The Gap Theory - Dr. Gene Kim

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Genesis chapter 1 please and we will look at verse 1 Genesis chapter 1 and verse 1 alright today we'll be talking about the Genesis gap by believers call it the gap fact it's more commonly known as the gap theory I'm going to probably title it that way online because that's more a popular title but by believers do not believe it's a theory we believe it's a fact so more accurately it should be called the gap fact okay what is the gap fact or gap theory the idea is this is that from Genesis 1:1 to 2 there was a gap going on alright that's the idea so there was a gap whereby believers believe in is that the state of the world that Adam lived in and the world that we live in today is a separate world from the world before there was a world before Adams world you might go really I didn't know that yet there was a world before Adam okay so in Genesis 1:3 and onward this is a world that Adam and mankind currently live in today all right the back over here we're wondering what happened ok first jess is 1 1 the Bible says in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth so this is the beginning right here in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth but then notice here's the gap alright here's what happened jess is 1 verse 2 and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon itself on the face of the waters so in Genesis chapter 1 verse 2 what happened here is that suddenly there are waters you notice right so notice suddenly there's waters so God created the earth and then there's water is covering all this and then verse 3 you know what happens God said let there be light there was like and then he created the six days of creation after that right so from 1:3 and onward is the six days of creation but over here what happened now creationist because they don't know much Bible they're going to say this creationist teach this from Genesis 1:1 and onward is all the six days of creation but because we're by believing dispensationalist you see we believe no it's separated right over here one three the other one all the way over here to see that we don't believe one one started the six days of creation it's right over here so the creationists they'll teach this God created the heaven and the earth and then the earth was being prepared for Koide creation it was in a quat ik state and the Lord used that to create the earth and then the six days of creation that's what creationists fundamentalist Baptist teach but we by believers don't believe that the reason why is this okay the one thing is this is that when God creates something all right so look at the King James Bible got created right and then when you create something all of a sudden it's what covered in waters you see that so let me ask you this question all right if I say I create a house or I build a house and then it's suddenly covered in waters would you think of that as preparing it for creation or as a flood destruction you see that so it makes more logical sense that this is a flood destruction now the thing is this is that how the creationists would like to read is at verse 1 and verse 2 and verse 3 it was all happening at once they think verse 2 happened at the same time as verse 1 because verse 1 says in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth right so the earth is done you see but then verse 2 they were saying the earth was without form and void darkness was upon the face of the deep the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters so they claimed right here that God used the waters to prepare the earth for creation so they think this happened at the same time you see that they think this happened at the same time but by believers believe this because this makes more sense in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth that's first and then what happened that and the earth was without form and void so what happened after that you see this happened after this it didn't happen same time alright so this did not happen together okay they did not happen together they like to say that when God created the heaven and the earth he was using the waters to prepare the earth boy's creation and Wow okay because it says and meaning after that now creationist and some of you might go well I don't believe that it can mean going together no because look at this verse 3 and verse 4 and verse 5 and verse 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 all the way and and an until the end of what until the end of chapter one so you know what that means this means after you see that so if it goes and and then and and then the rest of the six days of creation go and and and what does that mean that means it happened after this happened after that after that after all right that's what I mean it happened in order okay it's not like all together mashed-potato right that's a problem you notice with fundamentalist Baptist thinking they like to combine things together but both believers we cleanly divide it you see that that makes more sense that's why we're dispensationalist all right so notice right here that it happened after that so this is what happened this makes more sense here's another thing okay scripture with scripture shows that when God drownded with what when God covered the earth with water he was not preparing it for creation it's not a sign of creation but rather destruction chaos alright let me let's do scripture with scripture Genesis chapter 1 what did verse 2 say and the earth was notice without form and void all