10 WEIRD Gaming Stories of February 2021

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the world of gaming is weird every month more stuff happens and every month gamerx puts together a compilation of the weirdest stories hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks the weirdest gaming story is from february 2021. starting off at number 10 a developer got kicked off steam because they made and this is just it's actually brilliant but i get why they got kicked off steam they made their name very positive like you know the very positive rating that every single developer wants on steam they named their developer very positive as in very positive games although i don't think they used the word games it was just very positive which is clever but it's only clever in that it thinks that the only people who will ever look at it are users which is not true the administration team also looks at things on the steam platform and they're like oh oh no you're not doing that i mean think about it when you look at a game where do you look first i look in the little ratings area and the name of the developer is also in that little area but like i said they are looking for people who are trying to game the system and obviously this person was trying to game the system successfully so while i want to say you know clever good work also like not really that cool it definitely would have tricked me into at least looking and uh like 7 000 people followed this developer so anyway they decided to publicly say they figured this wasn't a problem with valve and that you know pissed off tons of people and they were like ah no reported it and and they got removed why would anything else happen that's the question i have why would you think that they're just gonna be cool with it why would you say that publicly seems like this person did a clever thing and then became very smug moving on to number nine new elite dangerous players are getting tricked into signing up for a forced labor camp so basically what's happening is that there is a group that is sort of staking out territory near where new players might show up or even just hang around they're given a offer for something like money to buy a ship but you end up basically on a tanker they take out to the middle of nowhere and you gotta mine crap specifically void opals and the only people that are around to buy them are the scammers that are running this thing and they won't buy them unless they're at like extremely low prices much lower than they should be going for basically your only way out is theoretically catching a ride which not a lot of people are able to do or quitting now this doesn't sound great but it's a video game right and it's a video game that is really based on exploitation like the point of this game is to exploit the living hell out of everything around you more or less i mean somebody could probably argue with me on that but i mean the guy behind it is pretty ballsy about it like he's bragging about it to publications and stuff i feel like it's a matter of time before they figure out some way for this to be breaking some rule in the game i don't know at number eight a lawmaker from illinois has proposed the idea of banning grand theft auto because there has been an uptick in carjackings in illinois now first off let's go ahead and say this this uptick is a surge that has happened very recently and has necessitated security teams patrolling gas stations to protect people while they are pumping gas it is that desperate of a situation it just happened over the like the last year i don't know maybe there's some reason that people are wilding out maybe something has happened over the last year which has made people more and more desperate maybe something i don't know there certainly hasn't been like a pandemic or anything anyways grand theft auto is apparently why that happened you know the series that hasn't had a new game in seven years and these lawmakers the very people who are in power by the way who have the authority or at least some influence to push for things like that they try to shift the blame onto grand theft auto come on get out of here oh there's a big spike in some kind of crime sorry it's not video games it's been proven that that is not something that happens you don't become a criminal from playing violent video games you don't become a psychopath you don't become a killer none of that stuff happens look at studies there is a crime spree because the conditions in this country have worsened significantly in the last year duh at number seven it looks like epic is actually going to pay off a class-action loot box settlement with and i don't love this in-game currency now when i say i don't love this i mean i vehemently hate it until early 2019 there was a loot box mechanic in fortnite it wasn't a box it was a llama you could get a loot llama and it would contain random items basically it's a loot box yeah and they were sued there's a class action lawsuit that's been going on for quite a while which alleged that they psychologically manipulated its young players into thinking they're going to get lucky and get some sort of good items the proposed settlement sucks i do not like it they're just gonna give out a thousand v bucks to basically everybody it's worth eight bucks but let me tell you why i don't like that while people who play fortnite will definitely benefit from the v-bucks it also doesn't cost epic anything at all and if you think about it it's likely going to increase the amount of people that are actually buying v-bucks and using it in fortnite lots of people who have never used that kind of currency before never bought it are gonna think holy crap my thought is it would be nice if they just paid out some money you know to people who were involved in the class action lawsuit instead of just giving out a thing that costs nothing to everybody and will function to get more people to spend money in the game at number six a federal court in british columbia demanded that a prison returned a playstation game card to an inmate now there was an inmate that was charged and was serving time for first degree murder