10 Japanese Vending Machine That Will Blow Your Mind!

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so guys when Jeff are looking for fancy most unique realtors vending machine and they guess what Wow more vending machine I never even seen that on internet so this is about almost $12 for different one and that's what you get whiplash pokémon's one-of-a-kind Tokyo once oh I'm so bad I know that you have you don't have oh yeah you have this on squirtle squirtle squirtle but here's this is a thousand no wait 10,000 yen it's hundred dollars in America yeah so you see you can stick money into here oh you have to pick it first what no you don't you oh I see this is so cool or now you stick the money in this is so big all look adopts and the chin come change come out over there but I want to see how pokémon's comes out oh there you go boom while of the box it's a Cajun ax one they're so cool I'll let you open it yeah we got a bit so awesome you gotta get another one and then we'll open later is there any more and they sold out a Pikachu - so what which one do I like do you like this one yes I do like him yeah so you wanted that one do it one more sounds good look at the picture let's do him Ginga look it's the last show okay do it head to the cart then put the money in they got the coins so this is thousand yen so you put another coin one more and give us change look at dumping off another one boom second one no way so big a box or bigger toy this is awesome okay I'm so excited she said your favorite Pokemon oh he's so small and tiny and cute [Music] Wow usually like this and it's really low-quality this that's awesome okay let me open this one you cannot get this in the United States oh I really do like him we will look at it I love it so some of them bigger than the other look mines are cute and yours is all mean I love it thumbs up for me let us know in comments below what do you think about this vending machine so much fun oh my gosh banana vending machine yeah and just what men care they've been looking for banana vending machine we could not find it apparently if you Japanese to speak Japanese you can Google well but you know what I don't think real men go around looking for vending machines time to look at that they go bananas I'm small yeah you're right I don't know if I feel on this or not but nah it's good for you they go oh there's different prices yeah a dollar fifty right dog 54 ad so some of them better than the other all right what does it say what the defense that's the premium on with the black label mmm that's it yeah okay I'm gonna have payment but my banana yep oh okay oh okay one ogonek one is not okay so I'm gonna go over the cheapest one first my number okay wow I love this taste look up banana falls out then it doesn't fall so it doesn't move and take you down boom okay let me buy banana Oh bananas famous all bananas look at them y'all go get em y'all famous banana ah famous banana gotcha coach yeah I mean but on a vending machine okay I'm gonna get eight no I got do for you foreign in the blue young balloon check out how to fix it up changing puts banana in and take it all the way down this is so cool there's a banana awesome I guess what I never fuss it's soft over here so it doesn't lose it I don't notice that oh it's got a foam pad you don't bruise your banana huh you gotta fall you're all right so we got two bananas over here out of a vending machine all right they need them all over United States okay hmm smells good Timothy to open it grab a wat technique yeah and you have a technique you don't open up by this in monkeys open it by this hand haha on my channel it's like this you'll pop it that's a good way you pop it you massage it a little bit and then you'll hear like a pop and then you open it like this that is cool that's high that's super cool then you open and I see that where you can just look well I'll have to get another banana - that would be the Russian way I think huh hmm there's not even right back to the white the green the bananas well bronze brown bow around for the Winspear juice if I'm like it's another day or two you know what maybe you should give me the new budget but not this you know what hoping about doing it like this it's like look mm-hmm save it for later right two days later I'll eat the banana be perfect yeah this is never like a greener well you know what I'm not good with banana dad to open it your way brilliant he's doing my trick okay one more banana this time I'm gonna get number two let's see if any better [Music] you're really having another one yeah I'm more used to tea okay push it like that nice I didn't even have to massage it that's tight yeah I have improved your take you have I know yeah you thought you made it better just take it out right and the rest in the pot yeah all right it's tight right yeah oh yeah I look like oh boy that's right if anybody gives you trouble you fire fire on them well as you change the exosuit gochugaru channel links in description cheers man and unsubscribe anytime if you saw too many bananas what's up guys I'm over here in Tokyo and guess what this is a mystery vending machine you could have been all that stuff so I'm all tied out it's a thousand year ten dollars so I'll put in $20 and get two of them see what happens so what's the stuff you can buy they've got Nikon cameras Lamborghini keychain [Music] and this is something here too we just press any button so you got a purse one of those buttons they go so you kind of have to pass it and hold it and then something fell in here all look I have got headphones I don't I don't have headphones for ten bucks I think it's worth it you wanna pick one oh there you go oh look you can even get TDs they go this is the