Hades speedruns are incredibly difficult

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today we're speedrunning Hades and we'll be doing a fresh file speedrun now our speedrun starts as soon as we select a new game and we have to wait out a little cut scene but after getting through that here's where zagas our main character is going to jump down and we can start using him basically the story behind this game is where the prince of the underworld and our father doesn't want us leaving but we want to get into the mortal world so we can meet our mother so our father's going to put a bunch of enemies to try to attack us and try to stop us from going and meeting her and we're going to be doing this entire speedrun on our first run normally this game is a Rog likee so you're supposed to get better and better as you do more runs you're not supposed to beat this game in your very first run but we don't care we're just going to do it and we can start out right here by getting our first Boon which is going to be divine Dash there are a few different gods who will help us and we can use their Boon to give us different powerups for divine Dash you'll see every time I Dash I have a little ring of protection around me and that will deflect enemy attacks so we can use that pretty well we'll also get some Darkness but that doesn't really matter for this run things like darkness and keys are normally useful in the game when you're playing over and over but because we're doing a fresh file speedrun we don't need that at all and we're hoping that we don't get those and instead get things like hearts because that's going to raise our total HP by 25 and this speedrun is very difficult so we'll definitely need some more HP at least once we get into some of the lighter parts for now as long as we're playing pretty well we should be fine and at this point I should tell you about the main combo we're using I want to do a dash strike into a regular strike and then a special attack and then we can just repeat that over and over again and that gives us the most amount of damage possible then you also see that sometimes the enemies will have a shield around them that's their armor and we have to hit through their armor before we can actually attack them and you can't stun an enemy when it has armor so yeah there's something we have to deal with a lot but right there I got some cash which is really nice because we'll be able to buy some stuff later in the shop and we're just trying to play this as smartly as possible not getting hit as much as possible that we did right there a little bit of damage especially this early on doesn't really matter I'm just trying not to play too stupidly so I'm going to keep going with the same general strike we'll get through those and we're hoping to see some Boons right now and right as I say that we see Athena Athena is one of my favorite Gods she's the one that gave us our Dash and making that much better and we also want to get a special from her that's going to make it so every time we use our special attack it reflects things around us and it also does more damage so it's a really good one and it also has a secret reason why it's good but I'll explain that later for now we are going to take this and we see that we didn't get what we want so instead we're going to take a cast and then instead of taking the shop I think I'm going to go over to this one because normally you can buy things like an Athena Boon but instead we might as well save our money and just go right here to get one for free but I took that cast so I won't see another cast from the gods later on instead we already have what we need and it will give us other things like again hopefully I'm going to get a special and then as for our attack we want to get Aries attack but I'll go into that once we actually get it hopefully this game is completely luck dependent based on what gods you get and the items you get so it's really hard for this speedrun you have to do a ton of resets but we just got lucky right there we did get a special and we also see Aries right after and not only are we seeing Aries but this is also in a mini boss room the great thing about mini boss rooms is anytime you get a boon from them it has a way higher chance of being a rare Boon and giving us more damage I believe in tardus it's actually a 100% chance that the boons will be at least rare and they can also be epic but we'll see what we get right here we can go ahead and grab Aries and there we go we get the attack now the great thing about this attack is every time we hit one of the enemies you'll see that there's a red thing above Their Heads This is called doom and after waiting a bit it will come down on their heads and do 75 damage this would normally be 50 damage but because we got a rare Boon it does more and now that we have both the special and the attack what we're mainly going for is a Duo boom this is a boon you can get in combination with both Aries and Athena it's called merciful end but I'll really explain it once we get to it for now we're hoping for it to happen but there are also a bunch of other things we want to get on the way and I also don't want to get hit tons of time especially because this is a really good run I need to start playing smarter but that's okay we're going to to go ahead strike this guy we see these guys with armor I have to be careful around them because they do three shots at the same time so if I'm not careful they'll just attack me three times in a row because there's no invulnerability between attacks but we see our second shop and in this one we're actually going to take it and we see an Athena Boon and we're going to go ahead and take brilliant repost now what that does is it unlocks a legendary Boon for us to get or at least we have the chance to get it now but again I'll explain it if we actually get to it for now we're just going ahead and we have to take out our first boss which is me Meg is a really hard boss when you only have