I Spent $5000 On Weird Gadget from eBay Unboxing

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what's up guys but this video we're going to change up a little bit content as you know I put to the test got cheeks all the time and part of my job that you guys don't see that I seen on a computer and look for all this weird unique cool gadgets to show it to you to put them to the test all the time so these boxes out here probably in just three days that's it I get ton of boxes every single days sometimes more sometimes whereas depends how busy I am so I figured why am i opening these boxes why don't I open it with you because some of the gadgets I don't put to the test two or maybe three years in advance some of them are the way most of them like the way or some gadgets don't even make cut because it fails or just lose interested with that so I figured why not do a little bit of unboxing what my life looks like whenever there's this gadgets form online and then I'm boxing them before I put them to the test so this is a little bit new content hopefully you guys enjoy this hopefully I'll do this quite often make sure you give this a thumbs up if you like it there's a lot of boxes there is more on the floor I just couldn't fit the oven table just for the thumbnail right here also you gotta remember all this cool stuff is for my videos it's an investment for YouTube channel because it takes money to make money right anyways let's unbox it and see what we got but there were guys the tallest part about this YouTube channel I get to play with all this unique stuff and I get to keep them if I want to a lot of times I do the Nate kitchen gadgets that I don't use at all I buy so much stuff I go to so many god chicks everyday I don't even know about boom first we got here a boiler in the microwave four of them I have put to the test one before it worked so this is going to be in the future kitchen gadgets what is this this is bottle coozes but their tactical would've called bulletproof vests so they came in two but oh you all know what it is when they first came out I mean most of you probably never seen that before I do love research when they all came out it was like a thousand dollar knife said yeah you see how they come out and they are very very neat check this out we're gonna put them to the test and it comes to the board in the future kitchen gadgets now they're like $69 it used to be very expensive let's open up couple of bags here we discovered eBay oh I wonder what it is TV that's an axe so I do buy a lot of stuff on eBay as well especially like webpage access and tools like check this out this thing I'd hear costed me around $400 it's some of them go for $700 this is a knife right here and there is attachment us and they interchangeable I have no idea how to use it yet we will have to put it to the test for separate video in the future so you guys kind of learning with me would stop with this content I might put some things to the test that is kind of simple things in this video on bugs little things but some complicated stuff will be actual video so it's like a little preview what I got and what I'm gonna be filming in the future and who knows it could be not near future they come here and today oh this is funny products this one of those haircutting thing I shave my hair all the time could be useful oh this is funny products I'll open it to show you to you guys real quick because you know you guys love weird stuff from Amazon so I'm looking for more garlic that are funny so you can lift your build up dink and then close it back up stay warm so like Leo octopus head so constantly looking for ideas like that this is super cool funny stuff and a lot of times to buy gadgets like that I think they cool and they don't make the cut in the video or this is cool check this out this is ax it's like almost folding ax but it's a folding god ox like you see they said here I bought it I thought I'm gonna do 5 weird access completion but I now only have to build access so and this is almost too simple to make make a video about it it is super cool very unique vantage axe but I don't know in what video completion should I put it in so I might just put it to the test show it to you in one of these unboxing videos the diss ox build them cover folding acts in a way and then just move on with my life did so this is what I thought why not make this unboxing videos would I guess that way you guys get a live preview this is a discovered something very very recently this is a knife as you can see I'm going to open it and then step below now if you hold it like that and chop it like that we'll see chop carrots and stuff we'll see if it's worth it because this is super unique also I've been buying stuff on eBay from different contexts it's so much fun I love eBay what is this I don't even know could be some fun mail I do have couple boxes from fun mail I just put them into this video as well so if you guys want to send me fun mail again I still get a lot of boxes but I stopped making videos I'm going to put fun melon boxing into this content as well just like high speed unboxing fun stuff okay cool they said here I remember this is for me buddy this is going to be credit card knives wow this is so cool I cannot wait to put it to the test it's just a sneak peek and I love the casing that came in boom okay next I have to this because I have a lot oh we got something awesome I can't believe how fast it comes in used to be a base so slow I just bought it like three days ago and this is a viral tik-tok content and I jumped on it this is guess what I don't know if you guys watch tick tock but this is money so I bought a ton of them this is just one he came in I think about nine of them and it's real money in every bar of soap and between 1 5 10 20 and 50 dollar bill this is the chemistry Binnington you see there is a soap seto soap and inside of it it's like a well pocket of money this is gonna be a cool video we're not gonna buy some today okay couple small small packages I hate those peanuts usually those are for me buddy they make such a mess anyway see what we got here completely forgot what is this I have no idea obviously came from ebay india guys it makes that much mess of a time but stuff is this a sex of money some kind of printed money over here oh no this is super cool this is a bubbly one in between the filming in a separate video if I'm going to be cool enough it will be just in this video this is a silver bars for those people who stock silver probably will be super interested this is 3 1 ounce Quinn's but they are suckers let me show you how they work so silver is about 18 bucks per ounce for smaller coins this thing's goes for about twenty twenty-one dollars and boom you got that yellow line and it says to going ounce fine silver stock around Scottsdale Mint this is very popular mint and