Modern Marvels: How the World's Strongest Items are Made (S12, E43) | Full Episode | History

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LLOYD SHERR: Fire-breathing tractors that haul 60,000 pounds through the dirt, rope that pulls, tows, and hauls hundreds of tons, tugboats that maneuver mega cargo ships through the narrowest of waterways, diamond that cuts through metal, concrete, and marble and plastic that stops a speeding bullet. What do they all have in common? They are the world's strongest, now on Modern Marvels. [theme music] Strength is a powerful word, but what does it mean? If you want the strength to resist being pulled apart, try this rope. For impregnability, try super strong plat. Or if you need the strength of the hardest material in the world, try diamond. But if you want the strength of raw horsepower, hop on the world's strongest tracker. WILLIAM BILLY BIERS: This is a toughest class in the world of racing. You come out and win a grand national unlimited hook, you've done something. That's going in the history book. LLOYD SHERR: Tractor pulling is about noise, adrenaline, and competition. WAYNE KEEFE: It's a big rush. It's fun. We may only hit 30, 40 miles an hour, but it feels like you're going 250. GARDNER STONE: It's got a mind of its own. Once the throttles down, your along for the ride. But they're a lot of fun. They're a good ride. LLOYD SHERR: The goal is simple, pull an ever increasing load of up to 60,000 pounds and go until you can't move the weight any further. But there's nothing simple about these machines. At the national tractor pulling championship in Bowling Green, Ohio, pullers from around the globe vie to be declared the strongest. STEVE KLINGENBERG: This is a new tractor. It's got six motors on it. They're 572 cubic inch. Each motors putting out about 17, 1800 horsepower. I hope to be the strongest one here. LD NATION: I've built 14 tractors in my career, and this is by far the strongest tractor I've ever had. LLOYD SHERR: Limited only by their imagination and pocketbook, these pullers build their masterpieces from the ground up. LD NATION: These here tractors, they're all you make yourself in your own shop, and there is not two unlimited tractors the same. Everybody's got a different combination, different tires. But everybody makes their own tractor. LLOYD SHERR: Tractor pulls are divided into 15 classes, but the strongest and wildest is the unlimited modified class. STEVE KLINGENBERG: This tractor here's an unlimited, and the only thing that we gotta worry about is the length of the vehicle, weight of the vehicle, and tire size. LLOYD SHERR: There were three main types of engines used in the unlimited class. There's the classic V8, just a little more hopped up, and you can have a lot more than one. There's the V12 Allison engine pulled from World War II fighter planes. It's a little harder to find but worth the wait. And of course, the jet turbines that might have powered a Chinook helicopter not too long ago. WAYNE KEEFE: What we have in our unlimited modified tractor is four what we call automotive type V8s. You won't find these engines in any automobile made today or ever made. These are pretty much a thoroughbred racing engineer. Each engine will dino out at approximately 2,800 to 3,000 horsepower. They run on straight methanol for fuel. They're supercharged, fuel injected. But what we're doing with a supercharger, we're taking atmospheric pressure and compressing it. In other words, mother nature gives us 14 pounds per square inch. This takes that and makes it 45 pounds per square inch and forces the fuel air mixture into the cylinder, creates more cylinder pressure, which makes more horsepower. LLOYD SHERR: Over three times the air pressure means over three times as much oxygen available for combustion. As they line up for the full pull, these monsters of the track pack more than 12,000 horsepower. What kind of immovable object can meet this irresistible force. Enter the tractor pull sled. VAUGHN BAUER: With a tractor pull or when the pulling vehicle starts pulling, we have a weight box here that is loaded with weight. And as the vehicle starts to move, this drives the weight box forward. As this comes forward with further down the track we go, it hits a pair of trigger switches here that drops the back of the pan to start that. As the box goes forward, it gets to the top of the box we have a push down that goes off at the back of the pan to transfer 100% of the weight of our sled to stop that momentum that they have going. LLOYD SHERR: The entire 60,000 pounds of weight is on the pan, and that pan is digging into the ground. Although the sled has its own driver, the weight box slides automatically on its own track, so everyone gets equal abuse during the bull. This sport may use engines that generate thousands of horsepower, but its origins go straight back to the horse. GREGG RANDALL: Tractor pulling's origins came from the 1920s, late 20s when farmers were actually starting