20 Cheapest Camping Gadgets from Walmart

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what's up guys how y'all doing for today's video I'm going to put to the test Walmart survival gadgets this is probably the cheapest burn for survival items you can find out there let me know in comment below if there is any that is cheaper this band produces so many gadgets and they all about between 5 bucks to maybe 25 bucks some very very few maybe goes up a little bit higher but most of them are very very cheap so what I'm gonna do is put them to the test and see if they actually pretty useful and work a little great alright let's get to it for the first gadget I'm gonna put to the test this puck ox let's open it up very small ox almost like a hatchet but it's super super tiny look how small that is almost not enough weight to it but at the same time it is smaller than a hatchet usually those things are a lot bigger and there's a little cover beautiful so this is like almost 2nd knife except with a little bit more weight so we're going to do a chop test hopefully it will be plenty to chop and split some logs alright let's do it even though they call it puck axe look how awesome that is it fits into my pocket and I can actually jump how cool is that very very small but is it doable and useful let's find out obviously I wouldn't be able to chop with this thing anything big but there's a tee that is pretty much dead let's see what happens you know what it's getting too hot now take my sweat off as you can see it's possible knocks out there but if you pace yourself look at that log is dry and it's chapped in it almost halfway maybe it's best to have gloves but check this out they sharpen it pretty good almost there if I'm gonna continue without gloves I'm gonna get bunch of blisters halfway through so chop tears definitely work shake this out now just jiggle and back and forth how to chop but still this is pretty size thickness and it's a very dry wood it's been dead for a long time is it easy to chop it and also if you need bunch of sticks for firewood instead of breaking it you can always shop them up nice you know what I mean right you can just continue so you know what pretty decent print your weight not too heavy at the same time super light also could be pretty nice too and your hatchet I'm not good at towing them but they go really cool I like it a lot for how much it cost I think it's worth it for the next gadget I got here magnesium fire starter so magnesium Flint this is the cheapest one out there as well it doesn't even come with the steel striker it's supposed to maybe they forgot to put it in but good thing that I have parks I'm going to use that they said here all is a magnesium or some sort of supplement we got scape that off as you can see with a buck bucks it is actually very very easy let's see if it's going to be easy to scrape it with this side you know what it's probably easier to scrape it with the back edge because it doesn't dig in as much and you can actually escape a lot of it and much much easier versus this side you kind of get stuck actually now it's started it's a little bit easier to this is good stock so I would use the back edge so as you can see there's a lot of magnesium now let's see how well it strikes again with back edge much better I wasn't even tired to hit magnesium but as you can see it hit it anyway if you have good still it sparks a lot look at that hits up all that leftover magnesium shop which doesn't strike as much as this doll edge you see how much most bugs days you know what it's worth it this is a little a nice I like it so this time I'm actually going to try to start the fire get some die gas coconut husk going to put some magnesium on it just to make sure it starts over the wall look at the shading it's not bad look how shiny it gets okay and now I'm going to use the door side and boom one strike it's on fire check this out you can use the ox to lift it up move it around very nice it's burning a little well so this two tools together actually makes it a lot easier to use this cheap magnesium Flint and look at this the coconut husk done so well so these two tools together amazing to start the fire and chop wood so it's a bunch of twigs and wood and bigger logs I got myself a nice I don't have to show you and for the next two gadgets this is Flint striker and this is emergency tinder kid and it's a waterproof Flint striker so let's see what these two things are all about by the way this is not a magnesium Flint this is like a Ferro rod I think that's what they called so there's quick instructions but we already know how to use it gas Cape of that black part wherever you going to stack it you know what so far it's not so good look at Birla strikes they go Stark's pretty good but as you can see not that powerful I bet with the pack ox it's going to strike way more the sparks actually fly everywhere let me show you from far away as you can see with the door side so much better if you have a big knife it sparks so much look at that but if you try to strike with this steel they give you look at the difference it looks horrible it looks like it doesn't even work so they shouldn't even provide this thing because it doesn't work that well at all you need something heavy to work this cheap strikers look how much so this is probably biggest misconception whenever you buy this stock US and they don't work that well compared to expensive ones because expensive ones you can use this they are steel and it will spark a lot but with these cheap