I Broke All My Gold Prospecting Records!

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it is almost impossible to show you on camera just how much gold is sitting in this map the best feeling in the whole world you know i've done a lot of things in my life and this feels pretty good believe it or not there are pieces of original ground waiting for you to go out and dig up if you know what you're looking for and this is one such place this hole here is about knee-deep and there's a nice tasty piece of original ground at the bottom now don't get me wrong the old timers stripped out all of the premium virgin ground but what they left behind was the stuff that wasn't worth their time back then if you're only making five pounds per ounce you're not going to waste your time on grounds only giving you two or three grams per ounce per ounce per meter and that is exactly what we have here over here we have a sluice tailings you can tell that because of how fine the material is and there is no gravel in it and on this side there is a wall of original ground but this has been stacked up to create a berm so they could use this as a sluice channel now you can tell that because this gravel here is all higgledy piggledy it isn't laid in by a river it's clearly been stacked when we sampled this pile we ended up getting some pretty decent gold and gemstones but the thing that gave it away that it was probably original ground that hadn't been processed by the old timers was the quartz this is a piece of quartz that has relatively recently popped out of its host rock and traveled downstream it's worn but it's not round it's still got sharp angles on it whilst this piece just here is a well-worn piece of quartz this has been traveling for quite a while and for it to be packed up in quantity so there's a lot of these sort of pieces of quartz hanging around the same area means that it is original ground now to put this in perspective i have perhaps done 15 to 20 pans today and i've just run them through my river sloughs and i've got one two three four pickers heaps and heaps of specks and flower gold all through the sloughs look at it just look at it so now you know that you should be looking for rounded quartz in abundance to identify where potential sections of original ground are i'm going to dig out a few pans running through this loose and then we'll clean it out and see what we get come on all right dan what doing about your bush mick's just running a sample of dirt from another section through the little croc flew bed sluice and i just pulled this out of my tailings wicked cool quartz crystal you can tell it was definitely part of a cluster just with some of the um some of the grooves and stuff that's in it it's pretty stuffed but you'll always find this sort of stuff on original ground as well bigger than average crystals bigger than average gemstones senior gadget has returned from his pioneering expedition upstream and he's got hopefully something oh he does look at that yeah that's probably like a quarter of a gram not too bad for a yabby pump and just a pan [Applause] like old bogus i like all these there's a big rock here and there's a big rock here there's a big rock here i'm gonna try and move some of them got down to the bedrock in that hole and i've got a test pan so we're actually going to see how much gold is in each pan i haven't done that yet we've just been getting really good gold so let's find out now i'm guessing there's going to be some richer ground and some poor ground down there i should have done a deathbed at the start this is what i was talking about so back in the day the old timers would have been like that's nothing because they're getting you know half an ounce of pan but for us today this stuff adds up quick yeah boy this is just going straight into gobbleguts why don't you go find some real gold like more than you'd ever know oh they just those two bits right there just appeared [Laughter] oh man i've been working for a little while and i have opened up a lot of ground as you may be able to see there every pan off the bottom has remained consistent almost exactly the same as what i was getting from that test pen you just saw and look at the mat look at it it's full of boogers it's absolutely full this is full of black sand there is just no way no freaking way that i am leaving this spot because it's meant to flood hard this week and chances are that that is going to be mostly gone under heaps of overburden and stuff the next time i come back here so even though my back's killing me we're staying here we're just standing here mixed pay dirt is definitely paying off through this fluid bed the best thing about fluid beds is when the dirt goes on the gold will trail behind so if you watch this back edge sometimes you'll end up spotting pieces like that one just there real cool patches of ground like this aren't overly uncommon they had to use original ground to build water races and berms all the time the problem that we usually have is actually gaining access to them to easily process which is very lucky in this case that it's right next to water and i don't think i've seen gold this good in my sluice in a number of years this is unreal i this i'm guaranteed we're breaking records today so yeah that's just the uh the dregs in the pan not not too shabby [Applause] the heart life's been at 21. i have not seen this much gold in the top map of the windows for probably three years and back then it was all ultra fine flower gold out of smooth tails this is the original ground we have pickers we have legitimate amazing looking tickers i pull these mats get it in the pan have a quick look take it home blue bowl then weigh it it is almost impossible to show you on camera just how much gold is sitting in this mat every riffle is loaded with pieces and then that's not even including going down to the dream mat like the letters are full the cells are full of gemstones and black sand and gold that's a nice piece man that isn't like a little nugget no that's just the top mat that's just the v-man at the top that's just the v-bat [Laughter] it's full of pickers yeah apparently i'm buying beers all right all right this has got to be a record for me there is no way that i have ever dug up that much gold with a river so it's like high banker maybe but not in a rivers lose the black sands course too which is a really good indicator that it's different like normally you get fine black sand of course black sand like this that is easy my best take of probably the last two or three years look at that they're all like chunks like chunky chunks this is going