10 Things NPCs Do That REALLY ANNOY US

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un pcs also known as non player characters aka not you aka the AI or artificial intelligence the civilians the fodder basically a lot of the time they could be pretty annoying now we've dived into this topic before but we have more to say and nip it for fun so we're talking ten things NPCs do that really annoy us starting off with number 10 when NPCs say random stuff when you walk past them ever stroll through a town in a game and a character is like hey sorry I can't talk right now okay dude I don't even know who you are nor did I want to talk to your ass in the first place you've had it happen to you like a million times you're on your way somewhere and some random NPC off to the side maybe at like a market stall catches a glimpse of you and you know not to reference the thousand-year-old meme but like he has to tell you all about his arrow he took to the me dude I didn't ask can you imagine in real life walking down the street and people just saying things at you saying things in your direction I mean well okay here I live in New York that does kind of happen all the time but still you know what I mean it's the problem with you being the main player in the stage that is the game you know the game is designed around you the player and and with that the entire world and all of its citizens are based around you it's got to be exciting right always some dialogue always something going on right and not every game goes as far as this but when they do sometimes it's kind of annoying now next on the flipside ever noticed how many NPCs can often just straight-up forget who you are I know you don't want to be pestered by them constantly but it is really funny when you essentially like save the world you know I'll be totally fair there are some open-world games that do really get it right they acknowledge who or what you are they don't forget or after you saved the world there's a bunch of dialog changes but the games where the NPC's just straight-up don't care about your deeds in that world are definitely distracting but they're also kind of hilarious it could be you saving their entire world maybe even very publicly or it could be you committing heinous acts stealing murdering I don't know just minutes before and then they're like hi hello how are you hello traveller welcome to my shop that's it huh like all I had to do is walk outside and load and then walk back in okay the few games that do actually get this right need to be commended now over at number eight let's talk about open-world games where there's crime and police systems and stuff like that so say you follow the road rules in a game but then a cop rams into you and then suddenly you're in trouble for it now it's games like Grand Theft Auto handle this very delicately a lot of the system works like it's depending on like how you hit whether or not you're holding the accelerator usually there's a better chance that you won't get in trouble for it but there's still games where cops are really willing to just jump on yet because you bump into them or you tap them with your car or you bump into what guard on the street and they pop off I get it that sometimes they need to be like the point of action the enemy the opposition for you in a game but when you're going about your business come on digital police officer leave me alone it's even funnier in some games like if you see a police officer like fighting a bad guy and then you go and you fight that bad guy and then the police officer gets mad at you the rules are screwy in these games sometimes I don't know is funny now next up let's talk about stealth games so say you're unlike us in a stealth mission and you're slowly creeping along doing everything right and then of course like it happens in stealth games an enemy sees you then suddenly twenty other enemies in that level instantly know that there is an intruder and they know exactly where you are without any communication whatsoever sometimes someone will spot you and not even say anything to his companions all of a sudden you're just up shits Creek that doesn't make sense you know like I said we're really nitpicking here here but like when stealth games rely on some level of realism with you creeping around how come when the enemy sees you it goes full video game and logic goes out the window and they can instantly just hunt you down like you had like a GPS tracker on you and they have the map it's not fair it makes life really difficult in some stealth games you know I think again it's important to point out that the games that kept this right real do a good job and it definitely makes a difference but the ones that get it wrong are very annoying next up ever see in a game like Skyrim you see NPCs fight a dragon with like a stick or like a small knife it's really funny like when non-combatant NPCs will literally just go and be willing to rush to fight anything in the world of Skyrim you know like look at this oh my god that is definitely a troll or a giant or like a killer mudcrab this definitely looks like a job for me the random vegetable cart lady just back off the game is already filled with a bunch of annoying guards and me the player let us handle it you don't need to run and just immediately die fighting an enemy ten times your size that you are not at all prepared for it seems like it's a lot of these games NPCs are just so willing to die at a moment's notice like why be so willing to thrust your life away to fight some random monster when you could easily just run away especially if you're in the wilderness you can just dip but no everybody wants to stand their ground and fight sometimes and it's hilarious now coming over to number five say you know you have like a like a protect mission an escort mission where you