old vlog oh nice coach wallet this is the new the dawn that's a cool stuff in here I think it's worth $10 so it's kind of win-win okay I'll give you money Nintendo that'd be cool okay you have to purse one of the lucky buttons and hold it just keep holding girls falls what you get the secret box secret box sounds like a t-shirt or something ah you lose I mean I got cool stuff yeah yeah unbox it here yeah right it's like you could get something that's worth nothing would be okay what a canon g7x oh one of this thing said yeah what is that somebody Eric so what do you do you just stick it yeah I'd say goodbye to your hard-earned it's ten bucks okay which one do I pick I think it's they're all random so random okay I'll close my eyes okay let's go good luck I mean if you want to be ticketed Disneyland ticket that's what 80 bucks I heard this heavy heavy drop do you think it's something good oh it's a power it's cuz I have any kinda heavy let me see heavy is a camera that's not knockoff that's real is nee that good stuff oh man yeah ten bucks that's 20 bucks easy twenty bucks okay easy you said it burn when you bug first as if for tissues oh I think is you don't you put your trained giant pass man I really wanted one of those yeah awesome all right but now we're leaving tomorrow for your tram how to use on my backpack go with cute yes boom it actually matches the backpack yeah yeah that is sharp so every time you go to the tain you don't have to look for it take your wallet out you just scan it like go I see your lino probably broke a tech goes on the main channel they sell really cute ones like enemy was probably the best one yeah they sell them if they look just like that that's where it's 50 bucks I feel blessed all right and the money is so nice and you can see there's Mount Fuji right there you guys didn't have that much dawn that beautiful that is cute I don't like it gorgeous so the thousand yen sandbox I mean you're gonna win me something big no promises haha but we have the hope we have all I want is me thinking yeah eighty-four dollars okay pick a number pick a number any of them one two three four five six hey so six you gotta fold it or no no man they go oh oh that's heavy that lady really did what is this it's not my light oh oh I think it's magnifying glass that's cool 20 bucks going my eyes are going that's a good one that again we reading it right yeah that is they go come with batteries it comes with the carry pouch huh boom fire or something that's for something so I think this 10 bucks easy let me hold some of that Thanks yeah that'd be good see if it works they go I see you crazy Russian fans okay another vending machine hot coffee and it not just like five different kinds like American once look how much choices you got what you see you getting excited corn soup in a cup okay I have three dollars so let's put it in I don't know what that is I think they're Scotty and sugar and crema so you can add on maybe but anyways let's put some money in what do you want I'm gonna I'm gonna have banana banana chocolate latte it's called okay where is hot I want hot ok banana banana lotto it's here how cool is that oh there is a chocolate banana latte and there is different types out here I want a banana latte ok this game Oh No okay there is change it's gone 31 seconds in favor the later time there without doing we're going to go on it in the middle with the heart burn and a lot I never had but not a lot before so pretty excited and it's cool that you can even choose the same flavors cold or hot and there is a soup I'm gonna get that forgettin oh wow look at that door and ladies the lady on top of it amazing it's hot I can't believe it little lady comes on top of it you wanna do touch one hot chocolate okay all right get them real hair for which one you want small one okay it's pretty much dollar for the hunt 140 yen what again go in they go let's start again if it doesn't walk you just first this and money come on one - okay change and it takes only like 35 seconds 55 cents it here and you can put cash into here if you don't have points 8 7 6 5 4 they one bull chickadee South and the Koppers a bit different yes of the smaller I love that the cap is already on it thumbs up for me for copy machines we need some of that let's go take a tour by the way this is what it looks like on the inside already all mixed in together and tastes delicious what's up guys found another when did machine idea and the cylinder here so interesting I have to be bend over the whole time but yeah they go this vending machine does this gift shop on t-shirts for Japan so we're going to get one example what thousand yen so it's ten dollars so which one should I get yeah or do you like maybe simple or like somewhere but I like bicha fun you know something to remember you good thousand yen so and enough just type in the number we're gonna get 15 and then I think anti right see what happens oh wow that's cool that's awesome so that way it doesn't down so if you got dirty you got a t-shirt at you look at that it's shiny and it's like you know people talk about cool vending machines but they actually are really hard to find so now we're actually working around that'll fit you yeah this is awesome so let's see what kind of ending mushrooms we find later in case you get dirty you can get Dispensa t-shirt so we're working for the next vending machines with egg and we saw cut and actually pointed out there is milk and it does it says milk yeah meg milk and there's one person there's some different kind of milks how about the Oscar it can looks like bugs juice aside here yep okay let's get some milk milk yogurt milk milk banana milk coffee milk coffee juice yeah Wow so this is flavor milk I can't