100 DEVS Make a GAME without COMMUNICATING! (1-25)

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100 developers make one game but there's a Twist no communication between them is allowed this is the ultimate pass the game challenge the biggest Game Dev collaboration on YouTube I'll start the project working on it for 1 hour and then pass it on to the second Dev who also gets 1 hour then on to Dev 3 and this all the way up to 100 developers so get ready for an absolutely crazy Journey starting with Dev number one me so I decided to spend my time building beautiful mini Hub worlds that would hopefully Spark the imagination of the 99 other developers using unity's terrain tools I began by creating an earthy Gateway that seems to lead down to some gritty Dwarven Kingdom then I created a forlorn icy world it's even got a spooky door right in the middle that seems to lead down to some depraved Dungeons and finally I created a nice warm spicy desert complete contrast from the other world and that really promises you know wide open spaces and Adventure so I cannot wait to see what the nck creators are going to do with this what the why you broke my window oh what happened I heard your screen he just threw a USB stick through our window oh wow yeah he must have a good throwing arm he what well you're you're complimenting his throwing arm no I'm just I'm just saying it it's pretty hard to break a window I was watching a mark robber video about it just now can I can I just work on this now yeah sure man thanks man all right well anyways I guess since there's no gameplay yet I'm the one to decide what the base for will be and because 98 davs have to work on this after me I figured I'd use the unity firstperson controller a decent amount of them should have some experience with this controller already plus it just launches the project and doesn't keep it stuck in a state where nothing really exists the levels themselves maybe think of a Norse mythology setting except for the desert but we can just ignore that one don't worry about it and I really want this game to have an interesting style but it it should also easily be replicated by any future Dev via 2D or 3D so the player's hand is drawn in a style that immediately just gives it this fun aesthetic in my opinion it allows future 3D artists to model the environment and 2D artists to get to draw new hands or even 2D enemies which I'd like to see like in retro Shooters anyways the player's hands have magical icy powers because they might be a North mythological character maybe that were known for their ice powers there's a simple finger gun a Char shot I only had one hour come on now hey I'm a to make creating and editing abilities easier I added the spell system from my game Mana Valley I converted the existing attacks to the new spell system and Chang changed a few things that had been triggering me at this point the attacks were just visual so I also brought over the damage system from my game in order to provide future devs with a blueprint on how to configure damageable objects I created some Targets in this what I'm calling Microsoft Paint style one of the cool things about the damage system is that it pulses the scale and flashes any object that gets damaged the flashing will work with any material but it does require the dev to input the name of the shaders emission channel so I guess we'll see if anyone figures that out to complete the game loop I made it so that targets will respawn after a delay now you can cast spells and damage targets forever now before we continue this insane project we wanted to let you know that we've created a complete free game development course they'll teach you the fundamentals of unity while actually building this beautiful little game that you can see right here if you want to take your very first steps to becoming a game creator then this is a mustat again it's completely free and the link is in the description down below with that said let's move on to developer number four okay I see magic or something okay see I always wanted a game which is Battle Royale but magic so like pubg but Skyrim put together see what I'm saying I think that could be really cool cool this seems like the perfect opportunity to get it done obviously I have no idea how to even begin doing something like that however I do have an idea let's say we just make the main menu and we'll just name the game uh you know slightly suggestive title voila now all we have to hope for is that the next person finds the menu and starts making our game hi I'm Ryan the developer of night Stones an open world game game with some beautiful nature so I wanted to bring some nature to this game instead of planting trees I added a spell that I call Eat Your Greens it's low damage High fire rate spell because I can't imagine anything more terrifying than a wizard rapid firing 5 calories of spinach at you so eat your greens and check out night Stones I'm out hey this is games plus James and when I got the project the first thing I did was fix the hand back to being active on screen then I added an indicator for which spell was active added weapon switching with number keys made one of the weapons a rapid fire machine gun fix up some effects and then I was out of time good luck whoever's next I decided to focus my short time on two things the first thing I did was spend a lot of time cleaning up the existing code base the second thing I did was to create a system for enemies to fight against since I have a good amount of experience with AI enemy logic from my tanks game it was pretty quick for me to make a basic enemy create different states and allow it to follow and attack the player oh and I also slapped on some horrifying temp art when I got the game I didn't quite know what I was looking at but what I did know was that I needed to change switching the Spells with the scroll wheel because it didn't work well now it it does work yeah it's it's working but testing the game to see what could possibly have been the plan of the people before me let me getting crazy whiplash whenever I move the mouse so obviously I made a start to a settings menu that allows you to change your sensitivity is that necessary so early in development no but Whiplash is only for car accidents