have to protect an NPC and the NPC does nothing to save itself or even help the situation again it's another type of NPC reason where they're just begging to be killed there's a million examples there stuff like Ashley from Resident Evil 4 there's games where you have to escort a VIP a high-profile person who are just getting attacked from all sides and half the time that person doesn't do anything to help like move out of the way or try and run away from that danger know the amount of times I've seen characters in an escort mission just stand there and stare down the opposition and take a direct hit to the face it's really frustrating to see especially because these missions are just stressful and annoying to begin with generally over time in video game history people hate on escort missions and I think you can completely chalk it up to the fact that sometimes the AI is really dumb and doesn't help you again it goes back to the theme of like NPCs and games just be willing to die like willing to kill themselves believe me look if the game let me take you out of your misery I would have helped you out mister n peace but I can the only way I could beat the game is to deal with you now over at number four in some games like Elder Scrolls games sometimes you have an enemy that will quote-unquote surrender and then they just get up and they continue attacking you anyway like what is the point you know most of the time these types of systems in these games do work well and I get they're supposed to be some tension it's not supposed to be as easy as just like Oh surrender done switch is off but when an enemy just suddenly goes back to attack mode it's so jarring and weird and just makes them look even stupider especially because most of the time you can just put them down immediately I don't know I think it really talks it down to NPC motivations or lack thereof or the randomness of them just really annoying however at number three let's talk about a funny one when NPCs just do weird stuff to keep busy you know maybe it's an NPC in a mission area and he's been he's been trying to do this thing for a long time and then you the character are the one who comes along and helps him out maybe if somebody that was looking for something when literally it was right behind them the whole time and they've spent all this time looking for it like good job dude dumb idiot or like or even just people out on streets in games maybe someone's sweeping like a shop owner or something and then you'll notice them like put down the broom and then pick the broom up and then put the broom down and then pick it back up like a thousand times hey man I mean the digital world might be pretty boring you gotta keep busy somehow huh I love seeing MPC's get caught in loops I feel like we should just make a whole compilation video just about that but I digress now over at number two going back to like police stuff let's talk about it more in like racing style games specifically certain Need for Speed games where like the police will chase every other racer on the street and just focus on you and ramming you off the road now thankfully as video games have progressed we don't really see this that much in 2020 but growing up that was quite a problem where like again you are the main player on the stage the whole world reacts to you but it's also really frustrating when enemies are just pounding you and not focusing on any of the other threats around so yes like while I do say it is a lot of like racing games and open-world crime and driving games this really happens in other games as well and again is really dumb like what are the rules NPC are you gonna follow the real-world rules through the video game rules or some weird hybrid where I have to figure out what the hell you're gonna do any second honestly it is fun hustling with the AI is fun seeing what they can do manipulating them it is really funny but again sometimes in annoys people and we've seen this one pop up a lot in comment sections now finally down to our last one say you're at a game and you've killed like 20 dudes 20 dudes in an enemy faction all at once like this big slaughter and then of course there's always that other NPC character that just happened to be just out of earshot where the technical limitations then he finally gets in the room and ignoring all 20 of the dead bodies on the floor looks at you and says I'm gonna kill you like read the room man maybe it's fallout maybe it's a bit says the game maybe it's not maybe it's not even an RPG but like this does happen sometimes and wow I think it comes back to the theme though like we've been going with this video some NPCs are just so willing to throw their life on the line for nothing throw their life at you throw their life at obstacles in the game cuz they just want to die maybe it's because the video game world is so boring I don't know but this is a really weird video so we want to hear from you guys in the comments what other things and pcs do that really bother you we know you've probably got plenty of complaints and like I said we've talked about this stuff before we might make this an ongoing series so let us know your biggest issues but if you enjoyed this video clicking the like buttons the best way you can help us out man we appreciate that and if you're new maybe consider subscribing hitting a notification bell because we put out videos every single day but as always thanks for watching we'll see you guys next time
Channel: gameranx
Views: 504,139
Rating: 4.8986917 out of 5
Keywords: annoying npc, dumb npcs, weird npcs video games, npc game logic, npc video game fails, funny gaming videos, funny npcs, single player game problems, npc problems, gameranx, jake baldino
Id: Wlby0cbFlDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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