I Spend $1000 on Weirdest Things on eBay/Amazon

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got it here time machine this is a marble clock so it looks like butter is included over here this thing's up is a pretty vintage i got it on ebay that's why they taped the butter is on top over there okay wow look at that this is my models okay there's instructions how to use it obviously let's put the batteries in first it should be butter inside here there you go also you could plug it in but that's what we're going to be doing with the using butters okay i can hear it clicking that's pretty awesome so there's the seconds then we're gonna put the marbles in small steel ball going to go into the top one right here you see right here this one gonna go in the middle one and the large steel ball gonna go into here then just set the clock so then we're gonna place a whole bunch of balls into here so let's say it's like eight o'clock and look we'll set it maybe 7 37 so this is 35 and then there's a smaller minute side here so 737 that's pretty awesome isn't it and i guess the rest of the balls are gonna go into the back continue it here it doesn't do seconds because the second says the actual timer with the arm okay the rest is gonna go in here okay one minute left you see there's an arm see what they do they're almost zero zero you see it will grab the ball lift it up and we'll drop it into here and as you can see it's going to continue doing so till it's going to be enough minutes so let me go up another bowl and let's say it drops another one let's say another minute went by and let's dup another minute and as you can see it will drop another minute into here you see it that's so cool so let's just keep going another minute we're just gonna pretty much speed it up instead of the arm i'm gonna do it by hand and it said just say sets the balls and just continue making this kind of cool noises every minute and as you can see the table so four bosses goes to back to the reset uh and uh just one ball goes into next level oh another minute went by and it dropped it off with the arm well there's balls for me to drop so let's say i'm gonna fill up over here till 12 o'clock let's say 12 o'clock what will happen because this is a most exciting part will happen during that time so only a few minutes left almost all of the balls are out because it's 12 o'clock [Applause] wow did you see that why is it stuck here is it supposed to get stuck you see how there's some balls on this level well i think it has its own level maybe let's figure it out it's so exciting [Applause] so you just have to eat time you see the arm just lifted one you have to every time by the balls boom as you can see just say listed the rest of the balls also this machine has to be on a very very uh level place i love this machine clock time machine so and i just keep going so very easy to set the time once you figure it out it makes this really cool noises every minute let's do one more and let's see what happens once the arm actually will lift it by itself without my help so as you can see four minutes right now all balls loaded right here so in about five seconds let's see zero zero on the dot the arm goes over drops the ball boom love the noises it makes they go marble clock over here time machine whatever they call it and obviously you can put this cover back in it does have a plug but about it on ebay the plug was missing so they go super cool you can still see it very well to the glass wanted to get this thing a long time ago finally found it there's a few of them on the ebay for sale not really sure which ones are working which or not i got lucky got the working one so yeah which camping gas do you use this or this this stuff you can find in a grocery store this stuff you gotta go to a specialty camping store online but this one's you can find pretty much anywhere so but i'll be using them both and a lot of times i'm out of this ones but i still need it so guess what i can go in the grocery store buy that tank and still use this mini very tiny stoves like for example this one but these camping stoves are made for this gas cans and as you can see this is super super tiny so there's no way that this will fit into here but what if i really want to well guess what you can actually buy an attachment check this out so i would assume we're gonna put this in first into here and then we're gonna put this thing into here why it does not lose air or anything like that that's beautiful let's grab a lighter see if it will work in a darker room look at that that is powerful so probably don't need to do it that high probably this much but again this is a really cheap camping stuff i don't know where it came from probably why it's like so extra but yeah you could definitely adjust it way lower probably wouldn't use any more than this but yeah very very powerful pretty amazing so yeah very very interchangeable now also this adapter for one of these canisters that is pretty unique let's try it out i have one of this really cheap butane for one of those flat i don't actually don't remember if it's cheap or not okay i guess it sits in there really really good okay let's go tie it out outside see if it works okay i turned it on and this one is actually a little bit better because it's not too powerful whenever we put it on max you see it's not obnoxiously like powerful it is just perfect so probably gonna go take it down this is not the best a stuff right here just came with it probably the cheapest one i could probably find a little bit better so there you go now you can use this butane fill for this tiny camp stoves that's so unique oh okay there you go you see that's twisting let go twist it make it tight wow i didn't even notice it so let's take this off first and looks like it's not go pull it out so you can just put one on a canister and bring it with you twisted let go pop it in and twist it so awesome i love this little thing oh my gosh so yeah now you can use any kind of camping feel which is perfect in case you're on out you need to just go in the store and grab it boom ready to go this stuff you can get a grocery stores as much as this stuff this one a little bit more difficult but that's what it requires for this kind of stuff and also i have another one and it's this kind and as you can see it's for the standing stuff so it won't work