ones you need something big like a knife and use a dull age and also strike a lot every time and look I'm gonna have to stock it from far away and use this big knife or parks almost to pee they go five and that was from far away check this out and put this to the side you don't even need magnesium let me use this one if you using this cheap still still works but not as easy I had to go like 30 times to stack it and to make things easier you can get the fire tender if you don't have coconut husk you can buy this instead and it's supposed to be waterproof so you'll find out how well is waterproof is this what's inside here that's what I'm curious about check this out a really tiny box oh wow no way this is cool I know what it is you put in there like a Zippo lighter I feel and then it's going to strike I did not know this is what it was whoa this is powerful look how much sparks it gives and again if you are now to feel this feels like plastic usually they're metal you can just use this further it missed it missed again okay and boom set it on fire how cool is that you see you can start a fire with this no problem but again the original one is full metal and a little bit bigger this is all plus one positive thing it's a lot lighter but it might break on you but the Ferro rod is very very powerful still can start the fire if you are to feel but what it's made for is put in some lighter fluid and now so let's do that you see lighter fluid that here any kind will do and then we're just gonna fill it up I actually took a lot of lighter fluid and as you can see there is a weak so this is going to be like a much once you strike it let me demonstrate it for those people who haven't seen this thing and also we're going to put to the test the waterproofness of it now that there is a lighter fluid in there take this out all these the weak sucked then we got strike it one more time they go it was a little bit oversaturated with the lighter fluid but now you have a match to start the fire and as you can see it's windy it's not blowing out okay then you can dip it one more time and the lighter fluid and strike it again and it's light up this time from the first time welcome indeed is it's burning a little well you can start a fire with that kind of match very easily also the week is a place about now let's see if it's waterproof definitely pretty much sunked but I expected for it to be sunk but in case it's going to get wet hopefully it's not a problem like they say I'm all dried off shake it off looks pretty dry just wipe off this tracker as well so that way to produce box again okay open it it should be all good this is super windy right now which is a good test it's burns anyway even though it was so being evoked most one out but still good look at that very very it's still good super good so wow it's actually going into my finger look at that wind in that much has no problem unless it has this above wind like like that that's too much the dust constant heavy wind let me move up maybe color forward and the best part is also the week if it's burn out too much it's easy to replace it never seen this plastic one usually they come in metal but as you can see it worked just as well and it is wonderful love it also it comes with this awesome little box and let's put to the test this fire tinder looks like it's cotton sucked in in some kind of is it here you see how it's on the walls like this or were pretty cool okay let's see if we're going to start it after an all in it you see it's like a cotton inside of it so we want those fibers they go and now it's on fire after few strikes boom can put it on this Park ox so that way you can give it some where to send it within two weeks let's find out if this thing's waterproof they definitely float on water but let's see if they keep the water away okay shake it off let's say it got wet hopefully they're going to walk anyway what I'm gonna do is unfold it like I did with the other one hopefully I didn't suck in any of that water definitely fluffs up a little wall I have no idea what they saturated with definitely not works it's something else okay this thing been in the water let's see what happens and boom look at that three strikes even though it was wet no problem it gets on fire a little bit well do you hear that even though its moist it's burns anyways very very nicely and for the last gadget this is expendable water carrier I honestly never seen one like that before so what we're going to do is fill it up with water and let's see how much it's going to because it's pretty famous how many gallons is this 2.11 u.s. gallons or 8 litres of water that's a lot of water that I can fill it up this is how is going to expand whenever you fill it up with the water ok let's time to do that let's see if it's going to expand by itself I should probably show you from this angle I think where the weight is going to start expanding by itself which is cool usually those expandable water bottles you have to expend it yourself this one looks like expanding by itself with the water weight pretty awesome ok Wow it on the bottom I really expended a lot already I'm just gonna keep going also once I'm gonna pull all the water out will it fall back together by itself really easily or will it be stretched out because of a cheap plastic ok this is full and definitely expended a lot and something I have to point out check this out there is also a nozzle wooden awesome option it gone so water I mean it liters of water to pull one guns very very nice looks so beautiful now