I Made the Same Game in 8 Engines

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Just for the record this isn't me, that's just the title

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/spunkyweazle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 08 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ohh this one is so good!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fairycoffee πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Note: Not a single UI was developed.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/quietthomas πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 10 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] Unity or unreal construct 3 or Unity from Unity to godo should you use gaming unreal or construct 3 RPG Maker switched away from unreal to scratch thanks Unity I love Godot not to use Godot Unity equals bad game over to Unreal from go dot Unity versus pick an engine adult game engine RPG makers there's more game engines than Unity I'm kidding of course there are there's a whole bunch of them and as you can tell people have strong opinions about which engine to use so today I'm going to see what all the fuss is about for myself and make the same simple game in eight of the most popular game engines so let's get to it we'll start with unity just because it's the most popular engine and it's the one I'm most familiar with and by that I mean it's the only one I've ever used these are some popular games made with unity and of course we can't forget about the highest tier games made by Yours Truly anyway today we're going to make a simple catch game so first we gotta make our gameplay area or level luckily Unity has a pretty big asset store where you can find lots of 3D models for your projects I found this nice low poly asset bundle for cheap that I've been using a lot lately so I made a gameplay area out of that then I found this free character model to serve as our player we'll just plop him right into the game and this bag of grain will serve as the falling object that our player has to catch now with all of our game objects in the game we want to give them some functionality the way you do this in unity is by writing c-sharp code in something called a script so I put a script in the player that makes the player move when you push the arrow keys there's a script on the bag upgrading that tells it to disappear when the player touches it and there's a script inside the score up here that says when the player touches the bag of grain add one point to the score so in this way all of our game objects and scripts work together to make our tiny little game come to life and that's all there is to it really now of course I glossed over a couple things and there are way more complexities that come with making a bigger game but luckily Unity is well suited to handle almost all of them overall I'd say Unity is a great all-purpose engine next up is Unreal Engine I have to admit I was a little intimidated to try unreal because it has a reputation for having a steep learning curve it's capable of creating truly impressive Graphics in games like these but can I harness even the tiniest bit of its power let's find out well first thing I noticed is that the program itself is huge my computer and modem were struggling just to download and install it once I got it running I decided to take a slightly different approach to building the game this time around I want to get the basic mechanics in place before tackling the visuals so first we'll drop in a camera and start working on the player movement this Barrel is our player by the way just like in unity you code scripts that you attach to your in-game objects but you have to code the scripts in C plus which is a language I don't know so I opted to use unreal's visual scripting system called blueprints instead blueprints are like pre-made blocks of code and you attach those to your game objects so first I made a blueprint for the Player's movement then I used unreal's built-in physics to add gravity to our ball to make it fall then I made 11 spawn points and positioned them in the sky so the ball spawner will know where to spawn balls then just like our last game I added a blueprint that tells the ball to disappear and increase the score if it touches the player or to disappear and set the score to zero if it touches the floor and now that the basic mechanics are in place I want to lean into the strengths of the engine Gunther throw on the RTX so I went to the Unreal Engine Marketplace to get some fancy 3D models and honestly this place is awesome like I found this free Factory asset pack and it looks amazing of course my computer couldn't run the scene at more than 10 frames per second but if I Stood Still I could take in all its Glory so I picked out my favorite models and threw them into the game then I spent just a bit of time working on the lighting and effects to finish off our little catch game it did end up taking about an hour to build and Export just this one scene but I have to say it looks pretty impressive considering I don't really know what I'm doing all in all Unreal Engine is great it's by no means a lightweight engine and it does have a steeper learning curve but if you're after cutting edge Graphics robust features and you're willing to put in some work Unreal Engine is capable of pretty much anything and now for Godot the new kid on the Block Godot is a completely open source and free game engine capable of making 2D and 3D games and unlike unreal it's very lightweight and easy to run because Godot is relatively newer there haven't been a lot of commercial games made with it yet but its library is growing and there are a ton of cool games in production so far Godot is mostly known for making 2D games but I want to try out some of its 3D capabilities so I'm going to make a two and a half d game this time around like last time I started by just trying to get the basic mechanics working and it wasn't too hard to figure them out Godot uses its own scripting language called GD script which is very similar to Python and after watching just a couple short tutorials I was able to get the catcher moving left and right then I found this nice asset in the Godot asset Library called level block it lets you quickly build levels by placing textures on the inside faces of Cubes that you can quickly stack together and now we have the floor and back wall then I needed to create some 3D models for the game I use this cool open Source tool called Magic of voxel it's an easy to learn program that lets you make voxel models which are basically 3D models made up of a bunch of small cubes and I thought this pixelated look would fit well with the game the model I used for the player came with the program but I did try my hand at making a gold coin to use as a falling object and I modeled some columns for the background then conveniently someone in the Godot Community made a tool to import magic of voxel files directly into Godot so that saved me a bit of time then I scripted the coins to spawn and the score to update and had another nice little version of the game running overall I'd have to say my experience using Godot was awesome it's easy to use coming from unity and there's a great community of people supporting it if you want a game engine that's completely open source easy to run and quite versatile Godot is the way to go now to try out game maker I was looking forward to trying game maker because I've always heard a lot about it and it's made some incredible titles though there may be some exceptions game maker is mostly a 2d game engine and to me that's really exciting because I love the charm and look of 2D games so I decided to start by making the art and environment government first this time around game maker has a fairly nice sized asset store where I found this cool jungle tile set it was really fun to build the level and it's satisfying to see it come together like a little puzzle gamemaker has a useful layer system so you can place tiles in the foreground and background in anywhere in between I also