Mutants, Aliens & Angels Are Walking Among Us | Dr. Gene Kim

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so the Bible says in the last days there shall be doctrines of devil first Timothy chapter 4 second Corinthians chapter 2 says that we are not to be ignorant of Satan's devices so it's important to note that in the last days we are not to be aware we are to be aware of what Satan is going to do we are to take note now here's something that's going to be interesting that you should take note what Satan's gonna do people don't know about this but you got to realize this is that Genesis chapter 6 verse 4 if this is the first time you're hearing this one sons of God fallen angels you got to realize this is that they intermingled with humans back at Genesis about what's going to be interesting is that they can be walking among us today actually really pastor you're saying that the offspring of the sons of God are among us today yes it's very possible look at Genesis chapter 6 and we will read verse 4 let's start off from there let's start off the history so let's start off from the beginning where it all starts Genesis chapter 6 verse 4 notice that the sons of God intermingled with the humans the Bible says there were giants in the earth in those days ok so notice these abnormal beings that come out how and also after that when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bare children to them the same became mighty men which were of old men of renown so notice right here and also after that when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men so meaning after the sons of God came into the daughters of men what happened what happened is they bear children to them so when the sons of God board children it's what the same referring to those Giants verse 4 became mighty men which were of old men of renown so these sons of God you'll notice that when they intermingle with the humans they produced all kinds of offsprings and one of the offsprings is what Giants now with Giants you just traced back what's going on what did God do he drowned them all out right so he drowned them all out with noah's flood is at the end of them look at numbers chapter 13 numbers chapter 13 we're going to look at verse 33 numbers chapter 13 and we're going to read verse 33 so these guys should have been gone by the flood but what happened was this is that after the flood they continued you see Giants again look at numbers chapter 13 we will read verse 33 what did the Bible say and there we saw the Giants the sons of a knack now look at these Giants and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers and so we were in their sight see these Giants are not like what some people would try to deny oh there's no such thing as the Nephilim or Giants during those day that's just crazy stuff and no look at that that verse says these Giants were what these were far bigger than humans humans look like what grasshoppers bugs so you got to realize okay this ain't normal right here okay this ain't normal and how you would know that is the law of first mention in the Bible where it told you it wasn't normal anyways when the sons of God intermingled with the human it wasn't a normal thing so these giants it's not something normal so let's keep reading look at Deuteronomy chapter to Deuteronomy chapter 2 you might say well what happened pastor how did these giants continue their offspring so the Bible never mentioned how but we can guess two possible theories so one sons of God started again so the sons of God intermingled again and that's very very believable you might say why is that believable pastor because the reason why is that I'm not going to teach it at this video but if you look at Daniel chapter 2 and Revelation chapter 12 those sons of God come down and reside and live with the humans again and they even intermingle with them again so if if the sons of God did that back at Genesis and all the way at the tribulation why not in between the second thing is this is that one of Noah's offsprings has contains the gene or carries it from the sons of God but I'm not sure if that's true one of Noah's offspring was contaminated by the son of God what's interesting is that if you look at these giants their generations they particularly come from the generation of ham so something happened over there in ham see so that's pretty interesting so one of Noah's offspring somehow connected with the sons of God somewhere so that could be also possible but let's keep reading well look at Deuteronomy chapter 2 and verse 19 and when thou cometh nigh over against the children of ammon so remember the children of Ammon Ammon is connected to the giant said I think Numbers chapter 13 but let's keep reading distress them not nor meddle with them for I will not give thee of the land of the children of Ammon any possession because I have given it unto the children of lot for possession okay so notice right here that God says when you come against the children of Ammon don't distress them look at Deuteronomy chapter 3 if you go on any chapter 3 we're going to look at verse 13 Deuteronomy chapter 3 we will read verse 13 now this is going to be pretty interesting is that where did these giants come from right if you want to know where you're going to find these giants where they're going to be located it's located according to numbers chapter 13 and Deuteronomy chapter 2 we're gonna look at three later on but it's gonna be located where at