101 Facts About Dinosaurs

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greetings mama factors my name is Sam and today I'm going to be learning y'all all about the utterly fascinating world of dinosaurs these scaly reptilians have enthralled humanity the hundreds of years so why stop now enjoy a fact-filled YouTube video on us but which dinosaurs are not actually dinosaurs good dinosaurs somehow walk up walls and why didn't your attic Park win more Oscars I mean the way this guy says is award worthy two latter three those questions gonna be answered so get ready to board your pterodactyl and saw through the prehistoric skies as we travel through time itself metaphorically this is 101 facts about dinosaurs number one so who are these dinosaur chaps well the dinosaurs were a diverse group of reptiles that roam the earth beginning in the Triassic period which started roughly ages ago but if you want to be specific about it it was between 251 million and 199 million years ago number two from then on dinosaurs lived through the Triassic and Jurassic periods right up until the end of the Cretaceous period crikey this video has more periods than an American full stop convention this period by the way was found sixty-five million years ago number three this period of time is known as the Mesozoic era and is sometimes referred to as the age of the dinosaurs number four all right we need to do some admin real quick often what people call dinosaurs aren't actually dinosaurs at all and are in fact archosaurs dinosaurs were archosaurs that lived on land and had a very specific hip structure whereas flying featherless archosaurs were called pterosaurs and marine archosaurs were called big via sores and Natha sores so even though the term dinosaur is often used as a catch-all term to refer to any ancient reptilian beastie Avett swimming or flying elena dino number five indeed even some land animals from millions of years ago that may look like what you think a dinosaur should look like aren't the Dimetrodon kind of look reptilian and lived on land so it's a dinosaur right wrong the Dimetrodon lived millions and millions of years before the dinosaurs arrived and was actually more closely related to mammals and modern reptiles number six speaking of which many people silly idiot people in fact will often tell you that crocodilians ie crocodiles alligators Caymans geralt and faulty aerials are modern-day dinosaurs again nope crocodilians with their flappy splayed legs and alternative amphibious lifestyle I'm merely archosaurs meaning they share a common ancestor with dinosaurs but aren't the direct descendants they're about as related as I am to George Clooney ie we look very similar very similar in fact I get mistaken for him all the time but we're not related number seven so while there any modern-day creatures that are direct descendants of dinosaurs the answer to that is emphatic feathery yes that's right bird to the direct descendants of a group of dinosaurs called theropods that survived mass extinction meaning your incontinent buddy Ralph is more closely related to the dinosaurs than big scaly dinosaur esque we're not really crocodiles nature is weird number eight the name dinosaur comes from the greek words dinos meaning terrible and soros meaning lizard thus creating the phrase terrible lizard but again this doesn't hold up scientifically while they do bear some superficial resemblance of dinosaurs and indeed crocodiles lizards are even more distantly related to dinosaurs than crocodiles and birds and are considered lepida sores rather than archosaurs number nine you may have noticed that I mentioned mass extinction a couple of fact to go well yeah you didn't know already I have some bad news the dinosaur suddenly went extinct roughly 66 million years ago in what is now known as that potato so gene extinction event sorry they go to dreams of 25 in a t-rex number 10 the Cretaceous Paleogene extinction event which sounds like a band also known as the KT extinction which also sounds like a band is widely believed have been caused by comet or asteroid impact the impactor which is thought to pin roughly 6 miles in diameter struck earth just up the coast of what is now Mexico creating a 110 mile wide Chicxulub crater which was discovered in late 70s and brought to international attention in 1980 number allure Byrne the impact was responsible for the extinction of all non-avian dinosaurs as well as many other animal and plant species the extinction occurred both as a direct result of the cataclysmic initial impact and indirectly due to its catastrophic effect on the global climate as airborne debris dark in the sky radically disrupting the Earth's climate and preventing plants from photosynthesizing it was bad basically number 12 there are some extra and perhaps competing theories about how the dinosaurs kicked the prehistoric bucket some have suggested that extreme volcanic activity played a part and others believe the Earth's climate was snuffing out dinosaurs before the arrival of El Grande asteroid Oh number 13 the impact to hit the earth at an angler pretty much 90 degrees and was moving at over 12 miles a second scientists estimate the impact generated a force 1 billion times more powerful than the bomb dropped in Hiroshima yeah the bad day for Earth number 14 it's estimated that at least 75 percent of all species on earth were eliminated at least no wonder ultron tried to do it