I Have Never Seen A Dozer THIS Stuck Before *INSANE RECOVERY*

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[Music] you're a bunch of crazy sons oh wow all right guys so this right here is ramsay ramsay reached out to us send us just a random email and i was like this looks interesting and it was literally like one cent it's like hey i got a dozer that's so buried i doubt you can recover but if you can it's yours so the title of this video is you as you as you know is uh if you can recover it you can have it [Music] all right guys good morning it is uh it's early feels like it's early it's not that early but we got back late last night for another recovery and now we're headed out headed down south one of our favorite places st george utah because we caught wind of a bulldozer that stuck the guy reached out and basically said hey if you can recover this dozer you can have it and i don't know about you but i'm up for that challenge so we're loaded up uh the boy's already heading south in the five ton we didn't have enough trailer space so we're playing we're playing this game of like the trailer shuffle today we gotta drive the five ton down to fillmore to jim's house where we left it no that's not what we're doing yeah we got a semi we got trucks and equipment scattered all over the place so it's gonna be a real show this morning so buckle up let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys this is uh the side of the vlogging and the filming and all the stuff that we do that doesn't really the video doesn't really do this justice the logistical challenges that we have as you can see right now we're back down in fillmore which is where jack knife jim's family farm is this is where we were a week or so ago doing a recovery helping them pull the hay truck out i saw that video by the way hans and diesel dave just drove that all the way down to the fillmore which is roughly 200 miles maybe from our shop it sucked the truck has no roof no top no windows it does about 55 miles an hour they left at like 7 a.m and it's like it's probably 30 degrees this morning maybe a little colder so but it just bundled up in winter gear and got her done it sucked so we're not gonna make them drive all the way down to st george which is where we're going to do the dozer recovery so instead uh they're just basically gonna put the five ton on our craftsman trailer and then we've got the sani on our lowboy and then when we get down there and if we're able to recover the dozer which we will be able to cover the dozer i hear it's buried so i'm really excited about it it's gonna be a challenge but the plan is to then load up the sani back on the craftsman with the five tone so that truck will haul those home and then this truck will haul the dozer home and then we'll have all of our trucks and all of our equipment back to the shop reset ready to go for the next uh recovery i do have a couple at least one maybe two new semis that i have purchased uh that we've not picked up yet i'm going to be revealing here in the next few weeks uh we're going to be using for the vlog obviously so anyways just want to give you guys a taste of some of the logistical challenges that go into what we do beautiful morning nice brits drive down to fillmore pick up this truck and trailer now we load the five-ton record on this we call the way down to st george and we save that dozer [Music] we own this place [Music] i literally have no idea what to expect it could be literally mining for gold at the point so hey i don't really know what's under there either i'm telling you it's buried with your last name yep guys i'd like you to meet me my new friend ramsay hughes ramsey reached out to us and was like hey i got a dozer that's buried i'm like all right tell me more and he's like no it's like buried buried and then he keeps telling me that it's more and more and more buried than i actually think it is so we're gonna go find out how bad it really is right it's buried all right well is it up yeah so we got a quite a ways on a gravel road right here that's decent and then we're going to get to the point where we're going to do some scouting it gets sketchy the last few miles up into there so let me see what you got [Music] just like a rocket whatever you guys are seeing right now on the screen i promise you it's not doing it justice this road is steep narrow and really windy in fact that there's a turn right here that i don't know where [Music] another fun fact about lowboy trailers is they don't uh track very well meaning they uh when you turn the back part of the trailer takes forever to catch up so you have to turn really wide even when you turn really wide still clip stuff so that's how you get flat tires and stuff like that [Music] doing all right yeah all right i'm pretty sure we got another mile or two and then there's a kind of a compound where some interesting people have lived up here over the years i know that we'll be able to turn around somewhere right there where they're at okay to go past there i'm worried about getting you up in a in a tight spot so we might have to maybe get in a little pickup and scout it out a little bit or whatever okay we'll go a little bit further easy fix looks like we got ourselves a blown coolant line as of right now it's just a little not a pinhole a little bit bigger than a pinhole but it might be salvageable we gotta let it cool down a little bit reclamp it and throw some more coolant water in here so small pit stop is to be expected honestly i'm surprised nothing nor broke there we were going up a hill and the driver in front of me came to a complete stop just just great