Why God Does Not Forgive Joseph Prince | Dr. Gene Kim

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the Bible says in the last days there shall be doctrines of devils and the Bible also says in first Corinthians 2 we are not to be ignorant of Satan's devices so it's important in the last days that we are to know which doctrines Satan is using for the last days and we are to be aware what he's going to prepare and use now one of the doctrines that Satan is using to destroy Christian churches is through a person named Joseph Prince Joseph Prince now Joseph Prince I don't know if you heard about him but Joseph Prince he's been teaching this blasted heresy it's a really wicked heresy but I can understand his kind of thinking - okay so here's the idea he does not believe that a Christian has to confess the sins to receive forgiveness so if a safe Christian today messed up in something wicked or I don't know about you but during altar call time what do we do huh during altar call time after preaching we confess our sins so we can receive forgiveness from God amen we repent of it so we can receive forgiveness from God right Joseph Prince does not believe in that so you're just wasting your time coming down the altar you're just wasting your time before you go to bed at night confessing your sin to God when you pray you're wasting your time you know why because his logic is this his logic is all right now a saved person his sins are all forgiven by Jesus Christ on the cross right so this a person's sin is already wiped away based on what the blood of Jesus Christ had cleansed it so because we're based on this that's why when a saved person sins this does not exist this should not exist so why should it's a person waste his time so to speak why confess to receive forgiveness now Joseph Prince okay I know the arguments out there he's going to say oh no I'm not against I'm not against confession I'm not against confession alright so then he says it this way okay we don't confess to receive forgiveness of sins we confess because we are forgiven of our sins well that's a dumb statement okay then if you're forgiven of your sins why bother confessing them seeing you confess so you can get forgiveness of sins if you're already forgiven of your sins why confess it's like let's say that I do Tom something wrong okay I pushed him down the hallway all right I pushed him because I was rushing through the room and then Tom got upset I said oh I'm sorry brother and I meant it too you know I'm sorry and Tom said okay it's okay brother you're forgiven you're forgiven and then I say again Tom I'm really sorry and Tom said it's okay pastor I said Tom I really mean I'm really sorry Tom said you're forgiven brother you don't need to say that you don't need to confess it again but Tom I'm brother I forgave you pastor I forgave you why are you confessing see that's the thing why do we even confess to God if we're already forgiven then so that's a dumb statement though I'm not against confession I'm not against confession we confess because we are forgiven I'm only against people who confessed to receive forgiveness that's a dumb statement all right okay now but he has a point here okay we he has a point every heresy understand this every heresy as a point every heretic that I'm trying to expose out there they're not incredibly stupid there's some rationale to their thinking okay I'm not just ranting and raving here so here's the thing his thinking which is makes perfect sense look if you're a safe person your sins already all and I mean all of it washed away by the blood of Jesus right so why bother confessing well let me show you through some verses okay first of all go to second Corinthians 5 second Corinthians chapter 5 you know why Joseph prince does not understand this because he does not understand one of the important doctrines within dispensationalism within dispensationalism or rightly dividing when you rightly divide you're going to rightly divide things and not connect them together see he connected all this together Joseph Prince did not rightly divide it what is this doctrine from rightly dividing spiritual circumcision what is spiritual circumcision spiritual circumcision is what a man has what he has body and he has soul right these are not the same right we have body soul and spirit now let me ask you this question when Jesus Christ died on the cross to save you from your sins did he save your body or did he save your soul did he save your body or soul your soul right that's obvious did he save your body no we're still sinning in our body all right we're still sinning in our body the idea that Jesus died on the cross was blood washed away our sin so the body it's not really sinning that doesn't make sense the body is sinning but here's the thing the sins that he washed away are the soul now this is where it makes sense okay this is why Joseph Prince because he doesn't study much Bible he's not a bio believing preacher bible-believing preacher he doesn't know this stuff here's the thing who is the real you who is a real you Church is a real you the body or the soul it's a soul right when you die is the real you going to rock in the grave or go to heaven or hell heaven or hell that's the soul so this is the real you so this is what we mean when we're saying I say person see say person the real you right you his sins are all forgiven and washed why are we talking about here the soul not the body I'm sorry if Jesus Christ need your body if you did really clear off everything off your body then our body should be sinless but it's not sinless you know whose sinless Church not your flesh you are sinless praise the Lord that's whose sinless you not your flesh that's why it makes sense when you read Romans chapter 6 in Romans chapter 7 the flesh is dead to us it's not the real us see that like he doesn't understand this why because he doesn't understand the doctrine a spiritual circumcision what is the doctrine of spiritual circumcision the doctrine of spiritual