again in Avengers age of Ultron yeah that's right I can squeeze Marvel into any topic number 15 but what about that other 25% why did they survive and not get blown to smithereens or roasted to a crisp apparently a minority species protected by living underwater or in borrows shielding themselves mutual blast of heat and later allowing them to take advantage of food sources that could not have sustained the dinosaurs in a world with far fewer predators number 16 mammals in particular flourished and diversified into a variety of different species which is good news because they include the guys that eventually become us essentially if the dinosaurs hadn't been obliterated we wouldn't be here now number 17 people who study dinosaurs and excavate the remains are called nert I mean sorry paleontologists often they are confused with archeologists but they're different paleontologists study fossils whereas archaeologists study human artifacts and remains number 18 using fossil evidence paleontologists have managed to identify more than 500 distinctive genera and over 1,000 different species of non-avian dinosaurs however some scientists believe there could be even more perhaps as many as 1850 general number 90 in him humanity is known about the existence of Dansville fossils for thousands of years but without a proper understanding of what they actually were in Europe dinosaur fossils were widely believed to be the remains of giants and other biblical creatures in 1677 naturalist Robert plot declared that an enormous femur bone which actually belong to the Megalosaurus was in fact a thigh bone of a giant old-timey people were so stupid why did they just google it number 20 by the way that Frank went to Magnus Oris femur was originally found to a scrotum humanum due to looking a bit like a set of human balls number 21 the Chinese thought dinosaur fossils were bones of dragons indeed the modern word for dinosaur in mandarin is called long which means terrible dragon dinosaurs are always terrible apparently oh look what you made me do people in China are so convinced that dinosaur bones the remains of dragons that to this day dinosaur fossils are often used in traditional medicines they're sometimes bold in soup ground into powder or even turned into a paste and I said to treat headaches leg cramps and even bone fractures they don't bt-dubs number 23 one tribe of Native Americans in Canada known as pick any nation thought dinosaur skeletons belong to the grandfathers of the Buffalo hey at least buffaloes actually exists unlike Giants and Dragons in a way they were the closest number 24 actual attempts to properly understand the true provenance of fossilized dinosaur remains began in the late 17th century England whoa go England mummy daddy bye Eve Edward Lloyd a Welshman who was mates with the one and only Isaac Newton published the earliest description of a recognized for dinosaur fossil a sauropod tooth which he called brutal imply kartum number 26 in 1824 ages later William Buckland published the first reasonably scientific description of a dinosaur fossil which he named a Megalosaurus he also noted he recognized it as a huge reptile number 27 a few years earlier in 1822 Mary Ann Mantell discovered the second dinosaur Jenness which was ultimately named the Iguanodon her husband to Gideon Mantell recognized similarities between the fossils and the bones of Bob McWatters what was he doing with the guarna bones and was one of the first people to estimate the size of these large reptiles publishing his findings in 1825 basically it was dinosaur fever in the 1820s number 28 the first egg Theo saw and pleaseƶ saw skeletons were discovered by female badass Mary Anning Anning is now recognized as one of the most important fossil hunters but at the time her contributions were often ignored overshadowed or even stolen by the men in the scientific community those number 29 in 1834 the first near complete skeleton dinosaur remains were found in a quarry in Maidstone Kent at least main stones good for something for the first time scientists can more accurately understand the form of these enormous reptilians that would later be called dinosaurs hey speaking of which number 30 the term Dinosauria which sounds like a theme park that's a crowd a different movie entry was coined by Richard Owen in 1842 applying it to a growing collection of Iguanodon mega Saurus and highly asaurus fossils Owen wasn't always the most popular of fellows remember Gideon Mantell from a few facts ago he once called Owen overplayed overpraised and cursed with a jealous monopolizing spirit Oh shade I'm shook slit Brett are what am i doing number 31 the first known American dinosaur the Hadrosaurus similar to the Iguanodon was discovered in 1858 in mild pits in the small town of Haddonfield New Jersey it was discovered by a chap named William Parker Faulk scientist the time quickly recognized the creature they'd pulled out to the ground was bipedal which contradicted previous belief that all dinosaurs walked on four legs this discovery sparked a period known as dinosaur mania in the United States basically people went to it Dino crazy they're like the Beatles number 32 so crazy that they literally had a war over dinosaur fossils well sort of the so called bone Wars if a phone or DVD was the period of intensely competitive fossil hunting exemplified by a fierce rivalry between Edward drinker cope and earth mill Charles Marsh the