the coolest part is I can lay it on the side of the table and move this to the side tighten it back up again they go so that way whenever you need to feel some water in the cup or wash your hands you can just turn this and because it's going to compress together back again it's going to flow a lot of water then you can close the deal quickly but when you wash hands I would put it on very very little bit so that way you don't waste a lot of water you can wet your hands soap it up then get it over with soapy and then use it to wash off your hands a good I got here stole matches so windproof and waterproof we're gonna put that to the test hopefully it's going to work early well there you go boom I guess it's protective car tonight here you can also use it as a fire starter but we're gonna colossal backup for now and we're gonna stick it into the water this whole case and let's see if actually going to be waterproof and hopefully it will float too because it's feels pretty like ok let's see how they're going to start whoa super Vindhya right now they burn really really good it'll be pretty easy to start a fire with especially if you hold it like that don't let it burn out pretty nice ok I got here Buddha listing all the way tight was that nice floatable so even if you on the boat and drop your matches or you cause in the lake and it's going to fall out it's going to float so that way you're not going to lose it and I don't see any bubbles come out very very nice package and so far the only problem is the striker pretty much now and every time it gets wet it's gonna be done much just looks good I'll take few out that now and also there is a placement striker side here it's actually too big anyways oh well this is what's going to look like ok but you have a stalker anyway and as you can see it works this time it's burnt still even a little longer now you can just hold it sideways hopefully they win don't take it off now that the good stuff burnt out you see that much lost quite a bit of time so that way you can start a fire but the coolest part is check this out I'm going to dip it into the water shake it off wipe it off a little bit boom it strikes and burns anyway dip it into the water ah you know what I eat you not much is when you put them on the water they burn even when you take it out this ones are cheaper so they don't do that they are awesome the burner look good but they don't burn underwater thus you see or more expensive matches actually burn underwater as well but this ones are cool - why would you need matches to burn underwater so this is just as good except the burn time is a lot faster that's for sure and the most important is even if your match is going to get a little soft and wet into the water take it out wipe it off because it's not going to burn while it's wet but it is waterproof to where if you wipe it off it's still going to strike super windy right now so they are been proof you have a little bit of a time to start a fire is your brilliant very nice I like this matches for the next survival gadget I got here v paste I honestly never seen that before look at that you supposed to just put that paste on a piece of log the right piece of log and it's supposed to catch on fire so I'm only in thing hopefully actually going to work check this out bunch of small twigs to start the fire twigs and you can break them up with a big knife like that no problem okay let's see how good this five pace is pop this open from this side and here boom whoa check this out and then I'm going to try to stack it with the five still the one that I used last time almost but there you go that's how you would want to start to just hold it like this and get bunch of sparks like that with the big knife it's pretty easily and watch check this out you can actually carry it around like a fire torch pretty cool isn't it wow it burns a little well didn't expect for it I never seen a fire pace fire started before so obviously what you're going to do next it's just I don't smoke twigs so that way you can get the fire going pretty pretty fast with that five paste it makes it super easy as you can see and if you feel like the fire going out you can just stick more fireplace on topology and if you feel like fire going out you can get paste like this and chuck it down that way maybe use a knife or something that's kind of cool that way you can wrap it up on all those twigs and it's gonna burn a little bit fast look how windy it is and has no problem starting everything on fire this is amazing because it's one-of-a-kind you can really stick it on the twigs all over and not worry about the fire start and just dropping into the wood and not going to burn where it's supposed to be so you know what honestly I think this is probably one of the best fire starters I have seen work out windy that is and with that fire pasted here and some right here no problem it's burning and not blowing out let me show this to you guys one more time grab my let us stick dumb bunch of paste in you don't need even that much it will last you a little long time and then we're going to strike it they go and it start on fire and it's going to burn a while I love that fire face so much because you could really spread it around anywhere and it's going to burn I'm not on the whole stick so that way you can set it down like that look it's whole knife is burning so you can never get this smaller tweaks going on fire instead of having a piece of fire starter if it drops it's not going to burn as well pretty awesome idea I love