6 DEVS Make a GAME without COMMUNICATING! (HARDCORE edition)

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prepare for an extraordinary Journey as we bring together six talented developers and dare them to create a unique video game The Adventure unfolds that the first developer kicks things off with just a few precious hours shaping the game world to their Vision or passing the torch to the next line they say actions speak louder than words and in this Venture that's all they have there's no communication between each developer which ignites the fuse for unexpected twists and turns picture this we've had Shooters seamlessly morph into dazzling dance arcades and helicopters take flight AS rage and superheroes yet amidst the chaos of misinterpretations and mind-bending Transformations the silent Synergy often emerges an unspoken connection blossoms each developer builds upon the foundations of the one before culminating in a final inspiring creation so without further Ado let's dive head first developer number one hey I'm out of this I work on have a game where you have to control two characters at once wishlists have on Steam and check out the devlogs on our YouTube channel very excited to be the first one to start this project so first of all I brainstormed some ideas by creating a simple character controller and accidentally stumbled on a Car Lake movement which gave me an idea to make this into a driving game so I played around with different gameplay aspects and they noticed that it's quite fun to actually drive into things and it's probably even more fun to run over something so I made some basic enemies that the player could run over with his car and spent around an hour adjusting the car's movement until I made it someone satisfying to control then I added a speedometer an option to use brakes camera follow and made it so that the player can only run over enemies when he reaches a certain speed after that I made an enemy spawner gave enemies some basic animations and started working on the core game Loop which is to basically survive for a given amount of of time while running over as many enemies as you can when the time runs out the enemies will be blasted away then you will be able to drive into a garage to upgrade your vehicle before working on the garage I made a quick explosion effect then I created the garage model made it so that it opens up only after the wave is over and added a neat camera transition when the player enters the garage afterward I noticed that it was annoying when you cannot see the car so I gave it an outline to make it more visible Behind the Walls to visually show that the player has to enter the garage I added an arrow which points exactly to the garage door after the wave is finished as soon as they came up with this game idea I imagined it's to be very juicy so I made an enemy depth Splat effect dirt effect that is played whenever enemies are spawning and some additional car movement effects such as tire marks and smoke then I added a cool 3D car model and started working on the first upgrade a shooting turret I spent way more time on it than I expected to because of the numerous issues that I have encountered such as this invisible enemy or I don't know what the hell this even was but I still got it working in the end after that I made it so that it's actually possible to buy the turret upgrade after finishing a wave and gave the shooting some visual upgrades as well finally I spent the final hour polishing the visuals creating a bit more complicated level design and adding a quick tutorial I also wanted to create an additional enema type but I ran out of time at this point so yeah that's it guys if you also want to learn how to make video games now is an incredible chance to join our course in the rocket so you'll go from complete beginner to learning all the skills required to create and sell your very own commercial games on Steam now we've just opened it up again with a major update multiplayer Mastery we'll learn how to build an online multiplayer FPS complete with Cosmetics a live chat system and leaderboards his expansion was made in collaboration with the dev behind paint Warfare and there's only 100 available to head over to game of rocket.com as soon as possible if you truly want to turn your passion into a career if you rather keep being there as a light hobby you can also check out our free introductory training and how to make your first 2D and 3D games in unity the link is in the description and now we're back to Dev number two hey I'm Manisha and I have a small YouTube channel where I share Game Dev things I'm currently in the early stages of development for a 3D mystery Adventure game so the first thing I did when receiving the files was to see what the state of the game was at this point so far we had an isometric Survival game with the wave system featuring a car with tank controls the garage also had upgrades for your car with one the turret already implemented the first thing I wanted to work on was the game overstate when the health reaches zero I also disabled the movement when that happens and gave the player the option to restart the enemies also hurt you only once on collision so I made sure that they damage you every couple seconds instead while I was at it I also added knockback to the truck because it was easy to get stuck in places and I made it so that if you crash into the wall at high speeds it also damages you next up I wanted to get some visuals rolling since we have