distance and before leaving we saw a person's face at one of the higher level windows that had not been boarded up we never told the teacher in fear of getting in trouble we didn't know what to think were those just homeless people living in there were they gang members and hiding been freaks me out with his theory he says they were ghosts of the people who once lived in the town still the way the three guys were just hauntingly standing there so calmly staring at us the moment we peeked our heads through that doorway I still can't get that image out of my head I may go back to that village one day just to prove Ben's idea wrong [Music] last year on Christmas Eve I was working late I'm 23 I work in New York City and commute home every day on the train since I'm one of the younger ones in the office I got stuck with one of the worst shifts so I wasn't able to get home until five o'clock my family had already left a whole hour earlier to go to my cousin's house so I had to drive alone after having a quick snack before the half hour drive I got back in my car and put my cousin's address into my phone halfway through the drive that started snowing I got to my cousin's house around 6 o'clock it was snowing heavily by this point and I just made it in time to catch everyone starting dinner I brought all of my gifts inside and cheerfully said hey to everyone I stayed until around eleven o'clock the rest of my family left a little sooner I stayed an extra half hour so just to hang out before leaving myself by the time I was leaving the ground had accumulated at least two feet of snow and it wasn't even done snowing the drive home was nightmarish the roads were hardly even plowed and I had to drive under 20 miles per hour on most roads the roads were completely dead at this point though most likely because everyone was smart enough to go home before the snow accumulated eventually I turned onto a main road that I'm sure would usually be bustling but at 11:15 on Christmas Eve night there wasn't a single car or a single light from the store it was a ghost town but then I did notice the flashing taillights of one car it was parked on the side of the road and the smoke seeping out from its exhaust with the taillights giving it a red tint as I got closer I realized there was somebody next to the car waving their hand in the air I assumed something was wrong and they needed help so me being the Good Samaritan I am I pulled up behind the car when I opened my door the guy approached me immediately barely even giving me time to step out he was an average sized man probably five foot ten 180 pounds he spoke in a very demanding voice asking me if I know anything about fixing an engine I told him I didn't know much about cars the guy responded very quickly to everything I said he told me it's fine he went inside of his car for a second to popped open his trunk came back out and told me to just wait by the trunk for a second I had no idea what he wanted me to do I was really confused he walked over to the front of his car and I heard him open the hood I couldn't see anything he was doing since the trunk was blocking my view and the loud wind of the snowstorm overpowered any small noises he might have been making I put my hands on the back of the car and leaned my body and anticipation when suddenly I heard three or four quick and aggressive footsteps in the snow behind me before I was pushed into the trunk the man tried to close the trunk on me but I kicked my feet up in resistance and held it up I was able to overpower him and kick the trunk open completely as I took advantage of the few seconds I had to get out of the trunk I took out my keys he tried to grab me now and I dug my house key right into his neck he fell to his knees and his scream at go down the deserted Street I was in my car and halfway down the road before he could even get up from his knees a little further down I called 911 reported the guy I came back in ten minutes to find blue and red lights illuminating the windows of the deserted stores the police held him until the ambulance arrived for him I watched the whole thing and nothing ever felt better in my life I got home safely half an hour later and told my family everything I was still very shaken that Christmas and this remains possibly the most horrific thing I've ever experienced you
Channel: Llama Arts
Views: 8,487,210
Rating: 4.9041433 out of 5
Keywords: llama arts, llama arts compilation, mr. nightmare animated, llama arts cartoons, horror compilation, cartoon compilation, llama arts 2017, horror cartoons, creepy cartoons, true story cartoons, cartoon true stories, animated true horror stories, mr. nightmare animated compilation
Id: ClVgiUkux3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 12sec (2652 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2017
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