timing i freaking missed the gear i noticed and then i grabbed the gear that i needed and then trucks just started spinning inside and there's all my momentum yeah it's just about i thought you just really want to challenge yourself we just about shot the gap stop on the steep hills lost are you driving it like you stole it that's who would even put that in there anyway who would do that i don't know motor boaters a real cool guy cool guy put that in there [Music] uh and then there's a turn you might be able to hang wide enough to that outside and get around it or maybe not one thing lowboys don't do well is hang wide [Music] we unload and pick up ass in with this [Music] so what we got now after the creek crossing which is pretty awesome uh we got a really narrow stretch of road with a cliff like a sheer wall on this side and a drop off into the river on this side and it's really narrow and being narrow is not that'd be fine if you go straight the problem is we can't go straight it's like a turn so uh the reason why this is tricky is because this lowboy does not track very well it stays if i turn wide it stays on the inside so i gotta be as wide as i can but basically what i'm gonna be doing right now is dangling my front right tire kinda right off the edge there hoping that uh the rear of the lowboy can swing around far enough to be able to clear these walls but it can be interesting [Music] [Music] so any uh we roll up and ramsey's on the side of the road that look in his eyes like you can be okay how we know it's gonna be an exciting part of the road let's see what this challenge is [Music] all right all right i think we're getting about to the end of it though okay one of my ideas we got a deer hunter right here he was gonna wait for you and then he parked right where i thought you ought to go but oh uh one of my ideas was just kind of pull up and park these trucks kind of right in front of this place here and we if you want we can run that little pickup of yours up there and if you think you want to try something you can try it but i think we're about to the end of what we want to do all right pretty big well we found the dozer and he wasn't lying about it being buried that is in there okay bring all those shovels you bought at the pallet auction that's every bit of a d7 that's a big ol boy bulldozer somebody's got to get it out are you seeing what i'm seeing right now this is freaking awesome give me flashback driving island yeah we've had we've had our own machines and more spots than this there's a cactus growing up through it many men have tried but nobody's got it out of here it's like a sword and stuff this is this is this is like uh so i was like we'll just get the let's get the five pounds that's what i was thinking and pulling out of the mud i'm still kind of tempted to just give her a little tug scan it's gonna be literally dark by the time we get that mini x back here or by the time we get the escalator back here and we need to invest in a shorter stubby trailer on the way up here i think we do pull on it though like i'm still i think i think we got the blade right here we can get if we can have any shovel up shovels hey did your dad have any shovels just so where i belong who's who are we missing everybody everybody we got all your guys so i think what we'll do before we walk that mini mini excavator up here i think we're going to try tugging a little bit just see if she moves at all in order to do that we're going to want a couple shovels to dig down to some good hook points looks to be like an old d7 ish dozer everybody around this area kind of has an idea they got their own story of what happened but nobody really knows right no it's a mystery so ramsay you have your own youtube channel yes sir anchor brand ranch anchor brand ranch so guys uh one thing i want you to do real quick before we get started on this recovery go there's gonna be a link in my description below click on it go over subscribe to his channel he actually does some pretty cool stuff it's impressive uh kind of the stuff they're posting he's showing like daily ranch life and that kind of stuff they have their own brand of beef and they ranch in someone like the most beautiful country in the world that i didn't even know existed i knew this was here but i didn't know it was like this i didn't know that we would be here in october and the freaking creek would be just ripping right now yeah this is an unbelievable country um so do you think that we can get this out do you have that much confidence in us you know what if no if anybody can you can it's us but i'm worried for you right now like i think i might have signed you up for something that's uh you probably did i'm going to sit back and watch i've showed them where it's at let's see what these boys can do so we're thinking about maybe just pulling on it right now with the winch just to see if it even wants to wiggle luckily this doesn't feel like real this there's no clay in this this is just kind of like sandy wash gravel sand that just kind of has been adding up through the years on this so i don't know if it's going to be as buried as it looks but at the same time it's still a thirty forty thousand pound machine it's who else is buried as it looks you think so yeah i don't know [Applause] but if you wanna run hands down there one of you two grab the excavator start walking it up what is things to do yeah that was a to-do list after 33 years to do [Music] it's got a blade on there oh yeah how long does [Music] [Music] yeah oh here comes the calvary literally doesn't fit my hands i think they made it he says that that's the dozer they made