it look at that for the next survival gadget I got here Marco leant out so this is probably the smallest lanta ever seen so pretty unique product push open it let's see what kind of batteries it takes in the first place boom 2032 yep very common bodies you can buy them anywhere light flush and ergo so let's go in the dark home let's see how bright is going to be some in the dark homeless Journal of super dark turn it on pretty bright so let's see if I can actually see the steps obviously the camera don't give us much justice but I can I can see it barely but I do like it that is it is like a blunt ax I can actually see a little bit over the floor because of flashlight and the coolest part it's illuminate stage 60 I don't have to point it anyway just hang it some boom just like a light bulb super cool isn't it so let's say you're sitting in your survival bunker power went out you can pull out on this tiny flashlight on and guess what you can see all the walls around here boom [Applause] not super by Atlanta but you gotta remember this is a super tiny Atlanta and you can see a lot out of this tiny penny for the next gadget we got here Kemp soap or survival soft in any situation you need to keep up with your high jeans or you know you might get sick so there is layer soap steeps like that whoa how cool is that all you need is a little bit of water just cup tiny little bit of water I remember this gadget I put to the test in the last video and then you just wipe it off and boom look at that my hands are so peanut let me get a little bit more water and if you feel like you don't have enough soap you can just get to soap steps and that way every time you get yourself a brand new soap you don't want to attach it with a little wet hands but they go if you put a little bit of water in it it dissolves soap steps and there is a lot of check this out I'm gonna take a few of them this time sup my hands up just to show you look it's done sin to soap the peace aside here way too much soap it's actually stuck to my finger right here but that's good that way you can over soap up your hands very very nice and then you can turn the water on and this up yourself it says it has 50 sheets so it will last you 50 hand washes or whatever so I like that a lot lightweight and very easy to use and for the last survival more like a dampened Gajic I'm all put few eggs in here and we're going to put that to the test will it break eggs or not this is the big egg might be a little bit too big for this carrier let's stock up a whole bunch oh and there's omelet so although it's pretty nice and colder it's not going to protect your eggs if you're gonna die up I'm a little bit I got here see your size that I pronounced it pocket size never need sharpening camping backpacking honking fishing gardening poon in Tremont so this whole bunch of uses you can do it for but I do like it because it's so compact and so tiny check this out and I guess you press it out here it comes out and if you wanna fold it back together person boom just like a folding knife okay let's cut this branch whoa it definitely hits to the wood a little fast whoo Oh No look at that I bend it so bad see if I can bend it back so definitely not the most doable thing so be careful when you cut it don't try to avoid it too much then this thing can chew so maybe turn it they go cut it all the way pretty much I started to do this again halfway in it's getting stuck so I'll have to turn it stop bad as long as you have to join it once in a while but again for the size what do you expect you're going to get this is the smallest [ __ ] it so I ever seen open it up a little bit that I can continue cutting it they go not bad it's pretty cool but it's almost useless because it's too small it's once you get in it's getting stuck so you maybe open it up a little bit this way so that we can continue cutting it not the most powerful thing for the next two Gajic they also sell toilet tissue and tea Shana go I wish it was a black bag so that way we can I sell it and I would have been waterproof but if I could just sticky parts instead but it does not have a hole in it so it doesn't take up that much space and whenever you're done using it you probably could put it back into this plastic bag the only problem with that stuff I see it getting moist early easily so this one could be of much much better let's open it up and look how cool it is you open this 8 here and wow this is much better quality tissue for sure and then lock it pull some more out pull some more out how cool is this it's not waterproof but this is a dispenser so much better than a regular all of piece of paper of toilet paper Chikara easy this what an awesome packaging don't you guys think I love it and it's a double-layer this is perfect so obviously why I like it because it's easy to dispense it and if you drop it into the wet grass or something like that the hole hole is not going to get ruined look how awesome that is so easy to dispense it thumbs up for me I never seen a toilet paper on a go like that before and this is just an ingenious packaging definitely would use it for the next survival gadget this is waterproof matches let's see what they all about come in a big pockets like that and they look like a regular matches but if you look closer at them they look very very shiny God dip it into here a little bit and then we're going to use a box and it's windy for sure as you can see they burn even though a dump them in the water turn for a while once again stick them in the water you sit all