a car that's basically running over enemies I thought making it an apocalyptic world was the best way to go about it without seeming too cruel I'm not a 3D artist so I had to go searching for some assets to use and I settled on Kenny's zombie pack for the characters so I popped those in and after some buggy Behavior I was able to get it working as needed what's an apocalypse if a million zombies aren't trying to tackle you I found some buildings that I could use and recolored them to fit the aesthetic a little bit better I've really wanted to add upgrades but since it felt early enough it felt like a good time to experiment a little and do some changes that could affect the gameplay and create more opportunity for the next dance AKA cause a little chaos I thought it would be awesome if we could switch from third person view to a first person view during the game the incentive being that you can have better control in first person view compared to the tank controls and have a better Outlook of the area in third person view I thought it could bring a pretty unique spin on the game so I looked up some models that might have a cool interior and I found this mystery van looking type of model I would have just replaced the entire truck model but I wasn't sure if the previous Dev actually handcrafted it so I just settled on replacing it for the driving portion only I added a bit of lighting in there and I set up a virtual camera using cinemachine so that I could swap between the cameras pretty easily I really dig this new driving mode because it feels a little bit more immersive and just seeing the zombies faces when running them over makes me feel kind of bad so just to wrap up I made it so that the upgrades actually cost blood coins and I fixed up a little bug that the turret upgrade had I slept together a scoring system based on the kills and hopefully this gives a better idea for the player about how well they're doing as the waves pass hopefully we get some better level design upgrades and maps in the next rounds I'm excited to see what they do thanks black thornprod for having me hey everyone I'm Alex rack 2 developing a multiplayer FPS called havoc on Steam at first seen the project I instantly thought of Limbs flying when you ran into zombies the blood FX is a nice touch but it's missing some juice some screen shake and some more feedback when ramming into the zombies to start with limbs I took the zombie on blender and I broke it up to multiple pieces from there one centimeters hit added velocity based on the player once the first wave is finished there's a garage door which I saw you could buy a turret so I decided to add two items of my own one was cluster so you could be Lightning McQueen and speed into zombies which was quite easy to add I modeled some low poly thrusters then just amped up the speed of the car for a short duration mixing some cool particles and fov chains and it came out pretty cool next item that I made was blades it was basically long blades on the side of the car which can help clear more zombies than just the front Ram which results in more coins from here I wanted to add another power up since all I see are hell pickups which I believe would be very cool if we could continue adding on crazy items and power-ups and create a Sandbox Style game so I created a power up which shoots multiple missiles down in random spots which can help clear waves lastly as I'm running out of time I needed to create a power-up spawner which spawns power rips throughout the wave as of right now the power-ups are just preset so once they are used they don't come back so I made a script which after X amount of time it would run through each power-up and pick one based on a chance of spawning so we could have more rare items to less rare like Health pickups hi I'm Ryan but if you're one of my 11 YouTube subscribers you may know me as advanced 9 that electrical engineer turned gamedev who is working on his first open world game called night Stones all while taking care of his adorable yet crazy little kids when I got a hold of the project I was really impressed by how much of a game there already was so I decided to concentrate on level design to increase the engagement of the game this would also give me the opportunity to work on my modeling which is one of my weaker skill sets I fired up blender and created four modular sets of wall assets that I could mix and match to create infinite shapes with headed over to low spec for a color palette and I made a texture from this cc29 palette I developed a custom Shader for my game night Stones which works great for bright and vibrant colors but I found it also looked good on these assets so I imported it into the project then I built a level and now I found the game to be more fun and challenging with lots of turns to navigate I wanted more Dynamics in the camera so I added a third camera view to the game that the player can select time to put the buildings back in and uh shoot this doesn't match back in blender and it's time to create a bunch of Tim Burton houses all from this Cube two Loop Cuts rotate bevel now I have a wood beam and I can duplicate scale and rotate this beam to create the frame of the spooky house build walls and windows with the plane and the knife tool add a roof build two more haunted houses with the parts from the first one build four unique prefabs from the three models place the houses everywhere assign HDR materials to the windows add Bloom to make it look like the windows are