all the roads around here they used it down there a lot too i had to be hey blood it's a ginger yeah aj sits in the corner for a while yeah we found literally the perfect time if it weren't this then it wouldn't have been probably this year oh he'd still be here i don't know if it's going anywhere [Applause] right now the plan would be to obviously we're waiting for the track code to get here that's uh whatever that's really how we get this thing out of here but i want to try to see how loose it is so i'm going to try to find the hook points on the blade this is an old cable lift dozer so if we can find where the cable is hooked to the blade then we're gonna hook the winch from the 510 to that pull it and just see if the lead will move i have a feeling if we get to the blade the blade will start to lift it's not gonna pull the whole machine out but if we get the blade free up that's a big deal [Music] hold on do it again [Music] the excavator i think the winner drives the excavator [Music] okay now the real fun can begin it's about an hour and a half walk hands walked it uh three quarters away i grabbed it uh for the last 25 there this is a rough ride but uh sandy did great walking up the canyon really rocky now the plan is look how much digging got done by shovel though i'm very impressed so now we're gonna dig here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] much much much later thank you well let me tell you what's going on here sparks running around like a madman not really telling us what's going on so we're all guessing so we've dug around the dozer enough to where we feel comfortable we start tugging on it now so diesel gym and butt connector are down there hooking up the choker to go around the bucket or the the blade of the dozer lay the dozer then it'll be hooked to the winch of the five ton the five ton will then have the sani being used as an anchor so sani five ton hook together sandy's just there to be just a just a solid structure for the five ton uses an anchor the winch on the five ton will then hopefully pull this this bad bees natch right out so we're optimistic at this point in time i feel good about it actually we'll just we'll just pull her out now anything else any other key facts no i think i was good we're starving we're hungry we're horny sorry we woke up at like five o'clock and then i hopped in the slowest vehicle drove the slowest vehicle three hours and then there was two semis i then chose the slowest semi out of the two for some reason they could do like half the speed of the other one then i got here and then i was like sure i'll drive the excavator so then i took the excavator like four miles at three miles an hour so for some reason today i think if you take the average speed times by the distance of the world subtracted by the distance i've gone today i'd be the slowest human possible ever end of rant all right what do you want we can try straight pull but i think we just just saved time and just set it up [Music] kids recognize me as the funny one yeah dave hey ty man i was the funny one you were the how was that the girls over there man they said is the funny one coming referring to me if you're the funny one then we gotta no stop we got a major lovely issue moment man our infrastructure is all whacked [Music] they already know i was a bad boy so where's the bad boy i just want the bad boy i'm talking about the 45 year old man looking for a bad boy give me that boy [Music] here's a good one [Music] [Music] what put your blade against it down in there [Music] all right so same issue that we always have uh just an anchor problem the problem is it's so much dead weight that we're pulling and this truck doesn't have uh good outriggers even a truck with good outriggers would be struggling right now so basically what we need to do is bury the bucket of the sani and then hook uh the wrecker to that so that can't move and then hook that back to the five ton [Music] we had a similar problem when we were pulling out uh that big uh stuck excavator but uh the difference was that excavator was helping move whereas this one's not helping at all all right so attempt one fail attempt two also fail so what's happening right now is you got excavator 5 ton stuck dozer the 510 is literally just like hopping up and down it's just getting pretty much pulled apart so attempt 3 we are also tying this whole contraption we have here to the excavator so all of the weight won't be on the five ton we're going to kind of distribute it between the excavator and the five ton which in hulk won't tear the front axle off the uh five ton because at the moment the way things are going that's what was gonna happen is we were gonna rip the front axle off the uh five ton so on to round three i guess see how it goes that worked well a little while ago aj said i don't know enough about machinery to make this suggestion so i'll embarrass myself but we should see if it's a neutral all right yeah that's a be nice that the levers moved she's in here this is definitely the heaviest object we've ever tried to pull simply because most times when we recover stuff uh it's usually able to help like under its own power this is just dead weight tracks appear to be locked up it's either not in neutral or it's just because there's 50 years worth of dirt and rocks in the tracks so what we're going to do now is basically restage the winch line and keep pulling but she's coming i bet you right now with all the work all the rocks and dirt and everything on here we're probably pulling close to oh i bet you with all the earth holding it we're probably close to 100 000 pounds we're using every