20 Overhyped Games That FLOPPED

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we all know that feeling of getting excited for a game and it not being that great and a lot of the times due to over selling over promising or over promoting hi folks its Falcon and today on game ranks 20 overhyped games that flopped starting at number 20 its Assassin's Creed unity now this is a game that had a lot of potential it took place during the French Revolution it was marketed to the point of parity pretty much we're at Comic Con I had a big parkour display set up with Assassin's Creed unity logos all over it oh the Assassin's look at them go it was high level 2014 marketing and Wow the game was broken it was just flat-out broken at launch it had so many game breaking bugs it was hilarious the game did sell well but it created such a bad stir that they a had to give away their first DLC for free B gave a free download of Black Flag the crew Far Cry 4 just dance rayman legends or watchdogs to everybody who bought season passes and still nobody was happy moving on to number 19 duke nukem forever is a game that was in development well forever it began development in 1997 and was finally released in 2011 it basically had to be pried out of the cold dead hands of 3d realms the developers of the original duke nukem 3d and essentially a brand of the company that made all of the original duke nukem games with gearbox actually sort of doing a hostile takeover of it which was partially facilitated by 2k games now I don't want to endorse anything that happened during the course of that because some of it sounds pretty not great to me but gearbox made a really bad game to be completely fair it was basically finishing a game that had been in development hell for god knows how long whose developer had gradually imploded over the course of about a decade but wow it is not good and if you remember all of the turmoil surrounding this game there was always sort of an air of mystique however it is just absolutely dashed when you play the game it sold itself as a big blockbuster dumb shooter basically and wasn't even that is just like a hodgepodge of nonsense didn't look very good number 18 is Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 after Sonic Heroes came out Sega decided they were going to go into this mode where we're gonna do something different and uh well they probably shouldn't have done that Sonic Heroes was generally well received I personally didn't love it but compared to what they did with this game it was Mozart sonic 2006 decided to be a serious version of Sonic Adventure and it was the wrong target to aim for and they didn't know what they were doing also they split the dev team about half way through to work on another game which was also bad Sonic in the secret rings and ended up rushing the last half of the development with a smaller team also hey if you've ever wanted to see Sonic the Hedgehog fall in love with a human this is the place to go for that cuz it's the only time it's ever happened and it's because no one liked it why did no one liked it because it was super weird and to be truthful if that was the worst thing about the game I think people would have been fine but everything about the game is bad the camera the controls the graphics the levels everything it's so bad moving on to number 17 double-oh-seven Legends is a game that probably didn't need to exist however it formed a nice big hype train off of being a commemorative title of the 50 years of the Bond franchise what that meant is they decided that they would show off a bunch of different areas from different eras and different movies with different actors and altogether the thing just never comes together and I wonder why I can't just figure out why it never feels like one thing oh maybe it's the concept of the game it was built under Ockham's attempt to remake Goldeneye double-oh-seven which was generally regarded as a good job but the project itself was just too big in scale and just never felt like a full thing this is a game that did basically nothing to keep you interested over the course of an extended play at number 16 SimCity was being billed as a brand-new reboot of the series that would incorporate social elements and make it into an overall big cool experience that Maxis developers actually at one point called like an MMO instead it was basically a game that could mostly be played in single-player and didn't need to be always online but was always online and the servers were down for like a week and you couldn't even play the game for the first few days it was out as in couldn't play it at all SimCity was such an unmitigated disaster it's hard to describe it in its full breadth but there hasn't been a game in that franchise since and no I don't count SimCity build-it as a game because it's pared down and bad although Maxis is technically still a studio they've been dead for a long time moving on to number 15 hey do you remember when evolve was gonna be the next big thing like it literally had the next big thing as one of the players and it's a synchronous monster vs. team multiplayer yeah evolve was gonna be really cool I remember how big it was gonna be I personally really remember how many times we were told was gonna be super fun and super innovative but high that didn't happen in reality it was kind of clunky and bad asymmetrical wasn't really a good thing if used to describe that game and other games have done it way better and it showed that this was not something people would pay for it moved over to a free-to-play model and failed as that too because the things that you plan on making money doing you just give away cuz I don't know let's just go ahead and say like the business model behind this game was bad and the game wasn't good enough to justify