right so what does without form and void mean does that sound like a positive thing that God was preparing it for creation no that sounds like negative its destruction not creation you might say how do you know that scripture with scripture go to Jeremiah 4 Jeremiah chapter 4 Jeremiah chapter 4 all right because I do not have the notes to this study I'm doing everything purely by memory so please bear with me as we go through the verses hopefully I get all those verses right Jeremiah chapter 4 Jeremiah chapter 4 and then do the best that I can notice at verse 23 verse 23 when the earth is without form and void is that a sign of something being created positive or negative destruction let's see I beheld the earth and lo it was what without form and void let's see how scripture defines itself and the heavens and had no light does that sound like chaos or creation verse 24 I beheld the mountains and lo they trembled and all the hills move lightly does that look like creation or chaos verse 25 I beheld and lo there was no man and all the birds of the heavens were fled does that look like creation or chaos verse 26 I beheld and lo the fruitful place was a one wilderness and all the cities thereof were broken down oh that looks like creating something preparing something for creation no that's completely chaos destruction verse 27 for thus hath the Lord said the whole land shall be desolate yet will I not make a full end look at verse 28 for this shall the earth mourn and the heavens above be black so here's something there's black darkness it's without form and void and the idea shows it's all chaos right that's destruction right yes that's common sense it does not look like God was creating something look more like he was trying to destroy something okay scripture with scripture Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 and 2 what did it say the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the d you see that so what is that that's destruction you see that not creation didn't you know that Kent Hoban and other fundamentalist Baptist they accuse Bible believers if you believe in this doctrine the gap fact all right they call it the theory then you're supporting evolution why because we're saying that it's not the world was not created in six days of creation we are saying that the earth can be much much more older than that see which supports evolution because evolution teaches the earth is millions and millions of years old you see that so that's why they will accuse this teaching of supporting evolution actually it's the other way around all right if you believe in the GAT fact it dismisses evolution you know that you might say why okay number one is this number one by believers do not believe the earth is like millions and millions of years old okay there's a lot of Bible believers who do not believe that I certainly don't either okay we believe that the earth is approximately a little less than ten thousand years old but we're saying this see we're saying that there was a see a different timeline what happened here you see we're not saying that it went for like millions and millions of years after that we believe that it is less than ten thousand years old people who teach evolution and they want Christians to compromise with evolution this is what they'll teach verse 1 in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth right so they teach that's the Big Bang okay then you know what verse 2 they teaches verse 2 they do not insist that it was completely destroyed and then God had to make a brand new civilization they believe it was the same earth and civilization that at verse 2 God used the water process of evolution on the earth to create life see they ever let's teach this is creation not destruction see that's evolution but creationists remember what I tell you did I say this was creation or destruction destruction right so this is where we dismantle evolution we go against evolution say no this is not creation this is destruction creationist who get all frantic and they focus so much in dismantling evolution when they resort to wrong doctrine they automatically support evolution did you know why because remember what those creationists teach they believe it's all the same right so they believe that God created heaven and the earth and the earth through this aquatic state created what see that God created the heaven and the earth of life after that you see that we don't teach this we don't teach this as creation like creationists teach and evolutionists teach we teach here this is total opposite its destruction destruction so when you teach that you dismiss evolution you see that so they got it the other way around you see evolutionists teach that let me give us a quote right here okay this is what one evolutionist teaches in verse two this vs. tablished is the physical vantage point that is used from here forward four billion years ago following the Hadean period the earth was a hostile stormy turbulent water covered ball the Hebrew word for hovering is also used elsewhere in Genesis to describe an eagle protecting her young in the nest blah blah blah science tells us that the earliest life-forms began in the ocean 3.5 billion years ago and I believe this Virts hints as this and he quotes Genesis 1:2 the earth was without form and void darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters hogwash you see that see teaching this doctrine the Genesis gap that there was a flood that destroyed it we would correct with dismantle evolution you see that but to teach this as no no no this was a sign