6 DEVS Make a Game Without COMMUNICATING! (Wheel of Doom edition)

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six devs make a game but no communication is allowed this is the P The Game Challenge where some of the weirdest video games are brought to life from playing as a Leaping Frog that uses his elastic tongue as a grapple hook to a top down shooter that transforms into a dancing penguin arcade game you never know what might happen and to spice things up even further for this special edition we've challenged each Dev to spin black fromr wheel of Doom whatever they land on they'll need to incorporate into the game pro Pro you guys are not prepared for the end result in this one so without further Ado let's get this game cooking with Dev number one hey I'm a jaxter today we're spinning the wiu we got a couple options hopefully we get giant centipede big money big money big money Leonardo da Vinci invention so I've tried to make a scary horror game in the past and it didn't really go as planned but this time we're going to make it happen let's look at some of these inventions here helicopter a tank a 30 3 Barrel machine gun h i mean I could definitely get creative but I think I found the perfect invention scuba gear I mean just look at that that's one of the creepiest things I've ever seen I think it contains all the ingredients underwater dark creepy o so how do we make this well first thing we have to be able to swim this is actually pretty easy to set up with unity's physics system just attach a rigid body turn up the drag a bit and wor swiming we're swimming through the air and we must be like water my friends let's start with the surface I created a simple Shader where we take two water textures animate them in opposing directions and then finally combine them into a single output so now we have little waves but we're scuba divers and we spend our time underwater so how do we make that well there's a few things one obstructed Vision I shouldn't be able to see far ahead of me so I just added some f to these little guys which apparently is called Marine snow and is a mixture of sand sad Plankton and feal matter M delicious so I created a simple dust particle system and I think it does the job three bubbles I generated this bubble Sprite with Dolly 3 and I made the player breathe and shoot out particles every once in a while for these little light rays which are called cosics I made it so when you're closer to the surface they show up on the ground and as you get deeper they start to fade I also decided to put a green filter on everything rather than the stereotypical blue I felt like the green was indicative of someone using night vision cuz it was so dark I feel like it has more potential in a horror game setting all right now that we have movement and water I thought it'd be nice touch to add swimming arms so I took this animation from mixim Mo and deleted everything but the arms and now we have swimming arms last thing I did was add some sound effects to really make it feel like we were immersed underwater and with that we go from this to this and that's where I'm going to leave it all we can can do now is just hope for a horror game also quick plug I run a daily puzzle game called zle on IOS and Android if you're into that kind of thing okay thanks by now before we move on to Dev number two where things are going to get increasingly crazy we want to thank better help for sponsoring this video Indie Game Dev is an incredibly rewarding craft but it's also a mentally challenging one at times with better help you fill out a form and will match within 48 hours in most cases with a therapist who will help you navigate whatever struggle you may be dealing with right now be it from burnout from overworking on your game project to loneliness anxiety and creative block better help Ander therapists are there to help you out if you need better help makes therapy accessible and affordable the fact that it's remote and online is a huge Plus in our book it means you can stay in close contact with your therapist no matter where you are in the world so whether that's traveling or from the comfort of your own home finding the right therapist that clicks for you is extremely important and better help makes that process very smooth changing therapist comes at no additional cost so you can try different ones until you find the right match click on the link in the description betterhelp.com slbl fromr and with that said let's get back to our video game project with Dev number two all right so I only get one chance at spinning this wheel apparently [Music] [Music] okay that went for a while add gambling so I haven't opened the project yet so I'm going to do that and then see how I can implement this there's practically nothing here I'm getting like real uh subnautica Vibes right now and it's just swimming around in an ocean of green and when I go above the water this I'm still swimming there's a lot that I can do with nothing I think so to get things rolling I added a trigger to the water and created the player's eye level to detect whether the player is above or below the water which allowed us to disable the green effect and introduce the mechanic fairly generic oxygen system for underwater diving which when it depletes the player will have a few seconds before actually drowning along with this choking sound effect I made this choking period will also give the player a slight chance to also catch their breath by resurfacing with another sound effect if successful as I got thinking about the gambling aspect I came up with the idea that there were other oxygen tanks sitting at the bottom of the water that the player could swap out when they were running low but there's a slight chance that it could be empty but this wasn't good enough I wanted literal gambling so I had the idea of maybe you could catch fish and then