really like the layout of game Maker's interface like everything feels very accessible and you don't have to dig too deep to find things next I found this animated pixel art Viking on the asset store to use as our player it was really simple to set up his animations and get a movement script on him then I worked on getting these jewels to spawn and fall from the sky for the player to catch game maker uses its own scripting language called gml code which is kind of like JavaScript for some reason the gyms kept spawning every frame but it ended up being a pretty simple fix then I added the same logic as in the previous versions of the game for collecting the gems and updating the score I did add one extra mechanic to this version of the game two fish jump up from the water that you have to dodge or your score will be reset back to zero all said and done I have to say that working in game maker was a very pleasant experience so something about it is just really fun and easy to use if you're looking for an extremely capable and Polished 2D game engine then game makers the perfect tool the next game engine is construct 3. it's the first no code engine I've tried that's right you don't have to know how to program to use it I couldn't find the definitive list of commercial games made with construct but these are a few of them along with some other cool projects still in development the editor itself looks and works a lot like any other game engine except it's an online editor that runs in the browser the way this engine works is you still have your game objects such as this blue circle I'm using as a player and this red rectangle I'm using as the ground but instead of coding scripts you add these things called behaviors to your game objects to give them functionality so I'm adding a movement Behavior to the blue circle in a behavior called solid to the red rectangle so the player won't fall through it then just like that the player can move and jump on the platform then I went on itch.io and found some free pixel art Sprites to use instead of our basic shapes with those I quickly designed a tiny pirate theme level and now our pirate player is able to run and jump around in the level then I added chests that will fall from the sky for our player to catch that was easy to do as well I just added a physics Behavior to the Sprite next we need to handle the player catching the chests and updating the score instead of writing code for this construct uses events all I had to do was add in a collision event and say I want the score to increase when the Collision event between the player and chest happens and an event to reset the score when a chest hits the ground and by using behaviors and events in this way I quickly finished our little catch game overall I'd see my experience using construct 3 was great it's really cool to be able to quickly get a game up and running without worrying about how to code it I can definitely see myself using it to make smaller projects and prototypes in the future now for another no code 2D game engine called G develop I actually couldn't find any well-known commercial games made with G develop because I think it's still an emerging engine but their website has an impressed of Showcase of projects and there's a growing community of developers excited about the engine on to making our game G develop has a built-in pixel editor called Pascal but I decided to use some art from their free asset Library the process for making the game in gdevelop was very similar to construct I was able to quickly get our player moving on a platform by adding behaviors to them then I made crates fall from the sky by putting a physics behavior on them in this version of the game I added falling missiles that the player has to dodge and just like with construct there's an event system to handle what happens when the player catches a falling crate or gets hit by a missile and the other game mechanics then I filled out the level by adding a background with trees and clouds and a score up top and just like that we have another finished version of the game all in all I'd say G develop is an awesome engine for anyone wanting to try 2D game development for the first time I can't wait to use it more in the future and see what kind of finished Games come out of the community the next game engine in our experiment is RPG Maker MZ I was honestly excited to try it out because the old Super Nintendo jrpgs are my childhood RPG May itself has been around forever and I remember playing the first version of it back in the day thinking I was going to make the next big Final Fantasy RPG Maker is another no code engine and what's cool about it is that it has everything you need to make a game built into it when you start off a project it already has a title screen made in your party of four characters set up it actually took me a bit to figure out how to go into the project files and delete the other three players because I didn't need them the movement of the player is already set up so there's nothing to do there then I tried to make a treasure chest fall or in this case slide down from the top of the screen RPG Maker has its own event system but it works a bit differently than construct and G develop I had to look up a bunch of stuff but eventually I managed to get the chest moving across the screen and the player able to collect it then I used some built-in tile sets to make the level this was probably my favorite part of making the game next I use the event system to spawn more chests for the player to collect there wasn't an easy way to set up the score at the top so I made an event that triggers this pick to tell you score when the round is over cool and there we have our functional little game Loop overall my impression of RPG Maker is that it's a lot of fun to play around with and it has a ton of charm but it was the most inflexible of all the game engines I tried it seems best suited for making a traditional top-down RPG a visual novel or a story Rich game but if you want to make something outside of that you might consider looking at another engine last but not least is a game engine called scratch made by MIT as an educational tool but has become so much more if you go to the website there are tons of really cool small games and projects made with scratch now let's get to making our game scratch is similar to the other engines in many ways first we make our game objects I use an image of the sea floor that comes with scratch as our background then I browse the scratch library and found an image of a bowl of cheese puffs to use as our character and a fortune cookie as the object that will fall then the way you give your in-game object's behaviors is a little different than the other engines what you do is try drag these colored blocks of code from the left over here onto your game object so for the bowl of cheese puffs I use a block that says if the player hits the left Arrow key move the bolt to the left and another block that says if they hit the right arrow key move the block to the right then I put some blocks on the fortune cookie that make it fall from a random starting point at the top of the screen and reset when it hits the floor or when the player touches it then I made a score and put some code blocks in it to increase the score or reset it and I wanted to use scratch's built-in image editor so I made this fancy octopus for the game then I made it dropped bananas that the player has to dodge and that's it we have a working catch game in scratch I have to say that working in scratch is really enjoyable because it's so simple but still very capable I think for kids or anyone just wanting to make a game scratch is an excellent first engine to get you started so there you have it I made the same small game in eight different engines I hope this project inspired you and if you enjoyed it please subscribe so I can keep doing things like this now get out there and make some games foreign
Channel: Emeral
Views: 2,052,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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