Every Vault in the Fallout Series Explained | Fallout Lore

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by the year 2054 the United States government  was faced with the reality that Atomic Warfare   was inevitable. Oil was becoming increasingly  rare, the United Nations had collapsed 2 years   prior and a nuclear exchange had recently erupted  in the Middle East making it the first time Atomic   weapons were used on a civilian population in  over a century. This would lead to a secretive   group comprised of high ranking government  officials known as The Enclave to devise a   plan to preserve themselves and thus Project  Safe House was born. Billions of dollars would   be commissioned to a company known as vault tec to  construct 122 underground nuclear shelters known   as vaults in order to supposedly shelter the  United States population from impending doom.   However its true purpose was to conduct a series  of inhumane experiments on the population of each   vault in order to gather enough data for The  Enclave to colonize another planet. When the   bombs dropped on October 23rd 2077 in what is  known as the Great War, the vaults were sealed   thus beginning 122 stories which The Fallout  Series has been uncovering since its Inception.   While not every Vault has been explored over the  course of this franchise there are still quite a   few that have been given rich and interesting  stories for us to discover in our journeys   throughout the Wasteland so without further  ado here is every vault in the Fallout Canon.   before this video starts here are some terms  you may need to know to better understand the   lore Behind These vaults if you already know  these terms then skip ahead to this timestamp.   F.E.V or the forced evolutionary virus was  an experiment engineered before the Great   War by the US government. It was designed  to accelerate evolution in human subjects   in order to make them more effective soldiers  but instead it caused devastating mutations to   those exposed to it giving rise to creatures  like super mutants and other mutated Horrors   like centaurs or nightkin. in the Fallout Universe  Chems refer to drugs, they're everywhere in the   postwar world ranging from old medical pills to  homemade substances that often lead to addiction   Chems such as mentats buffout MedEx and Jet are  just some of the substances found throughout the   Wasteland. Synths, short for synthetic humanoids  is a common term used to refer to the robotic   beings created by the mysterious faction known  as The Institute. While generation one and two   synth are entirely mechanical by Design utilizing  simplistic artificial intelligence Generation 3   synths are nearly indistinguishable from humans  right down to their DNA. Generation 3 Synths in   particular are frequently sent to abduct and  replace residents of the Commonwealth in order   for the Institute to spy on the residents of the  Wasteland. The G.E.C.K or garden of eden creation kit   is a device designed to restore a selected area  destroyed by nuclear fallout into a habitable   environment capable of growing food and purifying  water. Each Vault was issued to G.E.C.Ks so that when   the population left the vaults they could use it  to create a sustainable Society in the Wasteland.   ghouls radroaches, Miurlerks, Radscorpions, glowing  ones, deathclaws and the scorched are some--  of the creatures I'll be mentioning in this  video. all of whom have been transformed and--   mutated by radiation into their current form. The  Brotherhood of Steel, the Boomers, The Institute, the   powder gangers, The Enclave, the Gunners and the  NCR are some of the factions that I mention throughout the video without clarification as  to who they are so here are their descriptions   that you can come back to if I mention them  throughout this video. and now let's begin located in the South Vegas ruins Vault 3 is  known as a control vault. Which meant that   the inhabitants were not subjected to any  experiments during their time in the vault   thus the inhabitants remained sealed for over  a century after the bombs dropped until a water   leak forced the inhabitants to open up the Vault  so that they could trade with the people of the   Wasteland in order to survive. All was well for  a few weeks until the Vault caught the attention   of a group of Raiders known as the fiends who  subsequently Massacred the vault's residents and   claimed the Vault for themselves. In Fallout New  Vegas if you head to Vault 3 you will find it   fully inhabited by the fiends led by their Chief a  Raider named Motor Runner. since they took over the   Vault the fiends grew stronger and more vicious  and are considered a deadly Threat by the new   California Republic and the people of the Mojave.  