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welcome to the past the game challenge six developers make a video game without any communication between them being alone so this time around they also had a theme of Horror the first Dev gets four hours to start the project then passes on to the next two gets five with each day of getting a little more time than the last to make up for time spent debugging code and coming up with ideas will we be able to create an engaging and blood curdling video game let's find out starting with developer number one Liam so I started off creating a simple queer controller script now I want this player to yield a flashlight so I made a system where we could control the radius of the flashlights of vision and I only wanted certain objects to be rendered if they were inside of this cone of vision so the idea was that I only wanted enemies to be rendered if they were inside of the flashlight's Vision I wanted this game to be about Insanity the more the player sees enemies within his flashlight the more he should become insane I then spent the rest of my time adding cool Sun effects to the game so I added a cool Ambience soundtrack a heartbeat sound effects some footsteps and a crackling door yeah okay guys I don't have a lot of time my name is Kyle Banks I'm a game developer I make make devlogs but that's not important right now someone someone just showed up here uh they call themselves The Blackthorne prod I don't know what that means but they they had like a USB stick and they were like you have five hours to make this game better um and it like it better be scary I'm gonna get to work but I'll check back in in a bit and let you know so far I'm really liking the audio and the whole idea of Sanity so I immediately leaned into those I created a second version of the heartbeat with the volume Crank It Up just to the point where it starts clipping as you lose sanity the audio shifts with the louder heartbeat in the ambience taking over from the softer piano and the lighter heartbeat [Music] I wanted to go further with the atmosphere changing as sanity decreases so I wrote a Shader for the field of view that has a pulsing heartbeat like effect to go with the audio and I also added some harsh and greedy post-processing that intensifies as you lose sanity admittedly I did spend more time on this than I should have and we need to get some gameplay going so I did a health pickup to restore some sanity and started a simple spawn script to randomly spawn enemies in health pickups turned out to be pretty boring though so I removed them and made it so you consume visible enemies to restore Health with a long cooldown I also made the field of view expand to 360 Degrees as you lose sanity and added a small sanity Decay even when no enemies are visible so you're forced to go searching it's starting to become this nice balance of having to move around to find enemies don't look at them too long and consume as many as you can when you're cool without us out add a little bit of time left so I added a timer to show how long you've survived and a game over sequence when your sanity hits zero with that the five hours are up I'm happy with the changes I made though in retrospect I do wish I spent more time on gameplay over effects anyways it's time to return the USB stick and I hope they're satisfied with my changes before we move on to the next developers wanted to let you know that if you've also dreamed of making games then we are currently building a course called The Game Dev rocket so it will teach you how to go from zero skills actually selling your games and earning money you can learn more about it with the link in the description hey I'm go there I make that looks on YouTube most of my projects are colorful 3D games so when I checked out the game for the first time I knew I was in for a challenge to start I moved some editor scripts to an editor folder so the game actually builds and I put the field of view code in late update to make it more accurate I didn't really understand the goal of the game yet so I first focused on some technical stuff I made some changes to the UI and added a basic start and end screen I also changed the consumer indicator to include the timer currently the only way to regain sanity was to consume enemies so I added a sanity back that players can pick up to refill their sanity next I gave the spawner an overhaul to give each element a custom spawn interval and made the sanity packs spawn less often than the enemies to add some juice to the game I decided to also Implement a simple skill effect when enemies become visible I then wanted to add some screen shake and accidentally found that increasing screen Shake based on the sanity level makes for a cool effect at this point I was already running out of time so I quickly made a list of stuff that I still wanted to add I figured the circle where players can rest for a bit would make the game more interesting so I added a blue area that protects your sanity even if enemies are in range the circle does disappear after a well to make sure you can't just stand in the circle for the whole game I also wanted to put some coins and a character selector but ended up only implementing the coins due to a lack of time I had some more ideas like a better level spawner and the coin chest that I wasn't able to implement either the last thing I did before passing the game on was to add some sound effects for consuming enemies picking up coins and for the new sanity kit and the sanity Circle hey if you don't know me I'm Aya and I don't enjoy being scared so I typically avoid anything horror related but for the greater good I braved through and Found the courage to click play and test this game and actually it was pretty fun for being so early in the cycle I've only made one spoopy game before called pixel Labs which if you're curious you can play on itch so I'm by no means an expert at this but a Common Thread for horror game seems to be immersion as a player you've got to feel like you're in your character's shoes and while sometimes I do feel like this cute marshmallow I thought a more literal art theme could help with that using what I received is inspiration I developed a story in art I thought might be a little more relatable the player is a patient in a hospital they wake up to pitch black and find some catastrophic event has happened they need to explore the hospital while battling their mental state which is constantly fading between the real world and an alternate one I thought the