the children of Ammon where Ammon used to be located if you want to find remains or if you want to see if any of them are left behind go to this area right here that's where you can find them perhaps let's look at Deuteronomy chapter 3 we will read verse 13 the Bible says right here and the rest of Gilead and all Batian being the kingdom of all gave eye unto the half tribe of Manasseh all the region of our gob withal Batian which was called what the land of giants so notice right here that Deuteronomy chapter 3 and verse 13 the land of giants was also located at was it Batian yes it was located at the region of our gob and basin now here's something interesting to note why would you say that there are sons of God among walking among us today because what the children of Israel did is that when they attack these when they attack these lands these guys don't live here anymore they had to be kicked out of the land by the Jews so they were scattered so they're traveling somewhere they're somewhere out there but let's keep reading we're going to look at also 2nd samuel 21 second samuel 21 you're right they got scattered now look thousands of years later thousands of years later so think about this church is that between Genesis 6 all the way to 2nd Samuel and even between 2nd Samuel to the time of Moses and Joshua you know what the gap is the gap is centuries to thousands of years so if the gap is at long between centuries to thousands of years and the giant still existed why not even today after thousands and centuries have passed but look at st. Samuel chapter 21 the Bible continues singing Samuel 21 we will look at verse 20 the Bible says and there was yet a battle in Gath so it's a different location where was a man of great stature that had the had on every hand look at this six fingers and every foot six toes four and twenty in number and he was he also was born to who the giant so notice that even after a long span of time these giants continue to exist showing that Giants living among humans despite of the centuries that have passed but look at Hebrews now Hebrews chapter 13 Hebrews chapter 13 now we come to the New Testament Hebrews chapter 13 you know what the Bible says these the Bible says sons of God it's possible they can still be here during the church age and that's something these guys continued they were there in all the dispensations look at Hebrews chapter 13 will you'll read verse 2 what did the Bible say about angels sons of God he was 13 verse 2 be not forgetful to entertain strangers so Hebrews is saying don't forget to entertain strangers why because those strangers could be who for thereby some have entertained what angels unawares look at that if Paul is the author of Hebrews he's telling these Christians be good be hospitable to the strangers why that's why Christians we got to learn that's why Christians are known to show love toward people we're supposed to show kindness love to strangers why be careful because you don't know if one of those strangers could be one of the angels didn't that happen yes it did Abraham he had to take care of strangers and because of that the ain't the Angels they granted his request thank God lot took care of strangers otherwise he would have lost his head right lot took care of strangers and they turned out to be the angels who saved his life and Hebrews in the church age God says take care of the strangers why because of the same reason that those people had who took care of strangers they turned out to be angels think about this if that if it's very possible that good angels can be down here in this world today why not even the bad angels I mean in so far in all the time periods after centuries they were there and guess what they're going to be there at the future according to Revelation chapter 12 and the old chapter - but look at acts 15 max 15 here's something to think about why is it that these devils they want to intermingle when they come into the world they have a thing about intermingling they have a thing going on with intermingle you got to realize this that one of the signs of Satan one of the signs of the devil is this perverseness of intermingling now in term English should be something that's more deigned of God and that should be good but it can be twisted and turned into something wicked and then the Devils they have some sort of infatuation with this stuff we're gonna look at this look at Acts chapter 15 verse 20 the Bible says but that we write on to them that they abstain now this is interesting right here God's command to the church why is God commanding this to the church here think about this there is some sin that God ordained for the church to be aware of there is some sin that God told them to avoid it's this particular sin Acts chapter 15 verse 20 but that we write unto them the church that they abstain from pollutions of who idols and from fornication and from things strangled and from blood look at that they connected fornication with what there is fornication and idolatry with that you got to realize what are these idols based off of why did they create those idols where did that what were they based off of these so let these beings right here I mean you see them all over India especially right bunch of Devils demonic spirits they put this together in the same line right here interesting and God told the Christian Church to avoid this because there's something strange that connects these two let's keep finding out right