Vault 4 and Vault 33 both feature in the Fallout   TV series and because it hasn't come out yet at  the time of recording we know very little about   them or their experiment other than the fact that  Vault 33 is located in Santa Monica California and   is inhabited by a vault dweller named Lucy and her  father overseer Hank however if you are watching this   after the TV show has come out then perhaps I'll  make a video covering the lore of these vaults and   if that's the case it will be plugged here. Located  in Northwestern Nevada Vault 8 was originally   designed as a control Vault slated to open after a  decade to repopulate the surface however due to a   mistake made by the US government Vault 8 received  a surplus of water chips intended for vault 13   the Dwellers lived peacefully underground until  2091 when the enclaves all clear signal prompted   The Vault to open upon reaching the surface the  residents would use their Garden of Eden creation   kit to establish a city powered by nuclear energy  supplied by the vaults reactor this would lead to   the creation of Vault City. Known for its advanced  Medical Technologies such as autodocs capable of   Performing sophisticated surgeries without the  assistance of humans. By 2241 the Vault itself   self was used primarily as storage as well as  a medical center for the citizens of Vault City   vault 11 located in the Mojave Desert conducted a  social experiment where inhabitants were told that   they had to sacrifice one Vault dweller annually  or else they all would perish. When the vault door   was sealed and the first inhabitants learned  about their situation they were horrified and   enraged with the vault's overseer for not telling  them before they were trapped inside thus turning   him into Vault 11's very first sacrifice. this  tradition of sacrificing the overseer would   continue as time went on and each year the Vault  would hold an election to determine who would be   elected as overseer and consequently killed, this  divided the Vault into different political parties   known as the Coalition of vault 11 voting blocks  each year they would create voting guides for the   vaults residents meant as an impartial source of  information for who they should vote for as time   went on these guides eventually would become a  source of voting propaganda as the Vault began   to experience a power struggle among the blocks as  the Coalition gained influence over the years they   became more and more corrupt in one year a woman  named Katherine Stone was sexually coerced by   a leader of the Justice block so that they would  not sacrifice her husband Nathan tragically Nathan   was voted as a sacrifice regardless leading  to Catherine murdering the other members of   the Justice block one by one in a fit of rage her  Rampage consequently resulted in her being voted   as the sacrifice for the next year and thus making  her the new Overseer in her first act as overseer   she banned the election in favor of a system where  the annual sacrifice would be chosen randomly by   the vault's computer the remaining members of the  Justice block fearful of losing their power staged   an armed coup which resulted in the massacre of  most of the vault's residents leaving only five   dwellers alive these five horrified at the events  that had taken place mutually decided to end the   cycle of killing and refused to sacrifice any more  people they were then presented with an automated   message congratulating them for breaking the  cycle and not murdering anyone revealing the   whole experiment was a ruse the computer then  unlocked the vault's main entrance allowing the   Dwellers to leave as they pleased shocked and  disgusted with what they had done four of the   five dwellers decided to end their own lives  out of guilt for their actions the remaining   Survivor presumably left the Vault never to be  seen Again by 2281 the Vault remains empty only   inhabited by its robot personnel as well as  terminal entries and holotapes detailing the   horrible events that had taken place inside Vault  12 located in Bakersfield California was intended   as a medical experiment studying the effects of  gradual radiation exposure in which the vault   door was designed to not seal correctly when  the bombs dropped this resulted in the vault's   population turning into ghouls in the year 2083  the survivors would leave the Vault and turn the   surrounding area into the city of necropolis  by the time of Fallout 1 the vault is still   inhabited by a number of glowing ones who act as  guards for the vault's water chip if you attempt   to steal it vault 13 located in the mountains  of Southern California was intended to keep   its residents isolated from the outside world  until one day a water chip malfunction led to   the overseer to send a handful of Vault residents  out into the Wasteland to search for a replacement   the first dweller a man named ed barely made it  out of the Vault before being killed by Rats the   second dweller a man named Talus was captured  by nkin and turned into an fev mutant and and   now resides in the bone yard as a member of the  Followers of the Apocalypse the third your player   character in Fallout 1 would succeed in replacing  Vault 13's water chip in the year 2161 after a long   and harrowing Journey throughout the Wasteland  despite fulfilling his task as well as saving   the Vault from the master's Army of super mutants  the Vault dweller was banished by the overseer as   he felt that his adventures in the Wasteland  would lead the vault's population to abandon   their home this would lead to the Vault dweller  leaving vault 13 and founding the settlement of   a Royo after the residents of Vault 13 learned  of the overseer's decision they sentenced him   to death allowing those who wished to leave the  Vault to do so the remaining dwellers would live   peacefully in the vault until 2241 when they  were captured or killed by The Enclave who left   behind a pack of intelligent deathclaws to guard  the Vault. the Vault was then found by The Vault   dwellers grandson, the chosen one who was there on  a mission to retrieve the vault's geek in order to   save the previously mentioned Village of Aroyo once  he retrieves the Geck, Frank Horgan and a squad of   enclave soldiers exterminate the Deathclaws. leaving vault 13 an empty hole in the ground   Vault 15 located in Southern California was a  social experiment in which a large population   from diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds  were forced to live together this would cause   a Schism among the Dwellers which would lead to  them abandoning the Vault separating into three   Raider groups the Khans, the jackals and the Vipers  the remaining inhabit who opted to not become   Raiders fled West and established the settlement  of Shady Sands. By 2161 The Vault was abandoned   and only inhabited by a family of radscorpions.  