of creation like creationists teach they're actually supported evolution unknowingly you see that all right Ezekiel chapter 28 if you have that then also go to the book of Job all right keep your hand Ezekiel 28 and also go to the book of Job you're going to notice right here who lived in the Earth's and pasture okay if we believe that there was a civilization a world before Adam what kind of world was that all right let's look at the book of Job verse chapter 38 chapter 38 who was there at the beginning of the earth you know who were there the fallen angels you see Satan the sons of God they lived there at that time look at job chapter 38 we will look at verse 6 whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened or who laid the cornerstone thereof so when the foundations of the earth was laid the cornerstone laid so at the beginning what happened notice when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy you see that notice right here who were there the sons of God you see sons of God were there the sons of God were present when the foundation of the earth was laid you see so these angelic beings they were here during a time when it was late let's look at Isaiah as well now keep your hand Ezekiel 28 keep your hand Ezekiel 28 but go to Isaiah the Bible demands that if the earth is created it has to be in habited you see it has to be inhabited the guys f45 Isaiah 45 Isaiah chapter 45 we're going to look at verse 18 Isaiah chapter 45 we're going to look at verse 18 so if the sons of God were present at that time we're going to also see that Isaiah 45 demands them to live in this world Isaiah chapter 45 verse 18 for thus saith the Lord that created the heavens God Himself that formed the earth and made it he hath established it he created a nod in vain he formed it to be what inhabited you see that so if mankind did not exist until why over here and the Bible shows only the sons of God were there that time and then Isaiah chapter 45 it demands that if God creates Europe there has to be inhabited he's not just going to put it there boom that's it you know he's gonna make it inhabited then who lived in this world then see sons of God sons of God had to live here that time also you got to realize that the book of Job it says when the earth was established what did the sons of God do they shouted for joy you see they shouted for joy see there's something going on there's no doubt that they lived on this earth that time it was made for them you see now here's another thing that's important that supports the gap fact if you look at chapter 45 verse 18 of Isaiah the Bible says God created the earth to be what formed and not in vain and inhabited right so when God creates the earth it should be formed and it should not be void correct right all right here's a problem if you think jess is 1 1 & 1/2 that both of it is a sign of creation God was creating something here why did Genesis 1:1 is that God created the earth and when he creates here the Bible says it should be formed and it should not be void right then why diverse to say without form and void you see that so you know what that means that means this is definitely not a world that God created you see that otherwise he contradict Isaiah 45 you see that so it makes more sense that this is something negative something bad happened you see yeah otherwise there's a contradiction with Genesis 1 to n Isaiah 45 that's why it demands the Genesis gap you see it demands that all right now Ezekiel 28 really shows it to notice in Ezekiel chapter 28 verse 12 verse 12 son of man take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus and say on Tim thus saith the Lord God now see list up the sum full of wisdom and perfect in beauty so notice right here that this king of Tyrus some people might think it must be a human but you're going to later find out that it cannot be human it's got to be Satan because notice he's perfect and beauty full of wisdom now let's keep reading verse 13 thou hast been and where eat in the garden of God you see that that cannot be some human king of Tyrus at the Book of Ezekiel that's definitely got to be Satan way back then every precious stone was like covering the sardius topaz diamond barrel arms Jasper sapphire the emerald and the carbuncle on gold the workmanship of thy taverts and of thy pipe was prepared in thee in the day that that was created this is no doubt some heavenly being you see all these things built within his system when he was created ain't no human verse 14 really proves it's Satan thou are to the anointed cherub see that that covereth and I have set thee so a Daoist upon the holy mountain of God house walked up and down the midst of the stones of fire verse 15 really proves is Satan it's an angelic being who fell so celestial being who fell first 15 that was perfect in the waste from the day that that was created until what till iniquity was found in thee you see that so there was evil in him so you'll notice right here that at verse 13 where was Satan Satan was on the earth see that when he was perfect whew full of beauty you know where Satan was he was on the earth so this anointed cherub he was on the earth that time you see so this anointed cherub he was on the earth during his days of perfection until when until he fell right when he fell look at Isaiah now the Book of Isaiah Isaiah chapter 14 please you know why we believe in the gap fat because here's the thing all right when did Satan fall see that when does Satan fall the only timeline that you could put it in you see is to put it right here and then put Adam