not video games with this I added some code that could only be accessed when the game is fast but that as well as properly damaging enemies which you can't do yet is a problem for a future death good luck hello I'm rug buug right now there's no way to tell how much health you have but making a generic health bar would look pretty out of place right next to this hand so I tried to make a realistic heart in the style of the hand and made it beat faster the lower Health you have I also replaced the textures in the level trying to match this retro pixel art style that the previous artist was going for hey everyone this is Ram from binary lunar and I think you come across one of my Unity tutorials on YouTube so I have updated the main menu by adding pixel art and also I have added pixel art 3es and updated to enemies to have pixel art animations hey I'm Daniel from hive jumping into this I saw the main menu that peaked my interest so I started creating the first ice stage I then noticed we would need a way to spawn enemies in so I spend a chunk of my time creating a simple spawning system that you can Define custom areas for the enemies then I linked up the door managing system that would wait for all enemies within a room to be eliminated for it to open and then with the remaining time I fixed up a few loose ends and got it to this point hey it's Ollie from mashup games let's look at what I did first I add the the spell selection wheel where you hold right click and drag your mouse to the spell you want to select rather than using the scroll wheel second I thought the game needed more than just projectile spells so I added a spell that lets you grab objects and fling them across the battlefield at enemies it also helps the arena feel a bit less empty with loads of objects in it and that's it for me hello it's floron let me show you what I did to the project I wanted to add some painkillers Vibes so I let the enemies drop a green orb on the desk here it gives to the player an experience point to earn levels and allows him to unlock new spells I also added a bunny hooping system where the character can increase its move speed by jumping continuously with the correct timing and That's all folks when I got the project I quickly realized that a lot had been done but much of it was left broken or incomp complete so I quickly fixed the spell unlocking system added a generic Singleton class I also added a validation check for the enemy spawn position on the nav mesh and some other miscellaneous minor changes to improve playability as soon as I opened Unity I knew I was in for something special because I almost killed myself by walking into my own bullets God I hate when that happens so to fix that I you guys don't care you want to see the manam meter I made the cool new hands that I made the animations I added with this super satisfying new power ability which gives you all of your Mana back and to whoever made this map no offense but it kind of looked like so yeah it still looks terrible but I tried I open the project I enter the ice level but I see this I decided to change the first levels terrain texture I knew I had to add a new projectile there's ice there's green but where's fire then I programmed both the death screen and the level complete screen and every game needs a toilet so I added one as the very last thing I added the fully fun functioning settings menu to the main menu and the pause menu at first I noticed the game had the original Doom aesthetic seeing enemies drop an XP orb on death instantly gave me the idea to make the orbs burst out like they do in Doom Eternal when you perform a glory kill while I was working on making these orbs satisfying I realized they could also be used to restore players health and Mana as well this resulted in me making three types of orbs Mana health and XP I also made enemies have slightly different drops depending on their type Mages would drop more man and vampires more Health orbs in theory this should make the combat more interesting since the player would have to prioritize killing enemies that restore what they need the most finally for some finishing touches I added Flash and damage indicators that made shooting enemies much more fun you know what this game needs a boss so my brother started by modeling the boss and I started by reshaping the terrain and adding some grass and then adding some walls and pillars to create a boss like Arena I also started coding the basics of the boss at this point the boss had been modeled and animated so I put this all together in unity with some ptical effects and additionally I changed the boss's projectile so it follows the player and here's what you get first thing I've noticed is that you deal one damage to the enemies which is a bit underwhelming much better every game needs a dash so I've added one then I've touched the Eternal toilet next I enabled spell rapid fire and also removed these almost invisible enemy projectiles and replac them with big red balls and lastly I've added sound effects so I mainly worked on the UI because I've only ever done 2D games before and didn't want to waste time figuring things out and unraveling everything so I amateurly copied the art style of this heart to make an arm for the Mana which sounded way cooler in my head but then I replaced all the template run UI lastly I ran out of time trying to figure out how to prompt the upgrade screen manually instead of interrupting gameplay so I just planted some trees instead hey everybody I've only got a minute so this is Orion from constellation creative I was joined by my partners JT and nacho for this project as well as my dog klouse uh who helped me out a lot during the process so we decided to treat this a bit like a game Jam where we went in and had JT do a design document to kind of design what we were going to do for the project which ended up being an armor drop system to modify character abilities and character stats I started out by programming some scripes for armor and an armor Master list I made that autop populate remove and shift items when they changed Rarity for balancing for the armor I made a tool tip system with a custom text parser for effects which I was really proud of so here in the arena you can see the finished