As the years went on vault 15 remained abandoned   due to disputes over excavation rights various  factions including the new California Republic   Raiders and scavengers, all clashed over control  in the early 2240s the NCR sought to reclaim the   vault's computer parts but were stopped by a  group of squatters living on the surface of   the vault these squatters were secretly harboring  a group of Raiders known as the new Khans who they   believed were restoring The Vault however the  truth was that the new khans were just using   the squatters as a smoke screen to hide from  the NCR the situation was resolved after candy   the president of the NCR hired the chosen one to  broker a deal between the NCR and the squatters   in exchange for retrieving the computer parts  the squatters agreed to join the NCR receiving   education and essential supplies while Vault  15 became the property of the NCR Vault 17 is   a vault that we do not know much about however  what we do know is that its inhabitants were   kidnapped and transformed into Super muntants by the  master among those inhabitants lived a 75-year-old   grandma named Lily Bowen after being exposed to  the force evolutionary virus by the Master's Army   Lily was turned into a nightkin and can be found  in Jacobstown in Fallout New Vegas where she can   be recruited as a companion vault 19 located  in the Mojave Desert was intended as a social   experiment studying the effects of factionalism  and how it induced paranoia and mistrust among its   residents during this experiment residents were  divided into blue and red sectors and subjected   to a series of manipulation tactics to turn the  two sections against each other journal entries   found inside the Vault indicate high levels of  paranoia such as blaming the other factions for   the vaults malfunctions as well as reports of  feeling unusual drafts from the air vents seeing   blinking patterns in the lights that mimicked code  as well as a child reporting hearing high-pitch   noises coming from his vault terminal which was  perhaps a form of subliminal messaging little   did they know that this was all being orchestrated  by the overseers as well as the Vault doctors who   may have been drugging the residents leading some  to experience fits of aggression and psychosis by   the time of Fallout New Vegas the Vault had been  taken over by powder gangers after they found the   place abandoned leaving the fate of the vault's  residents unknown Vault 21 located on the New   Vegas strip housed an experiment which focused  on the effects of excessive gambling when the   bombs dropped 200 years would pass and the vault's  residents would develop a stable community which   solved its problems through gambling eventually  in the year 2274 Robert house the ruler of the   New Vegas strip proposed a game of blackjack where  if he won he would become the owner of the Vault   some of the vault's residents were skeptical  and favored isolationism however others were   in favor of opening the Vault up as a result Mr  House tasked the residents in favor of opening up   the Vault to challenge those who disagreed to a  game of blackjack in order to decide what to do   eventually the Dwellers in favor of opening  up won the game handing over the ownership   of Vault 21 to Mr house afterwards Mr House  unexpectedly attempted to fill the Vault with   concrete in order to force the residents to move  out of Vegas however one of the Dwellers Sarah   was able to convince him to turn the Vault into  a hotel convinced of its profitability Mr House   transformed The Vault into a hotel and by 2281  the Vault was still open for business offering   residents of New Vegas room and board as long  as they had the Caps Vault 22 located in the   Mojave Desert was intended as a research facility  which tested genetically modified crops that were   developed at Big Mountain a think tank known for  its unorthodox experiments after the bombs dropped   and the scientists began experimenting on the  crops they accidentally released an outbreak of a   modified fungal infection which would lead to the  Vault being overrun with vegetation the vault's   residents all would eventually succumb to the  infection as the fungus they were experimenting   on would colonize their bodies and use them as  hosts turning them into horrifying creatures   known as Spore carriers located somewhere on  the west coast of the United States Vault 29   was intended to house a population of Rich  children under the age of 15 The Vault would   be controlled by a Zach's AI supercomputer which  would be programmed to raise the children with the   aid of robotic helpers not much is known about the  fate of Vault 29 other