way after that you see that look at the book of Isaiah chapter 14 verse 12 how art thou fallen from heaven o Lucifer son of the morning how art thou cut down to the ground which this weakened the nation's Satan right for thou asset in thine heart Satan before he fell what did he say I will ascend into heaven okay he's below heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God okay if he's below heaven if he's below the stars - where's he at he's on the earth but keep reading I will sit also upon the mountain the congregation the sides of the north I will ascend above what the height clouds see that he's below the clouds there's no doubt so before Satan sinned he lived on the earth you see imperfection and beauty so notice right here that's why we believe in the gap fact otherwise what other timeline can you put it in now ken Hoeven and other people they'll try to put it within the six days of creation or during the timeline of Adam but you can't do that fundamentalist Baptist you can't do that you have to put it before there are several reasons why okay first of all go to Romans chapter 5 verse 12 Romans chapter 5 and verse 12 and then once you have Romans chapter 5 verse 12 go back to Ezekiel 28 Ezekiel 28 go back to Ezekiel chapter 28 in Romans chapter 5 verse 12 let me ask you this question who is responsible for the corruption of earth today who is responsible Adam right so Adam is responsible for the corruption of earth look at Romans chapter 5 and we will look at verse 12 wherefore as by one man Adam sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned Adam is the one responsible for corrupting the world right alright if he's responsible for corrupting the world then it shouldn't be Satan right no it shouldn't be Satan but look at Ezekiel 28 Ezekiel chapter 28 verse 15 that was perfect in thy ways that Satan again right the anointed cherub from the day that that was created notice till iniquity was found in thee right now notice what happened to him verse 18 what happens to Satan's dwelling place on earth what happened to it verse 18 thou hast defiled by sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities by the iniquity of thy traffic you see that Satan when he sinned against God he corrupted the earth all right here's a problem though if Satan lived during the timeline of Adam shouldn't his'n be the one responsible for corrupting the earth but why is it Adam not Satan you see that you have to put him at a different timeline you can't put these two together right there's no way you can put him and add them together no way you see that he had to come at a different timeline than Adam well what other timeline there's no other timeline you can't put it after Genesis chapter 3 or Genesis chapter 1 verse 3 when Adam was created and sin you can't do that see that's why we believe it was before see that's the only thing that makes sense here's another one look at the Book of Ezekiel 28 again verse 12 son of man take up a lamentation upon who what did God call Satan the king of Tyrus see Satan had dominion over the earth not only that look at verse 14 thou art what anointed cherub you see Satan had a power a position of power a rulership he was anointed just like the kings of Israel when they were anointed to receive a powerful position right so notice right here that Satan he had a rulership position not only that Isaiah 14 you don't have to turn there you read it before but Isaiah 14 verse 13 what did Satan say when he fell during the time he fell he said at verse 13 for thou said in thine heart I will ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God you see that indicating that seyton what had a throne below the stars on the earth you see that so saving you gotta understand he ruled over the earth he ruled over the earth but look at Genesis 1 Genesis 1 if you put Satan in the same timeline as Adam that does not make sense because Adam is the one that had rulership over all the earth and Satan had not one scrap to rule yeah not one scrap to rule on the earth it was all Adam look at Genesis chapter one look at verse 26 and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have what dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth see Adam had dominion over everything every living thing on the earth you see that same did not even have one let's also look at verse 28 verse 28 the Bible says and God blessed them and said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and what subdue it see Adam is in control over all the earth and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth see same did not even have one rain here so Adam he had a position of rulership you see that he had a position of rulership over here over everything but Satan also had rulership over the world - when he fell you know what the lot of them it makes sense see that's why it makes sense you can't put these two together you see they have to be separated you see so if Lucifer has to be separated from Adam then here's one question then if they if it if it does mean that they cannot eat together lucifer does not equal adam okay that doesn't make sense either so if they're both separated let me ask you this question what other timeline can you put Lucifer his ruling in C and when he was perfect he was perfect he did not sin and then he fell what other timeline see only right here that's why we believe in this you see so you notice that the Genesis God he not only makes sense through studying just as one one one two one three Scripture with Scripture but also it fills in the logical gaps and questions of where