enter them in like some sort of bidding race as a tertiary gameplay Loop while you explore but sitting up fish AI just seemed like way too much work so I sat on the idea for a little bit focusing more on the actual primary gameplay loop I created a grid that randomly spawns three types of resources to search for so far what I think is actually working about this is the atmosphere and gradually diving deeper not realizing how far you've gone under until you kind of look up and see there's a massive void while you're looking for these resources so to add to this I use just my voice to create these sort of terrifying sound effects that play when you're swimming around randomly hopefully catching some of the other devs off guard as well so I hadn't quite figured out what I wanted to do with the resources yet until I was looking at these three cubes that were just here and thought what if they were boats you could trade with for coins but they sell at different rates but again it's gambling as one of the values are high and then there's a secret low value so they can now take these coins and then use them to bit and gamble on fish races at this vendor congratulations I also hand placed a bunch of treasure chests that give coins and another vendor that swaps all your resources into a completely random one so between all that I think I Incorporated gambling quite well literally and thematically and just like that I handed the project back over like an anxious parent hoping the ugly child doesn't get bullied too much all right if you like what I did here you can check out my YouTube channel I have a current de Vlog series about a roog loock that I'm working on or maybe you could check out one of my successful games with a number one rated spooky sound effects on my itch.io page hello and welcome to my section of this video I've lost the footage of me spinning the wheel and my reaction so instead I'm just going have to walk you guys through what I did in the project when I span the wheel uh I got add a sweaty sumo wrestler and you can see that is the sumo wrestler got a nice shiny sweaty skin and if we uh select said wrestler I put a particle system on that makes him nice and sweaty so as far as that goes mission accomplished but then I got ill I got sick and I couldn't work on the project the week passed and obviously there's a production behind this it had to go to the next Dev but what did I do outside of the sweaty sumo wrestler so there was a lot of just like red boxes and untextured stuff I managed to get this boat model off sketch Fab uh I also got these boys buoys however you want to pronounce that I got these for the kind of gambling system that is in place but then below water I got this free sort of like wet sand texture I think it works quite well with the cor sticks from the water above again sketch Fab free chest model from them yeah I I don't know what the story is here I guess their Sumo empire fell down and they had to take up a life of pearl fishing yeah again apologies for being disappointment but there we have it game of Rocket spring sale guys if you also want to learn how to make video games then we're offering a 25% discount code on our course G of rockets for the annual spring sale you'll learn how to make video games from scratch from the basics of C programming and using the unity game engine to learning how to create beautiful game environments character designs and animations in each section we make a different game of increasing scope and complexity leading up to making a massive Zombie Survival FPS game that we will sell on Steam but it doesn't stop there there's also a whole section dedicated into marketing and how to build a successful Game Dev YouTube channel so that you actually get sales when your game launches the link to the course and the discount code are in the description with that said let's move on to the next Dev hey I'm Ry and I'm going to be honest I don't really know what I'm doing so my only goal for this project is to make sure that the game isn't worse once I'm done with it which could be a difficult challenge depending on what I get from the wheel okay here it goes something good please a player companion okay I can do that I think after spitting the wheel I spent some time playing the game in order to find the optimal way to integrate the companion into the gameplay I might have spent the entire time gambling look it's not a problem if I'm having fun anyway I've come up with a few ideas for the companion but before I get to that I want to make a store I set up a pretty simple UI based on the gambling screen so that there's a little bit of cohesion between the different menus I've added some upgrades into the store for purchase you can get an oxygen upgrade a speed upgrade and an inventory upgrade anyway time for the companion like I said I've already got a couple of ideas on how to make the companion I ended up deciding to go with a guy who will follow you around and point out nearby resources for you to collect I decided to use the same model as the guy on the boat honestly I just really like this model I dropped the model into mixo to get it rigged and then I downloaded some swim animations so now the companion will just sit there swimming looking pretty stupid but that's fine all I need to do is make him smart by adding some artificial intelligence which should be pretty simple all right so I definitely did something wrong it's a little scarier than what I wanted please leave me alone after a little bit more work I finally got the companion AI function I mean he is a little bit useless at the moment but that's why I wanted want him to be able to find resources for you so I added a random chance that he will dive down to a nearby resource what I didn't realize is that this kind of just causes him to disappear behind you so to fix that problem I just use an asset from the