than the fact that Harold a   recurring character in The Fallout series is said  to have originated from there vault 34 located in   the Mojave Desert hosted an experiment granting  its inhabitants unrestricted access access to an   Armory full of weapons and explosives this would  cause a very gun Centric culture within the Vault   and seeing the potential for disaster the overseer  would lock up the vault's Armory and because of   this the residents protested as they felt that  they had the right to their weapons and thus the   population was divided into two groups the first  group would Escape The Vault and head north where   they would discover the Nellis Air Force Base  and eventually become the Boomers the remaining   dwellers would be trapped inside by the overseer  leading to a riot that damaged the vaults reactor   this would end up filling the Vault with radiation  turning its remaining residents into feral ghouls   as of 2281 vault 34 is nothing more than a ghoul  infested IR radiated hole in the ground stocked   with all the Weaponry that one could need not  much is known about Vault 43 as it was featured   only in the Fallout comic titled one man and  a creative puppets all that is known about the   vault is that its inhabitants consisted of 20  men 10 women and a panther Vault 51 located in   the forests of Appalachia conducted an experiment  in which a Zach's 1.3 C supercomputer would test   the vault's residence in order to determine who is  best fit for the role of overseer the computer was   primarily taught by a man named Sergeant Robert  Baker who would advise the computer on what made   the best leader as time went on Baker attempted  two separate times to hold an election but when no   one could decide on a leader the computer deemed  elections pointless and would forgo this method   of selecting the overseer Baker would then immune  with the AI telling it that a leader was someone   who stepped up in times of Crisis the AI would  misinterpret this message and begin to produce   a series of crises for the Dwellers in order to  see who was most fit to lead these crises included   but are not limited to changing the rules of a  talent show halfway through to make it so that   the losers would be forced to move out of their  bedrooms and into bunk beds making the Dwellers   compete in rigged casino games engineering a food  shortage convincing the Dwellers that house flies   were infesting the Vault blaring the Vault alarms  while the residents were sleeping switching their   coffee with decaf and manipulating the Dwellers  into cheating on their significant others these   events ultimately manipulated the remaining  inhabitants to turn against each other leading   to multiple deaths one day after the body  of a dweller named Helen was found the Vault   residence began to frenzy this led to the Dwellers  massacring each other leaving only one Survivor   alive a man named Reuben Gil since he was the only  dweller left he was named overseer and would stay   isolated with the Zach's AI for years this would  change when Reuben found out about the opening   of Vault 76 seeking a way to escape Reuben would  hack into the vault's inventory system and place   himself inside a shipping crate allowing him to  leave undetected when the crate was removed from   the Vault his plan was to find someone from  Vault 76 to help him defeat the Zach's Ai and   he was actually successful in making contact with  one of the Dwellers but he ultimately died before   he could return to Vault 51 currently the vault  is abandoned and its only inhabitants are some   scorched who wandered inside located in a a cave  underneath a Shack Southwest of Lewisburg West   Virginia Vault 63 remains sealed and has yet  to have any lore on what its purpose was as   it remains inaccessible to Fallout 76 players  however this may change in a future update not   much is known about Vault 69 as it's only featured  in the previously mentioned Fallout comic titled   one man in a crate of Puppets all we know about  Vault 69 is that it held 999 women and one man   Vault 75 located at malen middle school north  of Boston Massachusetts conducted a social and   medical experiment centered on a Eugenics program  to create the perfect soldiers from young children   when the bombs dropped all the children's  adult relatives would be executed marking   the beginning of the experiment the kids were  taught to fear the horrors of the outside world   and were trained to be fit Brave and intelligent  enough to venture out into the wastelands to help   the remaining population above ground years later  when the children turned 18 and they graduated the   program the smart but weak kids would be made into  to scientists the strong and smart were harvested   for their organs and the rest would simply be  executed eventually The Vault was opened and the   remaining dwellers presumably headed out into the  Wasteland abandoning The Vault by 2287 the vault   is filled with Gunners who repurposed it into one  of their headquarters in the Commonwealth Vault 76   a control Vault located north of Flatwoods West  Virginia was built to house 500 occupants and   was scheduled to open 20 years after the Great  War in order to rebuild and repopulate the was   Wasteland on a special date known as Reclamation  day the occupants included students from voltech   University military members and even former white  house chief of staff occupants were provided with   fully