one dash I know I'm saying this and then making it look a lot easier but that's because I have practiced this game way too much I've put a lot of work into the speedrun so I know all of her attacks normally though when you're playing this game you eventually are able to get a second Dash and it helps so much for all the bosses Meg especially because the thing is when you only have one dash you have to make sure that every Dash counts because there is some time in between your dashes and if you do one then they use an attack you're surely going to get hit but we've been playing it pretty well we'll go ahead and do a couple of specials Meg only has a little bit of Health left we'll Dodge that one just like normal and we're just trying to get our Aries attack into her but there she goes that's the first boss done so pretty good time so far we haven't got to merciful end but we'll take it we don't really need it until we get to the third stage and on the way to the second stage we can also take a health up as well as check the shop which there's nothing I really want from there so I'll save my money here you can see us go up the Labyrinth as we try to make it out of the underworld and we make it to our next area as Fel so for this next area all the enemies are going to get stronger and much harder to deal with including these blue guys which try to attack you multiple times so I'm trying to be smart in not going into the lava the lava is also really annoying this is probably why this is one of the harder stages for me at least At first I got used to it after a while you just have to make sure you don't sit in the lava for too long but there's a lot of stage hazards that can get to you so you got to play this pretty careful still I'm just going to go for these guys in general do a couple hits Crush that guy and we can get this which unfortunately what we got right there was an upgrade to one of our Boons and it can make it do more damage but instead of being able to upgrade what we wanted which would have been our attack we got all of our Athena Boons so it really wasn't the best situation still doesn't matter too much it does give us a bit of extra damage but what we really want to focus on right now is Ping anything that has to do with Aries and that's because the Doom effect will become even better once we get merci end but again I'll explain it when we hopefully get it later but we can see right here we can go to the shop unfortunately we don't have 150 gold so we're not going to be able to buy a boon but we can check over here and there's nothing I really want and now it's time for another mini boss area because we see another God right here not exactly the God we wanted to see but it's the God we got so we're going to open up with this and the first thing you want to do is attack these blue crystals because they don't actually attack you back instead what they'll do is they'll protect your enemies they'll make the enemies invulnerable so we want to deal with them first then we can deal with the other guys and that's the general strategy both these guys are pretty close together so I will attack them a few times and he just had one hit left then we're just focusing on this dude thankfully because our special is Athena we're able to deflect everything this guy has to throw at us so it's really nice having this Athena special it's probably one of the best in the game just Athena in general is amazing but you can see right there all of them are protected they're impervious until I take care of the crystal so we got to deal with that first and then we just have all these guys who are all trying to explode me they're kind of jerks but that's going to deal with them and at the end I will Dash to the gate just to save a little bit of time before we see dionis and here I'm going to take premium vintage because that basically just gives us 25 extra Health we don't really want to see dianis here but we'll take him I mean he does give us one power up and it wasn't the worst power up we could have gotten but yeah we're just going to keep going taking care of all these spooky scary skeletons I don't know why I had to say it like that but we're just going to keep killing them these are pretty easy enemies to deal with honestly I don't mind if the game keeps giving me them instead of these bomb guys who are so annoying jump up throw bombs all around thankfully we have the Athena special so they're not the worst thing in the world but that's going to be them and that will be everything done we get another heart which I like we might as well take the fast food which is going to be some health up because our other two options would have been Darkness or keys and we want neither of those again we're completing this entire thing in our very first run so anything like Darkness it just isn't useful to us I mean it's there sometimes you don't have any other choice but I will take some extra health because we are a little bit low I mean not really that much I have lost a lot of runs just to playing dumb and health helps with me not playing as dumb but we are going to take the shop right here I would have liked to get the Palm right there but unfortunately this is going to be better and this is also going to be Aries which this one is going to give us impending doom which is amazing so what impending doom does is it upgrades our current Doom effect to take5 seconds longer to activate but it's also going to make it do more damage so every time they hit instead of doing 75 damage now they're doing 120 which will be very nice especially for this next boss which is going to be the Hydra the Hydra first of all we deal with its main head then it sprouts out a bunch of other heads and it's going to going to be impervious until we deal with them and the other heads are a little Annoying they're just switching around doing a ton of different attacks and I also have to be careful around their lava so I'm trying to play this fairly safe we do have a good amount of