100% Picture Proof: Jesus Married a Black Woman | Dr. Gene Kim

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we're going to look at Song of Solomon chapter one now what amazes me is that when we try to disprove the black Hebrew movement they automatically assume that I'm a racist so I don't know why they would do that so they automatically think I'm a racist and if you look online and pipe my name it's amazing how many pity hosts criticizing me are from black Hebrew movement actually I think somebody even made a roast video of me too it's very childish and immature but the thing is this is that obviously we're not racist I mean we have black members in our church brother Rick I mean he studied Oh tons of stuff about conspiracies and his father was born from Ethiopia actually and he actually criticized the black Hebrew movement so we actually rented our church from a black church for many years so the thing is this is how we're not racist against black people in fact I'm going to give you a video right here which is going to be very interesting you got to understand this jesus is why the Christian Church there's only one race that is pictured as the black person didn't you know that the Church of Jesus Christ you understand its picture its symbol was actually a black woman now we're going to first of all look at Song of Solomon chapter 1 Song of Solomon all Christian scholars know this even liberals know this - sama Solomon is a book that has a lot of romantic passages so then liberal scholars and Christian scholars they've all wondered you know why would the Christian Church put this as part of their Bible and the Christian scholars have argued this we put the Song of Solomon right there because it's a beautiful picture of the relationship of Jesus Christ and the church his wife so obviously Jesus Christ would be Solomon and then the church would be the woman at the book of Song of Solomon chapter 1 now Song of Solomon not going to do this I showed a different video but I showed you I saw Solomon improve - you hear that Solomon who pictured Jesus Christ now and I just came from Solomon is actually a Jew and you can think of the Jew in the nation of Israel today I showed you the features of that it's not a black Jesus but the problem isn't see this is what's something that I want to show the black Hebrew movement right here the black Hebrew movement what they've done is that because they're so focused on becoming a Jew becoming Jesus something that they are not wanting something that they are not they're overlooking a blessing where they're something that they could be that they should be glad about about their race but they had totally ignored it because they want to be something that God didn't intend them to be and see that's a good valuable lesson for all Christians God has given you something that other people don't have but the problem with us is that we get so conventions and then we get so fleshy minded that we want that something else that God did not want us to have and we overlooked the blessing that we currently have right now that God has given to you and I want the black Hebrew movement to understand that I know that black Christians and black Bible believers know already what I'm talking about so they don't need to know this stuff but I'm gonna show you something like you're gonna Song of Solomon chapter 1 now look at the first verses they should have looked at the first verses right here rather than trying to prove that Jesus was a black person all the way at the end of Revelation look at the first chapter Psalm Solomon chapter 1 and we will read verse 5 I am what black but comely o ye daughters of Jerusalem notice that this black person is differentiated distinguished from what the women in Jerusalem thus proving that the Jews weren't a black people this is different right here now let's keep reading as the tents of Kedar as the curtains of who's Solomon so this woman is distinguished from Solomon so this is definitely talking about the woman she's a black woman folks look not upon me because I am what black because the Sun hath looked upon me my mother's children were angry with me they made me the keeper of the vineyards but mine own vineyard have I not kept so you'll notice right here that solid is why the woman here which is pictured as a church by Christian theologian so I'm not saying with Bible believers liberals even know this too that Christian pastors Christian theologians and scholars they all you saw of Solomon as a picture of the relationship of Christ and the church well if they're going to say that then you know what they're gonna have to believe that the woman is the woman which is pictured as a church is black you just another interesting thing we're going to look at Acts chapter eight Acts chapter eight there look if you're gonna insist on becoming a Jew you're gonna overlook something very important right here that's even more important than that you actually a man I'm gonna show you something here why it's gonna be even more important than a Jew we're gonna look at Acts chapter eight that's chapter eight very idea accusing me of being racist I'm trying to show you a blessing here that you got even more than the Jews in Israel today and I'm gonna show you something right here look at Acts chapter eight you know the first time the first convert the very first