10 Weirdest Things on Amazon - #30

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what's up everybody welcome back to motherboard toyota where safety is now bumper and today i'm going to show you a bunch of weird products on amazon i found today so let's see what i got this time and of course make sure you give this video a thumbs up helps a lot today i'm going to try out something really crazy i thought this thing was from the 90s and they don't make them anymore guess what they are all over on amazon and i think i've seen recently somebody running in those so let's time out okay let's tie them on hopefully they'll be big enough for me they do adjust okay this is gonna be fun ow that is weird they don't do anything oh they go that is funny they bouncy not much that is so funny okay guys look at that i'm like seven feet tall i'm just kidding six seven and yeah this is weird you know it doesn't jump on a very time to do together you gotta do it one at a time i guess it's a good workout let's see the zooming close-up of this shoes this is incredibly hard actually yeah what do you guys think that is so funny i can't believe this invention i wish i heard them when i was a kid now i'm old and tall and i'm afraid to fall okay see you guys dude you're so tall you don't even fit in the camera oh yeah it's kind of fun okay get up now wow it's painful this is so unique i don't know if i would do this again but it is definitely fun to try it one time it is very very painful on my feet i don't think they fit me right but yeah strange thing to do while you're on probably wouldn't be fun wiping out on this thing because it makes me another food taller but it's fun definitely probably can run a little faster these things they spring quite a bit and look at the attraction interesting i thought it would be harder as well but it wasn't that hard got it here a couple of our next level rings holders if you want to purpose there's a little cool option to accent your rain you see there's a little led light to make your diamond glow even better so check this out wow that diamond is super super bright if you do it without the light you see it's a little bit darker still beautiful diamond but with the light it's reflects like crazy so yeah that is quite nice i'm going to take down the lights a little bit you know all those jewelry stores have lots of lots of lights they take an advantage of making it more beautiful by edit on lights so when you pause maybe you should do too this is quite nice isn't it look at all this lights affliction i like it and again without it without it quite nice as well especially this one but with it also super nice i know just a really weird product let me know in comments below what do you think would you propose with the box like that or without it and another one right here let's see what this one is all about they make some unique boxes lately nice okay this is all plastic so weird kind of dirty a little bit okay how do we open it okay this slides out that's quite unique too so you put your in into here feels like some kind of silicone rubber material and wow it's kind of pops at you this is cool i feel like this is could be a box not just for proposal but for like a storage too boom but it's kind of nice [Applause] definitely very different compared to like you know very original regular boxes they flip over like that so this one is definitely next level upgraded it pops at you this is quite nice i should do like top 10 irene holders some people might uh think it's really cool anyways i'm sure there's people who like only original stuff like classic stuff but some people i bet will only want to go this way this is super cool found another interesting gyroscope on amazon this one comes with a stand beautiful nice so what's so special about this spinning top this spins by itself this pins by itself and i guess this side here so you can actually hold it so it's a gyroscope spinning top that's so unique okay got really simple spinner over here almost like diy one and i guess we'll hold it like that and we're gonna spin it up wow you can hear it it's still speeding up by the sound constantly changing okay as you can see i can go up by the top and stand it up right here like that wow [Music] whoa kind of losing control over here okay it's stabilized itself the table is a little bit uneven it's moving but that is so cool what do you guys think and again i could lift it up maybe even flip it over and stand it up like that let's see if it's fast enough not yet but wow it's definitely fighting me it's like a big spinning top check this out this is so cool i love this one this one is really really stable and spins on the table really good this is like the best spinning top and the same time gyroscope wow look at that i can't believe how long it spins wow it lasts a long time this is a really really balanced very high quality got a scope spinning top it's starting to lose steam this is why it's going in out like that also you can lift it like that i'm gonna spin it hard enough to where we're gonna put it sideways like that and see if it's going to work i feel like it's uh the fastest it's gonna go now okay let's try to put it sideways like that nope not gonna work not so much so awesome oh about to fall no big deal lift it up and move it but i love how it's dancing right now when it's going [Music] fast so unique so fast i love that you can lift it and it's still spinning in your hand and you can even put it on the tip like that super cool [Music] decide to flip it over real quick oh wow you can even do it this way too that's pretty cool oh yeah they go it can go on top like that too except it seems to be slowing down a little bit faster wow that is so awesome check this out yeah the best pinion top