furnished apartments including a bedroom  living room bathroom and color television and   overall seemed like a great place to live 25 years  after the bombs dropped the residents were given   the all clear and the Vault opened to which they  proceeded to head out into the Wasteland with the   goal of recolonizing the surrounding region of  Appalachia Vault 77 housed one man in a crate   of Puppets the Puppet Man as he was known would  unknowingly enter the vault as its only residence   and be locked inside as he slowly went insane due  to isolation he became engrossed with the puppets   believing them to be real people and hallucinating  interactions between them one day the man found   the king puppet murdered to which he then accused  the Vault Boy puppet of being the culprit to the   man's surprise the Vault boy revealed to him that  they were both the ones who killed the king scared   of what might happen if the other puppets found  out the vault boy convinced the man that they   needed to leave the vault which they eventually  did during their travels they would encounter a   giant mutated scorpion a gulfi vault dweller as  well as a giant ant which the man named Mr pinch   the pair would eventually be captured by some  wastelanders who plan to either enslave the man   or eat him he warned his captors that his puppet  was dangerous and that he had killed before in a   plea to let them go after they Shrugged him off  as simply being delusional the man would murder   one of his captors leaving One Alive to lead him  to the the rest of his group after the Survivor ad   made it to the rest of his gang he told them that  the Puppet Man had murdered Bob the other slaver   the men began to hear a noise as the puppet man  got closer and closer to the gang we then see in   the final panel that the Puppet Man had murdered  the gang with his bare hands thus finalizing his   descent into madness in Fallout 3 if you head  to Paradise Falls a settlement full of slavers   you can find a vault 77 jumpsuit hidden alongside  a holotape this holotape contains a recording of   one of the slavers ordering the listener to burn  the jumpsuit out of fear that the Puppet Man may   come looking for it Vault 79 built in secret by  voltech north of Dad's Wilderness West Virginia   was meant to house 120 high-ranking soldiers  and government agents tasked with protecting   the nation's gold reserves with the intent of  rebuilding the economy after the Great War the   vault's number was chosen due to the fact that  79 is the atomic number for gold in July 2072   secrecy surrounding the Vault was compromised  when soldiers guarding the site stole millions   of dollars worth of gold and ventured to Las Vegas  to gamble their actions led to a confrontation at   the ultralux casino resulting in a shootout with  local police despite attempts to surrender all   those involved were executed in 2077 when the  bombs finally dropped the Vault was sealed to   which inhabitants awaited further instructions  from the US government however at some point   after the war a mutiny led by a rogue secret  service agent named shorty resulted in a number   of deaths among the vault's population the surv  drivers remained inside the Vault isolated and   depressed with at least three agents taking their  own lives on the Surface rumors of the vault's   gold attracted treasure Hunters who hire your  player character to help them commit a heist on   vault 79 Vault 81 built in Boston massachusett was  intended to host an experiment in which scientists   would use the Vault civilians as guinea pigs  to develop a universal cure for disease the   Vault was designed so that the scientists would be  separated into a secret sector unbeknownst to the   residents where they could Monitor and experiment  on the population when the Vault closed before the   scientists could begin their experiments they were  betrayed by the overseer who locked them inside   the secret sector of the Vault the scientists  would eventually perish leaving only a single   Mr handy named curri as for the residents of Vault  81 they would maintain a peaceful society and as   of 2287 the Vault continues to thrive as it has  managed to established trade relations with the   surface continuously prolonging its resident  survival unaware of the Vault Secret experiment   vault 87 built in northeastern Virginia was a  research facility experimenting with the forced   evolutionary virus transforming its civilian  population into super mutants centaurs and other   mutated Abominations however these super mutants  escaped containment and They seized control of the   vault only one year after it was closed by 2277  the vault is overrun with super mutants however   one of these mutants named Fox managed to retain  his intelligence and if you managed to free him   then he could be recruited as a companion Vault  88 located in Quincy Massachusetts was intended   as a testing ground for experimental productivity  boosting technology for other vaults but was left   unfinished and when the bombs dropped it turned  the overseer into a ghoul in 2287 she is saved   from Raiders attempting to break into the Vault by  your player character in Fallout 4 upon speaking   with her she tasks you with helping her rebuild  the Vault making it a potential settlement for   the player character to enjoy Vault 92 located  in alne Maryland in the Capitol Wasteland was   led by overseer Richard Ruben and promised  to preserve the