10 HARDEST Fallout Quests We All HATED

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there is a wide breadth of different types of missions you experience in the fallout games some are kind of basic and pretty easy some are super hard today we are focusing on the latter hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks 10 of the hardest fallout quests we all hated starting off at number 10 it's hole in the wall from fallout 4. it's the one with the diseased mole rats like this quest appears after you reach vault 81 one of those rare balls that actually still has people inside what you have to do is enter a secret locked off section of the vault in order to discover a cure for this kid who's contracted a mysterious disease while the secret section of the vault doesn't actually have any threatening enemies in it just mole rats these things have one thing about them that's really bad they will give you a permanent disease if they bite you yeah it only lowers your hp by 10 but nobody wants a debuff that never goes away the only way to remove it is to use the cure you find on yourself rather than on the kid which makes everyone in the vault hate you by the way if you want to play a good guy or just want to access the rewards you get for saving the kid then taking the cure for yourself it's it's obviously not really an option you know so the only thing you could do is just be really careful through this vault and avoid getting attacked at all costs oh and if that was not annoying enough for some reason the game has a bug where if your companions or even the protectrons you can hack get hit by a rat for some reason you get the disease instead of them so it's just it's that much more annoying there's a few tricks you can pull off if you want to cure yourself and the kid but these also seem to be bugs and exploits and the game really just wants to force you to choose this is a quest where it really isn't all that difficult normally but if you want to get the best ending it can be a huge headache and really tedious because you can end up saving and restarting a lot and number nine is tumbling joe's obstacle course for fallout 76. most quests and fallen 76 just you can brute force them by getting really over leveled if you actually have to this is not one of those however this is an unmarked quest and contains one of the worst things you can find in a first person game uh jumping puzzles if you head in the woods north of the new river george resort which is east of flatwoods you can find this obstacle course if you explore around you can find a note on a corpse who just happens to be on the ground under the tree where the goal of the obstacle course is guess he didn't make it sadly if you manage to get up there there's a chance you'll find an agility bobblehead to collect but that's easier said than done the course itself isn't incredibly long but in another game these jumps wouldn't be too difficult problem is basically any creation engine game has awkward and difficult jumping and fallout 76 is no exception yet jumping around is functional enough normally but when it comes to precision platforming it's almost uncontrollably bad and it's even more so if you're trying to do it with the controller which you wouldn't think so being it's a platforming section yeah you know there's one little quest in fallout 76 where you can't get your friends to help you or whip out some overpowered gun either yeah you really just can't make it easier on yourself in any way the only way to finish it is to somehow master the floaty unresponsive but sometimes two responsive jumping controls that exist in every bethesda game at number eight hard luck blues aka vault 34 from fallout new vegas this is one quest that starts off as basic as you can get but it gets rough real quick main way to trigger it is by talking to someone at the ncr sharecropper farm who complains that their crops are being contaminated sounds simple right but it ends up being anything but as the quest eventually sends you to vault 34. now vault 34 is an absolute hellhole on top of being filled with feral ghouls and being a confusing maze the place is really totally irradiated if you even want a chance of surviving the place you have to pack a ton of rad recovery items like rad x and rat away as well as some kind of radiation resistant armor like all this is bad enough but on top of that large portions of the vault are also flooded which make it even more confusing and dangerous to navigate those places kind of just all around brutal but there's a very good gun called the all-american if you take the time to open up the armory outside the gun though it's kind of better to just try and get in and out as quickly as possible and number seven is old only from fallout 3. there are a couple of quests associated with this location like the nuka-cola challenge shock value and election day but the hardest part of any of those really isn't the quest itself but the location see old only is death trap especially for the unprepared it's like that for one simple reason it is infested with deathclaws deathclaws are basically the ultimate enemy in the fallout series if you're unfamiliar uh they're tough they're incredibly fast and their claws will tear you to shreds in an instant these things are always rare and unless you're sporting power armor and a lot of ammo it's often not even worth bothering taking these things on and they're bad enough in the open world but trying to deal with them in an interior area is even worse and guess where the death claws like to hang out normally the sewers in fact it's possible to go into this area and not even see any deathclaws at first where they spawn seems to be slightly random so usually you're just going to see them on the open somewhere in this town but sometimes they never appear above ground if this is the case you are going to be in for a nasty surprise when you finally do go down in the sewers thinking that place is mostly empty only get jump scared by a few of these things there old only is basically the deathclaw capital filed 3 and it's a place where most players know to avoid at this point if you're coming here you're most likely just gonna be lined to the prototype power armor and that is it and number six destroy the source of the mutants from the original fallout one of the two final objectives in fallout 1. this one is definitely the hardest and the longest of them fallout 1 can be a challenging game but it's normally just kind of generally tough rather than any specific quest standing out as particularly hard except this one the main goal of this quest is to infiltrate the mariposa military base and blow it up which will put a stop to the creation of super mutants in the wasteland this place is big there's a lot of high level skill checks and it's got many of the most difficult combat encounters that the game has to offer and unfortunately there's not really a lot to say about it it's just the biggest and most difficult dungeon in the first fallout game and depending on what you do it can also possibly be the final area as well it's kind of just a slog but one cool thing that is at least possible is that you can infiltrate the facility rather than just shoot your way in and that can make it a whole lot easier but if you don't know about that or don't have the skills for it yeah just a slog at number 5 is cappy in a haystack from fallout 4. this side quest from the fallout 4 add-on nuka world can be a very frustrating one in it you need to find these secret cappy