to get horses and they would have these horse pulls. Who had the strongest horse? Then along came tractors. Who had the strongest tractors? And then in 1969 NTPA was formed out of a group of several states wanting to uniform the rules so that people could go from county to county state to state nationwide to go pulling in various divisions. LLOYD SHERR: 15 unlimited modified tractors run in the final event. There's a method to this madness. You have to have the front and off the ground, because you want all the weight on the tractor transferring to the rear tires. So you don't want to front end come standing way up straight, but you don't want it tagged to the ground either. Plus transfer as much weight off the sled onto the rear tires as possible. In the unlimited class, we weigh 7,900 pounds and we're pulling a sled that probably weighs 60,000 pounds. So it's quite a tug of war. LLOYD SHERR: There's no clock to contend with. It's all about distance. Will the Victor be the V8 powered stampede or Indian Outlaw with its turbans or maybe Money Pit with a World War II Ellison engine. As they line up to connect to the sled, it all comes down to strength, ingenuity, and a little luck. Indian Outlaw has a bad run and nearly goes off the track. Money Pit comes close. Stampede makes its bid, but American Thunder with five Chevy V8 engines takes the course record at 311 feet. Today American Thunder owned by Bill Voreis is the world's strongest tractor. WILLIAM VOREIS: I'm a competitive guy. You like that win. If I was hauling around a loser, I'd probably quit. But as long as we keep winning, we'll keep going. LLOYD SHERR: But he better watch out. His competitors will be back more powerful than ever trying to claim the title of the world's strongest. GREGG RANDALL: It's just an adrenaline rush. It's something that is really an American icon. LLOYD SHERR: Engines, gears, and clutches may be thrilling and an assault on the senses, but in the world of the strongest there's a special material you can barely see. It someday might protect you from a speeding bullet. One of the most common examples of strength is tensile strength, the amount of stress a material can withstand before tearing apart. And this is the strength we see every day with rope. Strong rope is made from synthetic or natural fiber, but there could be a whole new material to make the strongest rope in history. In fact, one of the strongest materials in the world is thinner than a human hair and probably resides in your backyard right now, spider silk. CHERYL HAYASHI: Spider silk is an incredibly special class of materials. For one thing if you just think about it from the perspective of a spider, it's a material that spiders rely on to reproduce, to eat, to protect themselves from predators. it has so many remarkable mechanical properties. LLOYD SHERR: Cheryl Hayashi hopes to replicate those mechanical properties. An expert in spider silk genetics, she leads a research team at the University of California Riverside. CHERYL HAYASHI: There's so many potential uses of spider silk. You could have spider silk be incorporated into ropes. And people are also interested in using spider silk for anti-ballistic purposes, because spider silk can absorb a tremendous amount of energy. LLOYD SHERR: What makes spider silk so unique is the combination of strength and its ability to stretch. And that comes in really handy for certain types of rope. This string is composed of hundreds of spider silk fibers and is over three years old. Not only has it maintained stretch, but it also constricts when it gets wet. Imagine a rope that tightens its hold with a simple spray of water. According to Hayashi, stretch or extensibility is integral to a major component of strength, toughness. CHERYL HAYASHI: Spider silk is extremely tough. Now toughness refers to the amount of energy that can be absorbed by a certain volume of material, and for fibers toughness you can think of it as coming from a combination of how strong a particular material is and also how far it can extend. If you could combine high strength with high extensibility, then there's a tremendous amount of energy that could be absorbed before that material failed. LLOYD SHERR: Spider silk has been measured to be five times stronger than steel, and some spider silk can stretch over 200% of its original length. CHERYL HAYASHI: It's in this aspect of toughness that spider silk is really, really superior to almost all biological materials and really rivals or surpasses nearly all made materials. LLOYD SHERR: There are over 39,000 species of spider, and each chooses up to seven different types of silk depending on the job requirement. A web alone is built from five different types of silk, but one of the strongest types of spider silk is the drag line silk or spider's lifeline. The most common way to study it is to conduct a procedure called forcible silking. The spider is actually sedated then secured with tape under the microscope. CHERYL HAYASHI: We're