the way shake it off without even wiping it off the still wet still burned how cool is that dip it all the way into the water take it out shake it off and they burned especially one day two of them when they wet works a little bit better I guess more powerful I don't think the whole box is waterproof so make sure you don't dip the whole box and let's demonstrate take off couple of matches obviously they wet to double-check that they went we're gonna stick it into there the only thing I'm gonna do is try to wipe this off you know what the still works even though I dumped the whole box in the water so yeah they're from the waterproof even the book had much easy to light it up huh do you see they don't light up by the way because they are wet they cannot smoke first it's windy out here it's definitely not wind proof they just waterproof Wow do you see it smoke for so long and then it lights up and they burn much better than ergo our matches too and here is the regular matches go put them in the water okay let's see if the regular match is gonna do the same thing none would have lit matches you see they smoke but never light up nothing they just way too wet ah this one almost but again too wet it's the same thing with this much is dump amor no water take a match out see what happens they light up there you go this one light up and Lucas born you know the wall shake it off they go sometimes it takes two strikes to get it going and then even the wooden part is burning because it's waterproof oh hey Wow I can't believe this one light up the whole thing flew off than when I started start another one take off it's funny how they smoke smoke and then light up obviously this is super extreme but as you can see there light up don't work as well so obviously a little bit better than this much is but not all the way without proof that's for sure and for the next gadget we got here emergency stove let's see what it's all about it's huge so it's open ups like that and it holds all this feels this is their I feel so I have probably add on few tablets into here 1 2 maybe thingy to make their boiling of water a lot faster well why not do for Yuletide to boil water and also it's adjustable for your pot right here is it I can do it wired are smaller ok what's up light up the field tablet usually it's easier to hold it up like that they go once it's on fire you can lay them down and hopefully they'll be gone I'm more tired to boil the water let's see how fast it's going to do it with four tablets those tablets billion so much I can't believe it they're really really powerful usually that there I feel don't burn that powerful amazing I can hear it sizzling already no way it's steaming so fast I can't believe it whoa this is powerful that I feel tablets this for sure that's insane nice about 10 minutes do you hear it it's sizzling so loud it's hot enough to start making it T or something look at it on the bottom over there it's about to start boiling once again it's burning very very heavily take this out oh yeah full boil a there check this out so the next gadget I got here another collapsible would our killer we'll see how many gallons this takes five gallons each component leader so it takes a little bit more water compared to the other one and boom it's collapse into a pretty small size not as doable as the other one I put to the test but check this out you can I guess fill it out keep myself but you can fill it up and it will expand into this square which is a huge five-gallon jug boom how cool is that check this out real easy to carry it pretty big but just like a five gallon gas canister except collapsible almost plastic bag but a lot more doable Leigha durability test oh wow check this out they don't even break and this is what like two feet up well that one slapped so well and it works I really thought it would explode super easily and as you can see open it even though I have to do we were hired for my two or three feet it's still not making anyone how cool is that and then if you need water once again just like with the other one you can fill up the water wash your hands except its holds what a more balanced and the other one a little bit less than that but this is definitely much bigger one a little bit more compact because it's lightweight and it holds way more water and the coolest part is once it's empty just push this in all the way in fold it I was surprised too that I thought if I'm gonna keep folding this corners back and forth they're going to clog and break but because they are so flexible I don't think they're gonna break for a while then you can put the cup in you know - surprisingly it works so well collapse is good also you can hang it somewhere so you can use it as a shower for the first one I got here Sierra so this is a folding saw I have put to the test a lot of folding sauce one of my favorites are silky folding so let's see if this one is going to do any damage boom folds out like that I don't know what that is I guess it's clips win right here so that way won't come out then you unclip it pull it out that way it can fall back in very interesting design does not tell me how many inches that is but they go but what 7 inches maybe 6 first of all for the Pullman it's obviously really good for the smaller sticks untied to clear it out so I can chop off the bigger stick it's all that in a way so that's amazing so upon him the smaller sticks as you can see pretty much no time okay now let's start to do this with a bigger one this is a really thick street a dog that's gonna