drawings hidden all around the park and the only way to see them is by equipping a special pair of sunglasses they live the game is nice enough to give you quest marks that lead to each one of the things but the frustrating thing is when you get close enough the marker just disappears so you gotta search in a fairly large area if you want the cappy and these are not things that are just sitting out in the open they're often really well hidden and because you have to equip the special sunglasses to see them you might have to unequip any armor you're wearing which can be really annoying because sometimes there are a lot of enemies around basically the worst thing about it having to hunt down all these cappy pictures with like only the vagus possible clue where they are even with a guide these things can be tough to find the whole thing is just frustrating and number four is clearing the wanamingo mine from fallout 2. this is an early-ish game quest that will absolutely hit you like a ton of bricks if you are not prepared for it like fallout 1 fallout 2 is generally challenging just because it's a pc rpg that came out in 1998 like these things were meant for a really hardcore audience and to say they could be a little obtuse at times is a massive understatement so there's some pretty tough parts in the game but not a lot that stands out is uniquely tough except this one in redding one of the first towns you can find in the game the mayor tries to get you to buy the deed for his mine for a grand saying it'll be a great investment what they neglect to tell you is that the mine is infested with juanamingos otherwise known as aliens and these things hit hard they're basically mini deathclaws and they freaked out a lot of people playing this game back in the day on top of doing a ton of close range damage these things cause radiation poisoning as well so they're just all around bad news and for most players they're way beyond what you can do when you first get there like i said reading's fairly early on in the game just one of these things can destroy a low level player and the mine is totally filled with them fallout 2 doesn't usually pull tricks like this it generally has a pretty clear difficulty curve but the wanna mango mine appears like i said fairly early in the game way earlier than most people would have a chance of properly dealing with it so it came as a little bit of a surprise to a lot of people even knowing how tough it is going in it's still a tough area that's going to take a lot of time and resources to properly deal with at number three is the entire dead money dlc from fallout new vegas it's not a specific quest i want to get into here it's just the entire add-on itself because it really just wants to kill you the premise alone sounds tough you're captured by this crazy dude named father elijah who straps a bomb collar to your neck and forces you to uncover the treasure of the sierra madre resort but beyond that the place is an absolute death trap there's poison gas that'll quickly sap your hp if you stand at it too long there's radios around that cause your bomb collar to go off you stand near them too long and there's invisible holograms patrolling around that will kill you in seconds if they spot you pretty much all this stuff is also exclusive to the add-on one of them would be bad enough but combine all three and you're pretty much looking at any fallout players personal health oh and on top of that all of your equipment gets confiscated at the start so you're pretty much starting from square one there is just no getting around this one the dlc is actually brutal and never really lets up and number two is open season from fallout 4. a simple one from the nuka world dlc instead of assisting the nuka world raiders like you'd normally do in the questline for this area you just kill all of them starting the quest is quite easy like i said sounds very simple you just start shooting raiders when you get there a few other npcs will offer you the quest but basically it comes down to one objective clear all the raiders out of nuka world and for this quest they literally mean kill them all that means more than 80 raiders have to be dealt with in the central area of the park called nuka town usa it basically amounts to having to fight an entire town single-handedly and these guys they they can fight let's just say even if you're overpowered to hell and back this quest will prove to be a challenge just because of how many raiders you have to fight at once and keep in mind nuka town usa isn't the only area you have to clear of raiders you also have to clear out the parlor this top mountain and the brad burton amphitheater as well along with a couple of other areas it's kind of baffling that the good guy option for this dlc is just a wholesale slaughter the entire area of raiders but you know whatever who cares that's that's what it is and finally at number one the settlement defense stuff from fallout 4. everybody hates these things they're not the absolute hardest but they're so friggin annoying and they can interrupt what you're doing possibly damaging your hard built settlements basically these things just suck how they work is that after building a settlement with at least one person in it you sometimes get a warning that is under attack and at this point you can either warp in and defend it or just leave it alone depending on a surprisingly complicated algorithm the game determines if the settlement attack was a success or failure if the settlers successfully defend against the attack nothing bad happens but if they fail the settlement will incur some temporary damage as well as possible permanent damage like the laws of certain inventory items oh and the settlement happiness will take a hit as well the simple fact of the matter is you don't want your settlements to get damaged so that means having to either stop what you're doing and run to a settlement's defense or just build up enough defenses in a settlement that they won't get attacked which as you might expect costs a lot in terms of resources the whole settlement system in fallout 4 is interesting it can be a kind of a pain to work with but it can also be very satisfying to build up an entire town for nothing in some hostile section of the map the problem is having to defend that settlement constantly is a total drag and frankly like i just bypass it at this point i don't care what are some hard fallout quests that you hated did we talk about one that you particularly hate or are you thinking of a different one leave us a comment let us know what you think if you like this video click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week best way to see them first is of course a subscription so click subscribe don't forget to click the notification bell and as always we thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon hero and we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 636,115
Rating: 4.9053869 out of 5
Keywords: hardest fallout quest, Fallout 4, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, top 10 fallout, fallout 3 side quests, fallout 4 quest, fallout 4 main quest, fallout 4 brotherhood of steel quests, fallout 76 quests, fallout new vegas quests, fallout 4 hardest area, fallout 4 hardest enemy, fallout 4 hardest quest, fallout nv quests, fallout new vegas hidden quests, fallout 4 hidden quests, gameranx, falcon, ps4, xbox one, pc
Id: 75HeMVAxQ5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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