10 Oldest Mutants In X-Men History

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the x-men have been around since the 60s but in universe some mutants have been around since a little before then and when i say a little i mean around 5 billion years i'm will for culture comics and here are the 10 oldest mutants in x-men history 10. old man logan 190 plus years born in an aristocratic family in canada during the 1880s james howlett was a happy child until his stepfather was murdered by his real dad thomas logan this trauma triggered james's mutation causing him to impale his father with his newly sprouted bone claws wolverine's start in life was so horrific you'd safely assume he would never go through anything worse sadly logan's life has been marked by nothing but tragedy after living for over a century wolvie has lost more loved ones than probably anyone in the marvel universe some by his own hand because the canadian superhero was born at the turn of the 19th century that would make him at least 140 years old but in recent years the comics have followed old man logan a wolverine from a parallel universe that takes place in 50 years putting him at very nearly two centuries old 9. exodus 900 plus years after fighting in the crusades during the 12th century bennett du paris was hailed as a great warrior despite being admired the french nobleman always felt different and it wasn't just because he was born with crimson skin when he encountered apocalypse in the black knight exodus storyline the monstrous mutant attacked dupari with lethal force activating his mutant abilities apocalypse then explained to du paris that he deliberately made him believe he was in mortal danger knowing it would unlock his powers feeling like he was in apocalypse's debt dewpory agreed to serve as his minion exodus after apocalypse took him under his wing the dark demagogue amplified exodus power rendering him immortal over the years exodus has had many run-ins with the x-men either as an ally or a villain but because he has stopped aging and can recover from any wound it's safe to say he'll continue to be knocking around for a long time to come 8. azazel 2 500 plus years nightcrawler's father azazel is a demonic lucky mutant with a slew of powers including teleportation paralysis bolts shape-shifting and immortality because of his appearance he was labeled as a demon by angelic looking mutants called the chiraphim causing him and his ilk to be banished to the brimstone dimension but as villains will do he escaped and regularly causes havoc for the x-men and the world at large in fact azazel claims to be a direct inspiration for demonic figures like beelzebub implying that he pre-dates christ he even claims to have fought mephisto himself to earn the title of satan although strong as he is that's a fight he would not win but then again azazel is a proven trickster so it's hard to tell how much truth is in his words meaning we can't say for certain how old he is 7. apocalypse you can't talk about ancient mutants without bringing up the big daddy himself apocalypse i mean his name and sabaner literally means the first one right well afraid not apocalypse isn't the oldest mutant however this doesn't change the fact that the tyrannical mutant is mind-bogglingly old born five thousand years ago in jordan nur was abandoned by his parents due to his grotesque appearance after discovering a celestial spaceship during his youth he used its advanced technology to augment his power transforming him into a god-like being called apocalypse even though almost every superhero has battled him over the millennia no one has been able to permanently defeat him when he's gravely injured apocalypse enters a coma-like state repairing his body of all wounds this process may take years or even centuries but make no mistake apocalypse will always return 6. forever man 5 500 plus years forever man is a mutant born millennia ago with the ability to revive himself instantly after he is killed because he has difficulty remembering his past lives it's difficult to gauge his exact age however he was around during the dawn of the ancient egyptian dynasty meaning he's at least 6 000 years old but if his claim that he's lived over ten thousand lifetimes is accurate he could be far older even than that he's probably most famous for accidentally deleting america when trying to encourage humanity to abandon technology big oops on that one and also trying to end his eternal misery by hurling himself into the sun instead of properly killing him this caused him to die over and over again until he evolved into a solar being he then returned to earth and went on a spree of destruction before being vanquished by the avengers 5 the externals 10 000 plus years the externals are a race of ancient mutants who manipulate society for their own gain their exact age is indeterminable but they bore witness to the collapse of the hyborian civilization meaning they are at least 10 000 years old they could be far older since nicodemus stated he's as old as the swiss mountains and saul alleged that the continent shook as the land formed in his lifetime however claims such as these may have been exaggerated in order for the externals to highlight their age working behind the shadows since the dawn of mankind the externals have created many civilizations in their name while bringing others to their knees in order to maintain political control 4. gaia 17 000 years gaia is a mutant blessed with immortality psychokinesis energy manipulation and near invulnerability because little is known about her origin she is regarded as one of the most mysterious mutants in the world she is such an enigma the x-men aren't certain if she's human alien or an extra-dimensional being one of the only things concrete about gaia is that she's at least 17 000 years old millennia ago gaia learned of an ancient machine called the universal amalgamator that was designed to merge all organisms into one super life form fearing some malevolent entity would use the device to unleash untold destruction gaia guarded the amalgamator for thousands of years when the mutant squad generation x destroyed the machine gaia was freed from her imprisonment and joined the team 3. celine gallio 17 000 years born in the 15th century bc celine is one of the oldest beings to ever walk the earth endowed with many abilities she is also considered one of the world's most dangerous super villains despite her youthful appearance this insidious vampire does age she also ages much faster when she uses her powers however the self-proclaimed goddess of the moon is also able to stave off death by stealing the life force of her victims since she predates most of human history it's not surprising to learn that celine has witnessed many significant moments in time throughout her life she's seen the oceans swallow atlantis the fall of rome and the eruption of mount vesuvius 2. lady phoenix a million years during the dawn of mankind a cave woman called fire hair was abandoned by her parents since they saw her red hair as an omen with no one else to turn to firehair was forced to survive by hunting with a pack of wolves for her entire childhood she later developed telekinetic and telepathic powers and although she was originally terrified she was taken in by other mutants who convinced her that her powers could be used for good unfortunately she was unable to control her powers and unintentionally killed her tribe out of shame she screamed for the gods to put her out of her misery hearing her call the phoenix force came to earth and possessed her turning fire hair into lady phoenix the first earthly host of the fire goddess the dark nature of the phoenix nearly consumed fire hair completely compelling her to destroy the world but after seeing the wolf that raised her from infancy fire hair was able to quench the phoenix's dark nature and repurpose its power to protect humanity soon after she joined the world's first super team colloquially known as avengers 1 million bc 1. obliterator 5 billion years it's easy to forget that mutants are not exclusive to earth and the oldest mutant in the universe happens to be an alien that predates the earth itself when matt packel discovered he was a mutant with the power of immortality he perceived himself like a god and celebrated by going on a murder spree due to his relentless bloodlust matt now calling himself obliterator ended up killing every living thing on his home world unsatisfied he ventured to space to find other worlds to conquer he eventually stumbled upon a group called the elders of the universe which included the grand master and the collector this group share a primordial energy that grants them eternal life seeing that the obliterator was also immortal they welcomed him into their ranks they also gifted him with a sample of their primordial energy magnifying his power even more now seen as the elder's personal exterminator obliterator is often regarded as among the most dangerous mutants in existence as well as easily the oldest and there you have it folks the 10 oldest mutants in x-men history feel free to drop this video a like if you enjoyed it and drop me a follow on twitter at youslide.org you i'm wilford culture thanks for hanging out and i'll see you next time
Channel: WhatCulture Comics
Views: 48,039
Rating: 4.9452353 out of 5
Id: l30ccFvkXk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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