manually drawing silk from a spider. First, you anesthesize the spider so that you can manipulate them without hurting yourself or more importantly hurting the spider. You have them breathing carbon dioxide for a few minutes, and then that knocks them out. And then we will take them down with their spinner rets facing up. We can pull on specific silk fibers, and we can collect them on a little spool. LLOYD SHERR: Working with spiders one at a time in the lab requires patience and a steady hand. But researchers are making progress in unraveling spider silks tangled genetic web. In 1990, the first spider silk protein gene sequence was discovered by Ming Shu and Randy Lewis at the University of Wyoming. Yet there are hundreds, perhaps, thousands still to discover. CHERYL HAYASHI: At this point, we know a lot about or quite a bit about the genetics underlying the spider silk proteins. But how we can go from those proteins to a spool of spider silk, we're working on that. LLOYD SHERR: Duplicating spider silk may be out of our reach today. No true rope of it exists yet. But there is a man made fiber that makes rope of uncommon strength. It's called spectra. GREG DAVIS: When Honeywell spectra fiber was developed, it was a tremendous leap forward in strength. With this spectra fiber, we could lift something that is around 100, 120 pounds before the fiber actually breaks. LLOYD SHERR: Spectra fiber is actually made from plastic, yet it's a plastic with incredible tensile strength. It's a very high molecular weight polyethylene. Polyethylene is a long chain molecule called a polymer derived from petroleum byproducts. It's crystaline lightweight plastics are ideal for rope making. GREG DAVIS: It's manufactured using a gel spinning process. When we spin it, we're able to orient very long chains of polyethylene and really rely on the backbone of the polyethylene bond, which is a very strong bond. And because of this we're able to generate a fiber that has a very high strength to weight ratio. LLOYD SHERR: This process creates the filament that will be spun into spectra fiber. Hundreds of these filaments, roughly 25 microns in diameter each, make up a spectra fiber, which is approximately 450 microns in diameter. When all of those spectra fibers are woven into rope, the result is the strongest rope in the world. Rope made from spectra fiber is seven times stronger than steel rope but doesn't have spider silks elasticity. Throughout history, other fibers have held the title of world's strongest. In prehistoric times, we used nature's bounty, such as hanging vines for rope, then devised methods of twisting plant fibers to make them even stronger. The ancient Egyptians developed special rope-making tools to fashion flax, grass, papyrus, and leather into the strong rope that raised the pyramids. In ancient Rome, the rope of choice was twisted hemp, which remained the leading rope fiber until the 1800s. Hemp grows fast, virtually anywhere, and its fibers are easy to fashion. But hemp had to be tarred to protect it from rotting on the water. That's where abaca, also known as manila, comes in. Manila doesn't rot nearly as fast as hemp, and it's one of the strongest of all plant fibers. But for the last 50 years, man-made synthetic fibers, such as nylon and polyester, replaced the strongest natural fibers for industrial rope-making. Today spectra leads the synthetic fiber pack and a Puget Sound Rope in Anacortes, Washington. The manufacturer of rope using spectra is a 24/7 operation. STUART JANKE: This is a creole that holds the raw material packages of spectra. This is the very beginning spot where we start to manufacture the rope. When we get the fiber, every process that happens from here on out will reduce the efficiency of the fiber. So it's very important that we work on keeping everything balanced and even. LLOYD SHERR: 230 spools of spectra fiber are pulled together for the next important step in making strong rope, the twist. STUART JANKE: Each one of these strands has the exact same amount of tension on it going into the twist. So everything will stay aligned and equal and balanced throughout the entire process from here to the end user using it in their applications. LLOYD SHERR: Yet as strong as spectra is, it can be made even stronger-- actually 40% to 50% stronger. RANDY LONGERICH: Puget Sound Rope has a patented process that actually reorients the molecular structure of the spectra fiber. We in essence draw the fiber out and reorients the molecular structure so that the fiber is subsequently stronger than we receive it. This highly proprietary process produces what Puget Sound Rope calls plasma rope. STUART JANKE: This is the twisted spectrum fiber that we just saw in the twister. This now is going through the plasma process. It will gain 50% strength making it the strongest rope in the world. LLOYD SHERR: The next step in any rope-making process is the highly important braid. There are many different braid constructions. Each affects the