two paleontologists battle to see who could uncover the most fossils often sabotaging each other and resorting to theft bribery and even destroying specimens in their attempts to claim supremacy ultimately Marsh uncovered a more dinosaur remained and he'd live longer so I guess he won well done Marsh number 33 the bone war started because Marsh embarrassed cope by pointing out he'd reconstructed and elasmosaurus skeleton with its head on the end of its tail haha dear coke this was extra orcs because Copa Dora published a paper at the American Philosophical Society which included the error number 34 but Marsh was also susceptible to the odd up such as where he theorized that many dinosaurs had a second brain case located in their posterior yes he thought some dinosaurs had secondary ass brains before scientists now know that this is false obviously number 35 nor what cope and marsh the only paleontologist guilty of silly mistakes remember Gideon Mantell again from all those other facts when he was attempting to construct an Iguanodon skeleton he placed the thumb core on top of its knows this mistake went uncorrect 'add for 40 years number 36 fast forward to the 1970s we arrived at the so called dinosaur Renaissance an increased level of scientific interest in dinosaurs after paleontologists John Ostrom and Robert Bakker discovered that the ancient scaly monsters were not primary cold-blooded and sluggish as previously thought but were very agile and active and indeed social creatures number 37 not long after often revived the hypothesis that birds are in fact modern dinosaurs although a link between birds and dinosaurs has been suspected since the 19th century the discovery of a number of important species principally the Deinonychus all but confirmed this theory which is now almost universally accepted within the scientific community number 38 dinosaurs can be roughly divided into two groups the lizard hips or risky ins with forward-facing hip bones and the bird hipped ornithischians were hips that pointed backwards ironically enough birds evolved from the lizard hipped dinosaurs science is messy number 39 across the planet there are a number of diamonds or hotspots which are areas where relatively large amounts of dinosaur fossils can be found these include southern South America especially Argentina and China due to an arid climate in the unique geologic qualities of the Dansville pets china has produced a number of particularly exceptional feathered dinosaur specimens number 40 the award for the longest honest whatever is somewhat disputed but the longest known dinosaur based on uncontroversial evidence was the Argentinosaurus shockingly found in Argentina it was also a member of the titanosaurs a diverse group of sauropod dinosaurs and was a staggering 40 metres long number 41 the heaviest dinosaurs also you guessed it the Argentinosaurus said a very heavy indeed 73 tons making it the largest land animal to have ever lived except your mum the space shuttle Endeavour weighed 71 tons and it flew into space what's your Excuse Argentinosaurus huh you're mooning over life because a number of dinosaurs were insanely large many people assume that all dinosaurs were insanely large in reality dinosaurs were usually human sized or smaller but as larger bones are more likely to be observed and easier to find most of the famous dinos are well hench this is an example of preservation biased a sonic killer in your laboratory number 43 although the Argentinosaurus was the longest and heaviest of the dinosaurs and wasn't necessarily the tallest that honor falls on the sauroposeidon which towered above the landscape is a lofty 18 meters which is roughly the height of two London buses stacked vertically on top of one another oh and by the way the name saw beside one means earthquake Gord lizard so they haven't also named - just to be extra incredible number 44 funnily enough the largest times phones were all herbivores with the biggest plant eaters having to eat as much as a ton of food a day eat your greens kids cuz then you can applaud the dinosaurs extinct for millions of years number 45 most owners always had long tails that help them keep their balance when running with the largest having a tail over 13 metres long number 46 okay okay we've covered the biggest dinosaur's but what about the tiniest members her tiny members again this is disputed but one of the contenders is the adorably tin tea father cursor whose name means small runner these little guys were smaller than the average chick in number 47 the oldest known dinosaur is likely to be the neosaurus purring Tony which roamed the earth around 240 million years ago not much is known about this old fogey in fact scientists I'm sure if they walked around on two legs or four number 48 the dinosaurs did a merger in the tricep area 230 million years ago were small and lightweight and it took a while for the begins to arrive by a while I mean millions of years with larger dinosaurs finally turning up during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods number 49 if you haven't realized yet the dinosaurs were around for an almost unimaginable length of time possibly after 180 million years the length of time between Stegosaurus romping around and t-rex terrorizing its neighbors is greater than the gap between the last t-rex and the present-day we're closer to the t-rex on the timeline of Earth's existence than the Stegosaurus was