10 WEIRD Gaming Stories of March 2020

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every month game ranks puts together some of the weirdest stuff we've seen hi folks its Falcon and today on game ranks the weird gaming stories of march 2020 starting off at number 10 a Japanese gaming cushion was released in order for you to play handheld games and also use your phone comfortably for large periods of time it's actually not the worst idea I've ever seen but I don't know why they did this the company that sells them called thang o says that it turns you into a prisoner that's of course not what I would use to advertise something no one wants to be a prisoner but thank o calls it the cushion that turns gamers into prisoners what they mean is that you can play as long as you want without becoming uncomfortable but I don't know I'm kind of uncomfortable with being imprisoned the thing is is that it actually kind of looks like a good idea I wouldn't call it prison in any way I would say that I do actually very much not want to hunched over while playing my Nintendo switch it looks comfortable don't tell me it's prison thanks does this gamer bed look like prison to you no it looks amazing very comfortable very comfortable at number 9 a couple canceled their wedding due to the corona virus but wanted to get married anyway so they did it in Animal Crossing I mean it's not the first video game wedding that's ever happened like people have done it in Warcraft people have done it minecraft but Animal Crossing doesn't have the word craft in the name also it's very big right now obviously I mean of course somebody would do this Animal Crossing is exactly the type of thing that people would do this is nice this is good it's always cool to hear something that is positive although yeah it's a little sword art online II still it's a lot better than simply paying back debt that's pretty much all you're doing Animal Crossing anyways obviously there's no such thing as a more wholesome version of a virtual wedding than one taking place in Animal Crossing you're not gonna find one don't go looking but it's also kind of scary because it makes you think about just how much this virus is causing every single person to have to change plans and rework things in this case to something that nobody would have thought of otherwise and number eight a gentleman by the name of Sean Noonan released a first person shooter version of the first level world 1:1 from the original Super Mario Brothers built in Unreal Engine 4 it's actually really cool it's free you can pick it up at any time and the trailer itself is actually probably the funniest part about it it's a parody of secret agent man where he's singing Nintendo hire this man the object is to find all the eight hidden red coins in the fastest time possible but it actually holds up pretty well it does of course have to incorporate some platforming elements it's not always great in a first-person shooter but you're kind of expecting it because it's a first-person shooter that's built entirely on you know a level built for platforming game but the assets look cool too I have to say I like the way that he's rendered the goombas for instance it's called the super one one challenge it's really fun and I'd recommend giving it a shot it's obviously just one level it's not gonna keep you busy for days or anything but it's super fun Sean Noonan did a great job thank you very much Sean at number 7 that's very cool Mario Brothers video was made by a French guy which shows Mario jumping out of the TV and running across an apartment although I don't know that I would have reacted the same as he did in the video to a Mario like I don't think I'd try to catch him that might be a little weird for a small Mario running around in my apartment but it is fiction it's not real obviously so maybe it's not the most important thing to worry about here anyways this clip took about 20 hours of work to make isn't that wild the guy who created it Matt Dale I'm not sure if I'm pronouncing that right clearly had a lot of fun making it though I mean let's be clear I couldn't do something like this so understand that what we're calling it weird it's because this took a lot it's pretty amazing and it's something that not everybody can do and number six plague incorporated a game in which you're intended to infect everyone and cause a deadly disease outbreak has added a mode that is maybe a little more sympathetic to the current situation we're facing worldwide this new mode is one where you actually fight to contain an outbreak endemic the developer of the game has been developing this mode in consultation with the World Health Organization essentially this reverses the point of the game but also kind of helps people understand what types of things are actually necessary in order to fight something like what's actually going on in the world right now on top of that endemic gave 250 thousand dollars to the coalition of epidemic preparedness innovations a nonprofit that obviously works towards making it possible to fight these types of things and would also be prompting players in game to donate as well obviously much smaller amounts $250,000 is not something the average person can handle but if you remember even back in January they said hey there's a disease going around and you really shouldn't look to our game as a scientific model of how this is gonna go down but at the same time the popularity of their game went way up I mean of course it makes perfect sense we would be seeking entertainment in a game like this during a time like this but what's kind of weird but yet really cool is that they're going back to an eight-year-old game to create a completely new mode and number five the world's only known Nintendo PlayStation that's right the Nintendo PlayStation the project that was being worked on which was emerging of the Super Nintendo and disc technology from Sony that eventually was kind of the basis for the actual PlayStation sold at auction for three hundred thousand dollars