product if I kill this enemy I'll be able to drop an item item has a tool tip and an effect and when we equip the item for the most part they all have functional effects except for a few of them that are meant to affect spells thanks for having us can't wait to see what the next developer Cooks [Music] up ooh wasn't that cool anyway I only have 3 hours so let's get started here's what I want to do this is a first person shooter and the shooting doesn't work see when I'm firing the bullets are going to the right of the rticle so basically instead of shooting the bullets like this we need to shoot them like this dope on to problem number two love the art style we're going for here but some of the textures are pixelated and some are not to fix this I brought the non- pixelated textures into Photoshop increased the contrast a little bit scale them down and now instead of looking like this they look like this and finally number three the enemy orbs are looking a little too orbl likee at the moment so I hopped into Shader graph composed this nice little Shader to make our ice attack look a little bit more icy and our fire attack look a bit more fiery actually one more thing I added this secret room somewhere in level one let's see if anyone finds it I make you get out better get the heck out of here right now with your Battle Royale what does magic smell like best art is the side of thingses don't know what that means w wow amazing so they've taken my little Hub World changed it around quite a bit it's not the ice world anymore and they've actually created an insane giant World here wow okay okay okay a lot of stuff going on uh I like the visuals a lot I really like the textures going on I like the UI a lot not sure if I'm the biggest fan of the hand being low poly 3D instead of the same style as the rest of the UI but it might be for the better maybe and hold middle Mouse button to open spell select I do have a bit of an isue my middle Mouse button does not work I feel like Ty over here uh also my space bar is broken so please calm down okay also there's the problem my space bar still doesn't work and you throw them with space can I jump I don't know my space bar is broken oh boy I can jump as well Wizards an army of wizards shooting Fireballs at me yes nice okay I like that the enemies are to D Sprites it feels good to play oo it sounds like this I don't know what it is it feels juicy like I like the the hits the hit noise feel impactful wow that was very polished really smooth this is looking really great wow yo and oh look the uh ice blast still has the same Norse Rune as a symbol that's cool yeah I like these I like the UI a lot the style is like a weird mix of things it's like a 3d hand I'm not sure which I like better feel like it probably I mean makes it from like a Game Dev point of view it probably makes sense to just lean into the pixel cuz then anybody could really do doesn't seem super powerful I can't likee oh all right this one actually feels less impactful which is kind of interesting okay so what's this I can't read any of this of course we would need a beautiful fantasy fantasy music here so all the music composers out there guys if you want to take part in this project and help us out with this make sure to contact us at P the game challeng gmail.com o what's this feather cloak movement speed six % this doesn't feel like 6% oh my God wait why is there a toilet up there I'm sure there's a boss right oh yeah there's a boss outsmarted by the dev I'm getting way too fast why am I so fast yeah it's cool it's interesting this is like a quarter of the way done uh it'll be interesting to see how it sort of develops I want to keep this short but this is looking really promising I cannot wait to see what the next 25 developers are going to do for example how will this game look when we reach 100 developers it's going to be absolutely insane cool this is totally different than anything I've worked on uh in these collabs so uh it's cool to see and I'm excited for the next three quarters of people to work on it the combined effort of these 25 unique creators to create this really really great looking project that's got so much potential so yeah really congrats to everyone thank you all for taking part and um looking forward to making more progress on this game in the New Year we hope you enjoyed part one of this project but as you can see the game isn't over yet so we're going to carry over this insane collaboration into 2024 and if you want to be part of this Amazing Project you one NX 75 developers then just email us with your game dep portfolio at pass theame challenge gmail.com and there's a high chance we ask you to join us on this crazy game creation Journey now guys do you want a free and easy way to level up your game programming skills if so then you should check out our sponsor brilliant math plays a massive role in programming video games for example programming enemy AI or even simulating physics brilliant is the best way to learn math data and computer science from the comfort of your own home their lessons are fun and extremely interactive which makes the learning process that much more enjoyable for example guys you should check out this course on vectors we use vectors all the time in game development so understanding how they work is really crucial you can get started completely for free for the next 30 days using our Link in the description and the first 200 people that sign up will get 20% off the annual premium subscription so go to the description down below and join brilliant now remember that if you also want to learn how to make video games then you can check out our free game development course the link is in the description with that said cheers
Channel: Blackthornprod
Views: 1,596,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 DEVS Make a GAME without COMMUNICATING! (1-25), blackthornprod, 100 devs, pass the game challenge, make a game without communicating, indie game dev, making a game, unity, game design, pontypants, dualwielded, aia, advancenine, game developers, comunicating, pass the game challenge blackthornprod, pass the game collab challenge
Id: H7K9MNMfktE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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