gyroscope all together usually you either get gyroscope or spinning top this is together that goes pretty fast i love it how long will it spin before it drops will get even lower wow almost at 90 degree angle there you go keep going down without falling so cool wow look at that it's lower now it's still spinning without falling that is the coolest gyroscope check this out awesome i gotta hear color flame birthday candles i think i haven't seen it at walmart there you go you gotta hear pink purple green blue yellow and somewhat red so let's get one of each and light them up see what's going to look like and also we're going to turn off the lights they go so as you can see blue flame red flame definitely very visible purple flame is kind of similar to the blue flame uh i don't see too much difference yellow flame is very very yellow and red flame is definitely way more red than a pink one as you can see if you look at it closer it's beautiful don't you guys think they go four candles over here with the different colors much enough more light see what it's going to look like yeah definitely see the blue is mostly on the outside especially whenever you move it around i'd say that's especially when you see the blue you see not turning blue yeah you definitely see the blue whenever you kind of let's say you carrying the cake you can see the color some most yeah i love this candle so very very unique so obviously whenever you carry the cake it's going to look a lot more cooler on a cake very easy to put them out i gotta hear a couple of uh traveling dog water balls let's put them to the test see if they're actually waterproof so looks like a top material and i like it that is for the big dogs i think this one is more for the food actually they both the same but they fold pretty nicely just roll it up and a rubber band over here but yeah let's put some water in here let's see if it's waterproof almost a little water you guys can see there's plenty of water and guess what it's nice i don't see any water leaking so this is really cool you have this two really thick water balls i have four big dogs that's perfect when i travel in you can go with me and bring water and food without burning in the actual ball with me in the car so yeah this is really nice for camping if you can part with the dog awesome there's a burn for it go right here code holder for the mouse okay then i guess we're gonna put it into the computer i guess your computer mouse gonna go into this wire so that way it's always feels nice and comfortable you can adjust it so that way your wire does not get stuck under the table you know i'm talking about if you're gaming on a table look this is cool and nice if you pull it a little bit to the side forward it has a little bit of a flex to it and of course you can adjust it in and out this is cool let me know in comments below what do you think about this gadget i don't even know it even existed until i start making a video looking for gadgets like that pretty unique got it here next level power cord let's see what this thing is all about this one more like traveling one instead of bringing a giant power cord look at that you can plug it in into the wall while it's hanging i guess that's quite unique take it off like this and use it as an extension port you have two plugs and four usb plugs a couple feet of wire but again whenever you wrap it up so like this you plug it in and i guess it's kind of hanging that's interesting pretty unique i wonder if it's gonna hold in there without falling off yeah i guess it is pretty tight that's cool never seen an extension cord that ups up so neatly and tight and you don't have to keep it extended you can just put it like that for multiple uses and i have another power cord right here let's see what this one is about [Applause] so this one is returnable with the anti-slip couple of pieces right here not bad whoa okay now we know how it works type c uh two usb i guess and one two three four five plugs and how do we yeah just pin the top of it and it's gonna return the wire it's pretty awesome has a little bit more plugs but a lot bigger than this one so again just carpet retracted a couple of feet of wire and then skirt back on i'm using this one right now it's pretty nice but the wire is not detectable so yeah pretty much same thing but better than this one got it here another can opener this time it's a lot more simpler um i think it goes over the lip like that yep so you grab it like that squeeze it and cut it that's it oops it slid on me nice smooth cut but i think they advertise this can open up for arts and crafts not so much to open it and drink it okay i think i made a mistake i didn't put it all the way in you're gonna push it all the way in and then slice it open boom wow so yeah another weird product for some reason you need to cut a can like that boom here another weird chair one leg here another fun part let's start to sit in it i would assume you kind of see them like on a bicycle with it and that's why it's a little bit this way so you kind of lean on it whoa kind of weird uh very comfortable to sit on but still kind of have a lot of pressure on my back to kind of bounce around a little bit i know if it's easier to just stand because this is not very very comfortable but yeah this is a definitely very different one it's not so much lynn cheer you kind of actually have to sit up in it so yeah very weird one leg chair over here
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 203,719
Rating: 4.8981819 out of 5
Keywords: gadgets, 10 Weirdest Things on Amazon - #30, Amazon, Weirdest Things on Amazon, crazy russian hacker, taras kul
Id: kF34aP2Y_20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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