Health but I do want to keep it this way especially because the next area of this game is going to be annoying but this dude is just hanging out in the lava please man I'm triying to go fast finally he kind of comes back I guess I probably should have just tanked some damage right there but whatever we're going to get a little damage until he does his head smash attack which we'll go and dash away from and then for this attack we don't have to go away we can just keep going back and forth and we probably won't get hit at least that much now for this next phase he's going to spawn a bunch more guys last time it was only three this time I believe it's six not the hardest things in the world to deal with but we do want to make sure we hit as many as possible at the same time getting them grouped up that was actually really good right there but that is going to be our fourth one now we only have two more and I'm just making sure that I keep track of when they're using their attacks and I say that as soon as I get hit by that huge head smash attack but that's fine because we are now on the last phase I'm going to get a couple of hits try to use my cast right there which completely missed but we'll wait out his head smash this time it does three before going straight into him attacking him as much as possible and finally after just a little bit finishing him out and that's going to be the Hydra which that is two out of our four main bosses done we'll take the diamond which doesn't do anything for us and we'll be on our way of course there is going to be some more stuff like healing up right there and right here I can see that we might as well get some health up and I'm going to see if I have anything to sell which I don't want to sell any of that stuff so we're on our way moving up the underworld yet again to our next area which this one is a very scary area probably the scariest in the game which is going to be elisium and right away we will see Athena so I'm going for that because at this point what we want to find is our Duo Boon which is going to be merciful end now what merciful end does is you see the Doom effect we have it takes a while to actually proc but when you have merciful end anytime you have the Doom effect on them and then hit them with an attack that deflects it will happen right away so I won't have to wait out this time and instead I can either Dash into them or use my special and they get hit with it immediately so you can see why it will be very good when we eventually hopefully get it but we'll check right here and Athena is going to give us Divine protection which will be a legendary and that's kind of unlucky but there is another Athena right here so I'll take it basically how this game works is legendaries and Duo Boons are on the same level so right there since we got lucky enough to get a du or legendary the game gave us a 50/50 chance to get Divine protection or merciful end and this one went to Divine protection I want both of them ultimately but I would have preferred getting merciful end first still not the worst thing in the world because we have another chance right here I just have to play it pretty well and you can see that Divine protection is very good what divine protection does is it gives you a free Shield every 20 seconds now we still don't want to get hit so I'm going to play fairly safe but it makes us a lot safer in general we don't have to worry about our health as much well at least for periods after 20 seconds like right now we are not safe so I'm trying to play fairly good but there we go here's going to be another Athena and this time we get merciful end which is Insane luck okay we're going straight over here we're going to try to pom some Boons but we have both a legendary and a Duo right after each other now normally you do not get this kind of luck for the speedrun I have put a total of I believe 40 to 50 hours in learning the boss fights learning how to play the game and I have actually never gotten both of these together so this is a Super Lucky run and I really don't want to lose it now oh and also right there we can Palm the curse of Agony which is going to give us some extra attack and see another Athena right here along with the ball of Minos so this is a really unlucky mini boss fight to get because it just takes a lot of time but thankfully with merciful end it is not going to take nearly as much I will still be fairly careful again I have Divine protection but I don't want to use it if I don't need to but you can see just how much damage we're doing both of our combination of dashing into him and also using our special we're pretty much always getting a proc of our Doom effect like every half second and it's always doing 2008 damage which makes this build so good this is the build you pretty much have to get if you're doing the speedrun no other build is going to give you this much damage and yeah that's why we're going for this and I am so happy with this run so far we just got to keep it going like that was actually Insane luck and I still can't believe it happened but it's time to not ruin it we deal with the bow of mos unfortunately he doesn't actually want to fight to his death instead he leaves in the middle of the fight like a jerk and right here we are going to get another one of these which for this I'll take the holy Shield that gives us a little protection ring after getting hit once it's not too useful but I guess it's better than anything else there was I mean at this point I don't really care about Boons we have all the boons we need all we really want to do is upgrade our damage as much as possible and get some more Health now for these guys you see the little Chariot guys they explode if they get too close so what I like doing is using my special because that's going to reflect their attacks and make sure that I don't actually get hit and there we go this is also going to be an upgrade to to impending doom which is insane we now have really good attack and