bit of winch that we've got we're in low gear on the winch and we're running three winch lines basically two snatch blocks so we're we're using probably at least a hundred thousand pounds of pulling force if not more and even though it's moving that's a good sign still got a long ways to go so all right so to give you an idea how intense this is okay we haven't sold you yet here that's where the five-ton front tire started over here you follow me way over here right here walk it out for you it's like 45 feet [Applause] [Music] gotta uh [Music] what happened [Music] [Music] so let's reset the rear [Music] whoa bam say that again you're a bunch of crazy sons that's what real quick real quick are you just using it yeah hey nice fun jim this he put him asleep cut his head [Music] we have your big water here okay upside down i think upside down no it's going to go over right yeah that only works on fish man i just did it no i just showed you on camera no you have the footage [Music] there you go perfect i think what we'll do now is i'm going to take the front of the truck and drop it in that hole all right this is uh this is becoming one of those deals where we got to do it one little bite at a time there's no way to just kind of hit the button and pull it all at once so basically what we've done now is we pop the blade off which is really impressive that the winch just literally broke the blade off um as you can see the does are still in there pretty good but with the blade off that's a lot of dead weight that we can you know get out of the way so what we're going to do now is basically pull the truck forward get another bite at it and once we get the dozer kind of sitting right here we'll bring the machine over and kind of bunk the tracks a little bit see if we can free it up if we get it to freewheel and start pulling down the canyon where you uh let's move this up i feel like you've got all the friends you've got all those habits [Music] bet all right that the chain won't break yeah hello [Music] [Music] that literally just rips through half inch steel on the dozer just peeled it open like a banana crumb you got to put one one way in the other way jim's weight that's what i said and then one saddle on the on the rope and then those dudes that were over here earlier with the dozer are they pleased they're just [Music] just in case say i think this is the one this is the one oh definitely we're gonna say it for every single one for everyone yeah until then hey guys [Music] oh wow damn that was a nice one wow [Music] boy [Music] [Music] all right guys i got good news and i got bad news the bad news is we're not gonna be able to get the dozer off the mountain tonight the good news is we're gonna wrap this video up right now and give you a part two because what we gotta do is head into town uh we need another piece of equipment all right we're gonna need we're hoping the tracks on the dozer were going to be able to be free so that we could just roll down the canyon i don't think it's going to want to roll so we need another big piece of equipment whether it's another dozer thinking about maybe getting a haul truck like a rock truck i don't know what it's going to be yet but it's going to be big it's going to be beefy and it's gonna help us get this thing what like five miles down the canyon to the trailer so basically what you need to do right now is buckle up and get ready because part two is probably gonna be even wilder than part one if you can believe that and part one was crazy that was nuts we broke a lot of cables things were things escalated quickly it's about 11 o'clock at night right now um we're still got tons of energy we'd like to keep on going but the issue is we just don't have the equipment that we need so uh so with that said guys why don't you just go ahead and stay tuned and get ready because part two is gonna be coming very soon and i think you're gonna enjoy it because i know i'm gonna enjoy doing it and i haven't even done it yet so that's it right yeah anything you guys want to say anchor brand ranch you could be here for part two i'll be here anchor brand ranch ladies and gentlemen these guys these guys right here prove their worth today yeah they're the real deal normally i was just telling them normally when we have people come do these recoveries with us i think it's all glamorous and fun and then when they're like two hours in they're like i'm tired i'm cold i'm hungry not these guys they pulled out the bean dip and just went to town so these are good guys right here like i said i need you before you leave and sign off click down in my description below it's going to give you a link over to their channel it's a good one it's growing and i need you guys to go help them so make that happen and then like i said stay tuned for part two because it's going to be even better than part one glorious [Music] you
Channel: HeavyDSparks
Views: 3,661,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, no swearing, tug of war, Recovery, Diesel, Diesel brothers, Heavy equipment, Cat, Caterpillar, Whistlindiesel, Cleetus McFarland, Demolition ranch, Matt’s Offroad, Yankum, Mud, Adventure, For you, Heavydsparks, Sparks motors, Freedom bus, Dirt, Dirt work, Tractor, Machine, Dave sparks, Diesel Dave, Dieseldave, underwater, diving, murder, mystery, smash, scrap, scrapping, scrapyard, junkyard, sports car, racing, drifting, formula drift, tow truck, wrecker, cliff, blue collar, adventure
Id: uv0i4fpdocY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 28sec (2368 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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