wait to try it and make Eric too tight so let's start out let's buy some so got some money here so I think we should do banana milk that sounds awesome okay Kay then one stop buy milk no I already passed ending machine so here's the Sabatini nice again what are you guys oh you're buying the yogurt I know it's a milk my milks for uses why it's not the working diaper something no it doesn't city senior that they don't have oh oh yeah there's not enough ten yen coins you have tons oh yeah can they change what are you buying milk I'm buying milk for you we'll get this one and get this one for ladies things yeah you got it that's the one all the kids drink and the ghosts like it that's what she's just what just send it strawberries yeah how long this one the iced coffee that's iced coffee right there I love that okay yeah I've had any milk japanese milk is more rich just as the mayonnaise is as well - that's cool creamy so I'm gonna get a glow milk cuz I like her I'm sure you got ten yen I come on yeah they go I have lots Thank You boss ballin with all my change I'm gonna go for the coffee yes I think it's iced coffee awesome Roy you like it so it's like your go to actual milk what it tastes like it's not yogurt at all because I really don't so but this is good this is awesome okay that's what all my students when University students make that great comment I'm all have a lot of milk and big like big containers - so guys Wow milk vending machine look - cute and tiny cute and tiny whoa look at that store even store cool in Japan it's foldable stone boom he said mine is cute and tiny you guys catch that wow it does taste different it's so good this is right it's rich in it that's Hokkaido that comes from the north what kind of car you they use um backhaul right there with a with the with the black spot Oh black and white spots they go grazing cows I don't know what do you call them milk cows hopefully not a bull or if you do you have cattle on your property yeah but do you have milk it's before all kasi but hopeful in that bull right right so driving by found another really cool vending machine I hear hot noodle so more tired out the storeroom and the third one I hear there's some other ones but empty so hopefully they work only dollar 90 this is $2.00 one okay this is hundred yen equivalent of a dollar this is 200 yen [Music] oh look at that I think it's broken or something didn't take it start this one okay this one looks like good Duke okay hot noodle koi seafood cup noodle I'll do cup noodle and I think it's all empty all of those chopsticks out here so that's the only one non-empty I think yep yep it worked oh look at that there's my noodles okay open it up put it down in there okay and then what purse it here it's fills it up with hot water wow this is awesome maybe a little bit more okay stop there you go sweet and then I got here hot noodle soup and I got out here chopsticks super cold okay guys with taste test you know they taste just like regular noodles you can bike at super the micro get the new United States thumbs up for me I like it a lot look at that right out of the vending machine can you believe it mmm very delicious I wish they were in the United States just like that vending machines thumbs up for milk supercooled vending machine so I got here very unique vending machine this is Coca Cola and orange juice I'm gonna do coca-cola because I think it's in a bottle that you don't in and then put it in a bottle so hundred yen oh wow it slides out over here cool how's that how do you open oh look there's a bottle opener and it takes the garbage awesome so nyah don't get and then empty bottle goes in there so when you're done you put it on here recycle so guys found another really cool vending machine head here video and liquor I'm at a mountain Fuji and check this out it says beer and liquor out of a vending machine we got here a few different types of beers this is some kind of I don't know mixed drink more beers mini one sapore that's a good one I like cocktail wow this is all bits even sake right here this is so cool let's see if I can do it with one hand okay I'm all tied to do support this is three dollars okay and they change it here okay this is $38 okay let's do sake I think and let's do one more there was only two dollars I'm gonna put some coins this one let's do a cocktail the changes I he'll stick it back in it tells you how much you have put it in dollar fifty [Music] 25350 okay what else can I buy here let's do this one [Music] okay go get my change okay and whoa check this out there's all my beer and stuff in here I can't believe it out of a vending machine beer and stuff like that some cocktail I don't know if it's alcohol but this is mine below this is what I got out of the vending machine crazy isn't it this is so unique love it fun I can just open it up and drink one of them it is actually legal to drink in this state and walk out here but yeah that's pretty awesome I'm gonna go get out of here now you know it's crazy guys all this is about like eight dollars and fifty cents that's insane that's so cheap what's up guys in here is you could Japan found a new vending machine be topia here as you poo and pasta right ohon you each and each in the fresh and flavour so Japanese honey check this out I should set up a random motion for honey as well it's all empty except couple of them that's awesome freakin something okay let's buy some 1600 yen so sixteen dollars 16 as you can see and now with their purse on number four right yeah number four okay and I think you post this I'll buy em they go see what happens look at this thing comes up so that way the honey don't break sit sit down and I'll elevates down so cool isn't it oh no no change okay