101 Facts About Star Trek

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star trekkin across the universe on the Starship Enterprise under Captain Kirk star trekkin thrust of Oh mother factors I do apologize you caught me mid-song hello I'm Sam and I'm here to talk to you today about one of the oldest biggest most expensive and most beloved science-fiction universes in the galaxy ever no not that one or that one or that one whatever that is no I'm talking Star Trek but how did Star Trek make diversity history how likely are you to die if you're wearing a red uniform my phaser is stuck on stun how do I fix it two out of three those questions are going to be answered so strap yourself into a seat on the bridge and prepare the warp drive for a journey into the fat D frontier this is 101 facts about Star Trek number one what the hell is Star Trek I hear you crying despite the fact you clicked on the video we'll about it well I shall tell you my clueless friend Star Trek is a 13 film 7 TV series long science fiction franchise that captured the hearts of millions across the galaxy when it first aired number 2 the first Star Trek TV series often refer to as Star Trek the original series because it that's right was the original series of Star Trek beamed down into Martelli boxes in 1966 number 3 for you non Trekkies out there Star Trek follows the galactic adventures of james t kirk and the crew of the Starship Enterprise operating under Starfleet the peacekeeping service of the United Federation of Planets number 4 the original Star Trek TV series only ran from 1966 to 1969 before it was cancelled so no more flailing about like this however it started gaining popularity again once it was repeated after the 1969 moon landing Wow people who flicked on afterwards must have thought space travel escalated very quickly indeed number 5 following this resurgence five other Star Trek series trotted along afterward the animated series the next generation Deep Space nine Voyager and Enterprise number six it wasn't just moving pictures on the telly box for curtain Co either they also burst through cinema screens to not literally the damage from that would be near irreparable 11 Star Trek films were made over the span of nearly half a century number seven if you were to get hold of all 726 episodes including the spin-offs and 12 so far Star Trek movies and watch them all in order you would have to put your life on hold for about two weeks straight it would also be tremendously difficult to explain to your loved ones doctor and work / school - so maybe don't do it number eight when Desilu production started making Star Trek only Lucille Ball was a little confused about what the show actually was she thought the title Star Trek referred to celebrities visiting army troops in other countries like stars actually trekking see how she made that mistake oh dear we weren't quite on the ball there were we Lucille hey hey number nine when ball found out what they were actually making before shooting the pilot she was a little bit surprised to say the least but she actually ended up saving Star Trek from being killed before it even happened other Desilu productions board members decided to scrap it but she was convinced it would be hit and made it stay number 10 the main crew from the original Star Trek series includes Captain Kirk Spock Montgomery Scotty Scott r2d2 dr. Leonard bones McCoy lieutenant Uhura River Song Hikaru Sulu John Cena and paddle Chekov any mistakes they're no good number 11 Starfleet's finest and arguably most famous Captain James Kirk was a quintessential leader who led his crew into the unknown and was played by the pine-scented Chris Pine and the delectable William Shatner or as I call him Willy shat number 12 Willy shat never actually watched the TV show or any of the movies that he was in as he did watching himself on screen that's a shame he'd have missed out on this moment for number 13 whenever Kirk had to appear topless a barber would have to come in and shave Shatner's chest hair this is because the creator of the show thought that in the future nobody would have chest hair appearing all sleek and smooth like a dolphin okay maybe I added that last bit in number 14 mr. Spock is a human Vulcan hybrid and Captain Kirk's loyal sidekick I mean herb second-in-command on the Starship Enterprise and played by Leonard Nimoy and Zachary Quinto respectively number 15 his skin color was originally supposed to be red like a British person after five minutes in the sunlight however the idea was abandoned when the creators realized that on black and white TV Spock's skin would look black nothing wrong with that of course but it wasn't the effect that they wanted number six a teen Leonard Nimoy is the only actor to appear in all 80 episodes along with the original pilot of the original series number 17 in an interview he said his father who was a barber by trade offered Spock cuts for men who wanted to replicate the voluptuous Vulcan sexy Spock look whose prime directive was to have it off number 18 speaking of Vulcans the famous Vulcan nerve pinch used for the quickest ko ever was actually improvised by Nimoy in the episode enemy within he was meant to smack Kirk upside the head but Nimoy wasn't fond of the idea of Spock directly using violence and so pitched the nerve idea instead and then he did it number 19 if you fall down or have a scrap with an intergalactic space leopard it happens then you need to see the real McCoy Leonard McCoy that is aka bones who's the chief medical officer on board the USS Enterprise first portrayed by DeForest Kelley in the original Star Trek series number 20 Kelley was initially offered the role of Spock