number 50 however the sega Saurus did coexist with other t-rex like dinosaurs like the Allosaurus and when I say coexist I mean the Allosaurus preyed on the Stegosaurus what bloodthirsty flesh-eating dinosaurs who knew scientists that's who number 51 arguably the most famous dinosaur is that Tyrannosaurus Rex who even had a band named after him this is possibly due to the relatively large number to run essaouira specimens that have been found fossils from around 30 individuals including a number of near complete skeletons have been discovered throughout Western North America number 52 the largest most complete and best preserved her an asaurus rex skeleton ever discovered was found in South Dakota in 1990 and is appropriately named sue over 90 percent of Sue's bones have been found and despite the feminine name scientists aren't have to be sure its biological sex who cares guys can be called sue I'm Johnny Cash she was called sue for a bit wasn't he let him or her live him or her life even though they're dead sorry sue number 53 the Tyrannosaurus Rex ate approximately 22 tons of meat in a year using scary-looking jagged teeth up to 15 centimetres long unfortunately they weren't capable of chewing so they were likely pretty messy eaters having to swallow their food in large chunks number 54 some scientists believe that the t-rex would have been covered in small protofeathers making it look more like a fearsome cross between a bipedal lizard and a duck ha again this is disputed with recent research concluding that the t-rex was indeed covered in reptilian scales making the depictions found in TV and film actually fairly accurate number 55 funnily enough the closest known modern relative to the t-rex is in fact the humble chicken from this we can also safely assume that that's rhinosaurus Rex was also delicious number 56 due to the chickens unlikely Tyrannosaurus lineage scientists use them in a frankly humiliating series of experiments to see if they could replicate the work of the ancient t-rex by strapping fake dinosaur tails to their arses who pranks a chicken number 57 the t-rex is often bullied and humiliated for its seemingly wimpy arms but proportionately the canna Taurus has a smallest arm of any known dinosaur species so year instead direct your insults and taunt of the hilariously deformed Kanna Taurus ha ha you sucker Taurus don't believe people number 58 paleontologists believe that the Tyrannosaurus Rex male reproductive organ also known as a penis you might have heard of them might have been up to 12 feet in length or just a few inches to be honest they're not really short summer species of ducks which are birds which is previously mentioned dinosaurs have 7-inch penises which are enormous relative to the size of their body so yeah t-rex dicks but a mystery number 59 the Stegosaurus is known for having had huge upright plate on its back that could go up to 70 centimeters in height scientists are not 100% certain what these plates were used for the one theories that stegosauruses would regulate the flow front through them as a way to control their body temperature number shitai the name Stegosaurus means roof lizard due to the fact that originally scientists believe that it's large plate to arrange flat on its body like roof tiles number 61 in 1920 a journalist named WH Balu claimed that by flapping its back plates stegosauruses were capable of flight this is an interesting perspective considering circus tourists were about as aerodynamic as a car engine number 62 though the enormous Stegosaurus is a circus horse I think is takis always here some cookies any thicker services could grow up to nine meters in length they only had a brain the size of a walnut roughly three centimeters long and weighing 75 grams I mean you know how big a walnut is there s'mores number 68 Oh number 63 among the speediest of dinosaurs were the ostrich esque ornithomimus Hornet um I'm it's literally means bird mimics and species from this group of dinosaurs could probably run at speeds of up to 37 miles per hour which to be honest is still much slower than a modern-day cheetah for example which occasionally reach speeds of almost 60 miles per hour Nintendo 64 the Brachiosaurus was so named because of its interesting limbs rakion means arm leading to the named Brachiosaurus because unlike most other sauropods its front two legs were longer than its hind legs number 65 the longest dinosaur name is uh geez here we go my very Pachycephalosaurus which means tiny thick-headed lizard it's cruel it was named in 1978 by a Chinese paleontologist called dong don't laugh come on it's racist a lot number 66 Troodon was apparently one of the smartest dinosaurs as it had a brain to body ratio comparable with modern-day ostriches and emus however this isn't a definitive measure of its braininess as animal intelligence is absurdly difficult to measure add to that that the Troodon lived around 77 million years ago and you can see why making grandiose claims about their intelligence is more than a little speculative number 67 in 1982 paleontologist an obvious sci-fi fan Dale a Russell proposed as a thought experiment that Troodon might have evolved into large brained reptilian humanoids their immense has now been adopted by UFO enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists so that's fun number 68 dinosaur skulls feature large holes or windows known as fenestrae which made their skulls light and allowed