let's open it boom whoa Japanese honey how cool is that honey out of a vending machine really cool why don't we do a taste test [Music] No well honey is good Wow very very delicious what's up guys welcome back to my laboratory where safety is number one priority go there head is on us I'm you with xr6 in Japan Tokyo he got giving me a tour of vending machines he done so many on his channel you guys so what we got here this is a hot food vending machine it's called casual frozen foods and it says there I see first of all I see him blows my mind hotdogs and boo give us a double-ended question are you kidding me I'm not kidding you serves it hot and they're all the same price they're all about three dollars forty fifty cents very nice what is done these are octopus balls is called takoyaki and you're not needed they come with this this tangy sauce on top wow that's delicious looks like what is this this is look like a dessert thing it's got okay sweet bean paste inside maybe like a not like a pancake sort of that's obvious in french fries what about this these are fried rice balls so they've got like a sauce kind of a shoyu sauce on them I think I'm sold you say I supposed to buy everything I think you should buy one of each and spend all that change you got your sister's Dean you get back in the States yeah so we gonna buy all of it for $20 for all of it okay so what's up and then you got now here's that here's the thing so you since they're hot foods you gotta wait two minutes for it to heat up oh we're gonna be here for 20 minutes yeah because of what six stings but I'm all the same time is ah all changes over here yeah that's cool you put you put 16 dollars in the machine and it only costs three dollars and five cents I thought there's gonna take it all at once that's my mistake oh well okay all right that's what is saying that here in Japan he says chori - its cooking it okay and then there's a timer okay 50 seconds so it's done what do we do next oh it's in a box in a box baby so it's like a lunch food a box food in here oh nice okay let's do it again round two round two fight okay what else do we need we should I should have hot dogs right oh that looks delicious I wonder if it's gonna look like just like a picture okay two minutes again I'd hear no this one's 7075 yeah easy okay this is the time 85 seconds awesome while we wait kitten is gonna get ice cream this is also a little cool Japanese ice cream machine she wants this one or this one get new one they say there's English to see this one's just ugly yes she likes chocolate so 160 this is a special one got got all chocolate with almonds oh that sounds far deluxe it's cost more she need more money they go I love all the Japanese vending machines even the ice cream I know the most simple but chat okay going forward as I'm tara misu oh there's your ice cream whoa let me show them only picture looks a lot bigger that's not your eyes I guess this one so how do you open this oh alright next while we wait that looks awesome Eric okay got you the Japanese once too yeah yeah and we have to do a bulgur to this one Azam was done it's so sunny sorry about that guys but yet 23 seconds there is a timer but yeah they say this machine sir yeah all right they don't have a money more dispenser for the hot water uh-huh well normally you know wouldn't have that you can make it all right here yep okay is it done oh nice that's cool and I apologize you guys for the Sun this is lighting here is horrible so it's coming through this these vines and it's a beautiful day a button like this do you just put a thousand sorry miss ah it's okay I put money in now what did I do okay next item all right I've got a do fries this one was a hundred and ten seconds though this vending machines are all over Japan alright drink vending machines there's apparently there's one drink vending machine for every three people in Japan that is to say that crazy yeah what's your favorite Dinka I like the green tea go yeah either of these I'll buy one for myself boom okay I'll bottle it for you these came all the way here so this is the strong green tea right there this is the lighter you can tell by the color I know I've said it a little bit darker mm-hmm I like stone go okay it's all yours 32 seconds 31 yep so this is cool easy easy fast food easy peasy japanesey haha another one french fries fried potatoes french fries vengeance in Japanese they say fried potato but french fries yeah that's cool okay and of course lost on the board go that's right so one two well we didn't get this one yet right oh yeah yeah yeah dessert so after the burger how much is that I don't speak English apparently what the the hamburger actually so this food thumb place is good no it's it's pretty good you're gonna love it okay good pretty good for frozen food oh wow I mean what hot yeah awesome food frozen food usual frozen doesn't sound very good but this company is called the Nietzschean company mm-hmm they're the number one frozen food seller in Japan the supermarkets so it's perfect okay awesome boy yeah they're huge Booga your English is awesome though man thank you thank you welcome back to my laboratory where safety is not even close to number-one priority it's way way down on the party moves the number-one priority is food and eating today it talks to you do hear it they go humble gear come ball okay and the last one we need this way to know food still cooking more bulgur small as one minute left yeah so Eric goodness your meat takes is called the coins on the fingertip so you got five coins you start in your palm like this and yet the finish is to move them all to your fingertips all five and if you drop one you fail helicopters flying the Tokyo Olympics are coming