let me open them all and put them together and show you guys how cool this stock outside so usually coin stuck up the but they kind of fall but you see there is indent in here so whenever you line them up they stuck perfectly boom-boom and you can keep stacking and because they'll end up so well inside of them you can make him super super tall this is why they call it stocker rounds so cool so people who love to invest into silver I thought that was a super super unique silver rounds I don't really invest aggressively but I do love silver points and you need personal arms like that anyways this probably won't be a separate video for that next package came from Russia I think I know what it is this is my pretty cool idea I come up with also I would love to keep it for myself as well this is the best part of medius I get to film whenever I'm actually want to have this the kind of stuff for myself and I get to be do a video on them this is a svet Union lighters so the post Soviet Union fell apart they used to make stuff and there is even our logos of civil unions look at this very unique sevit Union lighters boom and pretty show all of them working let's died out it sparks probably just need gas because shipping type of stuff you got to care for so I have here one two three four should be one more time union will put them to the test in the future like the Soviet Union I'm sure a lot of people interested oh nice you know what this is accessory you all know I collect if you follow my second channel I collect see Russian or any kind of Russian military seagate and you know what those videos are not super popular so I'm gonna combine to make the content look better into here looks like I got the same thing already helped wheels tongue thing and people also collect random stuff inside there as well so these things by itself go for about 40 to 120 dollars on eBay very good condition right here so put that to the side did not get lucky this time but it's okay I have more go unboxing we'll see what kind we'll get a box over here oh wow nice nice nice nice nice this won't talk about but this one sub it up already have this one's like a strike Newport and Pall Mall this is all in in 60s military United States military cigarettes I bought these things before I opened up Newport and like in stock so I'm pretty much going to have two collections at the same time okay let's see what's in this bigger boxes oh nice this is vintage look at that credit card size knife right here that's the second one I'll put them in a pile I love the bay because you can find something you need to start there is another package from eBay let's pop this open see what you got here bunch of newspaper looks like some kind of bowl awesome what is this this is so awesome I'm telling you guys it's a bind yourself presence on YouTube thank you so much for supporting me Josh what is this this is highly highly part very jiggly oh nice oh my gosh this is access air pocket cigarette matches inside of this this is from 1950s disc and said here go for 350 up to $500 depends of the condition I think I paid for this one $200 and cigarettes inside of this one's way bigger I might do a video by itself for my second channel or make a whole bunch of them and I say no some people give up but those games they got over my own views this is so cool oh look at that another this is 1941 US Army Field the Russian CB unit look at this amazing condition wow I never seen a better condition almost don't want to open it should I open it I might in the future again for the second channel maybe I'll put this together and open them in one video to make better content so you guys in George okay so yeah this can also was $300 so for this to was over $700 so it's expensive to make videos and whenever your video Nick that's hundred thousand views you barely breaking it even so you gotta be super careful what you buy I mean I guess I'm talking to myself oh nice this is see Russian the best quality you know see Russians usually have stains I probably don't even gonna open it keep it into my collection and the bike it almost blew usually they Brown I mean a blue a super super dark brown and this is 19 1969 see Russian so I never opened one before it might be separate video I think I never had one of this year's Sierra shameless and they are very different as you can see every year let's open up this bigger box see what we got here this is it's open mystery person box because you just forget the bike so menu stops no idea okay this is looks like a crate oh okay this is so cool I'm going to do champagne bottle opener gadgets check this out one this side here something I never seen before you got here wires to cut the champagne then you go up the champagne coke like that and open it and there's a screwdriver and looks like a range but bottle opener will be damaged but why not some pain stopper so I'm going to do a whole bunch of videos of champagne bottle opener vintage ones because this one as you can see also vintage okay let's see what we got here I might have to break this video in half and stuff because this is known this is I here for fun mail actually yep it says creation hockey if you guys wondering what's my tío box it's links in the description I mean that works it's the name word best sponge holder okay he's gonna go into my kitchen Dragic so looks like some kind of brand send it to me I like very very unique stuff I kind of don't like it when it just simple gadgets just boom and it's stuck there so okay cool this punch folder you know it's that is simple as that so this is what I'm talking about I don't like putting to the test gotcha quite bad because it's just too simple it has to do something you know okay let's see what we got here more see Russian parks this ones aren't open you know what let's see if we're going to get something new real quick [Applause] mobile no way this is awesome mint condition Marlboro this is what military in 1960s guys used to get mobile that's good and I have a second one I already have that one but I think this is could be a little bit better condition another bomb oh I have so many of them in your school people do collect other stuff I never seen this one before this is so different this is gum right here always different gum people collect gum too but yeah guys my boss go for a lot of money by itself on the back right here it says while of them it says tax-exempt for use of us not to be sold so this was set up made for military and I'd here form ourselves over here would be different okay let's see what else we got here another ebay box over here Oh so they said here look at that sister on over here cigarettes this went for a lot of money as well 200 something dollars this is also 1950s and this one is even more rare than this one because it's a park not and the same years this is super unique so I'm gonna open that