lighting up add maximum Bloom because there can never be enough Bloom oh my I saw too much Bloom lower the bloom and now I'm done with 15 minutes to spare did you say I have 15 more minutes model one scary treat scale and rotate one scary treat everywhere to create a scary tree for us okay now I'm really done I hope you guys like what I've added to the game if you wishlist night stones on Steam thank you so much for your consideration thanks for watching hello everyone first of all I'd like to apologize for you here in bike noise I'm right next to a very busy street I began by play testing the game and taking notes I quickly noticed the performance going down and the culprit was all the error messages we were getting it so I went through them all and fixed it after that I noticed the UI did not fit the screen really well when changing its Dimensions so I fixed that super quick too instead of spawning enemies around the specific points of the map I made it so that they spawn randomly anywhere within the baked mesh this way we will avoid bugs like this and then I tried the thrusters and they were super wonky super super wonky after looking at the code I noticed that there were three instances of force to the car which made it a bit awkward to use I reworked the thrusters and now after a short delay you get an increased acceleration and maximum speed and then over time these numbers go down to normal another thing I added to the thrusters is now you can use them to burn zombies if they walk into your butt when you are charging the thrusters they get burnt there was literally no feedback whenever the player got hit so I created a small animation that kind of like shakes shakes the car a little bit created a spawn animation as well as uh four different attacks the attacking was a little bit messy there were times where they wouldn't really attack you the way I reworked the attack is that now whenever enemies come within a certain distance a random attack animation will play then after a small delay the enemy will calculate the distance between the player and car and if it is within his attack range then the player will get hit turn the garage into a junkyard now you can see the upgrades on the floor and whenever you upgrade something they disappear from the floor I noticed the car didn't hold on to any blood when running over enemies so I programmed this quick little thing that spawns a very light transparent line renderer thank you guys for having me hello I'm Alex and I've been developing a multiplayer game called Paint Warfare for three to four years and I've also been working with Noah on a full multiplayer FPS course for Game Dev rocket so some serious serial killer stuff it does before me really did a wonderful job now my first order of business was to make this URL a bit nicer so I wanted to make the UI a bit more diegetic so first I made this coin icon for the coins in the top right corner and I made a nice animation for each time you get a Kill and then I made this nice speedometer that visually shows you your speed which I just think looks absolutely awesome and then finally I reworked this HP bar with this nice icon that I made so you can see at a glance how much health your car has now I realized that the junkyard was pretty blunt so since I had a bit of time I decided to rework it and I wanted to add a tier system to the turret upgrades so in blender I modeled a double tours which will shoot twice as fast and then a massive Terrace which will shoot three times as first now my goal for the new junkyard UI was bigger buttons having upgrade parts and having icons for each of the upgrades so you can actually visually see what you're actually unlocking so I got all my turrets and all the upgrades that we had in the game and I screenshotted them and cleaned them up really nicely and then I started on the UI and that was pretty much all I got done on the first term so on the next day I got to work on the multiplayer now it's pretty hard to make a multiplayer game from the ground up in of itself but what's even harder is sort of restructuring an existing single player game to support multiplayer so I sort of had to hack This Together approaching it sort of one mechanic at a time so the first thing I tackled was this nice room system which I pretty much stole from the tutorial then I synced up the player movements and the rotation and the health system the way the drunkard works is it waits for the owner of the notch to finish the upgrades and once you've gone into the junkyard in around you can't go back in um so everyone at each realm gets an opportunity to upgrade the car and the next thing I tackled was this game over the first thing I did was I made it a bit more juicy when you die so I made the car black when you die and I added a nice smoke effect with the unity particle system now with the current single player version of the game when you died you'd pretty much be stuck there watching the other player drive around and such and the goal for this was to make this game eventually sort of teamwork based so I settled on making a revive system so I made the UI for this in 3D space so you just have to stand inside this radius of the player and they made a nice progression UI to show how much longer you have to send to revive without player then I did some other stuff like adding nicknames and player colors and yeah from there you may notice that there's a pretty big problem with the skin and that's that it's pretty much completely silenced so first