their powerful jaws to open wider and bite with more force with the jaw muscles going through the holes and attaching directly to the roof of the skull some of the largest dinosaur Souls for example where as long as a car number 16 [Music] dinosaurs lived on every continents including Antarctica the very first Antarctic dinosaur to be discovered was found on James Ross Island in 1986 and was subsequently named and taught depelter Oliver Roy turns out the earth was much warmer during diameter times making Antarctica much more habitable number 17 some scientists have speculated that certain dinosaurs may have lived for as long as 300 years 300 years imagine all the Netflix you've been watching 300 years so much Netflix or a video about Netflix is on the internet somewhere like this one for example number 71 funnily enough scientists weren't 100% sure how dinosaurs were actually born for a very long time however in 1923 explorer Roy Chapman Andrews found the very first dinosaur nest known to science in Mongolia's Gobi Desert confirming that dinosaurs lay eggs so theoretically you could have a fried dinosaur eat for breakfast all you have to do is figure out a way to go back in time and fulfill an egg from it t-rex okay I haven't thought this through but I'm just hungry for eggs number 72 turns out by the way some dinosaur eggs words biggest basketballs oh god no I really want to fry dinosaur egg pesky time being irreversible and whatnot number 73 but what would dinosaurs have tasted like I know you're asking scientists have apparently got this one picked out too for some reason claiming that the bird-like corner to my mates would have produced lean slightly while tasting red meat mmm gamey number 74 despite the existence of a number of near-complete dinosaur skeletons most dinosaurs are identified from just a single tooth or bone number 75 along with fossilized teeth and jaws much of what we know about the eating habits of your average dinosaur comes from the coprolites which is the fancy science man word for chunks of fossilized poo remember Mary Anning from back earlier the female badass who had all the credit from a discovery stolen by dudes yeah she was the one that realised that the strange fossilized lumps often found in amongst xes or skeletons were in fact very old what a load of crap number 76 many dinosaur skeletons are often found with large rocks in amongst their bones which is because dinosaurs actually used to swallow them they're called gastroliths which is again another fancy science man word for rocks and animals ingest to help grind up food which birds actually do as well number 77 earlier this year more than 200 fossilized dinosaur footprints were discovered in southwest China's great province workers originally didn't know what they were but paleontologists later confirmed that they were left by sauropod to more than 170 million years ago with the largest of the footprints measuring almost half a meter long number 78 huh Jim that's cool hey well prepared to vomit in sheer amazement because Bolivia has China beat in the form of an enormous limestone cliff called Cal or Co which features over 5,000 dinosaur footprints from numerous species the cliff has a 72 degree incline which means that either tectonic activity pushed a huge slab into that position or dinosaurs could walk up walls I am choosing to believe the latter number 79 one of the most incredible fossils ever discovered is known as the fighting dinosaurs which depict just that a Protoceratops struggling against an attacking Velociraptor at the very moment a sand dune collapse on top of them 80 million years ago freezing them forever in eternal combat needs number 80 some scientists believe that certain dinosaurs such as the large sauropod the Apatosaurus may been able to break the sound barrier with their tails creating a sonic boom much like a whip nerdy people simulated this by creating an artificial dinosaur tail which also led to the belief that tails were not just used for balance but the fence as well number 81 hey speaking of which the ankylosaurus is famous for having a club tail which is thought to have use provoked defending against predators and when fighting for mates this armored Dino lived within the Late Cretaceous period up to his later 60 6.8 million years ago making one of the last dinosaurs number 82 scientists have also annoyingly claimed that dinosaurs didn't add to the raw but it said mumbled with their mouths shut well.uh says Robert Disney I mean what's that I'm a dinosaur thanks a lot science number 83 one dinosaur the nietzsche soros had over 500 teeth positioned in two rows and on the top and bottom of its wide flat jaw that was almost shaped like a duck's bill each tooth lasted only two weeks before replacement pushed it out number 84 ever heard of the Triceratops with its large frilled neck plate and three puny horns well forget about that weak saucer atop sid its cousin the Kosmoceratops had a much more impressive 15 horns around its neck plate and lived in what is now utah number 85 turns out as well that Triceratops didn't even really have three horns one of them is made of soft proteins and was not a true horn that makes it only a dice our top ha the lies are the deception number 86 hmm anyway turns out dinosaurs can actually get fleas and by the sounds of things it really sucked dinosaurs had giant fleas are up to ten times bigger than today's fleas each arm to the proboscis