7 DEVS Make a GAME without COMMUNICATING! (500 IQ edition)

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we are back with a brand new episode of the past the game challenge seven developers from around the world will make a complete video game but they are not allowed to communicate this leads to some of the craziest game projects we've ever seen who' made fpss horror games zombie smashing multiplayer games open worlds what will we make this time around will we even finish this project or will the lack of communication lead to a broken and unfinished mess again we found some amazing creators so let's start with developer number one dren hey there I'm Dryden Thomas and I am the sole developer of lighthoof a Melancholy Metroid Vania featuring Ricochet dashing Elemental Magic and a weird progression system it is on Steam right now or you can check out my YouTube channel where I make videos about game development craft in general so first of all huge thank you to Blackthorn prod for the invite and for the huge honor and responsibility of being first now all of my Dev experience is in 2D side scrolling so naturally I'm going to go completely the opposite direction with this project I've always wanted to do a tactics game and I don't think one has been done for these challenges so it's time I based it on chess I thought it would be funny to have this kind of incompetent King who wanders around while all of his subjects and the queen try to babysit him to make sure he doesn't die so I got this grid generator going and created a library of functions that lets you target a tile based on a starting coordinate then I added pieces that you could move around by clicking and traps that would blow you up the first three character designs were the king the queen and the pawn the king kind of wanders around aimlessly the queen can throw out lures to draw the king and the pawn can reveal and disarm any traps I realized at this point that the queen was so tall that she was obscuring the pieces above her so I flipped the camera around to an isometric View and I realized that looked way cooler but then I had to redo basically everything I'd already done but that's Game Dev for you so I added this bishop that could bless pieces and make them temporarily invulnerable and then a rook that can build and destroy walls on the player feedback front I got some basic ugly UI started there's VFX for when the king is lured or for when a piece burns up feedback for winning and losing and then I flushed out this level design system and made about 10 levels real quick just to teach the other devs how the game works lastly my main thing is music and I had some time so I made the track you're hearing right now to bring out the medieval Vibes I cannot wait to see where the other devs take this game and if anyone wants to find me I am Li the game on YouTube threads and Instagram hey guys we've made a completely free game development course for all of you that want to learn how to make video games it's our gift to the amazing blank and PR community and in it you'll learn the fundamentals of using the unity game engine by actually building three small video games we'll create a really cool arcade style reflex game a fireball throwing simulator and a beautiful Mini City Builder it's really the perfect first steps if you want to become an indie game developer yourself and the link is in the description with that said let's continue with developer number two hey I'm Joe Sullivan the creator of Flor romancer seeds and spells a cozy apocalyptic game where you grow spells and use them to save your forest from deforestation check it out on Steam something I hadn't seen before is this blend of real time and turn-based mechanics so I leaned into that and made some realtime assets I started with a fireball the Ricochet off the walls and damages pieces then I made some levels where I combined them with the rook's wall building ability next I started working on a spike pit that Cycles on and off so players will need to time their characters movements then I took some time to upgrade the font and the UI to match the game lastly I made a few new levels to teach and test the new mechanics first I drew them onto grid paper and then I programmed them into the game then thank you so much Blackthorn proud I can't wait to do the next one and if it's your thing grow spells in Flor romancer on Steam hey I got invited back hey I'm Molly from matchup games last time I was here I made some changes that a lot of people understandably weren't very happy with but this time I've learned from my mistakes I've grown as a person and I'm ready to behave when I first opened the project I was very surprised not only is it a puzzle game which we rely see in these challenges but also so much of the game is already there so early on so in this round I decided to focus on improving some of the UI and visuals the first thing I wanted to tackle was the walls of the level the qqb walls feel like they can sometimes block or distract away from the contents of the level so I darkened the texture and I flatten them now because I flatten them to one face it means the walls that are facing away from the camera don't get drawn and clears up a lot of that dungeon space I didn't get any issue with changing the camera set to perspective also I haven't done much with unity's new input system so gu this camera zoom to work with the mouse of scroll wheel took a bit of an embarrassing amount of time what happened quite often is that when I was testing these things and playing the game I noticed the king often had a habit of wandering to the end either that or it would just wander into a trap as a player I found it very stressful to guide this wandering King when time can be a very punishing factor I found someone had given the King two different modes wonder and turn-based so the next big thing I implemented was expanding this so it's not just the king