$1,000,000 Gold Deposit Found Over The Weekend

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yesterday i had no prospectible development today i'm down this bench has gravel that's a guarantee that's river gravel that's a guarantee now if there's gold in it i got a gold mine it's that simple [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this bench goes all the way over to that edge where before it starts to go up that is about 50 feet in front of me and that's as far as you can go that way and then the road is down there so that's like another 75 feet we're moving down the creek from our highest claim and we are testing the prospectible benches along the way we're finding any level flat terrace adjacent to the current day stream and we're sinking pits by hand to do physical tests it's just a matter of putting in the work and you get the results every time we're always three permits ahead proving the next one and putting in those permits while we're several behind on the mining uh this is how we stay ahead plus we keep up with our physical work responsibilities gareth's digging way up in the bushes up there and he just found something that blew us away no i just wanted to do a high test and so i started slaving and busted my knuckle open to do it today we're going to prove this bench it's another 10 000 square meters one little picker and we're hiking around the woods looking for other spots it goes hundreds and hundreds of feet that way hundreds of meters in line with my permitted site that's just upriver that's river river rocks wouldn't it be a dream come true to just pull out a nugget out of something like that you wouldn't even have to finish testing look at how you can really see the coarse boulder layer there hey 12 inches exactly of soil 12 to 14 inches of low grade sand it starts to get coarser for another 12 to 14 inches but then into full out boulder layer just a whole layer of these and bigger [Music] and that's going to be your heavy in your primary pay zone at least or your most promising place to check the more you test the more you know and i'm pretty confident now that there's gold in almost all of this pick an open area it just makes sense it's easier for digging the further away from tree roots you can be the better it is [Music] starting to see every scoops coming out with gray in it that's the last little bit of soil right there see the soil mixes in a bit in the top bit of the gravel but you can see i'm getting into pure wash that's river wash there's no organics in it they're gonna get us the cookies we need oh boys [Music] this is how you find ancient river channels that's exactly what this is no one knew that until now i came out and i've proven it [Music] so [Music] we got hole number one and hole number two we got two piles of low grade test gravel two piles of high grade i got a half cubic yard from each hole i'm 1.2 meters deep it's a guaranteed plaster channel whether or not it has gold is the only question now we're a little too far from the creek right now to pump from the river this ditch is flowing pretty good i'm just gonna dig a small sump we're gonna set up my pump here and look who just showed up gareth hello everybody it always helps to have a bit of hard line to get pointing the direction you want so your lay flat can run out straight i love doing stuff the hard way so these pumps can run sediment as well don't worry about having to run clean water yeah it's princess auto but it's cheap as dirt and we just run dirt water through them you get five to seven years out of them it's well worth it so let's let's hook up this loose box guys it's really exciting gareth inspired the test he's the first guy to come up here to the bench and sink in the initial 8 12 whatever it was hours and he dug these two preliminary holes found gravel brought some buckets just a couple small buckets down to the creek and literally got a picker you want to go see the hole that came out of i would love to let's go you basically show that you got to just test everything right the big boulders were kind of the clue but i didn't hit the boulders here eh i gotta go another half foot or something but we don't have time i'm not surprised [Applause] all right i just scooped out all the water out of the hole just so you can look at the gravel we're actually testing at the deepest spot check this out all right we kept the soil where it can be easily pushed back last we got our low grade on the right side of the holes and our high grade on the left side this is the tool box i had i cut it apart to make it into an easy to carry quick to set up high banker i can hike in with it super easy pump in one hand high banker in the other this is how we get the tests done just going to make a small pad so that we can get the right angle on the sluice box it's the simplest way to reclaim these test holes the best that they can be done no trace of the work once it's filled back over it doesn't need to be glued just friction fit is good enough ready to go it's a long distance and a small pump the water pressure isn't what we want but it gets the job done so [Applause] hypnotic washing rocks man it's what's more therapeutic all right yellow pork yellow pork on your friend the water from my smoosh box is actually being contained in this hole we've been high banking now for an hour it's absorbing into the ground this is excellent water control i just trouble all day and he sits there and drinks coffee that's right he gets the big box the high banker's a bit slow but it makes up for convenience and portability i can carry everything i