now this is obviously a big piece of gaming history it's an unreleased console between two bitter rivals that turned out to actually be a map for the technology that would change gaming a much larger disk drive of course made much more rich detailed games the winner of the auction actually ended up paying about three hundred and eighty thousand dollars for it on account there was a buyer's premium fee attached to the auction of yes eighty thousand dollars apparent land oculus co-founder Palmer Luckey was actually highly involved in the bidding and wanted to win this pretty badly although not so badly he was willing to pay three hundred thousand dollars for it because we don't actually know who won it is of course one of the coolest things that have existed apparently there were 200 of these things made this is the only one we've ever seen it's surfaced in 2015 and it's really hard to call it anything but really cool I hope we see more of these and maybe get them put in the museum somewhere rather than somebody's personal collection and number four Bethesda included a drm-free version of doom eternal in its Bethesda launcher version of doom eternal it's regarded basically as a leak you see there's a 370 megabyte DRM protected version of the game in the main game folder there's also a folder that is marked original and in that folder is a 67 megabyte file that you can just completely swap out for the 370 megabyte file and play the game just fine with no DRM I don't know I I don't know why they did that they also did it on rage too last year and they don't make any announcements regarding these things obviously so it's not really clear whether it's a mistake or intentional it seems absurd because you pay money to have DRM protection de novo is a licensed product that a large publisher buys the rights to use if it is on purpose it's probably the weirdest thing that's ever happened because it completely bypasses a large amount of money spent by the company most likely and same with rage - it's not like I'm mad I'm certainly not angry this has happened but why at number three somebody created a mod for gzdoom which is a 3d accelerated doom port that allows for a lot of features the original doom wasn't capable of doing but still retains the look and feel of original doom with the ability to do other things like look up and down have slope surfaces blah blah blah somebody made a mod to add Isabel from Animal Crossing into it and she kind of functions as like a cross between a second badass walking around killing for you and Elizabeth from BioShock Infinite throwing you various power-ups I mean it's actually a really cool mod it obviously looks absurd Isobel does not belong in doom that's obviously the more weird element of this story but that doesn't it's not fun at number two and I don't know exactly how to put this game stop did a silly so we've got this whole epidemic going on it's affected everyone's life and yes obviously we all love having our video games if there's something going on like we break a controller or something like that it's hard to replace that stuff quickly and that's why games top done and ruled itself essential retail giving out a document to its store managers that they're supposed to show to law enforcement if they come to shut down Game Stop which by the way has happened in several states on account several states are shutting down that type of a business like Game Stop is already kind of desperate anyways but I mean I think even the most ardent gamer can understand it's not essential in the way that like a grocery store is it's kind of shameless but it's also hilarious although I'm not so certain I really want to go there and hang out during an epidemic and finally at number one guerrilla games confirmed that horizon zero dawn which is a phenomenal game it's super enjoyable and was previously only available to PlayStation 4 players would be porting it to PC this cause somebody to absolutely lose their mind and destroy their what seems to be gaming room they threw their PlayStation knocked over all their stuff made a huge mess toppled over a desk I mean you can see this footage he's sniffing and crying in the audio of it to a producer from guerrilla games responded by saying what the hell is wrong with you people we made a game you enjoyed it now some more people will get to enjoy it and that somehow takes away from your enjoyment please be kind to yourselves your enjoyment of the game has not diminished because some more people get to play it and I really can't help but agree it's in no way in no way helpful to ruin your own stuff because they're gonna port a game to another platform it's also really weird and a quick bonus for you since the actual official f1 series of races has been cancelled amid coronavirus concerns there's actually going to be a virtual series held within the f1 game it's actually a series that is organized by the organizers of the Formula One series and it will be taking place in codemasters F 1 2019 game it will be broadcast worldwide to as you know there have been actual racers who have started on these games so I think it's actually gonna be really cool to see what happens when the opposite goes when actual racers play the game that's all for this month it's been a weird one tell us what you think leave us a comment let us know if you like this video please click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week the best way to see them first is of course a subscription so click subscribe and don't forget to enable all notifications as always you thank you very much for watching this video I'm Falcon you can follow me on Twitter at Falcon hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 484,854
Rating: 4.8861384 out of 5
Keywords: weird stories, weird gaming news, gaming news, video game news, breaking ps4, mario first person, craziest gamer, bizarre gaming news, crazy gamer news, gameranx, falcon
Id: v0kZh1OGQeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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