in 1964 but he said nah mate from not like that though and instead accepted the role of bones from 1966 onwards number 21 the second officer chief engineer and the nickname that every person from Scotland has ever been called at some point in their lives Scotty was almost not featured in Star Trek at all number 22 who the creator of the series Gene Roddenberry said on the way that should be a fact by itself sorry Gene Roddenberry was the man who birthed the Trek out of his own brain number 23 anyway Roddenberry sent James Doohan who played Scotty in the original series a letter that said we don't think we need an engineer in the series the cheek doin's agent actually stepped in and convinced Roddenberry to leave him be number 24 do and apparently tried a variety of accents for the character but landed on Scottish because he felt Scottish people make the best engineers lucky really considering the character's name and nickname but anyway number 25 lieutenant Uhura is the USS Enterprise chief communications officer of Starfleet Command played by both Michelle Nichols and Zoe Saldana number 26 a Hurra and Kirk actually made a bit of TV history by giving each other the first interracial kiss ever seen on television way back in 1968 sexy and inclusive like an equality orgy I love it number 27 the kiss was actually intended to be between Spock and Uhura but William Shatner asked the script be rewritten so he could do it instead the fantastic little pervert number 28 Gene Roddenberry felt it was very important to have a mixed-race cast which was on scene on television when Star Trek debuted because he wanted to represent what he thought the future might be like number 29 Hikaru Sulu is a USS Enterprise helmsman betrayed by the fabulous George Takei in the original Star Trek series and John Cho in the new films number 30 Pavel Chekov is the navigator security and article officer Christ what a busy man of the USS Enterprise played by walter Koenig and Anton Yelchin who tragically passed away in 2016 number 31 Gene Roddenberry based the character of Chekov on Monkees lead singer and heartthrob Davy Jones not to be confused for the one with you know tentacles for a chin number 32 alongside the familiar cast there have been hundreds of celebrity cameos in the Star Trek TV series and films including x-men director Bryan Singer Kirsten Dunst and the rock sadly though J law has not yet popped aboard I meant by the way I meant that the enterprise when I say she you know popped aboard not hmm anything is it hot in here is it anyway number three today the only person to make a cameo as themselves in Star Trek history is rock star scientist Stephen Hawking who made an appearance in Star Trek The Next Generation number 34 Star Trek's theme song was written by film and TV composer Alexander courage which is a bloody brilliant name good work mister courage he said it was inspired by a rigid witting song beyond the Blue Horizon which is an absolute bang in tune fam number 35 unknown to many the theme song actually has lyrics written by Gene Roddenberry which includes the lines beyond the rim of the star light my lab is wandering in star flight I'm not even gonna try and sing that in time number 36 okay fine I'll try beyond the rim I love this wandering in star flat nope doesn't work doesn't work at all number 37 Roddenberry wrote these kind of pointless lyrics so he could receive 50% of the royalties for composing the song is described of the lyrics meaning mr. carriages cheque was subtly harped the cheeky so-and-so had never actually intended for them to be heard on the show at all number 38 to boldly go where no man has gone before the famous Star Trek line not your weird mates justification for wanting to break into the ladies changing rooms was thieved pretty much directly from a 1957 White House booklet on space exploration number 39 on the 7th of December 1979 the first Trekkie film Star Trek the motion picture landed into cinemas number 40 the first Star Trek movie almost included Captain Kirk fighting an alien that like Jesus Christ thankfully Gene Roddenberry script was panned I wonder who would win actually though she only Christ without the upper hand but then Kirk's got the tongue so hmm number 41 the film marked the first time that the Klingon language was ever heard on screen as in all previous appearances in the TV show Klingon spoken English the meaning of life that cling Li's was first developed by James Doohan who played Scotty he devised the language his basic sound first few words and phrases yozma wedge it was then grated into a full language by Marc Okrand the cunning linguist hired by Paramount Pictures number 44 when they first appeared everybody hated the name Klingon for an alien race but it was too late to change it as Gene Roddenberry had become sick so the Klingon name clung on to you too number 45 the seagull to the movie the wrath of God yes thank you Kirk descended into cinemas in June 1982 number 46 the Genesis device demonstration video was the first entirely computer-generated movie sequence in cinema history the studio that made that scene would in fact later be known as Pixar number 47 many of the actors who played come yes thank you that guy's henchmen lanta Lee Chippendale dancers at the time of filming braixen production must have been fun number 48 Kirk and come that's not even the right movie never actually met face to face in the movie this was due to a hectic filming schedule for Ricardo Montalban who played the bad guy as he was shooting Fantasy Island at the time number 49 the third Star Trek film the search for Spock debuted in cinemas in June 1984 number 50 in the opening credits there was a long pause