performance and determines the ultimate strength of the rope. For instance, one of Puget Sounds workhorse ropes has a patent on braid construction. RANDY LONGERICH: This machine is a large 12 strand braider. There are 12 individual bobbins on the machine. It produces a much smoother structure than conventional plane braids. It maximizes the strength and the performance properties of to the structure. LLOYD SHERR: Once the strongest rope in the world is constructed. It needs to be mechanically tested. STUART JANKE: Here we're getting ready to do a destruction test on six-inch circumference plasma rope, and here we've got the fixed end of the test sample. We've spliced the specimen. One eye is here, and the other eye is attached down there. RANDY LONGERICH: Since the rope is going to be used in all likelihood with a splice in, some form of eye in it so that you can connect it to something, hang onto something, pull something with it, that's how we test the rope. LLOYD SHERR: And the splice has to be as perfect as the rope itself. This precise art form is critical to the life and stability of the rope. Any distortion to the rope will compromise its integrity. So a gradual taper of the splice is the strongest way to go. It takes 20 minutes for the machine to build up enough force to even challenge the integrity of the rope. Jason, the test machine operator, stays behind a steel wall to protect himself from the energy that will be released. STUART JANKE: This rope broke at 400,000 pounds right where it should have broken. And as you can see if we go down here, there's several strands remaining. And the actual break occurred right here, which is where the undistorted portion of the rope met the distorted portion of their up, which is where it should have broken. LLOYD SHERR: A 400,000 pound breaking point obviously indicates huge tensile strength, but you'll need more than a strong rope to pull a 100,000 ton cargo ship into harbor. You'll need the help of another of the world's strongest, tugboats with massive muscle power. The port of Long Beach in Southern California is the second busiest port in the United States. The largest container ships in the world come here to offload their goods. And super strength is needed to muscle these behemoths through the narrow channels of this harbor, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In 2006, a new breed of massive maritime strength hit this tight waterway, the Morgan Foss and Campbell Foss tugboats. SCOTT MERRITT: The Morgan and Campbell Foss our 5,000 horsepower tugs that are on a 78 foot tugboat. That's a lot of horsepower in a very small space, and these boats are capable of generating over 130,000 pounds of force on their tow line to move the bigger and larger ships in and out of the narrow waterways. LLOYD SHERR: They are 45 feet shorter than the average tug but a whopping 45% more powerful. Pound for pound, they are the strongest tugboats on the water today. These were built strictly to do harbor work, ship assist work inside the harbors. So that's why they're smaller. SCOTT MERRITT: This can do-- pull or push twice as much as an older twin screw so you have one tug that's more powerful and stronger. MARTY KUHNS: We're in the engine room. These are the main engines. They're 3512 caterpillar engines combined at 5,000 horsepower. LLOYD SHERR: The strength of these tugs not only comes from their powerful engines but also from their ingenious propulsion drives. JOHN BARRETT: And those particular boats, they're what we refer to in the industry as an ASD, which is in reference to an [inaudible] stern drive, which is basically a propeller and a nozzle to make it more efficient that has the ability to rotate 360 degrees continuously or back and forth. And there's two of them. They're referred to as tractor tubs, because they can maneuver the struts from the propellers in any direction. These can rotate these thrusters and make the boat move sideways, crossways. They can go any direction they want. They're extremely maneuverable. LLOYD SHERR: Also known as Z drives, these propulsion units are perfect for inner harbor jobs. DAVID SCHAFFER: Good morning, cap. One on the bow, Roger. The ship that we're going to be doing here is a smaller container ship. That was the pilot that called on the radio. He wants us on the bow. We'll pull his bow off the dock, and he'll get underway. LLOYD SHERR: These compact craft exert tremendous control over the ships they guide. Once the cargo ship is free from the tug, the Morgan Foss can move on to its next assignment. Tugboats haven't always been so strong, but they have always been essential to the Maritime industry. And Foss knows this better than anyone else. SCOTT MERRITT: We've been around since 1889, so we're 117 years old. We were founded by Thea Foss, and she started out by running a single rowboat out on the Tacoma waterway, and that grew into a thriving launch business renting rowboats. And her and her husband Andrew not only built the rowboats but