circumcision keep your hand at 2nd Corinthians 5 go to Colossians 3 Colossians 3 here's the doctrine of spiritual circumcision Colossians 2 excuse me Colossians 2 the doctrine of spiritual circumcision is that the Lord Jesus Christ when he saved your soul he what she circumcised it's a bodily cutting off so what did he cut off bodily your whole body so he cut off this from this so here's the thing whenever the body sins so whenever the body sims right here guess what it's not accounted to us we're still sinless why it's divided here see sin will always affect our flesh our body but not us because the Bible says he cut us off from our body look at Colossians chapter 2 we will look at verse 11 in whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands in putting off the one body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ see I told you so he circumcised you cut you off from your body of your flesh of sins we get 2nd Corinthians 5:10 2nd Corinthians 5:10 all right since you're cut off from the sins of your body you're sinless but here's a problem here alright if Joseph prince does not believe that a Christian must confess his sins to receive forgiveness we certainly we certainly do but we're not talking about the soul here see see he's not rightly dividing so he doesn't understand the forgiveness and confession here is not salvation which is referring to the soul okay it's not referring to death you know why we have to oh I'll tell you why because this guy keep sinning and you think that when this guy keeps seeing the sin and God's not going to judge you for what this body does oh we certainly will he judges the soul when it sins with damnation in hell how does he judge the body not damnation in hell that's the soul the body will just burn up and pass away what does he do with the body chastisement you reap what you sow an early death and judgement seat of Christ go to second Corinthians 5:10 soon Corinthians 5:10 oh you think that God you know wipe the slate clean from the sins of your body so you don't have to confess them look at right here verse 10 for we so Paul is including himself a safe Christian all of us safe Christian he is speaking to the Corinthian church we all of us what must all so every single Christian without exception appear before who the judgment seat of Christ why that every one may receive the things done in his one body according to that he hath done whether it be good or what bad okay I see the body it commits bad and what did the Bible say God's going to judge you for every bad thing you've done so you don't think that you that you shouldn't confess online in it you should confess why are you I start confessing right away man by the way now we're going to look at another passage let's look at the Book of Numbers 15 Numbers chapter 15 numbers 15 now Joseph Prince logic is this his logic is well you know I can't live in my life in everyday peace you know why why can't you live your life in everyday peace well it's because you know I can't live my Christian life in everyday peace because I was taught that I had to confess every sin you know otherwise I'm not forgiven so I never lived peace in my heart so I have to think of every sin that I come in in my life and I have to recall and write them down and I forgot the sins I committed and because of that after I confess my sins I was worried if there were any leftover sins I didn't confess and because of that I had no peace in my life in Jesus Christ look God is not unreasonable okay so here's the thing if I were you I confess every sin and you should but what about cases pastor where there are sins that my mind is ignorant of that my mind does not remember don't worry about it God even knew that in the Old Testament to look at number 15 this is what they did with ignorance look at numbers 15 verse 24 number 15 verse 24 then it shall be if aught be committed by ignorance without the knowledge of the congregation that all the congregation shall offer one young Bullock for a burnt offering for a sweet savour unto Lord with his meat offering and is drink offering according to the manner and one kid of the goats for sin offering and the priest shall make an atonement for all the congregation of the children of Israel and it shall be forgiven them for it is ignorance and they shall bring their offerings so let it right here in numbers chapter 15 verses 24 through 25 what you're going to notice right here is that well what a pastor I mean I'm afraid I don't remember every sin that I come in it no look just like a children of Israel what do they do for everything they've done they sacrifice a particular animal for that sin right but then what about the students that they the congregation is ignorant of you'll notice that numbers 15 verse 24 through 25 or excuse me the whole chapter of number 15 God was mentioning all these sins that they have to offer animal sacrifices but then he realized there might be a sin that they're ignorant of that they might not know well we got to be on the safe side right so what should I do to be on the safe side God said if there's something that you don't know about then what do you do you just confessed it that's it for ignorant so just confess what you're ignorant of and what did the verse 25 said you're forgiven you're forgiven so this is something important when the Christian when I sin against God what I do is is okay I think about all the sins I committed and I confess them and there's something that I'm not aware of that I'm ignorant about I'll tell God this Lord if there's any other sin that I'm ignorant about and please forgive me of those sins wash them away with your blood and even show them to me too show them to me that way later on I can specify it to you that's it it's that simple okay look do you think God is so unreasonable that he can't wait to just send down lightning from heaven and kill you when you send in your body as a safe Christian who's trying to honestly live right confess right and repent right it's not going to do that all