I made an engine sound for the truck which I just programmatically varied in Pitch based on the velocity of the truck now you may notice that when you hit stuff and you your car goes completely still the engine just pretty much switches to the lowest pitch so I added some nice smoothing to it and switched out the sound that also made in this impact sound which varies in loudness based on the combined velocity of U and the object which you're hitting I added some random Terror skills for when you change direction really quickly and the final thing I needed to add was the zombie death zones so I played around with this originally I had this sort of slap sound that I recorded but that normally fits so I ended up just using some zombie growl sounds for when you kill them which works great because they're pretty short and kind of funny which adds to the charm of the game pretty much and then finally I worked on the final touches so I added some subtle background growl sounds which I recorded surely adds to the ambiance I'm extremely happy with how it turned out with the multiplayer and everything so we'll see what everyone else thinks by the way if you'd like to learn how to make a multiplayer game similar to This Game Dev rocket is offering a free upgrade to all its paid users with a multiplayer Master Class to take you from being a complete beginner in unity multiplayer to a pro with everything you need to know to make your very own multiplayer FPS game okay so I have to choose a nickname okay let's be a blue guy oh no one took my level away you guys are amazing my haunted houses remain I like the speedometer particle effects are amazing actually they add a ton oh and someone redid the garage I ran out of time I wanted to do the garage like to make it match the rest of the haunted houses and I love that someone did this oh I guess these are my credits so I can't really buy anything okay yeah the core mechanic is is exactly the same that I did so which is nice I'm surrounded by zombies and trying to talk I can't do it good job you guys perfect so let's yeah let's all play the game there we go it's so difficult to drive the car oh it's actually very fun to run over zombies in the first person probably like the like the least chaotic result that I saw in these challenges that's because it's a really good job you built the whole game Loop almost right from the Stars people had a clear like trajectory it's fall it was actually actually Manisha you were the second developer look at how how hard was it then like just jumping in I think overall it was okay like I I played it for the first time and like there was a game Loop already established either I like add more upgrades get some atmosphere going and then I wanted to add at least one big change I thought it was it wasn't too crazy but adding the first person view like was something that was a little bit bigger but didn't change the uh the entire idea of the game how would you for example expand on the game from here bringing more competitiveness there to like knowing how what other people's scores are maybe maybe you could even destroy some like some some player if you damaged him too much and he is just left out for the round yeah oh another other thing I thought of like while I was developing I just didn't have time were like little objectives so like little goals that you have to complete like missions getting a score with a score multiplier would have been really nice still haven't get like uh if you kill two enemies in a short amount of time your score goes to times two times three times four would be also awesome to see like different enemy types and I was actually even trying to do something like that when I was developing it but I basically ran out of time so I couldn't even do anything interesting yeah I'd like a heap of ideas I was just like so time consumed about the multiplayer so like my goal was to make it more Cooperative also like though those would be like a donation mechanic so you can like donate coins to your teammate because right now it just felt like a free-for-all battle that you have to steal the goal from other people like a taxi company or something and it could be kind of like an overcooked style Cooperative game where you've got a list of customers and you're kind of like you know Manisha quickly go for a customer with a yellow dress and bring her to this neighborhood destroying zombies and stuff trying to like take little people and bring them to different locations it could be like you're trying to it's pedestrians instead of zombies and you're going to try to not crush them they're able to go as fast as possible also remember that if you also want to make games you can learn how to do so with our course gamed of rockets this is our ultimate road map to game of success it's just opened up again with a massive expansion multiplayer Mastery we're super excited guys now is a great time to learn how to bring your game Visions to life with that said thanks for watching like And subscribe and see you real soon [Music] thank you
Channel: Blackthornprod
Views: 1,645,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackthornprod, pass the game challenge, game dev rocket, game dev collab, unity, creation, making a game, 6 devs, game jam, devlog, indie, 6 DEVS Make a GAME without COMMUNICATING! (HARDCORE edition), noa calice, liam calice, game dev for beginners
Id: 86lo3MZy7v4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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