with this one but in case you're wondering there's a whole bunch of attachments like that a lot of them so you don't have to just use the same thing like that it is highly recommended to use it with them but in case you have to you can buy an attachment and use those ones so pretty awesome gather here three pretty unique light switches so first of all you have whole bunch of gears and it's all wood so you kind of have to be a little bit careful so this up and down by just pulling this lever and there's gears one two and there's a kind of unique flood gear uh we'll switch it on and off two areas on this one beautiful alone live switch i really like it and this one has a little gear like that and lots of lots of levels and only one error on off spinning quite a bit and nice but again all these little parts is very very small so you don't want to beat it up and be very careful and gentle with it and the last one looks like a spaceship check this out so all you have is a lever right here and it's pushing it up and down and windows will show you on and off so very very different one over here too uh the uncover scores because most of the outlets will already have a scope you just use the same screw so as you can see you need a switch like that in this case uh we're gonna replace it real quick like i was saying we will use this screws so just put it in and i just kind of put it in the middle okay and just go down simple as that one and two so and there you go there's on off this is the outside light so nothing will change inside but that's beautiful don't you guys think maybe not in every room it will fit but i love it simple light switch now becomes something very special in unique and by switching it you could still use this but it's a lot easier to just switch with this one and it works very smooth every time okay let's check out the different one just put in the middle right here and unspin it some people will like this one better so let's check this out and i like how whenever it's on and off it's gonna hide those screws anyways that's just very satisfying but again it will work only with this kind of switch i really like it let me show it a little bit closer so on off i mean if i had to write the review i probably would say it's super easy to install it has no problem with the installation okay to me this one is a little bit more like a space themed you see how you have this really big lever so cool and there's like two legs pulling it on off especially right now this light is outside so it's actually nice that it tells me it's off or on that is cool so that way you don't even have to guess which light is it for okay this one gonna go onto a double like that nice will fit a really big one instead of this wide ones don't take off this whole plate okay and then just plug this in nice let's double a little bit harder than a single one so pretty cool light over here on and off points of the era and it has this very interesting color to it they have all type of different colors too so this is very nice light switch for sure one of a kind very steampunky you could still use this to turn it off on but i would prefer to actually use these things for some reason facebook advertised this to me so i figured why not let's put it to the test this thing is weird so i got it on amazon so this is a rainbow bath bomb oh cool three of them finally unboxed it so we're gonna try one of them out in the bathtub mmm smells pretty good okay so this is more like i guess for kids i don't know i just figured this is a unique product some of your adults would maybe will like it to buy it for your kids feels like chuck and as you can see the rainbow is over here so let's fill it up the tub and see what it will do okay let's see what happens some more set it like that oh wow no way it's like a propeller look at that kind of from one side more oh hit it too hard check this out is it like a baking soda reaction over here that is so cool oh my gosh kids probably will love that check this out i can't believe it works so well that is just satisfying even for me i don't know why but i'm really liking it a lot it looks like one of those science experiences it does like dissipates pretty quickly but in the beginning there it's not propelling forward as much as you can see but i guess you could help it out and it's gonna kind of spin it out and stuff that is weird so while this one is doing let's put another one over here oh wow it's actually changing the color of this bathtub water look at that two of them let's see kind of started out slowly wow this one is definitely working really well i love it and yeah like a bath bomb it is actually changing the color and it's not floating forward but yeah that is amazing whoever come up with that idea like yeah probably making all the money so genius check this out so cool then you see how it's a career of whatever it called a rainbow but let's push this one forward and the big bathtub probably will work even better love it how it's like keeping material over here oh wow that one is starting to swim that is so cool i know just something i've never seen before and it's just mind blowing a little bit so cool you know it's so hefty break off stuff you would think you put this thing in and it will just sink nope it's floating pretty good and it works really really good and it's very satisfying for me to look for it and you know it's also mind-blowing it has lasting a long time i can't believe it i guess i should keep filming it to figure it out when it's going to end look this one just by itself kind of turn and start the floating that way so they do float from all this uh fizziness a little bit it's small spread is stone so some people might like it some people not so much i think it's okay not too bad look it just looks like it's floating but it's barely moving that is so satisfying look at that so cool so yeah i guess it's gonna keep going and look at that river wow if you don't touch it that foam stays on top of it and it's just so unique so you guys make sense what it is and what it does these things are pretty amazing you get three in a pack they kind of float spits out the rainbow this one is still going and i put it way earlier than that one so yeah this is what you expect to see in the bathtub looks like some kind of i don't know picture frame over here picture i don't even want