need to high bank and sluice anywhere i can hike with it so you can get away with pumping out of small ponds or puddles even look at how well the water was contained we ran the pump for two hours straight oh i missed that oh that was my tripod you know just oh nice thank you yeah just dump it in that's what we're left [Applause] [Music] i hope there's a lot of with in there yeah me too definitely some good black sand wow i'm surprised oh my goodness i would normally expect to see a lot more there is a line of micros oh there's one there's a little piece i see two pieces there and that's not from the boulder layer or below so that's just overburden that's a nicer looking pile of paint it's it's absolutely the better stuff this hole we never did get down to the boulder layer we reached the 1.2 meters that's the max we can dig without further permitting or authorization so we got a chance now to actually test what's in and below the boulder layer if you're going to dig a hole like this in a forest where other people can be you should absolutely cover it with plywood at least three-quarter inch plywood and do everyone a favor right save someone from dying or breaking a leg or an animal getting entrapped [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're done here just wanted to show again how using a small pump that this hole actually completely contains the water and it won't overflow um it's been absorbing and filtering out right here none of this has breached the hole we've we've had that uh three quarters of a foot of freeboard the whole time so that's super cool it's fine if it does overflow but it's just a beautiful thing that it doesn't [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Applause] did you want to do this andy no i would that'd be neat if you did really hard to see with the reflection of the clouds good black sand that was awesome oh dude dude those are nice hey uh andy yeah you'll want to see this this is just a rough uh you know i can see it already which is incredible that's really good that's a good result that's right that is what we wanted to see isn't it so that's just just getting into the boulder layer and we're seeing that difference of result where with multiple actual sizable pieces compared to down to the boulder layer was was almost nothing just a handful of micro the first test is just to find gravel in the first place and then once you know there's gravel then you just gotta pan it or high bank it we know it's an ancient river we know it's the channel we know there's a boulder layer down there we know it's here we'll probably permit this hard to say we're just getting a bit of the water out of the hole here cause one of the gopro cameras got knocked in oh there's a result it's gold pretty cool so oh there we go guys you got it yeah lunchtime [Music] this looks like a lot of effort and it is i just want to be thorough to get all the gravel back down and make it so the organics are the only thing at the top the only thing missing from this hole is a couple specs of gold put on my gloves flick bricks hey man all right the last thing to go down is the soil just going to get her done [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] so [Music] there it is now after it's done you can hardly tell we dug the holes there that area was free of ferns to begin with part of why i chose that spot [Music] okay we're just leaving gareth and i noticed these boulders sticking out here it's actually at about the same height that the boulder line was in the bottom of our test holes come and look at what we found here [Applause] we just found this outcropping of rocks and it gives us access underneath we're gonna give it a test and if it holds anything it might actually prove that this bench is worth mining four buckets worth of gold in our high bench desk there man that is not including like the seven eight pieces i got today as well as the whole cleanup from all this losing like we got a weightable amount of stuff here i should almost take this to make sure to weigh it for the video i'll give it back to you though is that okay sure yeah man because you want a result too i would love that result that is staggering dude i am so blown away look at that yeah i'm for hires so i wasn't totally stoked with the results we got high banking i needed to get deeper and into the boulders i knew it so gareth quickly did a test from under those giant rocks we found when we were leaving check out this gold from four buckets point zero four seven in gold is three dollars and fifty two cents four buckets is one tenth of a cubic yard three dollars and fifty two cents times ten is 35 bucks per cubic yard that literally works out to over a million dollars in this one small area now that is a result i hope this inspires you to go out dig your own holes find that gold and mine it it's absolutely still out there for the taking i guarantee it until next time you
Views: 656,028
Rating: 4.6075368 out of 5
Keywords: Gold, Nuggets, Finding, Big, Found, Crevice, Crevicing, Bedrock, Panning, Pan, Mining, Excavator, Wash, Plant, Site, Hole, Prospecting, Find, Lost, Treasure, Deep, Nice, Placer, Goldrush, Rush, Scuba, Dive, Scubadiving, Sniping, Under, Water, Video, Metal, Detecting, Detector, Detect, Goldbug, Bug, Mine, Sluice, Sluicing, Money, Coin, Coins, Fisher, Garet, Atpro, Minelab, Monster, GM1000, Hunting, Relic, Relics, Adventure, British, Columbia, Collection, Rare, Jewelry, Awesome, Dangerous, Viral, Andythraxx
Id: GrsYrOOV2F8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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