now it's shop time which in here I will take some health up because I don't really care about anything else and we'll also get another Health up that's lucky oh but this time the little Chariot dudes they not only need to get hit once but twice which is kind of unlucky we will use our special twice because we do not want them to attack us there's also the big Chariot guy that's not fair why do they both have shields but I guess I can't really complain when I have this insane build right now so we're just going to keep it going there's also the Splitters that use their attacks and we do not want to get hit by those I do have my shield proed right now so that is pretty good and now our damage is up to 229 which is kind of crazy so this is a super good run and we see some more things that we can pom hopefully this is going to give us even more attack so I would appreciate that I don't know I feel like I'm being a little greedy at this point but I just want everything all right I want to get this run done like I said I've been putting the last 40 to 50 hours just into this game game learning the speedrun and don't get me wrong this speedrun is amazing probably one of my favorite speedruns I've ever learned but it's a stressful game I really would recommend trying the speedrun if you are interested though it's super fun and that is going to be another upgrade that's absolutely insane so here I think I actually kind of made a mistake I went for the shop but we don't really need the shop instead I could have just gotten a free dianis Boon but whatever not the worst thing and now you're seeing that we're not only going to fight the Minotaur like we did earlier but there's also thesia they're really cocky like oh yeah we're going to beat you thesias is kind of a jerk but there is kind of one nice thing since we did battle the Minotaur earlier he is a little bit damage this time so he is going to go down a bit easier but still it's just not worth it to see him earlier but with this attack I cannot complain we are doing so much damage to this dude and I'm actually playing pretty risky since I have the shield around me at all times I'm not too worried about that we're just going to try to play the best possible we're also trying to dodge the spear throws that are always happening you'll see that every once in a while I get a little signal on me and we're just trying to run around those but now it's time to just steal thesias which you can use the strategy which is broken basically you just want to stand right by him hit him twice get your doom procs off twice and that's going to do a ton of damage he'll go and use a spin attack and he's always going to use his Spin Attack when you're this close to him so yeah we can just do this over and over again until he gets his shield this is going to be a second phase and now he's calling on emis a good thing is because we never got Artemis he's going to call on her instead of someone like dionis that would have been way harder his one is a lot more difficult than what Artemis does you can see that this is a pretty easy attack to dodge and we will finish out thesias very easily we did not take a single hit of damage that is insane I have never had a run this good and we also have really good strength too we are doing amazing so I will go ahead and take that we'll check the shop we might as well take the yarn which is going to make our next spoon upgraded quality but we are now going on to the very last part of this game with an insid run so we'll get into this area you can see we're in the temple of sticks and unfortunately blocking our way there is our puppy dog Cerberus now Cerberus doesn't want to attack us and we don't want to attack him so instead we're going to go get him a treat and he's going to let us go through what a nice guy and from here I'm considering what I want to take but I guess we'll go to dionis we don't really need anything of those but dionis can give us some pretty good things so we might as well go in here and now what we have to deal with is a bunch of people that try to poison us and if you get poisoned it does a ton of damage over time you can heal yourself by going to those yellow fountains but poison is one of my least favorite effects but let me explain what's exactly going on in this area if you haven't seen it before basically we're looking for a treat for our doggy and there are multiple different rooms that we can go into it will never spawn in the first room though so while we're going through here we're not going to find the treat no matter what there is going to be a little boss fight at the end but it can spawn on the second one and has I think around a 50% chance to spawn in the second room and then if it's not there it's going to be the third room and so on but anyways of course like I said before it's not going to be this room so this is the final room of this area which we have to take out a ton of these tiny little mice they all are trying to poison us and just be jerks but we deal with them and then deal with this guy who he's trying to poison us and I hate this guy he has made me lose so many of my runs this area in general you don't get here very often so I'm not the greatest practiced on it at least compared to places like Tartarus so I am playing this pretty safe of course we have very good health and we're doing very well in general but yeah I do not want to die here especially not on this run we can use a trap kill I wasn't exactly planning on doing that but now there's just all the rats which we'll deal with and we get this one which this Boon I will take I think positive outlook because that's going to make Hades do less damage to us and that of course is going to be the first room so now we can actually find the treat from here on out and for this one I think I'm going to look for an upgrade for my Boons and like I said I'm not completely sure but I'm pretty sure there is an above 50% chance that we will find the treat here but it's not always going