work that well but let's start it shop in this too so well for this lil so it's actually going through a really really fast I might have to change position because it's just so big that's all almost too small for that three I would use this one mostly for pooling and chapped and smaller twigs for like firewood or something like that whoo I'm almost halfway through look at that that's a lot and it's early how do you would as you can see it's not like a pine that's a lot of energy to go through it and it did pretty fast I can't believe it I don't think it's gonna do anything and if you catching some dead branches for firewood look how fast that is [Laughter] look at that that is great beautiful for sure son while I'm not using this I can stick it in my pocket look how small that is beautiful for the next item I got here Kemp ox once again probably one of the cheapest you can buy even online looks pretty simple hutch it not only Knox but that's what they call it and I'd hear there is a up color I think all right let's try to chop something see how well is going to do it's not very sharp so I would sharpen it up for sure see it's nice it's one piece looks over doable no break on you but you will need to sharpen it up a lot stick another do it with this folding saw so much less energy burning right now and look at more than halfway through you see I'm saying they see how many times I had to hit it with the axe this stuff is so much faster with the twigs like that instead of chopping it you can use this panty pocket folding saw to cut up yourself a bunch of firewood boom look how thick that is really fast this nice but not sharp at all remember that sharpen it up before you use it for the next gadget I got here probably the cheapest stump of matches well the Natalie stump oh but they are kind of much and at the same time firestarter because they're going to burn a long time this is the cheapest matches fire starters this is definitely not stone pool because if very windy or really wet they might not light up if you drop them in the water but still in that design again this is the cheapest one and that here is a box it's a bit windy right now kind of hide it okay it's light up anyways now we can use that to start the fire just like build the teepee overt I have your kind of a moist sticks but make sense I'd you just put smaller twigs on top of it and they're going to light up even though if they're gonna be a bit wet not a big deal all these sticks are pretty moist but as you can see they starting to burn a little well so just to show you one more time what it looks like whenever you stack them I've burnt a little stone and light up so good and this fire starter is going to burn for a while that's for sure I like it it's not ordinary much that's for sure this is a huge much okay and then you can stick it under the fire tow of this thing is definitely going to start the fire going easily for the next gadget I got here universal water bottle carrier this would be actually really cool and apparently it will fit any size so let's figure it out how it works I guess I have to take all the species out or they go there is a Velcro so I spend about five minutes untangling it and as soon as I start putting the water bottle in it was actually pretty easy so I got here the best camping water bottle if you guys want to know why I'll put links in the description for this water bottle for those people who haven't seen it so you put the bottle to like that and then you just go up a welco and tie them up if it come out there is a lot set here you put it to boom same thing out here and then you want to push it all the way in and there's one more left if it's tangled fix it real quick easy and after you are just everything this is what it's going to look like this is very very nice I like it and this is a big water bottle so you can put it over your shoulder this looks really nice that way it's not in a way you can go get some water it's close by to you every time you want to take a sip boom super super nice let me know in comments below what do you think about this water bottle carrier I think it definitely makes this water bottle even cooler for the next gadget I got here Camp soap it's in a tube so let's see what it's all about looks like a go our soap I like the squeeze bottle a lot actually and obvious you can feel it by using more hand soap very very easy I like that bottle and same thing just open it up so pop your hands this is very useful I like it you know what last time I put to the test soap that is like little films that is kind of a little bit better because it's a lot more light and you know what carrying all that soap could be added on a lot more weight well guys that's pretty much it let me know in comments below what do you think about these gadgets would you use any of them or would you rather buy more expensive ones anyways thank you for watching don't forget to thumbs up this video subscribe if you haven't already and I'll see you next time
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 2,980,955
Rating: 4.7610998 out of 5
Keywords: Camping Gadgets from Walmart, Camping, Gadgets, Walmart, Cheapest Camping Gadgets, 20 Cheapest Camping Gadgets, 20 Camping Gadgets, camping gadgets crazy russian hacker, 20 camping gadgets put to the test, 10 Camping Gadgets put to the Test, Walmart Camping
Id: yL3_QluRyRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 15sec (3075 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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