later because it's just too expensive okay so you guys can be looking forward to those videos looks like another I think champagne so I was buzzed him to obey I thought that was very unique you got that here super thick one opener knife for the to be removed and this side here is for the champagne to put it in between the cook and just pry open and fly away so that's my third vintage champagne open up your talk into here okay there's another plot box right over here supposed to be easy to open it yeah I guess not man it's raining I love when the terrain is it sounds so good peanuts but you know keep it in a box because they make too much mess oh my gosh you're such a big mess with boxes so that's all I'm saying I have to open up all that stuff I figure why not make a video at the same time okay man they pocket like today's you oh this is something so cool I just say something discovered have no idea how it works but this is you won't believe it can you guess this is military folding my chapter so I'll have to also learn how to use it and how to work it and then we're going to go in the woods and put it to the test that you to chop things again maybe I'll combine them few home later question whatever this is how to stop but I think something is super cool I will do it anyway many many months to make a video of it ok no way more money this is the same brand nope this is a little bit different as you can see this money so but this man you saw was completely different brand so I wanted to put to the test different balance we'll see who pay odds the most yeah another little bucks I'm getting tired I think more money soaps that's awesome day oke in one at the same time the same it was different sellers but as you can see this bird that last one was exactly and I have here nine money soaps hopefully we'll get a whole bunch of 50s in here 20s and fives none of the ones we don't want that each bar was about eighteen dollars some of them $30 depends so we'll see if we make our money back away together how much money you have invested in them okay couple more boxes oh this one exhale yeah I know what it is this is another silver bar but Stucker same band as the other one but ten ounces each again I think this is so awesome and I'm super interested in this kind of stuff but I don't think a lot of people are into this kind of silver stuff or my just content it should be a little bit more ethyl in a way so I'm just gonna keep it in only in this video maybe separate video Facebook one day so again should be wearing gloves this is you look at dad Scott's when silver I love this you have a boss because I know if you can see it they have this very unique different colors on them and this is probably one of the most expensive means out there they say here pentile ounces so 10 x 18 dollars hundred and eighty dollars each minimum but because this is such a unique stocks you see the serial numbers very cool and you can stack them and you see because there is a lip may not go slide compared to the other bars if you stack up they might fall over this is the coolest items ever and they sell have completely different sizes stack them up love that I just wanted to show it to you quickly but I didn't know in which video now you know okay huge box over here the biggest and last for the best that yes you know I don't know if it's gonna be the best okay this is so cool this is very very unique boom this is not United States survival kit military survival kit this is a different country and this is a tool survival kit backpack to open it I'm gonna give you a quick sneak peek let me know what channel should I put it on my main channel or second channel I always debate with myself which channel should I put on and I forgot what country it is because it's been a while since I ordered it and of course when I actually going to put it to the test you guys will see and push this gun down Wow look at that this is burn ooh look at these tools you guys see it this tools inside of the back there's a big shower tool this is a brand new never been used pliers ropes flashlights super thick blanky woohoo look at that who asked you look at this axe over here I'm not gonna open it and a hammer so that's why it's so heavy and there is explanation of it you'll have to unbox it all the way and put it to the test in the future I'm not gonna show you guys anymore quick sneak peek look well guys that's pretty much it I have a lot more boxes bye-bye two more I have a lot more boxes and by the next day I have a lot more boxes because I constantly like hours and hours on a computer on a cellphone on eBay and Amazon of those weird websites looking for unique tools and gadgets it is fun I love it and in the near future I will be putting them to the test might be might be not even near future because if I put every other day or every day still some of these gadgets will not get a spotlight for six to eight months you just never know what I'm inspired to put to the test and now that you have a lot of gadgets in line so what I do is come up on my cool I feel like I'm doing two gadget this one for my second channel oh I feel like doing kitchen gadgets and I want this ones I feel like doing so videos because I'm busy all day and it's going to be a super easy video but this one has to be soon because it's a turn to kick tack so you got a do turn this stuff as soon as you get them you see I'm saying not the engine stuff like this tools and stuff I can take my time filming them so hopefully you guys like this a little bit of behind the scenes of stuff and also a sneak peek for the future videos and also hopefully enjoy this cigarette collection things because I don't feel like I want to do separate videos for it but hopefully guys going to enjoyed it in this unboxing video also and hopefully you enjoy this silver unique stackers unboxing as well maybe if I find something also unique from those things are only going to unboxing and feature them on this video because it's such a miscellaneous and unique stuff I don't even know what to else to stick it to make a whole video of them by the way I have something super cool by the way for the next video I guess I'll leave it to you this is silver lounge super UNIX but hopefully you guys enjoyed it thank you for watching don't forget to thumbs up this video again and I'll see you next time hopefully you guys gonna come back for the next unboxing of real stuff on eBay or Amazon like a preview gadgets
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 1,229,032
Rating: 4.8579125 out of 5
Keywords: Ebay Unboxing, Ebay, Unboxing, mystery box, $5000 Worth of Gadgets, kitchen gadgets, survival gadgets, camping gadgets, tools
Id: 4qbV9cSMz-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 22sec (1822 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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