expanded into launch services, supporting the sailing fleets. And over the years, they invested into launches and tugs, and it turned into the business it is today. It's one of the United States largest tug and barge companies. LLOYD SHERR: Long before the Foss', steam powered paddle wheel boats were the strongest tugs. But as the screw propeller gained use in the earliest 20th century, tugboats became more compact and stronger. But it was the diesel engine that made the tugboat the powerful workhorse that it is today. SCOTT MERRITT: The advent of the diesel engine, really the mass produced diesel engine really changed tow boating. It extended the range. It was a lighter weight propulsion unit that allowed the tugs to not take up as much space in the engine rooms, allowed them to have what we would call legs or more distanced capabilities. LLOYD SHERR: But in the 1990s, mega container ships and tankers demanded a new breed of powerful tugboats. In 1993, Foss Maritime built the strongest enhanced tractor tugs in the world, the Garth Foss and Lindsay Foss. These two tugs are stronger, bigger, and faster than their Long Beach counterparts. SCOTT MERRITT: These boats are about 150 foot in length. They're over 40 foot in beam, and they run 8,000 horsepower. These boats can exert a direct bollard pull in excess of 170,000 pounds and an indirect bollard pull well in excess of 500,000 pounds. These are really mission specific designed to stop a tanker at speed. LLOYD SHERR: Bollard pull is the Maritime measurement of force that a tugboat exerts when pulling against a stationary object. The more bollard pull, the stronger the tug. And these tugs pull hard. DAVID SCHAFFER: We're going to just pull straight back now. We had about 65 tons on the line here. See if we can get any more on pulling direct. LLOYD SHERR: What makes these two tugs so strong are their engines and even more important their Voith Schneider Cycloidal Propulsion systems. DAVID SCHAFFER: These are the throttle controls to the engines, and these are the controls for the Voith Propulsion System. MEL THOMPSON: The propulsion that's underneath the vessel here where we're sitting, the Voith Schneider Propulsion, the blades that hang down here that do all the work. It's a lot different than a propeller. It drives it a lot different. LLOYD SHERR: This unique propulsion system is similar to a helicopter with its blades extending vertically into the water from the bottom of the ship's hull. Rotating around a vertical axis, an array of five blades with shapes similar to airplane wings provide the lift authorized for these powerful tugs. Mechanically linked, each of the blades smoothly changes pitch to optimize its angle of attack relative to the flow of the water it meets. On command, this smooth and coordinated movement instantly creates the required amount of thrust in any direction required by the tug. Not only is the Voith system incredibly strong, it also provides outstanding maneuverability. DAVID SCHAFFER: Where have it heads and shoulders above the conventional tugs, they're not as maneuverable. You can't control their propellers as well as we can. And then plus the fact that we have the 8,000 horsepower. High maneuver built in high horsepower is pretty much the ultimate in ship assist. LLOYD SHERR: As strong as these tugs are, Foss has plans to incorporate even more strength. MARTY KUHNS: With a vessel that has a 20, 25, even 30 or 40 year service life, you have to be looking way beyond what your present market needs are. You have to be looking at your customers and what your industry is doing and building for the future as well as the present. SCOTT MERRITT: We're going to keep pushing the boundaries of what we can do on the water. We're going to increase the horsepower of our tugs. We're going to increase the performance capabilities and really meet that demand as it grows. LLOYD SHERR: While tugboats use inventive mechanics to muscle vessels through the waterways of the world, a mineral that adorns the rich and famous needs no engineering boost to claim its title as the strongest natural substance in the world. as the world's strongest, the diamond. JAMES SHIGLEY: Diamond is an amazing material, and it has a number of very unique properties, hardness, durability, transparency to light. It's not attacked by most chemicals-- a number of properties that make it very valuable for a wide range of jewelry and, of course, of industrial applications. LLOYD SHERR: The word diamond is derived from the Greek word adamus meaning invincible. Recent studies have discovered the diamond was used as far back as 6,000 years ago in China for grinding and polishing. In ancient India, diamond was attributed with mythical qualities, and it eventually made its way to Europe through trade routes. Diamonds are crystals of pure carbon. Each carbon atom is tightly linked by short covalent bonds, which are the strongest atomic bond and centered between four other carbon atoms in a compact three dimensional