right over there this Smith where it is okay it's been a while since I've done this but I can still pull it off I do do that fun oh man that looks difficult oh I like the judge got it can you do it oh my god this I think we overdid it I know I think you did make us fight too long that's out of control you have to eat everybody that will be a 40 minutes on your feet okay well there's a trash can right there you started with an exotic one yeah it sounds octopus balls it's a hockey a dumplings thank you that in the moon I've got chopsticks they're in there okay use these the toothpicks okay everything's inside there you've got eight something yeah of course oh yeah you can put that on top that's Oh seaweed flakes hey that's the octopus right there how do you open that the guy that knows everything about gadgets doesn't know how to open this a little like didn't you notice is it the octopus it's your octopus Wow yeah so octopus boy octopus balls yeah balls all right let's go mmm this is good he's such a good food reviewer this is good I wonder how many yet it's just one I can taste compote I love octopus it's all Chilean nice Wow delicious it is delicious honestly for like when did mushing I didn't expect for it to be so good it's amazing want to see it like three or four more from right away next what is it is this those are the fried rice balls let's open it whoa I like how it's DVD nostos you know microwavable food this is what it looks like you think it's a cook like a microwave yeah right there look how cute those are the size delicious okay I get one I think this is gonna have like show you on it like soy sauce how do you know when to stick it in your mouth Wow like barbecue this is good this is just a nice I use it in that big fun of rice but here this is awesome we got green tea to wash it down with oh yeah you have your fill the ice is okay just cute so there's not probably my least favorite it's my most favorite it's good I'll show you flavor oh my god coffee what's your favorite like sleep all of these hot dogs hot dogs okay bad dogs Nick we might be losing them with all the Japanese food I love how easy it is to open the box is such a good idea it is it's packaged really nice isn't it convenient Oh aren't those the cutest things you ever seen this is paper it's not even plastic that's so smart get one get Tom get one that's good some we're going to look at the tiny sausage and this is like a spicy mustard the Japanese mustard you get on ones half come here Amanda like keep wants to eat everything let me feel me do first okay this is the best batch so far you have to say I'm a film you you know it's the best encounters yeah deadly a sausage is so good like can you believe it it's out of a vending machine frozen food how am I not below how is it even possible that's so good no someone has been sitting in that vending machine - oh yeah this next one is French 500 Cola in Japanese Japanese - a fried potato fried potato into the same animal this one don't have a bag interesting it's got Oscar salt doll yeah okay open it up with some salt salt I like so long oh yeah I'm good with salt lifehack open it with your teeth mm-hmm enough that's plenty okay I wonder if it's soggy because it was kind of cooked in the microwave soggy so I'll pick it up but it's still good but it's not french fries you know cause french fries are more conscious yeah no so this one is the worst one okay guys the main course the park is you know so awesome but this is not really plastic it's like paper it's so good look at this one the paper is good okay oh wait is that the little chicken magnets a chicken nugget and on choice how fancy is that French are so still soggy Doug it's got a tail on it haha No yeah yes yeah so good okay this is like classic street food yeah so you don't have to buy all this stuff that's a pun on said imago why yong-ki it's pretty good pronunciation yeah just like off I know like I have what do you call it like like a waffle with O like sweet bean paste you're like a pancake with a filling or something oh that sounds good get one get some get some I got a remember it does look like a waffle or pancake okay it goes the bike hey it looks like you could make this with one of your kitchen gadgets yeah that's good yeah oh I know it's the best part is it's not soggy for some reason this one's still not like it you don't like it free dry I like it miss sweet don't know sweet bean paste it's everywhere in Japan Bobby why I like it because it's good thumbs up for me well guess what huge thanks to EXO 6 for showing me around and after them they're a lot harder to find those vending machines than you think they are Turkey if you come to Japan and you think you're gonna find all this kind of weird vending machines good luck so huge tanks go subscribe them observe 6 and see description you know what we can give them the reveal though where we are if you pan over this way there's this big stadium see that that is the Olympic Stadium for the Tokyo Olympics the main stadium so if you can find the main stadium then you'll be able to find this vending machine you
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 3,304,082
Rating: 4.7999549 out of 5
Keywords: Japanese, Vending Machine, vending machine japan, japanese vending machine toys, vending machine food, japan, japan gadgets, vending machine business, cool vending machines, vending machines in tokyo, Banana Vending Machine, Hot Noodle Vending Machine, Hot Food Vending Machine, Japanese Coffee Vending Machine, Mystery Vending Machine
Id: eTDvVBdMaCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 19sec (2899 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2019
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