it moving on to 14 spyro entered the Dragonfly was another Spyro game after the trilogy it wasn't developed by the original developers and it was hyped to be the next Spyro game and at that point people really like Spyro games if you've played the reignited trilogy it's I mean a great game franchise and probably the peak of the collectathon games this basically billed itself as the next thing but it wasn't developed by Insomniac or by people who seemed to really care about anything that people liked about Spyro just that people liked Spyro because it was basically just this horrific the uninspired game that didn't try anything new and coasted it did bad number 13 is aliens colonial marines the first Sega aliens game we thought this was going to be it interesting and it wasn't I mean it was an alien's first-person shooter it had single-handedly inspired most of the tropes we see in sci-fi shooters today and it didn't even kind of live up to any of the games that had used some of its well-worn paths everything is mindless everything is just there to call what the enemies are operating under artificial intelligence would be a massive exaggeration and in most ways you could just regard it as a failure at number 12 the war Z oh the war Z what is basically just a ripoff of the dayz ARMA mod if you're familiar with dayz or any of that kind of game the War Z was just a just fighting on that yet money behind it a nice big investment and it managed to garner a bunch of hype but it offered nothing new and nothing special and it's just basically banked on desi acting like since people knew what it was they definitely needed something that wasn't too modern was the full game nobody needed it number 11 is Dino Crysis 3 not 1 not 2 3 cos hey you remember how the first two were actually good despite being very different games yeah let's make a third one set it way into the future on a spaceship and have it make no sense at all on top of that you should have the worst camera system imaginable how many games of this era were just ruined by the camera system being horrific it's not a small number but this game really took the cake Dino Crisis was a series it has fans like to this day I'm one of them I liked the original quite a bit I thought it was a really great development from Resident Evil and what is this I still don't know coming in at number ten is APB I don't know if you remember when they originally announced this but plans for the game go back to even 2005 David Jones the creator of Grand Theft Auto lemmings and crackdown wanted to create something that combined everything from all of the games that he had made over the years and hyped it as the culmination of all of his experience they spent over a hundred million dollars making this game and it basically hollowed the company out the being a multiplayer third-person open-world game without servers didn't really last it was acquired and rebranded as APB Reloaded as it was relaunched and it's still going today but its name it's pretty crap we've gone to number nine layer a game that I barely remember but can kind of vaguely remember was this game that was marketed heavily on it's very beautiful graphics and to be frank for the time it actually did have pretty good graphics but that's about it it had probably some of the clunkiest controls I can remember and for a game that uses six access to do air battles that's not what you want to hear in fact you really just don't want to hear a game uses the six axis to do air battles yeah dragon games are really cool but almost none of them have really worked out and even the best ones the original Panzer Dragoon games are like cult success at best it's a shame because I mean they're awesome but it's this kind of game that I think is probably the reason why no one wants to try these types of games stuff like layer just makes it look bad number eight is Overkill's The Walking Dead hey remember how big that was going to be remember how cool it looks like kind of like a left for dead that was set in The Walking Dead's universe it wasn't even actually a bad game it just wasn't incredible but frankly the problem was that it was a franchise that basically lent itself to this kind of game in a way that should have made it easy to make a good game and it kind of just disappeared it also had a number of technical problems and that never helps and to be frank even though the gunplay is good it was also pretty repetitive it's just a bit too much like payday like as in it doesn't feel like a different game it just feels like different graphics and moving on to number seven hey remember when haze was going to be a Halo killer like so many people called it that like all this haze it's gonna be big it's gonna kill halo people aren't gonna want to play Halo anymore after haze comes out but not only did it have a bad plot it had a very short plot and a lot of glitches and really like if it had worked properly wasn't special in any ways pretty generic like the guy had a cool suit that was broken over his eyeball but that was it the cover of the game was the most unique part of it I mean you like criticized that it was short but I would almost say it's a relief that it wasn't a long game although I'm gonna go ahead and say like I'm only going by what other people said I didn't finish this game it was bad number 6 and now we're getting into the dark meat watch dogs watch dogs was originally presented as this amazing impossible to understand how it looks so good game and it was downgraded so significantly by the time it came out and on top of being downgraded the main character was really whiny annoying and never stopped talking about frankly stuff I don't care about just a typical doofy brooding protagonist except for he wore a duster and hat with his smartphone yeah watchdogs too