between William Shatner and DeForest Kelley's names as this was where Leonard Nimoy's name would usually be but Spock had supposedly died in the film before despite the title number 51 Wally didn't have to do too much on-screen Leonard Nimoy took the opportunity to have a sit down in the director's chair for the first time ever I mean he directed the film as well he didn't just you know sit there number 52 Star Trek for the voyage home voyaged home into cinemas in november 1986 number day of day three in the film Scottie helps dr. Nichols invent transparent aluminium or aluminum - you American folk which in real life became possible in 2009 after it was developed by Justin walk of Oxford University's Department of Physics Wow walk must've been a Trekkie I bet he overloaded his walk drive and I'm alright boo to you too number 54 if you were confused by that word I just said Star Trek fans are often called Trekkies or trekkers and they are the only fans listed by name in the Oxford English Dictionary mother factors will be added next year untold by the man who I keep following to his office while I throw paper aeroplanes saying mother fact direct him it's a nice guy Sony called the police twice number 55 this film features the only instance in the movies in which Captain Kirk says Scotty beam me up to his chief engineer Montgomery Scott when he's needed to be transported back to the Starship Enterprise number 56 the iconic catchphrase is often changed to beam me up Scotty which sounds way better but is actually incorrect and never pushed out of anybody's lips in the whole series number 57 v Star Trek film the final frontier frontier dits way into cinema screens in july 1989 if that's not a verb it is now number 58 this film had Willy shat in the director's chair alright alright I'm sorry I'll stop calling you that now that must have been one comfy chair everybody wanted to park themselves in it number 59 George Takei originally turned down his chance to reprise his role as Hikaru Sulu because of Shatner directing but eventually Shatner taught him round convinced him to feature number 60 the movies climax could have been very different to the bomb we actually got the big change was because the budget for the special-effects had been cut drastically number 61 Roger Ebert loved the filmed and called it a mess oh okay maybe not then and apparently it almost genuinely nearly killed the whole franchise for good whoopsie-daisy shut 'no whoopsie-daisy number 62 Star Trek 6 the undiscovered country released in December of 1991 is the last film featuring the entire cast of the original series number 63 the concept and design use of the explosion of the Klingon moon praxis which I hear is lovely to visit in the summer time we'd like to be used in other movie films such as Star Gate and Star Wars Episode four a new hope only films with star at the front apparently Nintendo 64 Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry sadly died shortly before the premiere of the film just a few days after viewing it I'm not saying there's any you know direct correlation there it's just that's what happened number 65 Star Trek generations regenerated itself know that something else up landed in 1994 it was the seventh Star Trek feature film and the first to start the cast of the TV series the generation game oh no wait sorry the next generation number 66 the film has a two caps one ship Connor vibe as Captain jean-luc Picard who looks an awful lot like Patrick Stewart and his crew of the USS enterprise-d team up with predecessor captain james t kirk number 67 william shatner stated that his line to Captain jean-luc Picard Who am I to argue with the captain of the enterprise was the hardest line he ever had to deliver call him in that hard I just did it oh I saved because of the emotion right I'm with you number 68 generations was the first Star Trek movie to have a website created specifically to promote it and they say Star Trek is futuristic I should have had that the movie one number 69 Star Trek first contact the eighth feature film and a Star Trek Enterprise I feel I did there first contacted cinemas in November 1996 number 70 first contact is considered by many critics and fans as the best Star Trek film it has a rating of a whooping 93 percent of rotten tomatoes Wow I mean personally my favorite one is the Empire Strikes Back but you know hey can't argue with that number 71 James Cromwell who plays Zefram Cochrane was the first actor in Star Trek history to actually out of the phrase a star on screen I mean it probably happened loads of times after the cameras off number 72 1998 Star Trek insurrection is the ninth film set in Star Trek universe number 73 it marked the first appearance of the newer swanky licious white Starfleet dress uniforms sexy though it can stain easily so pre-curved out there all of this could be yours for just $32 as an absolute stu oh sorry this is all for the wrong job number 74 in the original series gold uniforms were for command red uniforms were for engineering and security and blue uniforms were for science and medical number 75 crew members with red uniforms were 73 percent more likely to die than any other color so maybe Roo drink the color for you if you want to you know continue living number 76 insurrection was the first Star Trek movie where all space shots were faked no sorry I should reward that when they were computer-generated number 77 Star Trek nemesis our nemesis toots way onto the cinema screens in December 2002 I'm Ron Burgundy number 78 it only grows there pretty abysmal 67 million dollars at the box office making it the lowest grossing Star Trek film in the history of the franchise yeesh number 