musically talented of the US   population however the vault's true purpose was to  conduct a medical experiment using white noise to   implant combat suggestions within the minds of the  residents despite initial success the residents   began exhibiting psychotic behavior leading to  multiple deaths to make things worse The Vault   structure was decaying as water began leaking into  the Vault causing flooding as the insanity spread   one of the voltech employees Professor melas  pleaded with Ruben to end the experiment to   which the overse refused it is implied in an audio  log that melas then planned on making the overseer   pay for his crimes but no followup is provided  as the Vault fell into further chaos eventually   it succumbed to flooding allowing Myer to infest  the area presumably finishing off any remaining   survivors and turning Vault 92 into their new  habitat Vault 94 located in northeastern West   Virginia was advertised as a place where residents  were task with preserving the natural environment   surrounding the Vault however its true experiment  was to test how a non-violent religious community   would adapt to interacting with the outside world  after the Great War the community was run by a   woman named Gabrielle salvar and she made it  so that the vault's decisions were made by a   council rather than one overseer the experiment  would be overseen by a soul vault tech employee   named Tyrone Hayes who was instructed to monitor  the population as time went on when the bombs fell   the community was driven to the Vault by two  separate buses the first bus was able to get   their passengers inside however the second bus was  too late and their members were locked outside the   vault as the door was hardwired shut after the  vault door was sealed the Vault remained peaceful   until salvar convinced the community to open their  doors back up on October 23rd 2078 exactly 1 year   after the Great War the community would send  multiple ambassadors into the Wasteland until   one would come across the town of Harper's Ferry  the Ambassador would attempt to bring survivors   back to his home by telling them that they had  a farm outside of the Vault that could feed the   entire town the mayor a woman named Maria  Collins suspicious of the dweller's claims   would send a group of towns folk to investigate  the Vault the group would be invited inside the   Vault where they began to feel on edge about the  community's inviting nature they would eventually   succumb to their paranoia and would Massacre The  Vault Council as well as any remaining survivors   from the community after their Massacre concluded  they would find the vault's Geck mistaking it for   a mind control device they began to open fire on  it this resulted in a level six nuclear explosion   which would caused the radiation in the area  to Surge this led to the organisms within the   affected area to mutate as well as a thick fog to  pour from the vault's entrance which would rapidly   intensify the area's swampy environment this  event would then transform the surrounding area   into what we now know as the Meer Vault 95 located  southeast of NAIC Massachusetts was an experiment   which had chem addicts undergoing experimental  Rehabilitation for their addictions after the   bombs dropped the program would go on for several  years and would prove successful in getting the   Dwellers to kick their addictions this was until  a voltech agent masquerading as a fellow resident   opened a stash of drugs hidden within the Vault  while the population slept the next morning when   the supply was discovered by the residents chaos  ensued leading to violence among the Dwellers as   well as some to succumb to their urges While  others maintain their commitment to sobriety   it is not known what happened to the residents  following this instance as by the year 2287   the Vault was completely occupied by Gunners who  repurposed the Vault into a stronghold for them to   operate out of Vault 96 located south of Spruce  Knob Campground West Virginia was advertised as   a vault designed to monitor the Damage Done to  the local fauna after the bombs Dro however once   it was sealed the scientists within were shocked  to discover that the vault's true purpose was to   conduct unethical experiments on mutated animals  cryogenically frozen inside the vault in order to   find a way to counteract their mutations they were  forced to maintain a weekly quota of data by the   vaults Mainframe that if not met would result  in their demise the vault's plan duration was   set for a minimum of 250 weeks after which the  the residents would be exterminated apart from   the overseer who would be permitted to leave  the scientists would conduct these experiments   on their diverse supply of cryogenically frozen  animals including a mysterious entity known as   x001 by week 146 one of the scientists failed  to meet their quota due to a lack of access to   specimen x001 leading to her demise at the hands  of the Mainframe blaming the overseer a man named   Eric the team confronted him only to discover  that he was orchestrating an escape plan which   involved infecting the Mainframe with a virus in  order for them to flee although the plan initially   succeeded the Mainframe activated superseding  protocol Omega causing the resident's deaths   despite this the virus successfully shut down the  Mainframe leaving the Vault open prompting animals   to escape and triggering