was so much better than watchdogs one and a lot of it was just because they figured out how to present the idea of watchdogs better and they actually delivered graphics that they promised number 5 is mighty number 9 and Wow I remember when they announced this game on Kickstarter I was like I'm so there I am ready to play a more Mega Man Capcom has not handled Mega Man well and you guys you original team members you absolutely positively could couldn't you here have my money skip ahead several years and watch my before you fly on might even over nine one word if it's not good it sucks it's so uninspired it could easily be a bad fan game made by teenagers and that certainly doesn't account for the good fan games made by teenagers mighty number nine does so little of what it originally looked like it was going to do and you could call it a downgrade but I don't even know if they ever actually intended to make the game look like they originally showed us and it's slow and clunky and bad and the new Mega Man game is so much better than mighty number nine it just destroys it number four fallout 76 now here's a game that managed to get overhyped despite the fact everyone knew it was going to be bad the minute they announced this game everyone was like mmhmm nope and yet they kept trying to make it seem like it could be something they had to have spent so much money marketing this game it was everywhere during the lead-up to its release and why why was it everywhere and that's not even accounting for all the various controversies that sprung up around this game and the merchandise they did for it why does it exist why does fallout seventy-six exist just it should stop coming in at number three the Star Wars Battlefront games the recent ones now I love the original battlefront games and to some extent I even like the new ones but it's despite so many things the first of the two new ones was hyped as a return to one of the best franchises of all time only to be a Content bear nothing game that had good mechanics but didn't really seem to be the same game as its predecessors still it was forgivable in overtime they actually did make it into a pretty damn respectable game that I've wasted a lot of time on then the second one oh we know what we did wrong with the first one we're gonna have a campaign this time and the multiplayer we're going to feature some stuff that is more akin to the original but we're also including loot boxes oh my god has the business world ever screwed with a game worse than battlefront - well it's possible no way does anybody ever screw it up so visibly so publicly and here's the thing that pisses me off the most it's again over time become a respectable game but with just a tiny amount of the potential it had at the start because so many people were scared off of it number two is anthem what do I even need to say anthem exists if you played anthem I've played anthem and I hate it it's terrible it's one of the worst games to have come out to be labeled in the way that it was new type of game that built on all the experience that Bioware had accrued over its time in making games instead it's just this stale shell of a nothing piece of crap that frankly no one owes any of their time much less money - I don't even like talking about this game I hate it so much and it's partly due to the fact that it's squandered time and potential away from Bioware and has set them on a path where if they don't deliver something dynamite they're probably gonna go the same way as any other EA studio they scooped up and screwed up and closed I hate anthem and finally at number one oh we're not done talking about Bioware C anthem wouldn't be the danger that it is to one of my favorite developers through the years if it weren't for Mass Effect Andromeda which cleared the way for a company threatening miserable failure by being itself a miserable failure between the facial animation the remarkably low stakes story the forgettable characters the fact that you're kind of I don't know just encroaching on a bunch of people and taking stuff from them it feels awkward and it doesn't feel to be in the spirit of the Mass Effect series it wasn't fun and it kind of felt weird to do anything in it like you're exploiting some species that if it were any other Mass Effect game you'd be learning everything about and building some sort of camaraderie with them those days are gone Andromeda pretty much just ate it right off and yeah they made the faces better in the animation a little better but who cares it was bad and as a quick bonus hey so no man's sky remember all that that was quite the explosion so to speak no man's sky was looked at as like a life change in game and it turned out to be pretty standard but we had to put it in bonus cuz it technically didn't flop and also they've really made it into a respectable game in the ensuing years and it's actually pretty great now what was one of the games you thought was way too overhyped especially for how it came out leave us a comment let us know what you think if you liked this video please click like and if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week and the best way to see them first is of course a subscription so click subscribe and don't forget to click the notification bell as always we thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon the hero and we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 4,572,785
Rating: 4.8108931 out of 5
Keywords: overhyped games, hype video games, video game culture, disspointing games, bad video game, biggest game flops, apb, games like gta, simcity, duke nukem forever, andromeda, mass effect, the warz, evolve, assassin's creed unity, gameranx, falcon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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