was Satan and the sons of God then you see all right let's also look at 2nd Peter this also proves the Genesis gap look at 2nd Peter chapter 3 chapter 3 now Kent Hovind in Baptist they really think that this is Noah's Flood no you can't see this as Noah's Flood ok look at 2nd Peter chapter 3 we're going to look at verse 5 for this they willingly are ignorant of that by the Word of God the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water whereby the world that then was being overflowed with water perished but the heavens and the earth which are now by the same word are kept in store reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men notice right here that in verse 5 and 6 that there's a world that perish in water and fundamentalist think that this is Noah's Flood all right no okay it does not make sense that this is Noah's Flood alright there is no way that this is Noah's Flood you know why scripture with scripture first of all notice in verse 7 excuse me we'll start at verse 5 heavens right and earth of old right heavens and earth of old verse 6 the perished in water verse seven heavens and earth which are now you see so notice that more than one heaven was affected and changed by this flood you see that so this is what by believers teach and see Noah's Flood all right he did not destroy more than one heaven it hardly even covered the first heaven alright but jess is 1 1 C and Jess is 1 2 what do we believe see this makes more sense heavens were affected by water see oho it's not just oh the earth you know worldwide flood like this no it was boom it covered in water that's why if you look at verse 5 the earth what standing out of the water and in the water verse 6 world being overflowed with water you see that see it's not just a worldwide flood this completely covered the earth globe you see that it was a universal flood because you know why this flood affected more than one heaven is it heavens you see that so it affected the universe you see that the water affected the universe here's another thing there are another reason here's a very simple answer you do not even see Noah in there Noah's not mentioned that all year here's another thing you don't see an ark here at all you see that so why would you automatically think Noah's Flood see it's not no one know it's not even mentioned here here's another one okay another thing is this how do we know that this is universal not global you know why we know this is universal not global okay verse seven heavens and earth which are now right captains reserved unto fire against the day of judgment look at verse 10 but the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night now tell me if this is global okay or do you think it's Universal in that which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat the earth also see that so the earth and the heaven see not one in the same and the works that are therein shall be burned up seeing that all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons ought you be ought to be in all conversation holy conversation and godliness looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the elements shall melt with fervent heat nevertheless we according to his promise look for new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness so notice right here the Bible says in the future God's going to destroy the heavens and the earth and put what a new heaven and a new earth revelation 21 right I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first Earth and the first heaven passed away do you think that was only global or do you think that was Universal Universal so what's the context of second Peter 3 global or universal universal you see that God's gonna change the whole universe new heaven new earth praise the Lord all right if he doesn't then he didn't do a good job recreating the whole thing you see because we should definitely have a new heaven a new earth so it's Universal it's not global not only that here's another thing okay what is the context talking about in verse 5 see this whole universe is affected by the flood right but what's the context what time period is it at verse 4 look at verse 4 and saying where is the promise of his coming for since the father's fell asleep all things continue as they were from when the beginning of the creation and see that and then verse 5 the heavens were a bold or standing out in water see it's during the timeline of the beginning of the creation that's why you make sense in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth in the beginning and then what the earth was without form and void darkness was upon the faith of the deep it was affected by water see they go ahead second Peter 3 is definitely parallel to Genesis 1 1 through 2 you see that that is not Genesis 6 people as not Noah's Flood you see so Noah's Flood no way you see so second Peter 3 undoubtedly proves there has to be a universal flood see that so if there is a universal flood what other universal flood can you put out what kind period and nothing it says from the beginning of creation see there's no doubt this is a fact see you have to admit this has to be a fact see so you have to do that not only that let's also look at the book of Genesis chapter 1 Genesis chapter 1 perhaps one of the most popular arguments concerning the Genesis gap Genesis chapter 1 we're going to look at verse 28 and Genesis chapter 1 we're going to look at verse 28 the Bible says and God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and what did he tell Adam and Eve to do did he tell them to fill the earth no