the emergency management  system to call for assistance in the year 2104   the Vault was taken over by a scientist named  Edgar Blackburn who used its research equipment   to attempt to create an improved strand of fev in  order to help it adapt to the Wasteland he would   do this by hiring a group of mercenaries known as  the Hellcat company in order to guard Vault 96 and   abduct unsuspecting dwellers for him to experiment  on Vault 101 located west of Springville Virginia   held a social experiment which studied the role of  the Overseer in a vault that was never intended to   open after the Great War the residents remained  isolated as the overseer fabricated an illusion   of the outside world being uninhabitable fostering  the belief that survival solely existed within the   Vault this this continued for years until  one overseer elected to break the cycle of   isolationism and sent an expedition team out  into the Wasteland when they returned they   would analyze samples taken from the Wasteland  that the team collected this would lead to two   team members Lewis and Agnes Taylor to be sent  to megaton for further exploration and contact   between the two settlements eventually Agnes would  return to Vault 101 around 2258 and the overseer   would vanished after a failed Expedition into the  capital Wasteland eventually a new Overseer named   Al Fons alavar would seek to return to the  ways of isolationism and seal the Vault once   more until one day a man named James came to the  Vault seeking shelter offering his Services as a   doctor in exchange for the safety of him and his  infant child the overseer would let them in and   James would keep his child in the dark about their  origins in the Wasteland because of his agreement   with alons convincing your player character that  they were born in the vault the overseer would   continue his regime of isolationism with only  one woman managing to escape the vault Vault   eventually in 2277 a radroach infestation sparked  chaos in Vault 101 enabling James to escape this   caused even further turmoil leading to several  deaths after the overseer orders the killing of   multiple people including the lone Wanderer  you escaped into the Wasteland fleeing from   the overseer's Wrath while your player character  leaves to find your father the Vault 101 overseer   increases security measures causing division among  the Dwellers who realized the possibility of a   life on the outside as tensions r R Amada the  overseer's daughter would send out a broadcast   frequency seeking the return of the player to  help resolve the situation leaving the fate   of Vault 101 in the hands of the lone Wanderer  Vault 106 located southeast of aru conducted an   experiment in which the air filtration system was  contaminated with psychoactive drugs 10 days after   the vault door closed this experiment was known by  the Overseer in the vault staff and they were each   instructed to keep this a secret from the Dwellers  as time went on the effects of the drugs began to   take their toll on the dwellers as they began to  show more and more signs of aggressive behavior   prompting the overseer to order a lockdown however  the deranged residents eventually overwhelmed   vault security and brutally murdered them as well  as the overseer years later in Fallout 3 you can   find the Vault inhabited by Insane survivors who  have all descended into madness due to years of   breathing in psychoactive drugs as you explore  the Vault your character actually begins to see   hallucinations of characters from their past  such as Amada the tunnel snakes and your father   Vault 108 located north of Washington DC had an  abundance of problems the Vault was designed to   house 475 people for only 38 years the power  supply was set to fail after 20 years and the   overseer was set to die after only 3 years due  to a rare type of cancer the experiment also   deliberately left standard positions vacant  as well as providing the residents with no   entertainment tapes basically this Vault sucked  ass however in addition to these failures the   Vault came equipped with a cloning lab after  the Vault sealed cloning experiments would   be conducted which produced 53 clones of a man  named Gary each cloned iteration of Gary exhibited   hostility towards non clones escalating with each  replication subsequent clones became increasingly   violent leading to them eventually purging  The Vault of its residents by 2277 the vault   is solely inhabited by clones who are only capable  of saying one word Gary Gary Gary Gary Gary Vault   111 located in sanctuary Hills Massachusetts  was designed as a medical experiment studying   the long-term effects of cryogenic stasis on its  unsuspecting residents once the Vault was sealed   its residents would be told to enter cryostasis  pods that were masqueraded as decontamination   Chambers once the residents were frozen The  Vault was set to remain sealed for at least   180 days after 180 days passed there was no all  clear signal resulting in the overseer's decision   to maintain the vault's sealed status despite  dwindling supplies following this a group led   by security and Court staff rebelled against the  overseer and in response the overseer initiated   a lockdown unfortunately the logs abruptly end  at this point and we can presume based on the   skeletons scattered throughout the Vault that  the staff would soon perish after these events   in 2227 the mysterious