right he he's our God who looks at your heart see if your heart is right with God you're going to confess everything you can to the best that you can and if your heart is right with God if there's something that you don't know about then you'll just tell God God if there's something stuff that I don't know about I'm sorry see and God says what they're forgiven they're forgiven we're also going to look at James v James chapter 5 oh the church the Christian Church don't need to confess sins to receive forgiveness look at right here look at James fly James chapter 5 verse 14 James chapter 5 verse 14 I think not now we're not going to look at all these passages but these passages show that Christians they can commit sin in their Christian walk and because of that they have to receive forgiveness look at James chapter 5 verses 14 through 15 now other passages that I'll be writing down is Galatians 5:16 and 25 romans 13 13 through 14 now what I'm going to explain to you this Joseph Prince what he doesn't believe in is that in 1st John chapter 1 this is the best passage we use to prove confession of sins for forgiveness but Joseph Prince he does not believe first John chapter 1 it applies to Christians confessing their sins to receive forgiveness he thinks at first John chapter 1 is saying that because Christians are already forgiven of their sins see and because they already confessed and already forgiven they do walk in the light of Jesus Christ that's what he's going to insist first John one well we're going to have to turn over there so despite uptime say we're just going to have to turn over there so let me go through it real briefly so I can better explain so let's go through this quickly first of all James chapter 5 and we will read verse 14 through 15 the Bible says is any sick among you let him call for the elders of the church so this is a church and let them pray over him anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord and the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Lord shall raise him up and if he so in the church have committed sins they shall be what we're given look at that what do you mean he's already forgiven let's also look at Galatians 5 and first John 1 Galatians 5 and first john 1 alright so let me explain Joseph Prince Logica first John chapter 1 here we're going to look at Galatians 5 and first John 1 so this is where he get his idea to go around confession of sins for a Christian during fellowship and during Christian walk now notice right here in verse 6 if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lie and do not the truth now notice that John the Apostle says we so save Christians but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sins verse 6 Christians can what mess up in their fellowship and walk right Christian's messing up in their fellowship and walk when we do that verse 7 says we get the blood of Christ to cleanse it away and verse 9 if we confess our sins he is faithful and just forgive us our sins verse 9 we confess it okay so let me explain again in 1st John chapter 1 what does verse 6 7 & 9 show so in verse six seven and nine this is talking about Christian walk and fellowship all right are Christians walking and fellowshipping with Jesus Christ yes what if you fail in your walk what if you fail in your fellowship verse seven you get the blood of Christ to wash it and how do you get the blood of Christ to wash it you confess it so you can receive forgiveness so you'll notice right here first you're on one it's not talking about salvation here it's talking about Christian walk Christian Fellowship so because we mess up you and I mess up in our walk in our fellowship with Jesus many times what do we do we confess it to God right so his blood can wash away and give us forgiveness right so Joseph Prince knows that so because of this he tries to twist this by saying this walk and fellowship does is not a separate thing from salvation both of these things mean salvation that's what he insist so he's saying that because Christians are saved they will walk in the light and they got the blood to cleanse away their sins and they're already forgiven see that's just tactic but we don't believe in that we divide and we say no this is time I walk and fellowship not salvation here that's what we have to confess but Prince says no these are the same thing right here walk fellowship salvation so these things are not applicable it's inapplicable inapplicable to a Christian they don't have to confess tombs to receive forgiveness but the problem is go to Galatians 5 verse 16 the Bible says this I say then walk in the spirit and he shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh oops why did Paul tell saved Christians you should walk if you're already saved see that so this walk and salvation is different they're not the same they're our saved Christians who are already saved but they're not walking see that but not only that two more verses showing romans 13 also shows paul saying that you should walk so that you don't fulfill the lust of the flesh 1st corinthians 3 says this first corinthians 3 says these are saved babies babes in Christ these are saved Christians yet they walk in carnality so first John 1 is not talking about salvation it's a separate thing walk is different from salvation right here you
Channel: BBC International
Views: 184,476
Rating: 3.4954815 out of 5
Keywords: Tony Hutson, John R Rice, Charles Lawson, Zion4131, Robert Breaker, David Peacock, Bible believer, King james bible, Peter Ruckman, Phil Kidd, Jack Hyles, CT townsend, Steven Anderson, Sanderson1611, Donnie Romero, Roger Jimenez, Sam Gipp, bryan denlinger, husky394xp, vigilant christian, vigilant citizen, ruckmanite, kenny baldwin, danny castle, david hoffman, gail riplinger, Chicktracts, Gregory Miller, Paul Begley, Kent Hovind OFFICIAL
Id: 8Y3K0qMd3q8
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Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2017
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