but also the other pieces are affected too you can now move the pieces and use each of their abilities once per round when you're done you hit the Finish round button the king moves and then the next round starts I added this introduction to each round that would tell you what round you're on and how many turns you have remaining however I haven't had the time to fully play through and calculate what a fair amount of turns for each level was so for the moment it's just default to five I haven't removed the old type of movement instead I've put it in the main menu as an extra option you can select between term based or the original mode which I called chaotic the main menu has this low guy quickly whipped up called Kings game but I put the word temp in the name of the file so hopefully it's open for someone else to replace and improve if they want to the win and fail UI screens have been improved as well as the pause menu I've moved the action buttons from the corner of the screen to just below the piece as I thought this would be more us friendly in turn-based mode each piece except the King has a number next to them this is an indicator of how many actions a piece can take in the round though after implementing it I realize there isn't really much need for it oh looks like my time is up if you've enjoyed my company why not check out my Channel after the video ends okay guys the project is coming along really nicely but as always things get increasingly exciting with each new developer before we continue though make sure to like And subscribe it's an enormous support to the channel and it will allow us to keep making videos and actually make them more ambitious or crazy we've got some insane projects in the works that we cannot wait to share with you all with that said let's move on to the next Creator ah nice music but mostly I feel I want to work on the sound effects so we want a character selection sound for Queen the king and the pawn maybe different ones and I think I will make those using my new mic cuz I really enjoy using that ah very well At Your Service At Your Service when a character falls into a trap we need a sound for that too so let's let me remember what the king sounded like now that we have a couple of vocal samples let's pick the best one of each do a little bit of processing on them then we can move on to the sound [Music] effect very well not again at your service muh sir we found a [Music] trap that's a find these two to a new mixing group called music the music group will get a duck volume now when the queen walks into the Trap we should hear the sound effect a little more clearly because the music should duck down let's see if it works oh dear there we go he's so [Music] distractive oh okay cool I am sty a 16 years old game developer and YouTuber and today I have 7even days to continue the game that you saw with over deaths wait actually four days because of school and never garbage in my life anyway after importing the project and playing the game a bit I decided to delete all the game and to restart from another wo whoo wo wo calm down in just a prank so anyway I first notied that there are no maps in the game like it's kind kind of dark so the first thing to do was well you guess it make a map that suits the game theme to do that I imported this medieval environment then created a shadow Shader for Tod Sprites made this new W model and played a bit with postprocessing just to make the game look a bit more sexy oh and as always I discretly added this volumetric lights package okay next step was to add a camera intro and an idle animation for the camera and I just use a simple for this and after quickly fixing some bugs like this one the game was looking way better but do you know what time is it it's time to add some new code traps that's what I'm saying to do that I first made an aror rain trap so then you finish your turn some arrows will learn in random positions to stimulate an enemy attack just like that then I made this trap that is actually just a bomb Spike but with a simple twist just look at this and finally I made this propulsion pad trap exactly like in Clash of Clans so then pound steps on this trap it will be ejected and the game was starting to look good until I noticed another big problem huh there is also bishop and work in the game but they can do anything except moving 100 narrow flat right and this problem took me a while to fix even if the situation was really simple I don't know what the previous Dev did with them but they don't have any sounds and so scripts can access nonexisting sounds and so because I'm bad at audio I finded the sounds for the rook and this sounds for the bishop bless you you can also now use the place ability and the ability of world construction and on my last day I just fixed some more bugs like for example if you do some very specific moves you can skip some levels for some Advanced prisons and then I did some small particles camera shake and started making a red and before running off out of time you can just follow the player and die but not attack for the moment hey there I'm Dennis from cardboard games and I am making Zen World a game about building the world from hexagonal tiles that can be as relaxing or as complicated as you want it to be okay so right after opening the project I felt like chess and mind sweeper had a baby which was a little too slow and over complicated for my taste so I've decided to nud it close to chess leaving mind sweeper behind and speaking of Chess it is missing a night can you believe it it is Iconic it is a symbol the logo of Chess and it is easily top five best chess pieces of all time so I've made one next up the chess board right now the GD is being generated in runtime and can only be rectangular it is cool but restrictive I'll shift to pre-build prefabs for each level and remake the movement system to work on non-rectangular grids it gives more freedom for