asset store to add a pointer that will Point directly at the resource once the companion finds it and with that the companion is pretty much complete which means that I have time to add one more thing to the game and there are still a few important features that the game needs like a main menu a proper end to the day maybe a save system I decided to add sharks because they're cool and since I'll need a Shark model I'll get to properly show off my masterful 3D modeling skills that I have spent years perfecting so what do you think I think he looks pretty scary I brought the shark into the game but then I made a horrifying realization there's already a slightly better Shark model in the project so I guess I should just use that one which means I need to get rid of my Shark model goodbye shark I'm sorry after recovering from my devastating loss I got to work on the shark's AI which shockingly turned out pretty well if I was trying to make flying sharks so I made some changes and now it works properly I also added some health to the player so that the shark can chase you down and kill you and with that complete I think the shark is pretty much done oh yeah I did also add my shark to the game I wanted to add a second shark but you know I can't reuse the old model so this was the only solution this was not a biased decision and that's my time done on the project I think I have successfully achieved my goal of not making the game worse I didn't really do much to make it better but it's not worse so I'm happy what's up my name is Michael also known as bite of Michael I make Game Dev computer science product productivity career advice typee videos on YouTube all while working on my Indie Rog likee card game called castaner oh okay got the one thing I don't know what that is so I have to add a wendigo one small problem is I don't really know what a wendigo is so that's the first step turns out a wendo is a supernatural being belonging to the spiritual traditions of the Algonquin speaking First Nations in North America and it's seems like they are sort of Illustrated as a skeletal deer type of creature so this should make for uh an interesting addition now a mythical deer-like creature is going to be a little bit challenging to add to a scuba game but here's what I kind of went with first I literally have no idea how to 3D model as all my Game Dev projects have been in 2D and trying to make an intricate mythical creature as my first model might take me too much time for the restrictions of this project so I got this low poly wendigo model from the unity asset store to hopefully try to fit the visual aesthetic of the game as much as possible now making it swim I thought would look kind of goofy and I was getting a more ominous vibe from the other devs so I edited the model just to be the top half and added sort of a miasma type of cloud towards the bottom half I was trying to lean to more of a evil God type of character that slowly hunts you throughout the game so I used the resource system that was built by a previous Dev to add an additional type of resource called offerings offerings always sell higher than the other resources but when you sell them the W too God type character gets 1% faster the wendigo starts off ominously in the sky and very slowly moves towards the player I also made it so that the head of the wendigo is always staring directly at the player which makes it feel a bit more unsettling and if it reaches you you instantly die but I thought it was kind of an interesting add to the gameplay loop as it's kind of a risk verse reward type scenario or basically like how greedy do you want to be some other quality of life additions I made to the game was being able to select how many resources you could sell before you would automatically sell all of your current resources to the trader with this whole new offering system that didn't seem totally fair so I created an interface where you can specifically choose how much of one resource you want to sell to which Trader throughout the testing of this when too implementation I kept getting absolutely wrecked by this shark and had no way of defeating it but instead of adding combat which didn't feel like totally fitting the theme of the game I added shark repellent to the upgrade store which you can apply so that the shark will just avoid you while you have it up I also updated the interface for the upgrades to give it a bit more polish and I also added a pretty basic main menu as an entry to the game and the ability to quit the game when you die instead of just having to alt at four big thanks to Blackthorn prod for the invite to this past the game Challenge and consider checking out my YouTube channel at bite of Michael if you like gamedev and Tech and wishless M game castl mancer over on Steam if you like Rog likee deck builder thanks and see you later did I do something wrong well I guess stop slowing down add a Megalodon hey Maxi whoa into the deep hey oh perfect makes sense a Megalodon all right everybody uh Orion here first things first of course me JT demon zaka go in make a game design document we try to figure out what we have in the project what we could expand on what we could fix and uh what elements we need to create we found a bunch of bugs of course that we need needed to fix don't blame the other developers that's just part of game development and then that's our job to come in and polish everything we felt like the environment was too sparse fairly empty so one of the biggest priorities we had was recreating the environment just really bring the game together and try to take all these disperate parts from The Challenge and turn them into one cohesive product the biggest part that you're going to notice is we created a narrative because we wanted to figure out why is there a wend too why is there a shark and why is there a sumo wrestler in the middle