and won a federal court battle that orders prison officials to return the memory card to his video game now i don't personally think that the prison system in any western country is particularly good let's say and i'm not gonna pretend that i entirely understand this news thing i don't understand why he had a playstation and a memory card and i particularly don't understand why it was taken from him i mean if you have a playstation in prison it stands to reason that confiscating the memory card is kind of contradictory but he got it back through an actual court battle which i'm not gonna lie is hilarious and number five apparently if you teach a pig to play a video game they're not terrible at it now the news had a lot of fun saying the pigs were good at video games but let's just be clear the pigs are playing very simple video games the games are designed to test cognitive processes like memory attention and conceptualization and just to be clear good means and i quote each pig performed the tasks well above chance indicating the animal understood that the movement of the joystick was connected to the cursor on the computer screen which is just to be completely clear a really cool discovery we should not minimize that that's pretty badass but good let's get the pig the demon souls remake let's see how far they get okay that's all i have to say about this good i i don't think so news at number four stadia just had a bad month google stadia is i mean it's not the best thing in the world right it's not the worst thing in the world but it's so far from the best that there is no reason to even consider it in the running on some levels it's technically impressive but would i use it to play my games the answer is no and and that's why google decided to close the studios that they had bought because they realized hey this isn't going to be as big of a thing as we thought it was they really did think stadia was going to be like the console killer but like more consoles launched and people seem as hungry for them as ever the stadia developers were told that they were making great progress on the platform and then got fired and it wasn't like a long period of time between these two events it was five days they were told they were making great progress and they were fired five days later on top of that google is facing a class action lawsuit over their claim that they were going to have 4k gaming on it which did not pan out like even though stadia is technically capable of streaming games at 4k there are a number of technical reasons some coming from developers some inherent in the limitations of the internet and providers but 4k it's there isn't that on google stadia not for real anyways not that the service is shutting down but it's certainly not the big thing they thought it was gonna be at number three there was total chaos in akihabara because as you know getting a playstation 5 is not easy it's particularly not easy in japan where demand is just super high i mean i don't know if i really have to explain what's going on here but a store just really did not bother making it clear how they were going to distribute the 300 playstation 5 consoles they decided to sell basically everything went crazy here there were people just sort of standing around and then when they saw the playstation 5s and some employees everybody just sort of descended on a single area stuff got wrecked and it's wild and let's just talk about how close quarters everybody is here that looks like black friday from like a non-coveted year yeah i see the masks and i see the face protecting stuff but still that's not safe and number two activision warned that the standard 500 gigabyte playstation 4 probably isn't going to be able to fit call of duty war zone black ops cold war and modern warfare so war zone season 2 came out and it's big but not so big it's 17 gigabytes which is not a small patch but here's the kicker it requires a hundred gigabytes to install so if you have modern warfare black ops cold war and warzone all installed on the playstation 4 500 gigabyte hard drive it may not be possible to update now keep in mind that is installing everything at its fullest so it's kind of a maybe situation but still that's insane it's too much like really activision and finally at number one with all of the various stuff out there telling you that video games are bad for you science continues to find that it is good for you at least if you're not addicted to it cambridge university just recently published an article with findings that showed that kids have about a 25 less likelihood of developing depressive symptoms if they play video games regularly now that's not a small amount that's actually really big and really great it's of course a single study it would be good to have more results but that is the kind of thing we like to hear especially again when we're still stuck indoors still it's kind of weird to have some piece of positive news it seems like often the weird gaming stories are negative stuff which is fine i don't really think that it really matters but still it kind of bucks the trend that's it for this month leave us a comment let us know what you think if you like this video please click like if you're not subscribed now is a good time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week best way to see them first is a courses subscription so click subscribe don't forget to click the notification bell enabling all notifications and as always we thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter falcon the hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 477,964
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Keywords: weird gaming stories, top gaming news, funny gamer news, video game news, crazy gamers news, funny gaming stories, crazy gaming stories, ps5 gaming news, xbox gaming news, fortnite, gameranx weird, gameranx top 10, ps5 mistake, video game humor, true gaming news, funny pc gaming news, creepy gamer news, weird gamer news, things gamer have done, gameranx, falcon
Id: g6pikNlUiFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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