to mess it up it looks pretty beautiful look this one have spun out by itself and actually keep spinning creating this very unique rainbow so yeah that's cool yeah definitely not my genre to make video off but i figured why not uh this is pretty unique product and that's what i specialize in so it was a facebook or an instagram targeted advertisement and i bought one just maybe from impulse to make a video off and yeah hopefully you guys like it because that's pretty satisfying this one is kind of slowing down finally and this one too but i love how it making donuts over here check this out i gotta give a super weird umbrella let me show you what i'm talking about you see inside here there's actual like a fan plastic fin that's pretty cool so it looks like two of them and they fold up so it takes four double a butters so let's open it and fill it out oh yeah it's cooling you off except i don't know what would you use it maybe like florida tropical rainy days that is still a really hot day that's quite nice unless you want to try to protect yourself from the sun and so that way the umbrella doesn't overheat you can also at the same time cool yourself off let me show you close up what it looks like so there is button there is a propeller oh yeah it's blown pretty nice and as you can see there's a net so that way you cannot hurt yourself that is so unique don't you guys think there you go super extra umbrella and as you can see it is kind of a made from the sun not so much from the rain but can do both most likely during the sun you can cool yourself off pretty unique umbrella for sure this gadget is actually pretty useful check this out this is a zipper cover wait did you just break no this is just two pieces so you got yourself a regular zipper what happens whenever you drop a lighter like that you're going to make a pretty nice dent so this is why you have one of this keychain also addition to this zipper lighter going to go like that and like that and now you have a pretty much like a cell phone case for this zipper oops wow it sits in there so well it didn't want to come out and now your zipper lighter also has a little carabiner you can hang it onto a backpack belt whatever and also you can just regularly open it it does have a little bit better grip to it actually because this is non-slip now and if you do end up dropping it it hopefully will protect it from denting it just like a cell phone case in a way that's pretty cool i like that case a lot got right here portable blender let's see what this thing is all about in case you want to blend up some smoothie or some kind of healthy drink there you go you can bring the blender with you wow check this out there is actual blender in here okay and to start it all we have to do is just press it and hold it and then it will turn on that's quite fast and off okay let's try to blend something also will it turn on when it's open doesn't look like it so which is good that's a good safety okay put some water and berries just for example i'm sure it's not super powerful blender but it probably will do this wow fast and the coolest part is you can actually move it around so that way it actually blends it really well this was an unfrozen one so obviously you can do it with frozen ones and stuff but that is incredible this pretty powerful blender i like it and it's very nice very convenient looks like a water bottle and in fact it is a water bottle you just open it and drink it from here so water bottle blender that's a weird gadget right here never seen before got it here kitchen cube measuring spoon i imagined if you think about it all my measuring spoons usually completely lost or separated and i have like three different sets of different measuring spoons so this is why i think they invented this cube it's probably will be a little bit harder grabbing it and scooping it whatever you need more like for liquid i would say this one's uh not so much for the powder especially if whenever you need to grab just this one it'll be in a way so yeah there's a milliliters or cups and then there's uh what is that just a cup right here i could definitely use a cup for like powder and things like that but yeah this is just a different idea of using a different um measuring spoon without losing them all in one the container is a little bit too big i cannot put it inside there but let's say we need to fill it up half a cup i guess you could shake it up oops spilled it a little bit so i don't know it's kind of cool but it's not perfect with the other measuring spoons you can actually scoop it with this ones you have to kind of be careful you can overscoop it that well so yeah very interesting measuring spoon one of kind this one also kind of funny inflatable neck or pillow or whatever that is i wonder if they're gonna let me bring this on the airplane that looks pretty crazy okay and then we just inflate it right now just flat it looks like we'll be a little bit of a next stage or two okay it's kind of getting comfortable to wear like you have a very low uh feel and you can fill it up even more to where it's going to be way more neck support but look at this picture it looks like it filled up a really high you can make it tighter lower beautiful and yeah you cannot move it around too much wow i don't even have to like worry about leaning it back it's holding my neck up so well so if your neck hurts it kind of feels pretty good what does it look like ow it's kind of hurts a little bit so yeah you can i guess uh tighten this up and then remove that and whenever you want to release it all i have to do is just twisted so it's actually going to release it but that looks pretty weird and not super comfortable i wonder if it's for like a hurt neck or something like that stretch it out easy to elicit yeah it's not feeling good it's not that comfortable but it is a neck support probably if you hurt it or something they go very unique gadget guide here i really thought it was like a traveling pillow inflatable neck support device very weird thing you can buy an amazon right here
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 181,752
Rating: 4.8395367 out of 5
Keywords: I Spend $1000 on Weirdest Things on eBay/Amazon, unboxing, gadgets, I Spend $1000
Id: pTk8hsl2iPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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