to happen and that's just kind of what Hades speedr running is it's all luck but it's also how you adapt to that luck so that's why I love the speedrun so much but those guys super annoying they put poison all over the ground and I hate that stuff we actually dodged it somehow now we have to deal with this snake laser guy thankfully it's only one of him so he's pretty easy and in this next room we are already on the boss and it's going to be one of these cauldrons who uses that attack which is insane now what I was able to do was reflect it and deal with him pretty easily now there's going to be these rats which they're going to try and use their poison on me but as long as I'm playing this pretty safe we get done with that easily and also get another upgrade on impending doom that is insane we didn't get the greatest luck other than that because we didn't get the treat still though that's fine we are now going on to the next one and as long as we get it in the third room I'm usually okay with that because that's just how speedrunning Hades is but we will try to go through these guys as much as possible possible I'm still at 175 Health which is crazy and also at the end of this we'll get another extra 25 Health which will be nice too so I'm doing pretty well I am very happy with my build at this point it's just about getting to the end and getting to the last boss fight which looking in this room there we go that's the treat that we need we can get our Max Health we can go to the Fountain to get some extra healing even though we didn't need it and now we can go pet our little puppy dog give him his treat and he leaves us lets us go through so there we go we're finally making out of the underworld but of course they could not end this game without one last boss fight which is going to be our dad now one little cool thing is your dialogue actually changes here if you get it first try instead of us saying oh yeah you killed us time after time we say you tried to kill us and yeah it's actually kind of cool feels good that we did this but this is by far the hardest boss fight in the entire game at least for this run I actually found this boss fight in my casual playthrough a little bit easier than the third one with Theus but in here when you only have one dash it is so difficult now what we're going to do is instead of using our general combo where we're using our special what I like to do for this boss fight is to just swipe once and then Dash now what that does is make me always be alert because for this boss fight you always have to be ready to dash away if you mtime a single one of your dashes you are going to get punished and Hades punishes you extremely hard his attacks do a ton of damage even though we do have 200 at this point we do not want to get hit by any of those I will also take out those skulls because if you let them rest for too long then they do a big area attack and we just don't want to deal with that but this is going to be his third phase we got really good luck on the enemies that he's spawning usually he spawns a couple of them at the same time but we're doing pretty well on that so I'm not going to complain we've also taken literally zero damage but Hades is going to use his run attack we can get his spin anytime he spins you can usually get four attacks in which is really nice and I'm in general focusing on these skulls a little bit before focusing on Hades because okay looks like that one is going to do an area attack we can dodge all that stuff get a couple more in here and he's almost done at least with this first phase of him and there we go that's going to be the first one which at this point we're like oh yeah we did it but we didn't actually do it that was only hades's first phase because now he gets all his health back and gets even harder and that's including this attack where he raises a bunch of these ears from the ground and if you hit them they'll use this hand attack all around thankfully I had my shield right there we used it at that point but we're still doing well we have 200 hp so I think I'm going to play this a little bit less safe well I say that but then he uses attack like this we tried to use our thing right there I wanted to cast him but that wasn't the greatest thing in the world but any times he does that hand thing that means he's going to use his lasers which I just have to go behind a pillar to dodge that now he's going to go ahead get some more of these ears that is a good time to attack him he will hit us right there thankfully we had our shield and use his combo again with his spins you get a couple of attacks in and that is going to be halfway through his second phase where what was that dud that was crazy but he's going to use that now I have so much health so at this point I don't even care I'm going to play a lot more risky which was kind of a bad idea because now he's taking 50 damage but here I'm going to hug my dad if you hug him and go right next to him he doesn't actually damage you which I believe isn't a glitch It's actually an intended feature but it's really funny so we're able to get a ton of damage in right there just keep hitting him he's now dashing all over the place you can see where we learned our moves from but I am just trying to deal with this man he is so annoying dashing all over the place you are almost dead please dad just take your death that's time 3110 which will give us 43rd Place on speedrun.com all right subscribe if you enjoyed bye
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 1,423,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, speedrun, hades, speed run, speedrunning, speedrunner, world record, wr, hades speedrun, hades speed run, hades world record, hades fresh file speedrun, hades full game, hades all bosses, all bosses, speedrun hades, any%, eazyspeezy speedrun, eazyspeezy hades, hades 2, speedrunners
Id: Yps6NnS2sdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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