the size of a hypodermic needle number 87 bizarrely dinosaurs experience shorter days than we do here in the year whatever year you're watching thus in the Earth's rotation is slowing down by approximately 17 milliseconds a century meaning that the length of the day that the dinosaurs had was the speedy 22 hours rather than now are frankly too long 24 number 88 due to all the previous super cool stuff that I've mentioned in this video dinosaurs have established an enduring presence in human culture possibly the most famous example of this is the film Jurassic Park an American science fiction film released in 1993 about a billionaire who creates a wildlife park filled with cloned dinosaurs number 89 if he thought there maybe it was a small possibility that the event of Jurassic Park could theoretically be possible you'd be wrong you can't clone dinosaurs because DNA breaks down much too quickly and a certain doesn't last anywhere near 66 million years even under perfect conditions oh thanks for nothing science number 90 that being said some scientists have been able to reactivate dormant dinosaur traits in the DNA of modern-day birds they have so far managed to create chicken embryos with long reptilian tails and teeth the next best thing isn't it number 91 Jurassic Park is also inaccurate it means portrayal of specific dinosaurs real-life loss writers are theorized to have had feathers and we're generally much smaller than the dinosaurs depicted in the film which much more closely resemble you two Raptors number 92 remember the scary venomous dinosaur in Jurassic Park with a neck frill that's bat black sludge at Newman from Seinfeld that is apparently a duel for Soros but in reality there is no evidence to suggest that this species was venomous or even had a neck frill blame number 93 most of the dogs were species seen in the film such as the Tyrannosaurus Rex Velociraptor and Triceratops did not act in live during the Jurassic period but in the Late Cretaceous period there really should have been Cretaceous Park okay maybe we're getting a little pedantic now but if you can't be pedantic in the 90 section of a 101 video then can you number 94 since no one was around in the Mesozoic era to record the noisy Steines was made which again were apparently only mumbles the people behind Jurassic Park had to get creative many of the dinosaur noises you hear in the film were made from various recording to dolphins elephants tigers walruses and geese as well as the sound of tortoises having sex number 95 the Stegosaurus Iguanodon and Tyrannosaurus Rex were the three main dinosaurs that inspired the look of this guy yep that's right good old Godzilla number 96 in a strange way the dinosaur world when its own reference to cinema with a very Xena Soros which was released 70 million years ago it had knife like claws obviously referencing future movie characters Edward Scissorhands and Freddy Krueger number 97 there's a town in Colorado called dinosaur I'm actually going there a holiday with Jennifer Lawrence next week to be great which is home to whimsically dinosaur themed road such as brontosaurus Boulevard Stegosaurus freeway and to run a soros street number 98 in 2012 Canada created a collectible glow-in-the-dark coin with a Stegosaurus on it why I don't know but we may have mentioned it in a previous video this one number 99 despite humanity's continued love of dinosaurs we don't always seem to know a lot about them according to a survey carried out in 2009 only 59 percent of American adults know humans and dinosaurs did not live together on deer watching too many Flintstones possibly is a direct result of the previous fact there is an amusement park in Virginia which sells the very fictional story of how a group of civil war-era paleontologists found a valley filled with living dinosaurs which then attacked members of the Union Army the park features statues have done is horse fighting soldiers in a number of entertaining scenes such as an Allosaurus picking up a soldier of his horse and a triceratops chasing another up a tree for stealing one of its eggs number 101 there is a dinosaur named Drakkar X Hogwarts eeeh which means dragon king of Hogwarts in case you've been living under a very very large rock for the past 20 years you'll instantly recognize this as her not to Hogwarts the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from the Harry Potter books JK Rowling herself said she was thrilled that her creations have made a mark on the world of dinosaurs Anna didi everyone's life love you okay love you lots I'll be in the next film if you want I can play a dinosaur but Freddy that means watch the videos in the same board [Music]
Channel: 101Facts
Views: 546,129
Rating: 4.6696773 out of 5
Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, Dinosaur, dinosaurs, dinosaur facts, facts about dinosaurs, dinosaur videos, dinosaur song, jurassic park, jurassic world, dinosaur movies, dinosaur prank, dinosaur facts for children, dinosaur facts videos, dinosaur facts for kindergarten, fun dinosaur facts, dinosaur fight, dinosaurs in real life, dinosaurs a to z, the good dinosaur, land before time, t-rex, jurassic world fallen kingdom, jurassic world 2, tyrannasaurus rex, pterodacytl, stegasaurus
Id: E6BfUSY6r1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 15sec (1995 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2017
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