convert of salvation by grace alone without words trusting in the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ the very first Christian so to speak you know who it was it wasn't the disciples you gotta understand it wasn't the Jews at Jerusalem if you doubt me look at acts 2:38 that is not the gospel repent and be baptized for the remission of sin that was for the nation of Israel God did not intend that for non-jews he had a purpose for the church non-jews he had a gospel for them the gospel of the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ alone believing alone without any work you want the very first recorders you won't find any other except ax8 that was the very first time you can't fight anything before that look at Acts chapter 8 the next chapter 8 the very first person once the church was founded look at verse 27 and he arose and went and behold a man of who in Ethiopia immunity of great authority under Candace queen of the Ethiopians who had the charge of all her treasure and had come to Jerusalem for to worship was returning and sitting in his chariot read what Isaiah the prophet what was he reading about Isaiah the prophet look at verse 32 the place of the scripture which she read was this he was led as a sheep to the slaughter and like a lamb dumb before his Shearer so opened he not his mouth in his humiliation his excuse me his judgment was taken away for who shall and who shall declare his generation for his life is taken from the earth so the Ethiopian eunuch he's reading this passage from Isaiah 53 do you know what Isaiah 53 is about death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ the eunuch asked Philip verse 34 eunuch answered Philip and said I pray thee up who speaketh the prophet dis of himself or some other man and Philips gonna tell them that's Jesus verse 35 then Philip opened his mouth and began at the same Scripture and preached unto Him who Jesus look at verse 36 through 38 one of the greatest passages in your Bible and as they went on their way they came unto a certain water and the eunuch said see here is water what does hinder me to be baptized Philip said if thou believest with all thine heart thou mayst and he answered and said here's the salvation I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God you'll notice verse 35 he heard the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ that's the gospel in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 and you're not going to get any other earlier record than this one we're a clear-cut presentation of the gospel without works whatsoever and by faith the leaving on Jesus Christ for salvation this is the clearest earliest record of a Christian safe you're not going to get any earlier and clearer than that one together and then notice verse 38 acts so 37 he got saved first 38 then he got baptized you know what your modern Bibles do with verse 37 they cut that off completely and when they slice it off you know what they did they robbed the blessing for what God intended for black people to see the first Christian convert who had the clearest gospel was a black person an Ethiopian eunuch but they cross that out and they just assumed in verse 36 and 37 he just get baptized for salvation I wonder how many black Hebrew movement will trust in water baptism for salvation that's not the gospel what did Paul say at 1st Corinthians chapter 1 I came not to baptize but to preach the gospel what is the gospel 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 1 through 5 this is the gospel whoever I preached the gospel unto you how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures that he was buried and rose again the third day according to the scriptures did I Ethiopian eunuch at that yes and he got the gospel so you got the first Christian convert right there in verses 32 to 38 the first see how God's God you don't understand he works with pictures you got to look at the Bibles if you look at the Bible the Bible says that when he gives prophecies and he gives up he gives it in similar twos he gives it in pictures and symbols why did you just spoke in parables you got to understand to picture something else so God gave you a beautiful picture right here first Christians so to speak is a black person why because of this beautiful picture that God you have solid Solomon the wife of Jesus Christ which is a church will be a black person why would God want a black person right here because it perfectly pictures a servant a sinner who would humble himself before Jesus Christ why did he choose a unit you got understand in servant why would he choose in Song of Solomon chapter 100 person who's despised by the Jews in Jerusalem who did the Jews despised Gentiles called them dogs and then who did Jesus turn to he turned to Gentiles the dogs and he turned to those people and you don't understand this this is a beautiful picture right here where a person realizes where he is despised and broken by the world a servant of servants and realizes Lord I am nothing without Jesus Christ and it's that kind of humility where he would humble he or she would humble himself before Jesus Christ and receive Jesus Christ for his or her salvation that's a beautiful picture of what a black person represents for Jesus Christ and you just Sully and ruin that picture by saying no I don't want to become this picture