10 Sony MISTAKES They Want You To Forget

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every company makes mistakes and none of them want you to remember it hi folks its Falcon and today on game ranks 10 Sony mistakes they want you to forget starting off at number 10 they want you to forget how mediocre the playstation classic was now it's not exactly the most complicated console ever made and once you get into a game it's not bad or anything I mean except for with some games like a Ridge Racer you can hack an SNES classic and it place it better than the PlayStation but whatever let's just talk about what games you get some good ones got Metal Gear Solid Final Fantasy 7 Tekken 3 odd world but notable exceptions are Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon which aren't there also weirdly enough both of those are owned by Activision now and have both gotten remakes on newer consoles and yes particularly with Spyro there is significant improvement in the remake particularly with the camera system that doesn't mean nobody wants to try it and hey Ape Escape isn't there despite the fact that Sony completely owns that why was APIs kept not on this thing and yeah the original Resident Evil is on there but um there were three Resident Evil's on the PlayStation three of them also upscaling what's upscaling and at number nine they'd like you to forget that for a very very long time you were unable to change a Playstation ID and by a very long time I mean up until April 2019 which is just a very strange thing considering there's very few services at all that don't let you change your name and your PlayStation Network account stays persistent between console generations you'd think you'd get the opportunity to change it nope like such a basic feature should never be described as highly anticipated but I remember seeing articles from quite a few different places saying exactly that and when they finally did make it so you can change your PSN ID guess what it did hit it screwed up some games there were a lot of games with minor issues like having to reconfigure your controller which would preset the default state and then there were some that would just outwardly get rid of your in-game currency in game progress totally basically obscure you even if you spent money yep that shouldn't have happened with even a single game moving on to number eight way back in 2006 when the new PlayStation 3 was coming they introduced the sixaxis controller it was called the sixaxis controller because it had motion sensitivity which yeah that's cool not the most important thing in a video game controller but I'm not against it the thing is is that motion sensing came at the expense of Rumble which is a very well liked feature if you did not know Sony was like yeah that's a feature from the past people aren't gonna want that and people were like we do want that and also no one really made games that needed motion control Sony included in an uncharted and it was probably the most irritating aspect of Uncharted and they got rid of it for the second Uncharted because it was the most irritating part of Uncharted the reason why they decided to do this was there's a lawsuit going on between immersion the company that owns the patents for force-feedback and Sony and just a couple days after they were like that's last generation feature there was so much backlash they just cut a deal with them which is the right thing to do like I'm gonna be honest even in 2020 where VR exists motion sensitivity is not the most important thing in the vast majority of video games and it's rarely implemented in a way where it's genuinely enjoyable and for the most part is restricted to VR like I said and number seven was the PSX DVR it was essentially a much more a home electronics version of the PlayStation 2 it was white it was much larger and it could record digital video it was not released in the United States for good reason if you translate the money it cost about seven hundred dollars which I'm sorry uh and it pretty much bombed in Japan so I mean duh don't bring it over here it's probably not something that would have done well that's not to say there isn't a very specific niche of people who would probably like it a lot but it would tank pretty hard at number six the playstation TV perhaps one of the dopiest and strangest of all of the playstation ideas it was a little set-top box that sold itself as a thing that would allow you to remote play the ps4 and use PS now to play the ps3 obviously for like a seventy dollar console that's pretty great in theory you can play all those games on a little box like a fire TV or one of those mini consoles and it would basically be a bunch of full console games the problem is the PlayStation Vita games you could also play on it we're expensive they are twenty to forty dollars and if you wanted to buy any other games than you had to buy other games on your Playstation 4 it was just a thing that ended up not working I mean it sucks because a lot of those Vita games just didn't get a home ever there were a lot of great games on the Vita that no one bought or played and that seemed like a way that people who probably weren't really that interested in buying a Vita might be able to buy a cheap thing and play them but I mean Android consoles the games cost like ten dollars and the free-to-play was massive and they cost about the same at number five speaking of the PlayStation Vita do you remember when Sony did tons of proprietary accessories and the PlayStation Vita came out and they did it again there and they ensured that you had a proprietary memory card in the cases of some games you actually needed it to start the game yeah well they excused this by saying that the new memory cards were more secure as if you were really that worried about people stealing your game data off the subway or something what they meant was it was more secure for them they were able to ensure that games were pirated less by making it very hard to get the data from them of course people aren't dumb and figured out a way around it almost immediately making a proprietary format simply irritating if anyone really wanted a pirate PlayStation Vita games they could in fact given the fact that the console itself was kind of a failure a lot of those games you're only ever going to play if you pirate them and play them on an emulator and at number four they took way too long on cross play it became very obvious in the last few years that cross play would be a necessary thing people cared way less about what brand they rep and much more about playing games with their friends and Sony was really resistant to that like really resistant to that when Fortnite launched on nintendo switch and people found out they wouldn't be able to even use the same account between the switch and the ps4 forget cross play they didn't even allow that it really pissed people off people did a lot to try to get Sony to move on that not that people hadn't been demanding it much earlier with other games they gave the excuse that it wasn't just like flipping a switch which is wrong with a game like fortnight that uses its own proprietary accounts they don't need to do anything other than say you're allowed to do that epic games which they eventually did what it took way too long at number three the Xperia Play remember the playstation phone sounded really cool didn't it they were like hey yeah alright playstation phone it's a phone with a controller built in and it's gonna be a lot of fun but it was bad I mean it was outwardly bad it did have remote play but to call it bad would just be a massive understatement they over promised so badly with that thing an Android phone that's it at number two when they showed off quote-unquote Killzone 2 gameplay at e3 they showed off a completely fake gameplay reel of Killzone 2 it was something that frankly looked completely impossible for the day because it was I mean it's something you probably pretty easily do with consoles today so it's not like so far beyond the realm of possible that it's dumb but it definitely was so kind of a lie it definitely looked better than any of the games on that generation particularly the fire effects I mean it doesn't look bad if you go back and look at it it's kind of cool-looking but it definitely wasn't Killzone 2 or anything on ps3 and then finally probably the big number one thing they want people to forget is how much the PlayStation 3 cost when it launched honestly it's gonna be hard for me ever to not harp on this one a ps3 with the 20 you go by hard drive ended up costing $499 $500 for a new console and you know that was when downloads kind of started I bought more than a few games on download in that era and 20 gigabytes is not enough the 60 gigabyte hard drive was a 599 dollar PlayStation console $600 it wasn't just the storage or anything like that though it was the cell architecture of the console itself and on top of having this big complicated new technology they claimed would give it this amazing graphics capabilities it also made it really hard to program for and it disincentivize PlayStation 3 ports if you want to see the evidence of why it was a nightmare look at skyrim on ps3 that is a bad port but anyway the expensive sell is part of the reason it was so expensive and it wasn't even worth it that's why it's such a bad mistake what are some mistakes you can remember from Sony's history leave us a comment let us know what you think and if you like this video please click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week the best way to see them first it's of course a subscription as always we thank you very much for watching this video I'm Falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon the hero and we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 1,682,257
Rating: 4.7751956 out of 5
Keywords: sony mistakes, playstation mistakes, playstation tv, playstation phone, sony problems, playstation problems, gameplay lies, playstation products, ps, gameranx, falcon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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