to take a while one day dairy's coffee is going to sponsor you but for now it's just going to hold my concentrate so this is everything we collected in that little mini sluicing session and these these classifiers here are 10 20 and 30 mesh sieves i'm not going to classify down to 50 i don't feel like there's a need and this will be the first ever real painter to go through the blue bowl and i'm excited to use it because i haven't really done it everything in there is below 30 mesh that will go in there at the end but for now let's see what we got in the plus 10 mesh now i know we got some big pieces so i'm expecting some in here oh none of this material wants to move that's why it was in the sluice this is our plus 10 mesh gold that we're going to find out it also contains some uh snuffer bottle gold that i did from the test pans oh we got we got we got some chunks plus 10 mesh hell yeah oh and there's that big bit nice all right let's get them in the snuffer bottle because i'm working under a yellow light i can't see gemstones properly so i'm just going to keep all the concentrates into the 50 mesh screen at the bottom and at the end we're going to go through that and see what kind of gems we get next we have our plus 20 mesh any pieces in here are still going to be really coarse hopefully we're going to see some more pieces in here i can definitely see a lot more black sand which is likely going to be the gemstones but just under this light difficult to see oh look how crunchy that plus 20 mesh is absolutely lit whilst it's still pretty easy to separate because we've classified so well uh those rocks at the top they're all gems they're all little garnets i'm pretty sure and they are heavy and they do not want to move i literally had to use my finger and scrape all those gemstones away from the gold all right this is our plus 30 mesh most of it get out there are hardly any blonde sands at all in this stuff so we'll just take a little bit off oh look at the gold coming out the back already so this again we should see a high spec count just because the smaller we go the more pieces we're going to get and we are seeing a decent show of color look at that nice coarse looking bits beautiful my original estimate was 1.28 grams gadsy guessed 1.57 and mick guess 1.9 and i thought mick was going to be you know way out but he's not he's really not concentrates are in the blue bowl and i mean you can already see you can already see heaps and heaps of flower gold in it now i've got my bilge pump set to about half speed it's an 800 gallon an hour pump here we go the id here is simple it's all centrifugal force every single item in this blue ball has a different specific gravity so gold being the heaviest in likelihood that the gemstones then the black sand and the tin and then the quartz and whatnot and everything light should slowly come up this cone and drop down into a little catch container that i have in the bottom and just look at this these are little eddies this is your water pressure coming in now man look at that i'm sorry if any of you have weak hearts but this is just some serious gold pornography right now this certainly is a lot easier than hand panning this mesh oh yeah i am literally just going to let this run for like the next 10 or 15 minutes and just see where we're at because it might very slowly move that gold up and out and anything that i don't catch in this blue ball there is a catch container underneath and i can check that later on after 45 minutes run time i called it quits i tried a few different techniques that andrew from adventure gold mentioned to try which is just to use a snuffer bottle to puff this stuff out to the outer edge but he also said that you're going to end up with stuff left in your concentrate so i just have to hand pan this out that's going to take me a little while so i'll get that gold done and then we're gonna get this on the scales and here it is all of the gold i pulled out of that virgin deposit next to a clash guitars pick for a bit of scale now what i thought were gemstones originally under a white light turned out to be considerate or tin it is very rare to find pieces of tin this big anywhere in my region the few times i have found pockets of original ground the tin gets huge just like this and i understand that the concept of a virgin pocket of ground might be a bit difficult to understand but the principle is extremely simple the old-timers had to pull dirt from somewhere around their pay piles to create banks berms and water channels and sitting underneath those bank sperms and water channels is usually pockets of ground that were never sluiced just like this one but now it's time to get this on the scales i have the scales all teared off and honestly i think mick is going to be closest so i'm going to peg 1.851 grams but i i still think mick's going to beat me oh baby look at the climb 1.937 grams rivers losing 1.937 grams of gold is worth 151 australian dollars at the time of recording which i think has definitely beaten a lot of previous records yes i have pulled out more gold in one hit but not on camera and the only one that i can think of that was even close actually is two was when i pulled out my 3.8 gram nugget and i pulled out four grams but that took three days and had three people using high bankers to do it and yes you can definitely get way better gold takes than that in different areas right across the world but in my region that is pretty dang rare i wanted to say thank you so much for watching this short little film if you did enjoy it chances are you'll like one of the other 450 videos i haven't called prospecting metal detecting and treasure hunting so please give those a check out if you could hit the subscribe button if that's something you're into a like button and until next time please give your dog a scratch behind your ears for me peace i'm gonna get back there because that's that's too good to leave [Music]
Channel: Vo-Gus Prospecting
Views: 54,849
Rating: 4.9729447 out of 5
Keywords: gold, gold panning, sluicing, gold mining, gold rush, gold prospecting, how to find gold, gold fever, panning for gold, sluice, mining gold, prospecting, finding gold, gold nugget, fine gold, gold hunting, flour gold, placer gold, prospecting for gold, sluicing and gold blue bowl, mining, river gold, where to find gold, metal detecting, gold price, treasure hunt, treasure, lost gold, pirates, bank robbery, fort knox, safe, lock pick, gold ore, coin collecting, rare, Dan hurd
Id: JjXJwmH0Txk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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