level decorations as well unfortunately that means that I'll have to redo the whole movement system at this point I realized that most of my changes are internal with nothing to actually show so I've created a few levels to showcase my non-rectangular grid system introduced the take mechanic made pieces respect each other's locations as part of the movement system rework and introduced the take mechanic as well as tried to fix the ability system as well as I could also the Kink now loyally follows his Queen making it riskier to use her all the time and since I've also made enemy pieces and basic AI I couldn't resist trying this out and guess what it uh actually kind of works anyway that is all the time I've got check out Sun World on Steam bye when I first opened the project I noticed that the art style was all over the place pixel light here cartoon look characters there so I took a upon myself to make it all fited together basing it off of the characters after tightening up the visuals I kind of wondered what this game was actually about but judging off of the level design of the three levels that were in the game I figured that it must be a puzzle game of some sort three levels isn't that much though lucky for me I found some data for eight other levels but before going on to make the levels I wanted to make the menu look a bit better and also add a level selection [Music] screen I personally think that the main menu has a lot more charm now rather than just a wall of bricks but I can't just keep working on the visuals I also got to make the actual levels and since the level making part of this game was really well put together it was pretty easy to make the new levels most of the levels were based off of the level data I mentioned before and that would say were the placement of characters traps the goal and so on would be so that's where I experimented a little bit let's take a look at this level for example it's very basic simple and really just isn't that exciting so I just made it bigger added more traps and turns and it already looks lot nicer and plays a lot better I basically did list for all levels except the last three which I just created for a final test of sorts which combines all the previous Knowledge from the previous levels like the traps the hidden traps the abilities of the characters and so on other than that I also lightened up the characters a bit to fit the news art sty made some animations for the night and added an end screen in the end I think it turned out pretty good other than some bucks like the King still moving after death in the chaotic mode but that's that's not important wow wow wow wow this looks so good whoever did this environment art I love you it looks great I'm loving these bricks that I think are full on 3D I was Dev number two but I had no idea it was already um the architecture and foundation for the game were already completely in place I would have thought I was Dev four or five oh wow these traps look awesome very cool he's so distractive that's yes I'm just stoked about this he's so distractable stop very well okay I'm pretty obsessed I'm like I'm glowing right now how would you guys expand on the game if you were given an extra two months so there were a couple different directions I could see it going I think it would be interesting to have like a hit point system for the pieces instead of insta kill because then you would have a little leeway like if you made a mistake it just it wouldn't immediately knock you out okay that's oh I just got totally destroyed okay so this got more chest [Music] like okay I was not expecting this game to actually become like hard if it was in the turnbas mode like I thought that it would be just like super straightforward I was adding more abilities to the characters I think because most of the abilities that I saw in the game I didn't have time to actually Implement so there was some of them that never actually got into the game but I think working on the character's abilities and just expanding on everything in general oh he killed himself this is the r this the round okay hey get out of here dummy well I personally just really like making enemies and obstacles uh so I would continue on that which would kind of be challenging because I don't know if there's any chest pieces left to make maybe I've forgotten one or we'll have to start making them up I really like the idea of having to time your turns across like the spikes for example so I I think expanding on the mechanics in that direction with just more level design and stuff would be really cool they are very well time so that you can get two turns in between so congrats to whoever tuned that little bit you wouldn't change it in any like major like design way just give more of what there is currently I think so I think the idea of a um you know a chess based puzzle game with some like real time mechanics in it is enough of an idea itself I think adding anymore it might become more complicated than I would like to code for sounds like a great elevator pitch real time puzzle chess like game very interesting very unique okay remember guys we've actually made a free game development course that you can check out with a link in the description is the perfect for steps if you also want to become a game creator and yeah make sure to like And subscribe we're working on some of our most epic videos yet we cannot wait to show you all so stay tuned cheers
Channel: Blackthornprod
Views: 352,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackthornprod, pass the game challenge, 7 DEVS Make a GAME without COMMUNICATING! (500 IQ edition), make a game, no communication, 7 devs, unity game dev, indie game dev, game design, game art, chess, devlog, challenge, how to make a game, game dev rocket, no talk game dev, comunication
Id: e1iVUA3xjoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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