here let's look at revelation 2 verse 20 Revelation chapter 2 and verse 20 why is their fornication connected with this idolatry why is there's this perverseness going on because Devils fallen angels sons of God they have this sort of infatuation with this intermingling thing we're going to look at Revelation chapter 2 and verse 20 notwithstanding I have a few things against thee because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel which calleth herself a prophetess to teach and to seduce my servants to what what is this particular paganism doing to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed to idols again you see those two particular things in the same line again in Revelation chapter 2 and verse 20 now look at 1st Corinthians chapter 10 first Corinthians chapter 10 we're going to look at first Corinthians chapter 10 of all eat things offered to idols acts 15 warned you to stay away from fornication eat things offered to idols strange strange to the church to the Christian Church look at 1st Corinthians chapter 10 you know why because when we pass centuries and millennia that's what Satan is using look at 1st Corinthians chapter 10 we're going to look at verse 20 the Bible says right here but I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice to remember the things that they sacrifice they sacrifice to devils and not to God and I would not that ye would have fellowship with Devils so they connect this idolatry with Devils you cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of devils you cannot be partakers of the Lord's Lord's table and of the table of devils this fornication and idolatry you got understand is connected with Devils they say when you eat things offered to idols it is what that table of devils there's this connection right here the strange infatuation right here with devils that they want fornication and idolatry why is that because throughout history when these devils were worshiped and these fallen angels were worshiped they made graven images to those beings and those beings what did they do throughout that time they had it intermingling they intermingled and you got to realize that that kind of intermingling is demonic it's the sign of Satan why is that I'll tell you why it's very simple because one Satan has to be worship in the tribulation that's one that's obvious so that's why there's idolatry but two we live in such a sex perverted society where people where you have got teenagers now that think it's normal to have pre marital sex that's just normal now that's just know if you've got them in tality you see how messed up the world became that's what devil what that's what Satan did we live in a day and age where teenagers they just want to sleep with vampires where we have men fantasizing about demonic women to sleep with these kind of weird fantasy about sleeping with what mermaids vampires and creatures it's repeating what it's repeating Genesis six but you have to make it look innocent you have to make it seductive you have to make it alluring and guess what Jett Revelation 12 and Daniel 2 they do come down and live among the humans and don't tell me a lot of people will one want to fornicate but those kind of beings who does not want to fornicate with Superman huh look at this this is very demonic right here and that's and we live in a day and age where homosexuality is condoned you've got to understand so I mean how many homosexuals I mean same sexes with the sons of God would one they would want to have sexual perversion with them we live in a day and age where bestiality and pedophiles are coming out more bravely now how many of them when these sons of God come down that this fornication this perversion will be much more rampant now guess what I'm not gonna teach in this study but I taught you a long time ago these sons have got intermingled with animals that's why you got some weird mutants coming out this is strange messed-up stuff going on right here strange messed-up stuff but you'll notice right here that God is warning who today why would God give this kind of warning today because of the tribulation what's going to happen because of what's happening in the last days and people who don't know this today in the church age guess what you're going to be more over and when these guys come down that's why God gave this specific warning to the church it's interesting in acts 15 when they said we're not going to lay any other commandment to the church except what they mentioned two other things which I could teach about but I'm not going to teach them but they mention idolatry and fornication and they realize that had the devil's have some part taking to do with that and guess what these sons of God they're walking among us somewhere they're out there strange
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 512,990
Rating: 4.7525096 out of 5
Keywords: end times, mutants, angels among us, who are mutants, where are the angels, fallen angels among us, mutants among us, mutants and the bible, angels and the bible, angels bible study, angels bible verses, angels, aliens, noah giants bible, giants bible verses, giants bible study, giants bible genesis, nephilim answers in genesis, nephilim god of war, sons of god genesis 6, sid roth, sid roth 2021, sid roth angels, end times 2021, where are the angels now, end times signs
Id: 1tPdBovUQEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2017
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