art was a big part of conveying this story so I worked on that and tried to give it a grungy theme I have no clue what style this is but if you want to use these in your own project I made a Sprite sheet you can get for free at iadev on itch in the first handful of my play test my highest scores were when I stared at the walls and didn't do anything to encourage the player to explore I added quarters keys and batteries that can be found around the hospital I also converted the sanity kit to pills instead of Simply Having a consumability with a timer you now also need to have pills I also added a UI that shows how many of each item the player has collected the vision of the player was a really cool effect but I felt like it was a bit backwards my thought is things tend to get more exciting in horror games when you see less not more so I modified the vision of the player into a flashlight the Flashlight batteries drain over time and your light dims so you need to find new batteries to replace them you can turn off your flashlight to save battery but then of course you won't be able to see anything I also added this little notification that shows how the controls work to keep the cool spooky floor effect I added a fade to the floor material that is linked to the player's sanity if I had more time I would have added a vending machine where quarters could be spent for items and upgrades an electrical room where emergency lights could be activated for a period of time some locked doors and ways to save other patients but I'm out of time so we'll have to see how the last two devs decide to finish the game see ya hey I'm Fabian I've always loved horror from phasmaphobia to Five Nights at Freddy's horror games intrigue me and inspire me with the rich and emotionally manipulative environments they create and when I received the project I was pleasantly surprised to find a mostly cohesive horror experience I played through the game a few times and then started checking out the code behind it I noticed that a few features such as keys and coins had no functionality yet write this down it'll be important later I also found some bugs here and there such as rounding errors that I went ahead and fixed after getting acquainted with the game however I noticed a key issue that was keeping me from feeling engaged immersion I had no connection with this character so I wasn't feeling like I was in their shoes and so I did not find the game Scary so firstly I set out to fix that I wrote a complete story for the game based around the notes littering the starting area the story was designed in such a way so that it tied in with the setting and the mechanics so I wouldn't have to change anything from the previous developers next I recorded voice lines in Ableton Live for the character reading the notes to add to the creepy atmosphere with a couple layers of audio effects I was able to get it to sound like this I need to find the Miracles or this then I switched my focus to The Unfinished features the coins and keys while key seem to have an obvious solution being that they unlock doors no matter how much I thought about it I couldn't see coins fitting into this game so I ended up removing coins and making it so that you could use keys to unlock certain doors my plan for the starting area was to make the main rooms on the right the most important they'd each be locked behind a key and lead to some notes with lore and clues then the final room has the information the player needs in order to win since the game was pretty dark I dotted these lights around the doors for slightly better visibility with the lore notes implemented and functional and the door is unlockable it was time to add an ending to the game I created a sort of end game mode where the objectives changed from discovering exploring and collecting to a primary objective involving these blue dots and the sanity circles upon collecting three of them the player wins with a fitting end then I'm not going to spoil but with that my time is just about up so I'm gonna hand it off to Noah so it took me quite a while to understand what the heck was going on it was what felt like hundreds of enemies all around me and my character was losing sanity at the speed of light the enemies were just a bunch of circles so I created some artwork for them but still I didn't feel much tension I think this was because there were too many dangers all at once all the time so this didn't leave any room for the player to feel Rising tension or fear so I made a drastic decision of removing the weird floating heads and began creating a single monstrous entity I named the centipedes this freak nature would stop you around the abandoned facility and your goal would be to survive and ultimately Slaughter its on maintaining sanity and managing your extremely limited pirate resources equipped with a crossbow the player catches Sinister glimpses of the many legged horror when he gets a chance he can attack it sound effects were key to angry atmosphere to this small experience the player loses sanity whenever he deals damage to the Beast it's blood curdling scream chilling the soul and sending the player frantically searching for pills to restore some peace of mind's torch quickly loses battery the less light there is the quicker you turn insane sadly I didn't realize that the story the other devs had concuts is had to be scratched because it no longer fits with my centipedes so I had to write a different one and Scattered spooky Clues and environmental storytelling elements within the map you can play the centipede using the link in the description and again guys if you want to learn how to make your very own Incredible video games we're making a course called The Game Dev Rockets we're going to take you on this incredible journey from having zero skills to selling your work and earning money with your games you can learn more about it with a link in the description and if you liked this seventh edition of the pass the game challenge hit like And subscribe for the upcoming VR Edition and 100 devs make a game without communicating some insane collaborations are coming up guys alright cheers foreign
Channel: Blackthornprod
Views: 863,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackthornprod, unity, pass the game, pass the game challenge, horror, unity3D, unity2D, noa calice, liam calice, c#, indie game dev, game development, game dev challenge, challenge
Id: odnWVzCBYL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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