array. This tight cube arrangement is what makes diamonds so strong. JAMES SHIGLEY: Diamonds crystallized deep in the Earth's metal and are brought to the surface by volcanic eruptions where they are found today in what is called a kimberlite pipe where the diamonds are embedded in the kimberlite. LLOYD SHERR: There are less than 35 operational kimberlite light mines throughout the world. They are located in North America, Asia, Australia, and Africa. JAMES SHIGLEY: This is from southern Africa. This is a diamond crystal in a piece of kimberlite ore. It's the typical way diamonds are found in nature today. These are two natural diamond crystals. Diamonds when they are found in the earth have this typical octohedral shape, which you can think of as two pyramids joined at the base. LLOYD SHERR: Although revered for its natural beauty, diamond is also venerated in applications that aren't so pretty. Diamond cuts concrete, stone, marble, and tile. In sharp contrast to the jeweler showroom, diamonds have made their mark in the most grueling of industries. ROBERT DELAHAUT: It's the hardest, strongest material known in the world for cutting all types of material. MK Diamond Product has a full range of industrial diamond enhanced tools. The use of diamonds in industrial tool probably started over 100 years ago. JAMES SHIGLEY: When people cut a gemstone, there was diamond chips. It was then sold as diamond board to be used in making industrial tools. LLOYD SHERR: Early uses including drill bits for core samples, since the diamond bits could cut through solid rock. Diamond saw blade soon followed. Then in the 1930s, Germany began using diamond for a completely different purpose. ROBERT DELAHAUT: The Germans built the autobahn, and the autobahn was concrete that was poured continuously, and they used the diamond blades to cut the contraction joint in the roadway. LLOYD SHERR: These contractions or joints prevented cracks that usually occurred because of shrinkage during the curing process. They also created an even durable surface. Then in the 1950s, a scientific breakthrough revolutionized the industry. JAMES SHIGLEY: There's been a long interest among scientists to grow diamonds in the laboratory, and this has extended back several years. LLOYD SHERR: Although others had been able to successfully grow small quantities of synthetic diamonds, it was General Electric that found a way to produce them on a mass scale. JAMES SHIGLEY: And they were able to create conditions in the laboratory with pieces of equipment that allowed you to reach the temperatures and pressures that were required to grow a diamond crystal in the laboratory and to be able to do that on a reproducible basis. LLOYD SHERR: This method is called HPHT or High Pressure High Temperature. Large presses produce extreme pressure and heat. They reproduced conditions that create natural diamond deep inside the Earth. These new creations fed a growing market of industrial applications. The Eisenhower administration's postwar federal highway program duplicated the methods used for the autobahn and created a need for diamond tools across the nation. Synthetic diamonds are grown uniformly, so each is very similar. Natural diamond chips are of various sizes and shapes making the cutability less perfect. ROBERT DELAHAUT: The diamond blade consist of a steel core or steel center. Then the diamond blade would have individual diamond segments, and a diamond segment consist of synthetic diamond or natural diamond embedded in powdered metal of various types of alloys to determine the cutability of the blade. LLOYD SHERR: MK Diamond claims to have the strongest diamond blade on the market, the tiger tooth blade. This is our MK 1495. It's a 73 cc cut off saw, gas powered cut off saw. We're going to use our tiger tooth blade, which is designed to cut steel, wood, block, brick, plastic, just about anything you can throw at it. It's a demolition blade. LLOYD SHERR: This is what happens when you take it to a 4 inch steel pipe. The matrix just holds those chips together until it does the cutting, but as the segment wears down, the chips disappear and new chips are exposed. We'll be cutting them cured concrete roughly about two years old with number two rebar in it. We're going to be using a diamond blade with a steel core so we'll be able to breeze right through this piece of concrete. The thing about diamond blades, they don't have a sharp edge. They really don't cut you. They're grinding through material. ROBERT DELAHAUT: This diamond industry has a certain mystique to it. Everybody thinks it's a gem quality stone that you should be wearing on a ring. Well, that's not true. Synthetic diamond has a gold look to it or a yellow look to it, and it's not something that you would consider jewelry. It was designed to do a cutting job. It wasn't designed to look pretty. LLOYD SHERR: But if beauty is in the eye of the beholder and its strength is beauty, these humble yellow stones are the prettiest things in