he said replenish the earth see that showing that Adam and Eve there was somebody before them that filled the earth you see that this is replenish how we use that word today we use it as redoing something right see so because they said replenish Adam was replenished not Phil you see so because Adam was replenished not Phil that's why it shows there were beings before Adam you see that and we're beings before Adam so this proves the Genesis gap again there were beings that live before Adam now because of that all the fundamentalists they get all they get all psycho and the L mad all right so they don't want to do that so you know what they turn to for final authority they don't turn to the scriptures you know what they do they act like Greek and Hebrew scholars and they pull up English dictionaries and they'll say well the old english word for replenish means fill now you know what the easy answer to that is yes it's true it does mean fill but if you look up the old english word replenish it also means to fill again too so they're picking and choosing whatever definition they want you see that so they can go either war fill or fill again well how do we know if it should be fill or fill again scripture with scripture we looked at all this right so that's obvious now we're going to argue dictionaries okay they're gonna say oh no it means fill all right there and they're going to pull all these tons of English literary works and English dictionaries so as if to scare you they're gonna go oh no notice right here that Livy Ovid Cicero and then Virgil and all these guys way back then if you trace the root word of replenish it was mostly used that time as fill not fill again blablablabla okay and then the Oxford English Dictionary which shows the word replenish it says it's more commonly used for fill not fill again there's no such thing as fill again blablablabla all right if they want to do that and you can do that too you just look it up Oxford English Dictionary okay from my memory look at subsection I all right you know what replenish means it me it actually says to fill again and it'll even put in parentheses ad 1632 yeah that's close to 1611 KJV you see that another thing it says that look it up okay Oxford English Dictionary compliments of Ken Ham and creation organisation who put that definition there on their website yeah see those guys don't believe the Genesis gap look at huh all right they like to quote these old literary works if you look them up it is true Latin word ripped Leo you look about the glossary of terms look up Virgil look up of it look at Cicero all right those guys they say fill again reply Oh in the glossary of terms in the back of their books look at those three it actually says that too so you see they're just picking and choosing you know that well Webster's 1828 dictionary when you hear that okay just shut your ears all right they always do that Webster's 1828 dictionary it says fill well in Webster's 1828 dictionary you know what it says word for word to recover former fullness yeah you see so they're picking and choosing all right now they're going to use this kind of line they're going to use this kind of line well you know it's true it can mean fill again but more commonly during Old English replenish was mostly used for fill not fill again so they're going to do that so what the easy answer to that is that's why your King James Bible you will see up the word replenish mentioned only probably seven times and the word fill mention like I don't know twenty some fifty other times you see that that doesn't make a difference yeah look at scripture with scripture look at Jess's one all right let's look at scripture with scripture they like to quote Hebrew - all right male all right the Hebrew word is male so it means fill well if you look up Strong's Concordance Hebrew from aller it also means replenish see these guys are picking and choosing you see that picking and choosing but let's see how God to find it okay Genesis chapter 1 we will look at verse 22 and God blessed them saying be fruitful and multiply and what did God tell the fish and the fowls of the air to do replenish or fill and feel the water in the seas and let fowl multiply in the earth you see that if God says fill he means fill if he means replenish he means replenish why did he tell the birds to fill and then all of a sudden that just is 128 he did not tell Adam to fill see there's a difference there's a difference at verse 28 God told man to do what fill the earth know replenish but what did God tell the fish and the birds to do and just as 1:20 to replenish no fill you see that let's also look at Genesis 9 Genesis chapter 9 now Noah did he did he fill the earth again were there inhabitants before Noah yes right you know what God told Noah to do God did not tell know what to fill he told him to replenish see scripture with scripture shows what the word replenish means you see that look at Genesis chapter 9 verse 1 and God blessed Noah and his sons and said unto them be fruitful and multiply and what replenish the earth you know why because Noah knew that there were people before Noah who lived on the world you see that so Noah replenished so Adam why did he replenish because there were beings living before him you see that Scripture with Scripture look at Exodus let me show you another one Exodus Exodus chapter 1 we're going to look at verse 7 so in Jesse's chapter 1 verse 28 and Genesis chapter 9 verse 1 God says be fruitful multiply and plena sraight fruitful multiply replenish fruitful multiply replenish what he switched it