10 MESSED UP Moments In Games That Nobody Talks About

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ May 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
video games are often filled with big moments that we can't help but talk about but some are a little messed up and people are a little quieter hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks 10 messed up moments in games that nobody talks about starting off at number 10 it's yoshi's woolly world's wool genocide yeah uh this game looks about as kid friendly as you can get and it is mostly it's really just the premise that's kind of messed up the game starts out with all the yoshis just hanging out minding their own business until comic appears and starts zapping them into little bundles of wool why to build bowser jr a comfy castle of course it's basically the 101 dalmatian spot they want to kill a bunch of yoshis and turn them into a castle i mean obviously that's not the exact plot they kill the dogs and make them into a coat but it's not that different either it's pretty bizarre when you think about it actually especially because each yoshi doesn't turn into a single bundle of yarn they split up into multiple pieces so they basically get eviscerated when comet comes and casts a spell on them most games with stories like this make it clear how messed up they are like odd world abe's odyssey where the bad guys are going to turn the main character's race into moodikan pops food it's disgusting um but in this game they're just like kind of downplaying how dark and strange the premise is i guess where you start with a game where everyone's made out of wool things are probably gonna get weird no matter what at number nine is katamari damasi you roll people and animals up into a ball and like it just keeps growing here katamari damasi is a cute little game with a ridiculous premise your little guy known as the prince is tasked by the king of all cosmos to roll up a bunch of junk to make stars it starts out innocuously enough with you rolling up various pieces of junk lying around to make a star you start off small but as missions continue the stuff you can roll up starts getting more well alive first you're rolling up bugs before moving on to house pets farm animals and even human beings eventually you're rolling up entire countries and planets thankfully the game is really abstract and intentionally absurd because otherwise the act of rolling up hundreds of people to turn into a star would be pretty creepy actually it's still pretty creepy uh when you roll people up they tend to let out indistinct screams and anything in your ball can be seen flailing its arms around wildly as if it might be trying to escape at the very least they look alarmed and yeah at the end stage of the game no matter what you've rolled up the ball is going to go into space and turn into a star all those cute little animals and innocent people you hold up they're all dead now this is one of those games was probably not great to think too hard about what's actually going on yeah at number eight in dark souls mimic teeth are actually finger bones this is a simple one but it's really creepy and bizarre especially if you've never noticed it before dark souls has these nasty little critters called mimics they look like a regular old chest but if you open one they spring to life and attempt to eat you unless you knew about them ahead of time these dudes are gonna get you and it's not gonna be fun basically they look like a weird elongated creature with a chest for a head and instead of treasure they're obviously filled with these weird skinny teeth except well they're not actually teeth if you look real closely you can see it too those things in their mouths are not teeth they're dozens of long spindly fingers seriously i've played through the game multiple times and never noticed this until somebody pointed it out to me why are they like that who knows but it really does serve to make these already creepy things even creepier and number seven in kirby's dreamland three the boss who shoots blood at you do you know which one i'm talking about the entire premise of the kirby series is kind of messed up when you think about it his primary ability is that he can suck up enemies eat them and absorb their powers like it's a game about eating cute little creatures that wander around and absorbing their essence and kirby is basically insatiable too he's never not hungry he's just basically got this bottomless stomach on top of that for whatever reason kirby's got some strange and creepy bosses as well probably the most infamous is zero and kirby's dreamland three to reach this guy who acts as the secret final boss in the game you have to collect every heart star in the game which usually requires you to do some kind of weird arcane thing in a level so sure the standard final boss dark matter is kind of creepy for a kirby game being a weird floating black orb with a single eye on it but this guy's worse it's a giant white war with a red eye and it attacks first just by shooting small dark matters at kirby which isn't so bad but later it starts creating a series of red cuts on its body and shooting red ovals forward it's not exactly blood but it's also hard to see it as well anything else especially when the red eye separates from the body which leaves this red cavity where the eye would be like the thing's just all around creepy the kirby games for some reason love to have these epic last bosses but this one's kind of nasty at number six is spider-man and batman takedowns specifically these non-lethal takedowns in these games that are often like really super brutal but punching bad guys is kind of a staple in superhero fiction obviously you kind of know what we're talking about here too batman punches a guy in the head so hard it knocks him out or spiderman kicks a guy and he's unconscious it's mostly shown as an alternative to killing like they're the good guys so they're not bloodthirsty ready to murder so instead of killing somebody they take them out in a way that's not permanent problem is we know a lot more about how concussions affect people these days than we did even 10 years ago and the kind of damage batman is doing to a bad guy when he punches him so hard that the guy blanks out for the rest of the combat encounter actually pretty serious these guys if they were you know real people and not npcs in a video game would probably end up with some nasty side effects from the beatings they take probably a lot of them crippled in the long term and that's just batman we're talking about who doesn't have any kinds of superpowers spider-man on the other hand is super strong and even though they always say he's going easy on the bad guys some of these attacks are kind of nasty i mean throwing people up in the air and then slamming them down into like the cement he's just throwing guys into walls and vehicles with enough force to damage them and there's a good chance i think that a lot of these guys just be dead after these kinds of attacks basically any game where you're doing the good thing by beating people in unconsciousness is actually kind of messed up by real world standards because yeah you didn't kill them but some of them would probably end up wishing they were dead at some point at number