79 in an interview years after the release of the film Tom Hardy who plays villain praetor Shinzon stated that the commercial failure of the film he thought would be his big break led to his relationship to solving his alcoholism and his drug addiction Oh crikey I hope things get better for that guy in the future number I do Patrick Stewart was reportedly paid as much for this movie as he was for the entire run of Star Trek The Next Generation oh not bad Pat Steve not bad number 81 the 2009 reboot of Star Trek with lens flare enthusiast JJ Abrams at the helm named Star Trek was released number 82 and was nominated for four Academy Awards and ultimately one in the category for Best Makeup making it the first Star Trek film to ever win an Academy Award yay makeup number 83 Simon Pegg didn't answer your dition for his role as Scottie JJ Abrams simply emailed him asking if it liked the part Pegg replied saying he would have done it for free Simon Pegg a geek who'da thunk it number 84 Zachary Quinto who played Spock couldn't actually do the iconic Vulcan salute which you would have thought of cost him the gig but there we are JJ Abrams went all Coldplay and said he would fix him and did so by gluing his fingers together in order for him to do it correctly must been like a crab number 85 Quinto wasn't the only Star Trek character who found a difficult Vulcan saluting William Shatner was also unable to do the salute he required fishing line to tie his fingers together during filming to form the sign it's not that difficult I'm doing it now see oh wait you can't see me this isn't one on one explains number 86 according to the DVDs audio commentary JJ Abrams had a meeting with George Lucas regarding how he could make the film better Lucas replied by saying he should add lightsabers hahaha that cheeky scamp Lucas although that would be fun to see number 87 a sequel to the 2009 Star Trek reboot star trek into darkness not only had a title that didn't really make any sense but it also landed in 2013 number 8 t8 its gross earnings of over four hundred and sixty-seven million dollars worldwide cemented as the highest-grossing movie in the Star Trek franchise number 89 sadly into darkness was Leonard Nimoy's final acting wrong before his death in February 2015 at the age of 83 number 90 Benedict Cumberbatch recorded the screen test for his role of John Harrison all right spark spoilers in his best friend's kitchen using his iPhone number 91 being a Star Trek fan can help you with college fees an organization called Starfleet gives out $500 college scholarships to Trekkies hey once you watch this video you might be able to get one you're welcome number 92 the Lake Tahoe Community College offers an online course called zero linguistics anthropology of alien languages where students can study Vulcan Romulan Klingon and Tribble and they say Media Studies is useless number 93 there are over 50 different races in the Star Trek universe including Klingon Vulcan human and Romulan number 94 the famous Vulcan salute was invented by Leonard Nimoy aloft brought to tell me how to do it so it's a hand gesture that consists of a raised hand with the palm forward and the thumb extended while the fingers are parted between middle and ring fingers here you go Maggie doing it number 95 Nimoy said the salute was based on the Priestly Blessing performed by the Jewish Cottenham number 96 the accompanying spoken blessing with the Vulcan salute live long and prosper is said to be inspired by the Jewish saying Shalom Aleichem meaning peace be upon you number 97 the US Census receives thousands of forms where people claim to be part of a Star Trek race for instance Vulcan it's just like how people put their religion as shared I your mother factor or at least I'm hoping so anyway number 98 Dhar Trek has been cited as being the inspiration for several different technological inventions including the cell phone and tablet computers so technically we wouldn't have what we have now without Star Trek so thanks Star Trek number 99 Star Trek beyond to the 3rd and the reboot trilogy coincides with the front eyes 50th anniversary oh happy birthday Star Trek No in 1987 a British group called the firm released a song called star tracking a novelty song that contains the lyrics that I sang run top of this very video it spent two weeks at the number one spot in the UK Singles Chart good times actually apples on the light number 100 in the hallways of the enterprise there are tube smart GN DN these initials stand for goes nowhere does nothing which is weirdly exactly what it says on Clive's jockstrap hmm that was 101 facts about Star Trek and I don't know about you but I had a lovely time I really did if you want more 101 facts videos like I really want to hear Captain Kirk's icon again I really do actually get playing again classic then click on subscribe right now you'll get that not Carl I mean more one-on-one videos just as good in a way
Channel: 101Facts
Views: 187,579
Rating: 4.5544829 out of 5
Keywords: 101 facts, 101, 101facts, star trek, star trek beyond, star trek facts, facts about star trek, spock, captain kirk, star trek into darkness, star trek original series, full episodes, star trek enterprise, star trek voyager, 101 facts about star trek, 10 facts about star trek, star trek easter eggs, klingon, klingon language, star trek behind the scenes, live long and prosper, leonard nimoy, star trek 4, discovery, next generation, picard, amazon picard, new star trek, the borg
Id: DiD5gRgdGWM
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Length: 27min 7sec (1627 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2016
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