I want to be like those Jews in Jerusalem instead you know what God did with the Jews in Jerusalem today go to Roman's 11 go to Romans chapter 11 you know what God did there despised you to understand their put aside their cast away why in the world do you want to become like the Jews in Jerusalem today they're cast away so you don't understand this in the Old Testament the people that God used were the Jews in Jerusalem however they rejected their Messiah and during this transitional period right here then God turned to who the church who are non-jews and when he turned to the church you know what he did he temporarily cast aside the nation of Israel now this is not to say that the Jews in Israel are done God is going to restore them again in the tribulation and then the Millenium which lasts for a thousand years so then the Jews will be focus again but guess what the Jews today they're not the focus today it's who the church why in the world in the year 2017 you want to be somebody who's not in this time period today and who's temporarily cast aside you know what the time period is today for the church it's the church why wouldn't the black people want to become what the Christian Church why would they want to be something else who's cast aside and done by God until later on the future that's why I'm telling you this is better than being a Jew this is better than being a Jew Damon look at Romans chapter 11 Romans chapter 11 verse 25 for I would not brethren that he should be ignorant of this mystery lest he should be wise in your own conceits that blindness in part is what happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in notice right here that Israel is blindness in part and not only that that they are blinded and not coming in until when until a future time period the fullness of the Gentiles be come in and then verse 26 and then verse 27 sometime in the future so you got to understand this the nation of Israel is divorced is cast aside did you read your Old Testament what did God say about the nation of Israel I divorced them read the book of Hosea I divorced the nation of Israel he's done with them but he put on a new life and that is who the church and then his new wife is a church so if so that's why I don't know if you know this but the easiest group of people you will come across when you're soul-winning and the evidence is shown throughout history today for the past 2,000 years the easiest people to win to Christ are actually black people there are the easiest to win to Jesus Christ in fact even the Liberals heroes the Liberals deified their black heroes trying to promote their liberalism through minorities but they even those liberal heroes can't ignore God out of the equation I mean D if you look at a lot of black Hollywood actors they talk about God God worshiping God and then they mention Jesus not only that Martin Luther King jr. what he had to turn to the church he had to become a preacher life because that's where most of the power most of the people were act and they were part of the Christian Church that time period now they there were wrong doctrines all over but it doesn't change the fact that if you're gonna have a group of people that's most soft-hearted to Jesus it's actually black Lee and they're the easiest to win did you notice Christ out of all races by the way do you know who's the toughest race to win to Jesus Christ if you go to the nation of Israel today there are missionaries who have you know who's the most of the members in the churches in Bible believing missionaries churches it's not Jews it's Muslims now you know how hard it is to win a Muslim to Jesus Christ I want a few homosexuals to Jesus Christ and didn't win a Muslim yet to Jesus Christ you know how tough that is and you and and the black Hebrew movement wants to become this really cast aside in darkness divorce by God and not only that going to hell if they don't receive Jesus Christ for their salvation so you see don't cast aside a blessing that God has intended for you very idea of nine races I'm actually putting you on a pedestal right here I'm putting you on a pedestal all Christians realize that that's their picture and that's what they ought to be a servant of servants broken down realize they are a sinner in need of a savior cast aside by God's chosen people the Jews despise hated strangers and considered as dogs as Jesus called them at Kay at the book of Matthew but that's what Jesus came he says unless you realize you're sinners in need of repentance I came not to call the righteous but who sinners to repentance he wants you to be that downtrodden and that's why you can come at the foot of the cross and receive Jesus Christ for yourself amen
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 769,470
Rating: 4.1030669 out of 5
Keywords: jesus married, proof that jesus married, jesus had a wife, who is jesus' wife, conspiracy theory jesus, jesus gentile church, bride of christ, jesus and his black wife, jesus said to them my wife, jesus never died at the cross, who is jesus wife, jesus christ, bible believer, sid roth, ravi zacharias, bible study, steve cioccolanti, harvard divinity school, mary magdalene, robert breaker, mark dice, how to understand the bible
Id: tMe7MFUP24A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2017
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