here look at X just one he switched it here X's chapter 1 verse 7 and the children of Israel were fruitful and increased abundantly and multiplied okay be fruitful multiply and it should be replenished right but look at this and waxed exceeding mighty and the land was one filled with them not replenished see that you know why it was the first time that the Jews filled up the land of Egypt see that there's a difference alright here's another thing look up the word replenish in your King James Bible I guarantee you this every time you look up the verse that says replenish it does not mean that it will fill up something for the first time alright it was filled up before here's another thing alright let's assume that this is fill okay let's just do that okay let's sympathize with them and let's make this fill that doesn't mean that it's not filled again if it says fill you know what it can mean you can mean fill again didn't you know that you might say why let me ask you this when you go to the gas and then pumping gas into your tank what do you say I'm filling up my car with gas does that mean for the first time no you did it before fill again see that so fill just because it's fill it doesn't mean for the first time it can mean to do it again yeah you see here's another thing look up in your King James Bible on the word fill - alright you know what's amazing you will not only show that fill is going to be something for the first time different from replenish but it's also going to show that the word fill it means to refill fill again we don't have time to turn there but look at the book of Genesis Joseph he filled up his brother sacks with corn the first time and the second time he did it you know what the Bible says Joseph filled the other sack with corn second time see you refilled it so you notice right here that this is a fact you see that this has to be a fact this is doctrine this is right this is scripture now the problem with the creationist is that they refuse to believe in the Genesis gap there are two arguments I'm going to only talk about two of their arguments okay because those are the popular one and best one everything else is so weak and pathetic all right the first argument is that in Revelation chapter 21 in verse 1 and 2 the Bible says I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first earth and first heaven were passed away so meaning see there was no other earth before you see that so they're saying that this was the first so we got a problem right here you see so this disproves a gap uh no silly okay we believe this this is the first it's the same earth this is a first okay and this is a first all right you know what God did with this first earth he just created it then he drowned it with the flood and then he uses first earth and then put in plants animals and all that that's it look at second Peter 3 - alright look at second Peter 3 what did it say they have an end the earth which is old which is now and then what in second Peter 3 he will create a new heaven and a new earth you see that so in second Peter 3 it showed you that there was a change you see that it was a change but that it retained itself another argument is Romans chapter 5 and verse 12 Romans 5:12 wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin you see that so they're claiming that Romans 5:12 says death by sin so death happened when Adam sinned so how can death happen when Adam sinned so that's when death first happened right when Adam sinned then how do you say that it was Lucifer in the sons of God that died in this you see that that's our argument but their problem is this whose the context about is it about Lucifer in the Fallen Angels or man man where for us by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all fallen angels no man right you see that those are the two most popular or the best arguments that they use everything else is very very pathetic all right so you notice right here that this has to be a fact you know why so in summary you have to believe in the Genesis gap one because of the context of Genesis 1 right and and and an amp it's a sequence you see something happen number two when the Bible says earth without form and void that's not a sign of creation it's God destroying something you have to put a destroying flood here in Genesis 1:2 number three if you don't believe in this doctrine then it's actually going to support evolution evolution you have to force Genesis 1 2 as this is God preparing the earth for creation it's not destruction you see that supports evolution number four you're going to contradict Isaiah 45 with Genesis 1:1 and 2 that God created the earth to be formed and not void but then just as 1 2 it says after he created it was without form and void you see another thing at 2nd Peter chapter 3 so SEC that's the fifth one right so the fifth reason second Peter 3 the Bible says there was a universal flood not worldwide where else are you going to put the universal flood context shows that it matches directly with Genesis 1:1 and 2 and second Peter 3 said the beginning of creation the sex thing is that if you look up in the Bible it shows a distinction replenish and fill you see it shows a distinction with replenish and fills so it demands that number seven where are you going to put Lucifer and the sons of God where is the answer to that you see and number eight it would make sense why Satan is very mad at you and he'd want to destroy you and why he wanted Adam and Eve to sin and fall you know why that was his here comes some pathetic weak human being that took it over no