organization known as  The Institute discovered the Vault and found   that one of the cryostasis pods inside housed an  infant named Shawn whose DNA remained untainted   by post-war radiation perfect for their third  generation since Asian Conrad Kellogg and two   scientists were dispatched to retrieve the infant  however when they opened the pods to retrieve   Shawn one of his parents resisted in their efforts  which led to their tragic murder at the hands of   Kellogg after 60 years Shawn's other parent who  had witnessed the kidnapping would be mysteriously   released from cryostasis discovering all the  other Vault residents deceased due to a life   support failure making them and Shawn the sole  survivors of Vault 111 Vault 112 located Southwest   of Washington D C was designed to house 85 people  the vault's unique experiment involved immersing   occupants In Perpetual virtual reality over seen  by Dr Stannis Braun creator of the Garden of Eden   creation kit The Vault housed a set of virtual  reality pods which simulated a utopic suburb known   as Tranquility Lane unbeknownst to its occupants  once they entered the virtual reality pods Braun   held absolute control over the simulation inside  the simulation braon would take on the form of a   little girl named Betty and he would use his  power to turn the vault's residents into his   personal play things repeatedly murdering  them inside the simulation each time Braun   murdered them he would wipe their memory and  resurrect them within the program creating a   cycle of torture that would go on for centuries  Vault 114 located inside Park Street Station in   Boston Massachusetts was a social experiment  that was advertised as a luxury Vault for   wealthy members of society however in reality the  Vault was designed to be cramped and overpopulated   in addition to being under the leadership of an  overseer with an abundance of mental issues The   Vault was nearing completion with construction  underway and a man named soup can Harry being   selected as overseer however the Vault was never  finished potentially due to contract fraud and   embezzlement eventually after the bombs fell its  construction site was repurposed as a base of   operation for skinny Malone's gang of triggermen  Vault 118 hidden beneath the Cliff's Edge Hotel   in Mount Desert Island Maine was designed as  an exclusive establishment aiming to attract   wealthy and influential individuals seeking  privilege and luxury the vault's original   experiment would involve segregating residents  into two groups an Elite Class of 10 ultr rich   individuals pampered by robotic staff and a  larger workingclass populace of 300 confined   to cramp conditions the rich would hold authority  over the others with robotic staff executing their   judgments however construction on the second Wing  intended for the working class group ceased due   to financial issues the primary financier Ezra  Parker stopped funding citing payment difficult   IES from the guests in addition to him the Vault  was said to host influential figures such as   former Hollywood actors Keith McKinley and Gil  de Brasco a famous painter named Santiago Avid   as well as Dr Rigs and his wife Juliana Dr rigs  in particular was involved in robotics research   and he was able to convince his fellow residents  to consider having their brains inserted into Robo   brains so that they could become immortal they  all agreed and went through with the procedure   and when the Great War came and the Vault was  sealed the overseer became the only remaining   human amidst the robo brain residence centuries  passed and one day Ezra Parker the primary   financier of Vault 118 was murdered leading the  residents to seek help from the player character   in investigating who did it in Fallout 76 a  Raider named Bruiser claims that he grew up   in a vault somewhere on the East Coast he claims  that he participated in a warlike Gladiator sport   inside the vault which based on his description  sounds strikingly similar to American football   at some point during his stay in the vault he  left and eventually ended up in Appalachia West   Virginia nothing else is known about this vault  as Bruiser doesn't give us a number that we can   assign to it but hopefully it will be explored  by The Fallout franchise in an expansion or in   a future Fallout title all right guys that was  every vault in the Fallout Cannon before I sign   off I'd like to share some exciting news I've  launched a patreon if you enjoy my content and   want to support me as well as gain access to perks  like early video releases and exclusive content   then feel free to check it out anyways please like  like subscribe and I hope you have a wonderful day
Channel: Pattyrick
Views: 7,684,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fallout, Fallout Vaults, Every Fallout Vault, Every Vault in Fallout, Fallout 4, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 3, Fallout 2, Fallout 1, Fallout TV show, Fallout TV series, The enclave, The Enclave, The brotherhood of steel, The New California republic, The NCR, Vault tech, Vault tec, Vaults fallout, Fallout vaults, Vault 13 fallout, Vault 4 fallout, Vault 33 Fallout, Vault 4, Vault 33, F.E.V, Frank Horrigan, Fallout Lore, Fallout Vault Lore, Vault Dweller
Id: 8dbWUUf9KKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 30sec (2310 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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