of nowhere we took a note from the other developers and ended up going through poly. Pizza to find a bun of models I ended up finding some free shaders like this uh vertex shaders used Sebastian legs boids to create fish um very cool great way to populate I also asked the developer of absu what they ended up doing and they did basically the same thing GPU instance fish with boids we have this cool uh Megalodon statue we ended up changing some of the game mechanics because they didn't really mesh together and we ended up turning the game more into sort of a survival into progressing a narrative game so the win state is through completing one of the three characters narratives the sumo wrestler the megalodon or the wendigo we couldn't narratively justify multiple sumo wrestlers so we ended up adjusting the shop mechanic and just keeping the one Summa wrestler however we did not remove fish gambling in fact we improved it we had a lot of fun working on the environment brand new Skybox there's rain I tried to optimize it as much as possible this is Inc Inc is a scripting language it's sort of akin to something like a JavaScript and it's for narrative scripting absolutely free plugin for Unity and for a lot of major engines so I'm not going to spoil the story too much but I wanted to show you that I ended up having to program a dialogue system we redid the UI not just UI here is beautiful we have this U brand new aesthetic there's a day night cycle I did not end up keeping the sort of like murder after 5 minutes thing we just weren't able to find a way to work it in that that worked really well for us so we can talk to Mr coyo there's branching dialogues here I just want to also shout out our company which we started this year constellation creative we're developing Untitled class game we're going to link our Discord down in the description where we'll be posting updates for the game over the course of the year and hopefully releasing an early access later this year we're getting pretty close to a demo so definitely check us out and enjoy the game wow I love that sky is really awesome I'm liking what I'm seeing environment wise I'm liking the style of the UI I'm proud of the story that JT wrote especially in the time frame but I wish we had time to put like voice lines and stuff in there make it you know the DI reading the dialogue a little more juicy and engaging honestly it was sick I remember like I I when I spun the wheel I had to add the windigo and I was like I didn't even know what that was when I had to add it and then when I got the game build it was like scuba and I was like oh man I'm like how am I adding a when to go to this theme like all right we're going to do offerings and it's going to be a God and you got to like run away when I started up the the build you submitted I was like dang I'm like they really pulled this together I'm so happy that they K this was such a stupid idea I love the gambling that was my favorite part I spent so much time do the yeah in the new build the fish gambling I was like this is so good come on come on I wanted to use the fish and like make the underwater area More Alive looking really good o some nice fish doing the unity like resource profiling the fish take up the most resources in the game but I feel like it's worth it yeah the Ambiance is just so much better so much better than when I passed it off it actually it actually feels like a proper game I think thing that got my attention the most was the fish gambling and like that there could be mini games all around the area not just in the first little concentrated spot what can I do for you lad I like how the Japanese sumo wrestler is sksh you failed her what the in the original map there was more of like a shallower area in the middle of the boat so there was more of an incline going down which kind of encouraged the player to go down come back to the boat and I saw there was an upgrade system so even if there was just like more raised in the Middle with a boat one then it would encourage the player to just get some bits come back look further keep going out so just like a small incline to like some more deeper areas might I would the loop a little bit more I think like the atmosphere how that's carried forward I like these UI elements they're really awesome I like all this um environment detail this underwater stuff all the ships that they've dropped blue balls look at that blue balls okay I mean overall I think the game turned out like actually pretty well to be honest I mean the store is looking good the F Derby is looking good honestly the whole like talking is looking really good I would probably keep working more on the Sharks when I added them in I was kind of thinking of adding in some sort of way to fight them like maybe you went to the shop and you get a harpoon and just because the Sharks they're a threat but they're not a massive threat you can kind of just swim away from them so maybe making them more dangerous adding in some ways to counteract them a little bit I thought that could be pretty fun thanks so much for watching guys crazy new videos and challenges are in the making so make make sure to like And subscribe to the channel it's a huge support and remember to check out the Game Dev Rockets we're doing a massive spring sale you get 25% off and it's only available for the next 2 weeks thanks again guys stay tuned cheers
Channel: Blackthornprod
Views: 94,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackthornprod, pass the game challenge, game dev, 6 devs make a game without communcating, no talking, comunicating, game design, video game creation, indie game dev, programming, wheel of fortune, funny, chaotic game dev, meme game, horror game, subnautica, deep sea, shark game
Id: 4Rs84t5t8W8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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