wonder he wants to kill you makes sense see the Genesis gap it solves contradictions fill up problems and it explains away heresies you see that hello this is Pastor jean camo san jose baptist church have you ever asked this question that if you were to die today are you 100% sure that you can go to heaven my friend is so simple to get saying you first got to realize that you can't go to heaven because you've sinned against God and God as a holy judge he has to judge sin with a burning hell so it is very important that you feel sorry over your sinful condition and if you do there is hope for you you see Jesus who is God left heaven came down here on earth died on the cross raised himself from the dead why did he do all that so his blood can wash away the sins for you so you see that's your only way to heaven of what he did on the cross and not what you do in cleaning up all your sins and going to church getting baptized or doing any sort of good work it's faith alone in what Jesus did on the cross if you can do that then all you have to do is say that to God you might say well I don't know how to say it can you help me out sure you can say it this way dear God I am sorry for being a sinner I believe Jesus is God who died and resurrected so his blood can wash away my sins I trust in that alone and not my good works in Jesus name I pray amen congratulations my friend if someone were to ask you how did you get saved it's very simple right what did you do I just put my faith on what Jesus did on the cross that's it my friend congratulations on your salvation right now because Satan can't Dan you to hell what he's going to try to do now is try to ruin your life and he did a very good job in this world that's why it's so hard to find truth and there are so many lies with a gazillion different churches different Bibles different beliefs different religions so my friend it is so important to grow in truth and get involved in a bio believing work that can save you from a lot of trouble there are four things we recommend for you to do which is found in the resources link below number one get involved in a by a believing Church near you number two study the King James Bible issue and have only that kind of Bible no other modern version Bible number three study dispensationalism so you can find the right doctrine and truth number four study only under by believing teachers my friend this is all explained further in the resources link below so please click on it and get to work in a by believing word because you only have one light to live for him and you don't want to waste it away by the devil and I'll be inside that great palace in the smoker be so thick I'll drop to my knees about dropped in my face like those Navy SEALs do and I'll start crawling a shark um and I look down them ivory eye out there and I'll see her a throne and I'll see some feet he got holds it up and they got your sandals on they'll pull myself up to those feet and I'll cry on those feet like that woman that cried on its feet wipe their tears with her hair warrior gonna let you're gonna say Oh God Thank You Darla lujah and the angels of worship and the joy from the worship and the sand in the worship and they've got an independent fabrica worship words will never see is enough I'll be guilty up there another song said once I was straying in sins dark Valley no hope within could I see they searched from heaven and found a safe to say wow God he stood out there my Sodom and he's go hey Jesus says we gotta say four guys or any preaching them and our people that's ringing the bell baby up and he'd stand up and AH and people walk up they said Wow Santa Claus Oh there's a name of Jesus Christ it's not to Mohammed he did not do anything for you he's not your Buddha is not to the commandments it's only to pay in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ Ohio State Street home i watch preached on the tea girl and you can turn the creature out like your skin tournament guru something on the what's going on peace about two more steps here that crowd hi how you doing hey mom hi bad way down there at the edge of that street there the lord of said glory and bounty comes off that fool he always would come down prisoners and he comes down there well done my good and faithful sugar in the door level not oh boy part one down here says forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever never any lay down on that table and dr. grace got out the scalpel and he removed that old cold stony heart out of my friend he threw the trash can and he put a brand new heart into my friends chest and when he finally woke up they looked around he said on my everything has been shaved everything looks different I'm so happy now that a head for the heart operation gave resolvers know the singer leggo ah yes Wow
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Views: 87,595
Rating: 4.6912971 out of 5
Keywords: pastor schreib, bible, church, bible baptist international, king james, kjv1611, bible believer, bible study, sermon, preaching, second coming, baptists, dispensation, pastor geneha kim, san jose bible baptist, bible commentary, old testament, new testament, salvation, doctrine, truth, born again, street preaching, evangelism, Jesus Christ, revival, religion, peter ruckman, ruckmanite, christian, cults, mormon, jehovah's witnesses, joel osteen, steven anderson, rick warren, td jakes
Id: Lh-aC-h6TKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 29sec (3509 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2016
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