five the legend of zelda ocarina of time de dongo disliking smoke so this is about as basic as it gets but this one's always bugged me in the legend of zelda games there are these recurring enemies called dadongo famously the original game gave you the clue dodongo dislikes smoke which means that to beat it you need to get it to swallow a bomb doesn't that seem kind of messed up to anybody else like these things aren't robots or magic creatures or something along those lines they're just big fire breathing lizards and you kill them by getting a bomb to blow up on their insides that's actually pretty nasty if you think about it i mean yeah these games are like legend of zelda games they're not necessarily meant to be gory they depict it all pretty bloodlessly but bombs never do anything in a zelda game but like break walls and throw enemies back i mean they do damage enemies sure but this one particular instance of bombing things kind of feels it hits different maybe a little more wrong than the other ones just imagine what a bomb going off inside someone would look like it would be that head exploding scene from scanners kinda silly but like messed up and number four in the splatoon series humanity is actually dead there was always something kind of weird about the world of splatoon it just kind of had this foreboding atmosphere where when you go through the single player story even though on the surface it seems super kid friendly and all that i mean it's a third person shooter where squid kids use ink guns to squirt each other with it's very non-violent seeming right but the messed up part is actually hidden in the sunken scrolls that you can find in the first game at first they're pretty vague about what's going on but as you find more you'll get one that literally shows just a human skeleton as a fossil the game isn't just set in some cartoon alternate universe it's literally our world thousands of years in the future after mankind is dead there's also some more weird stuff going on like judd the cat that acts as the judge for every splatoon match um he was actually cryogenically sealed for 10 000 years so the cat is meant to be from our times it's actually really weird and messed up uh for such a cute seeming game anyhow and number three in red dead redemption undead nightmare the uh sasquatches john marston low-key exterminates the entire sasquatch race who turned out to be peaceful alright so this is kind of an obvious one like rockstar new players were completely obsessed with finding bigfoot in gta so when they were making the in-game stand-alone dlc for red dead redemption called undead nightmare they finally put these creatures into the game but it's all a big joke there's not really any satisfaction in hunting them down because they can be fined in an early stranger mission where this hunter tasks you with killing them when you find him his whole family is dead and he just begs you to kill him because he has nothing left to live for it's a pretty damn grim moment honestly it is a little ridiculous probably intentionally so because it's a sasquatch saying all this stuff but yeah the sasquatches had been hunted into extinction and they were totally peaceful if you do kill them then you've basically eliminated their entire species the rest of the dlc is pretty cheerfully silly but this short mission is actually all kinds of messed up and number two is bloodborne where you're only making things worse so in bloodborne your goal is kind of to discover the scourge of beasts a strange affliction that turns men into beastial monsters it starts out pretty straightforward you're killing these wild monsters and digging deeper into the story of yharnam the city where all this is taking place after enough searching you start to see the world begin to unravel around you though the further you go the more beasts you kill the weirder things get by design friends software's games tell their stories in a really unconventional way and it can sometimes be hard to tell what's even going on at a certain point but one thing i think that most people who are deep into the lore of the game agree on is that in essence your character is just making things worse what makes it messed up is that in a lot of instances the horrible and nightmarish creatures you face off against like this thing called rom the vacuous spider isn't really an enemy at all usually when you look at the cthulhu mythos stories the great old ones just want to destroy humanity they're malevolent beings that just exist to ruin your day bloodborne turns that idea on its head and instead of making the great ones these destructive beings they're shown to be sympathetic to humanity and seem to be trying to help in strange albeit unknowable ways many of these things do not want to fight you and only attack to defend themselves sure they're disgusting and grotesque looking but they're not evil in any traditional sense so it's kind of pretty messed up that your character just comes rolling in kills everything in their path and then moves on like it's no big deal some of these monsters are bigger good guys than you are and it's obvious if you pay really close attention to the lore and finally at number one in paper mario the origami king bob-omb's sacrifice whole thing this just wild paper mario the origami king in the game one of the companions you meet is this little dude named baba he is a bob-omb who washed up in toad town with amnesia and loves to joke about blowing things up and blowing himself up considering all the joking you'd think that this guy if he blew up would just pull a looney tunes you know there'd be a blast and he'd be fine maybe a little singed but it'd be pretty bizarre if a main character died in a paper mario game especially one as goofy as bob-omb but that's what happens to clear the boulders it's street paper valley baba blows himself up mario tries to stop him but it's no use and it seems that he is gone you'd think at this point that there would be like a punch line and that he'd still be alive oh why'd everyone get so upset something like that because paper mario is a game that is jam-packed with jokes it's not a serious affair at all so it seems like this is just another jokey thing that happens but nope they're dead serious dead serious bo bomb is stone dead he never comes back and the characters mourn his passing so yeah whenever you pick up a bomb in a mario game just remember this guy they're little guys with their own hopes and dreams and when they blow up they die permanently every time you throw one of these little guys at another enemy you set one off mario is taking a life that's pretty messed up is it not what do you think leave us a comment let us know if you like this 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Channel: gameranx
Views: 465,151
Rating: 4.8143668 out of 5
Keywords: playstation 4, shocking moments, single player games, weird gaming moments, shocking moments in gaming, shocking scenes in games, top 10 surprises in games, wtf moments, Xbox One, ps5, red dead redemption 1, hidden story details, game backstory dark, dark video game stories, dark gaming details, scary video game stories, gameranx, falcon
Id: kNNvl4KcR-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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