the world. So diamonds may be able to grind through rock, steel, and concrete, but in the world of the strongest there's another transparent material that not only protects astronauts but also your car, your electronics, and you. When you're in zero gravity and in the hostile environment of space, you want the strongest protection. And back down on earth, you want your cell phone strong enough to use after you drop it. You'll need the same material in both situations, polycarbonate plastic, the strongest plastic in the world. Unlike the crystal in structures of polyethylene, polycarbonates are long chains of carbonates groups, such as bisphenolade and phosgene. They're linear arrangement produces a clear, strong heat-resistant material. Few companies have been at the cutting edge of polycarbonates longer than GE Plastics. And for GE, it all started in 1912. JOHN CARRINGTON: We were producing phenolic materials for internal use only for insulation materials. By 1930, we developed a business that allowed us to sell additional plastic products outside of just the GE applications. LLOYD SHERR: Today, GE plastics maintains its application testing facility in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Here their strongest plastic is tested and perfected, Lexan polycarbonate. Lexan is used in everything from bullet resistant windows to water bottles to cell phones and even race car windshields. And it all starts with a tiny pellet. KURT WEISS: Here is what the pellets look like when they come out of the manufacturing process, and this is the beginning of Lexan polycarbonate resin itself. These pellets are what our customers buy to be able to manufacture parts in an injection molding process. LLOYD SHERR: But exactly how do you get from a polycarbonate pellet to a bumper or fender. This is a Husky 1,350 ton injection molding machine. It's used for manufacturing a variety of different parts, some very simple geometries to complex geometries. Like most of the machines in the injection molding arena, it uses a screw and barrel in order to be able to heat and convey the material to the part. The pellets drop into the flight to the screw. Then as the screw turns, the pellets are conveyed forward. Once they get in front of the screw by that time they're already a gelatinous mass of molten material. The screw is pushed forward. There were 30,000 PSI pressure. We take all that material and push it into the mold. Mode will sit there long enough for the part to cool down, and once the stool opens we end up with a finished part. And of course, GE tests their Lexan for performance. RICK PONTILLO: In this building, we do application specific testing. For instance, we can take a bumper that's made out of Lexan material. We can put that on a chassis, and we can impact that up against a number of various objects to really simulate an end use environment for that part. LLOYD SHERR: This isn't your grandfather's plastic. In the mid-1800s, inventor John Wesley Hyatt developed Celluloid, the first successful synthetic plastic. Then in 1907, Dr. Leo Baekeland combined phenol and formaldehyde under high heat and pressure to create Bakelite. Although used in industry and consumer products, Bakelite brittle nature relegated it to a small number of applications. However, both Celluloid and Bakelite spurred the scientific community to devise better and more diverse plastics. Improvements in chemical technology as a result of the First World War led to a succession of new plastics. Styrofoam, nylon, acrylic, and Teflon all had a huge impact on society. By 1953, Lexan polycarbonate was discovered by Daniel Fox and mass produced by the 1960s. It has remained the cornerstone of GE Plastics. In the form of Lexguard, it's strong enough to stop a bullet. KURT WEISS: Lexguard sheet is a lamination of several different Lexan sheets, so there's actually several lamentations across. And it comes in a variety of thicknesses depending on how much protection you want. So in this particular case, it's roughly one and a quarter inches thick. This sheet obviously has been hit with several different calibers of bullets. On the bottom we have several 9 millimeter cartridges that have been fired at their sample, and at the top we have 38 caliber shots also that have been shot at this. And yet even with all those particular hits in very close area, the integrity of the material is still there. LLOYD SHERR: Developments such as carbon nanotubes might help create a new material that will soon be the world's strongest plastic. But for now, polycarbonate plastic retains the title. The world's strongest have helped reshape our lives. In their many forms, they've constantly taken that which was impossible and made it possible for protection, for utility, and for fun. The strongest survive. [music playing]
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Length: 43min 39sec (2619 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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